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        검색결과 49

        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the pandemic of the early 2020s coming to a close, city politicians and planners around the world seek to bring in more tourists and entrepreneurs to assist their local businesses and domestic economies in the return to pre-pandemic levels. There exists a myriad of ways city officials attempt to attract visitors from festivals and fireworks displays to citywide initiatives and awareness programs. This study takes a look at a destination’s perceived coolness, how it is manifested through destination service quality and tourist app use, and how it affects an individual’s revisit intention based on structural and interpersonal constraints.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Imagination plays a critical role in travel decision-making. Given the intangible nature of tourism products, tourists cannot directly experience and evaluate the tourism resources in advance. Thus, tourists must first mentally predict and imagine the future travel experiences and scenarios in the destination based on the marketing information (e.g., travel photo, promo video) and prior knowledge, then form their subjective evaluation of the travel product. This future-thinking process is called “mental simulation”. Stacks of research have shown that mental simulations positively affect travel behavior (Le et al., 2019). However, given that travel is a kind of novelty-seeking activity, tourists are usually not familiar with the destination environment and activities. The lack of prior knowledge might inhibit their mental simulation process, even if destination photos and videos are provided. Thus, how to effectively arouse tourists’ mental simulation of destination experience is an important question for effective tourism marketing.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Destination branding has become an important trend in modern tourism. The development of destination brands has become a strategic tool worldwide because of the growing competition between destinations. In recent years, many tourist destinations have combined unique, creative, and attractive elements to transform themselves into “cool” tourist destinations. Destination brand coolness refers to tourists’ subjective and positive perception of tourist destinations and their beliefs that the destination brand offer distinctive, novel characteristics and attributes that the visitors are attracted to. Creating destination brand coolness can help tourist destinations differentiate themselves from their competitive counterparts, thereby attracting tourists. However, no study has conceptualized the construct of destination brand coolness, let alone developing scales that measure destination brand coolness.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study addresses the influence that the use of social media for posting travel-related content has on holiday destination choice. The study builds upon the Theory of Conspicuous Behavior and the Theory of Planned Behaviour and aims at understanding whether expected Social Return, referring to the amount of positive feedback that travel posts have on social media, is a determining factor of destination decisions. A model entailing E-Word of Mouth, Social Return, Attitudes, Subjective Norm, Perceived Control and Intention to Visit is proposed and tested with a survey of 177 respondents who had an Instagram account. Data was analyzed using Structured Equation Modelling. The results highlight that Instagram promotes social recognition attributed to e-tourists that share a travel experience considered charming and trendy. Such social recognition is tangibilized by the constructs of e-WOM and social return. The study finds that the intention to visit is impacted by e-WOM, Social Return and Subjective Norm. However, the impact of Attitudes and Perceived Behavioral Control on the Intention to Visit was not supported.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fear of missing out (FOMO) refers to the customer's perception of being anxious for not engaging in an experience. FOMO is an anxiety feeling positively associated with social media usage that one cannot catch up on something important in life. Fear of missing out (FOMO) marketing appeals initiated from social media usage were found to significantly affect consumer purchase decisions including choice of destination. Consumers usually browse social media and social networking sites such as forums and reviews in online tourism agents (OTAs) when they make travel decisions. Although FOMO is expected to affect tourists' perception and urgency in making a tourism decision, the use of FOMO-laden message to promote travel destination through different types of influencers has not yet been widely studied. This study fills this research gap by examining the effect of using FOMO laden content to promote travel destination through different types of influencers. An online experiment was conducted with four experimental conditions in which different influencers share about a destination using the same FOMO-laden message: (1) travel KOL, (2) tourists who post user-generated-content (UGC), (3) personal friends, and (4) a control condition with the absence of influencer and FOMO message. The 984 respondents were randomly assigned into one of the four experimental