본 연구에서는 택지개발예정지구의 노인을 대상으로 친환경 택지개발 정책에 대한 수용성 수준 및 영향요인을 분석하였다. 이 과정에서 개발 지역 주민의 특성을 고려하여 영농활동을 하는 노인과 그 지역에 단지 거주하는 노인으로 집단을 나누어 비교분석하였다. 본 연구에서 수집된 자료 분석을 위하여 IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 27.0을 이용하였다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영농활동을 하는 노인은 그 지역에서 단지 거 주하는 노인보다 개발정책에 대한 수용성이 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나 타났다. 다만, 모든 집단에서 정책수용성 수준은 높지 않은 것으로 평가 되었다. 둘째, 영농활동을 하는 노인과 그 지역에 단지 거주하는 노인은 정책수용성에 영향을 미치는 요인과 그 영향력이 다른 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같이 본 연구는 개발정책에 대한 주민의 수용성에 처음으로 주목하 여 택지개발예정지구의 노인에 대해 그 특성에 따른 차이점을 실증적으 로 분석함으로써 친환경 택지개발 정책이 원래의 의도대로 효과가 구현 되는데 필요한 정책집행 요인을 엄밀하게 규명하고 정책수용성을 증진하 기 위한 기초자료를 제공했다는 점에서 연구 의의를 찾을 수 있다.
With the ecological environment deteriorating and rapid growth of world population, sustainable issue becomes a hot issue all over the world. All the state, industry and consumer levels pay more attention to the sustainable filed. Even Kotler (2011) in his study mentioned that the need for sustainable issue means new challenges to the scholars and practitioners.
This research aim to the sustainable consumption filed in China. Based on the previous studies, sustainable consumption can be summarized including clothing, food, housing and travelling is an important way to cope with the deteriorating ecological environment and the rapid growth of world population. The Chinese government attaches great importance to sustainable consumption, at the same time the government has issued many sustainable policies to promote the development of sustainable consumption concept. Environmental policies consists of three kinds of instruments (regulation instrument, economic instrument, and information instrument), but which instrument is more effective to promote people’s sustainable consumption attitude and behavior, and whether these effects will be changed or not in different context, previous studies have no clear answer.
Based on the literature view, this study organized and established the concept research model. Following the logic of policy-attitude-behavior, the researchers examined the relationship among environmental policy instruments, sustainable consumption attitude and sustainable consumption behavior. Meanwhile, due to long-term orientation was an important variable to explain attitude and behavior, based on time orientation theory, this research also tested the moderating role of long-term orientation between environmental policy instruments and sustainable consumption attitude. Data were collected from Chinese residents in the medium size city, after excluding 67 invalid questionnaires, 325 questionnaires were used to analysis. Through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, this study confirmed that the scales of main variables had good reliability and validity. Researchers adopted SPSS19.0 to conduct multiple regression analysis. Results showed that regulation instrument and economic instrument had significant effects on sustainable consumption attitude, but the effect of information instrument was not significant. Long-term orientation played the positive moderating role between economic instrument and sustainable consumption attitude; consumers’ sustainable consumption attitude was correlated with sustainable consumption behavior, and was as a mediator between regulation instrument, economic instrument and sustainable consumption behavior.
Finally, based on the research results we give some suggestions and contributions to both academy and practice. The conclusions of this study can contribute to the enrichment of environment policy theory,time orientation theory and sustainable consumption,and can provide a certain theoretical guidance and reference for the issue of government on how to promote the development of sustainable consumption. We also point out the limitations of this study and some suggestions for further researches.