conditions. Data collected was analysed using PLS-SEM and PLS-MGA. Results indicated that anticipated elation, anticipated envy, and social influence predicted 30.2% variance of FOMO and FOMO explained 31.6% of variance of intention to visit the destination promoted. Multi-group analysis (PLS-MGA) found that exposure to message shared by travel KOL and personal friends significantly strengthen the FOMO feeling of participants resulting in strong intention to visit the destination promoted. UGC posted by tourists showed similar effect as the non-FOMO laden control group and are less significant in driving the FOMO feeling that leads to visit intention. Findings of this study provide insights into how effectiveness of destination promotion can be enhanced by using FOMO-laden message on social media through influential influencers.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 남원 관광목적지 네트워크를 분석하여 관광지 관리방안을 도출하기 위하여 수행되 었다. 이를 위해 남원 주요 관광지 4개소에서 조사된 설문지를 가지고 관광행태 분석(n=552)과 사회네트워크 분석(n=311)을 진행하였다. 남원에서 하루 이내로 체류하는 관광객의 비율이 매 우 높으며 방문 관광지수도 2곳 이내로 한정되어 있다. 그러므로 활성화를 위해 관광객의 체류 시간을 증대할 수 있는 관광지관리 전략의 수립이 요구된다. 남원 관광지 중심성 분석 결과, 광 한루원이 절대적 우위를 차지하고 있었다. 광한루원은 명실공히 남원의 대표적 관광지이자 관 광 네트워크의 핵심적인 역할을 하는 관광지라 할 수 있다. 광한루원을 중심으로 인접한 남원 관광단지를 비롯하여 시내권 관광지를 연계하는 전략이 필요하다. 매개 중심성이 높은 정령치 를 중심으로 지리산권 관광지를 연계하는 콘텐츠의 확대가 요구되며 나아가 시내권 관광지와 지리산권 관광지를 연계할 수 있는 관광거점으로서의 관광지관리 전략을 수립해야 한다. 혼불 문학관은 북부권 대표적 관광지로 거리상 인접한 시내권 관광지와 연계하는 전략이 요구된다. 남원은 시내권, 북부권, 지리산권으로 관광지가 산재되어 있으나 관광객은 특정 장소에 편중되 므로 관광콘텐츠 및 관광지의 적절한 연계와 체류시간 연장을 유도하는 관광 프로그램의 개발 은 남원 관광의 매력을 향상시킬 수 있을 것이다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using Service Dominant Logic (SDL) to place marketing research, this paper conceptualizes and empirically tests the triadic relationship of place branding, souvenir branding, and consumers‟ perceptions of souvenir brands. We propose place branding to be the dominant strategy that encompasses destination product branding and brand personalities of such brands.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Cultural tourism has always been recognized as the heart of the new tourism trend, and Chinese culture has received increasing attention worldwide. Cultural tourism to China delivers the values of traditional Chinese culture and provides a satisfying authentic experience for tourists. Experience is an emotional reflection of tourists’ true feelings and evaluations during the tourism process and encompasses more than the delivery of a physical product or service. Experience involves creating unique memories of destinations and is inimitable of the individual sensitivity for special events. While these creative experiences have received increasing attention from marketing scholars and various industry practitioners in general product domains, the creative experience factors of tourism systems remain unexplored. Furthermore, although the matter of experience affects tourists’ behaviors and attitudes, little is known regarding how Chinese culture affects tourists’ creative experiences, destination attachments and memories. The effects of cultural contacts and creative experiences on destination attachment and roles of satisfaction and attitudes should be considered with respect to the development of cultural and creative tourism. This study proposes cultural contact as an important enabler of destination attachment. Moreover, we examine both how and when culture contacts enhance tourists’ destination attachments by considering two critical attributes as mediators, including creative experience (i.e., Escape and Recognition, Unique Involvement, Interactivity, Peace of Mind and Learning) and cultural memories. We also considered two elements of tourists’ behaviors (satisfaction and attitude) as important contingencies. We test and integrate our concepts of a moderated mediation framework using the cultural and creative tourism from a sample of 651 tourists. We discuss how our empirical results extend Chinese culture, creative experience, and destination attachment research and provide the study’s theoretical and managerial implications.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction In an age of rapid development at the information technology front, the viability of ‘smart travel destinations’ is increasingly becoming a reality (Buhalis & Amaranggana, 2014, 2015). Advances in mobile technology have allowed travel destinations to leverage the location-based wireless tracking capabilities afforded by 3/4G telecommunication networks, Bluetooth connectivity, GPS and Wi-Fi networks (Choe & Fesenmaier 2017; Eriksson, 2002). The benefits of these wireless tracking technologies include precise information on spatial behaviour (Edwards, Dickson, Griffin, & Hayllar, 2010), relevant location-based services (LBS)(Pedrana, 2014), navigational services (Eriksson, 2002), as well as recommender services (Tussyadiah & Wang, 2016). With this kind of data available to them, destination management organisations (DMOs) are able to develop more customise tourist engagement strategies which will help them communicate specifically tailored results to tourists (Edwards & Griffin, 2013). While the focus of current tourism research has been the benefits of these wireless tracking technologies (WTTs) to the destination, little research has been done to examine tourists’ perceptions of these technologies. The current exploratory study will investigate tourist perceptions of three prominent kinds of WTTs with differing levels of control at a travel destination: (1) wireless tracking only (WT only; low control); (2) Wi-Fi wireless tracking (Wi-Fi WT; moderate control); and (3) application-based tracking (App; high control). Theoretical development The current study applies the Expectancy-Value Theory in examining tourist perceptions of WTTs at a travel destination. The Expectancy-Value Theory suggests that motivation for a behaviour is determined by the desirability of the outcome i.e. benefits to the tourist (Sparks, 2007). In the context of this study, perceived personalisation and perceived innovativeness serve as benefits to tourists. Perceived personalisation is defined as the ability of a DMO to recognize and treat its tourists as individuals through personal messaging, targeted banner ads, special offers on bills, or other personal transactions” (Imhoff, Loftis, & Geiger, 2001). Perceived innovativeness reflects the degree to which a new product is seen to possess new and unique attributes and features (Fu, Jones, & Bolander, 2008). Studies have shown that perceived personalisation and perceived innovativeness positively impact on attitudes toward the product (Baek & Morimoto, 2012; Fu & Eliott, 2013), which in the context of this study relates to both the WTT itself as well as the destination. However, mere presence of WTTs can often provoke concerns about manipulative intent (Lee-Wingate & Xie, 2010) and privacy (Shilton, 2009). Inferences of manipulative intent is defined as tourist perceptions that a company is attempting to persuade via inappropriate, unfair or manipulative means (Campbell, 1995). Privacy concerns refer to the degree to which a tourist is worried about the potential invasion of the right to prevent the disclosure of personal information to others (Baek & Morimoto, 2012, p. 63). Inferences of manipulative intent and privacy concerns have been found to negatively impact on attitudes toward the product (Lee-Wingate & Xie, 2010; Shilton, 2009). Thus, the ability of a travel destination to emphasise the pros and minimise concerns for the cons of WTTs will result in more positive attitudes towards the WTT as well as the destination, which in turn, will positively impact on intention to visit the destination (based on arguments in tourism research suggesting that both attitudes toward products and the destination itself may have an impact on intention to visit e.g. Elliot, Papadopoulos & Kim 2011; Lee & Lockshin 2012). The hypothesised model for this study can be seen in Figure 1. Methodology The conceptual model was tested using data from the United States via the Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) platform. A total of 750 responses were acquired but only 615 were included for analysis (responses were excluded due to incomplete data or straight-lining). A between-subjects experimental design was implemented respondents viewing a stimulus for either (1) wireless tracking only (WT only; low control); (2) Wi-Fi wireless tracking (Wi-Fi WT; moderate control); or (3) application-based tracking (App; high control). A pretest of the stimulus confirmed the levels of control proposed by the researchers. Respondents were first told to imagine their next travel destination and were then shown a stimulus. In the WT only condition, respondents were told that the destination was tracking the movement of tourists when their smartphones wireless, Bluetooth or mobile reception was turned on. In the Wi-Fi WT condition, respondents were informed that the destination would track tourists logged on to the destination’s Wi-Fi network. In the App condition, respondents were notified that the destination has an app system which allows the destination to track tourists and send them personalised push notifications. The difference between these three conditions was the level of perceived control that tourists had over the tracking of their location within the destination. Respondents then rated the WTT and destination with regards to inferences to manipulative intent, privacy concerns, perceived personalisation, perceived innovativeness, attitude toward the WTT, attitude toward the destination, and intention to visit the destination. The measures for each of these scales were chosen for their reliability and relevance to the current study. Structural equation modelling then examined the hypothesised relationships for significance. Results and discussion Exploratory and factor analysis was conducted to ensure the unidimensional of the scales. Composite reliabilities ranged from 0.70 to 0.95 and the average variance extracted scores ranged from 0.70 to 0.87, suggesting strong internal validity for all scales. All measures were also tested for convergent and discriminant validity which were both supported. Then, the hypotheses were examined using a multigroup analysis with structural equation modelling in AMOS 22. The goodness-of-fit indices for the structural model was deemed acceptable (χ²/df=1.67; RMSEA=0.03; CFI=0.97; NFI=0.94; IFI=0.90) (model comparisons revealed no significant differences at a model level suggesting that the model applied across the different groups). The results of the path analysis revealed five hypotheses which were fully supported (H1a, H2a, H3a, H3b and H6b). The remaining six hypotheses (H1b, H2b, H4a, H4b, H5 and H6a) were only partially supported with significant parameter estimates noted for either one or two of the conditions. The full result of the path analysis can be seen in Table 1. The results suggest that inferences of manipulative intent significantly decreased attitude toward the WTT, highlighting the need for destinations to be transparent about the reasons for tracking tourists. Specifically, the concealed tracking of tourists’ movements was particularly damaging to attitude toward the destination. Privacy concerns also negatively impacted on attitude toward the WTT for all conditions, but surprisingly privacy concerns appeared to significantly increase attitude toward the destination under the App condition. A potential explanation for this is the fact that despite potential for privacy infringements, tourists possess control over usage of the application, thereby moderating the ability of the destination to track them. However, this result warrants greater investigation in future studies. Perceived personalisation was noted to positively impact on attitudes toward the WTT and destination suggesting that tourists positively regarded the benefits of personalisation that the WTT afforded them. Further, perceived innovativeness appeared to positively impact on attitude towards the WTT for the App condition, but more interestingly, positively impacted on attitude toward the destination for the WT only condition. This may potentially suggest that while tourists did perceive manipulative intent in the wireless tracking of their whereabouts they also perceived this to be an innovation. Theoretically, this study extends the tourism literature with regards to the installation or application of wireless tracking technologies. It highlights the aspects that appeal to tourists as well as the concerns that they may have. From a managerial perspective, the results suggest a need for transparency as well as the empowerment of tourists to choose the degree to which their whereabouts are tracked within the destination. It offers further insights into which technologies are best suited to be leveraged in order to develop stronger tourist engagement at the destination. The implications of these results apply to destination managers, marketers as well as policy makers. A successful balance between obtaining valuable information about tourists and providing them with a choice whether or not to be tracked is crucial in ensuring favourable perception of the travel destination.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research examined whether the (in)congruence between the geographical distance between the viewer and the destination, and the dynamic distance experienced via zoomin and zoom-out affects the recommendation likelihood of the travel destination. Specifically, when the viewer’s motivation is utilitarian (e.g., travelling for work), we expect the congruence effect (H1): a higher recommendation likelihood when the geographic distance is congruent with the dynamic distance; that is, the viewer is more likely to recommend the travel destination when the destination is geographically far away from (close to) with a zoom-out (zoom-in) view. By contrast, when the viewer’s motivation is hedonic (e.g., travelling for fun), we expect the incongruence effect (H2): a higher recommendation likelihood when the geographic distance is incongruent with the dynamic distance; that is, the viewer is more likely to recommend the travel destination when the destination is geographically far away from (close to) with a zoom-in (zoomout) view. We test these ideas in an experimental study.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to find out the key to success of the photographs in Instagram through content for tourist destination. While there are several studies in the tourism industry about the impact of Social Networks such as Facebook or virtual collaborative communities like TripAdvisor, there are very few studies about Instagram (Hanan & Putit, 2014). This study focuses on “Beautiful Destinations” as the leader on Instagram and an example of destination management organization (DMO), where they have more than 3,100 publications and 4 million followers in 180 countries, becoming the world’s largest travel influencer on Instagram. The dependent variables are taking from several studies (Dagostar & Isotalo, 1992; Stabler, 1987; Timothy & Groves, 2001). Ordinary least squares models were estimated to assess the relationship of characteristics of the photo with the number of likes among photos published on Instagram. If a photograph has people, water, took during afternoon, self-centric and other centric have effects in the number of likes and comments. While if a destination has the purpose of the engagement of the consumers with several comments, people appearance has a positive impact in the number of comments and if the pictures is doing in the afternoon has a negative impact. By analyzing the contents of information provided by the uploaded photographs, this study provides clues for destination in order to enhance the engagement with potential customer and users of Instagram.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper selects Xi'an and Suzhou as the research objects, uses the methods of questionnaire and situational simulated method to discuss the impact of tourists' perceived destination image and self-concept congruity on intention to visit, and the moderating effect of self-construal (independent / interdependent). The Study I found the following results: the tourists' perceived destination image and self-concept congruity as well as the self-concept congruity dimensions (actual self-concept congruity, ideal self-concept congruity, social self-concept congruity, ideal social self-concept congruity) have a significant positive effect on intention to visit; the impact of ideal self-concept congruity is greater than that of actual self-concept congruity; the impact of ideal social self-concept congruity is greater than that of social self-concept congruity; and the ideal self-concept congruity has strongest impact on intention to visit. The Study II found out that: self-construal has moderating effect on this impact; the higher the actual self-concept congruity perceived by the tourists of independent self-construal, the greater the intention to visit; the higher the social self-concept congruity perceived by the tourists of interdependent self-construal, the greater the intention to visit. The research conclusion has certain reference value for building of tourism destination image, understanding of the tourism decision-making of the tourists and formulation and implementation of marketing strategies of relevant departments and enterprises.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We evaluate the loyalty of a tourist destination considering tangible and intangible factors using the city of Porto as a case study. We observed that the main dimensions that the tourists associate with the visit and consequently with the city, in order of importance, were: i) engagement with the city of Porto, ii) identification with city of Porto, iii) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the city of Porto, iv) experiences in the city of Porto, and v) having visited visiting the city of Porto. Direct interviews were administered in the main tourist’s points in the city during the month of October 2017. The survey was only applied to the respondents who pursued tourism in the city of Porto, with 958 valid questionnaires. The questionnaire included the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents, the evaluation of level of importance of the eleven factors related to the trip, the level of agreement with the eight statements on the engagement with Porto developed by Sprott et al. (2009) – applied for the first time to a destination - and, in the final part, the evaluation of the intention to return to city of Porto. The eleven statements related to the importance of various factors associated to the trip and the eight statements that evaluate the engagement with the city were subjected to a principal components analysis with varimax rotation in order to identify the main dimensions. A logistic regression was used to explore the determinants of the likelihood to return to Porto considering the respondents’ sociodemographic variables and the main dimensions obtained in the factorial analysis (related to the important factors on the trip and the engagement with the city). Regarding the intention to return, which is the proxy of tourists’ loyalty to the destination, we observed that it is positively influenced by the engagement with the city, the tourist’s perception of CSR, the good experience in the city and having visited the city. These results connect the political, economic and marketing objectives in the tourism sector. The goals need to be aligned and the stakeholders(visitors, local residents and business, public bodies and government) must work together to maintain a solid and unified destination image. Considering that the city of Porto has been in the spotlight at an international level as one of the top cities’ destinations, this kind of information is fundamental for Porto to continue to be an attractive city tourism destination.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        How the destination image is presented in terms of the content and the selected media is known to have a considerable influence on consumers. In the current study, we examined the effect of destination images of Japanese hot spring hotels through photographic images taken by actual hotel guests on intended customer engagement behaviors (CEB) and their evoked conceptualization of the hotels. By showing photographic images of two types of hot spring hotels (traditional/contemporary) to participants from the United States (Phase 1, n=154) and Japan (Phase 2, n=677), we found that the image of traditional hot spring hotels induced higher evaluations and stronger CEB. When participants were clustered based on their travel motivations, we also found that, in both inbound and domestic markets, more engaged tourists gave higher evaluations and stronger CEB. The results suggest that the relationship among key constructs tested in this study validates the conceptual perspective on the theory application of destination image and CEB to hotel operations. From a practical perspective, hotel managers should carefully reconsider the primary drivers that attract tourists to visit the site and stay at their hotel. In addition, when developing promotional materials, managers should also consider key features in the photographic image to create a desirable destination image to attract tourists to visit and recommend the property to others.
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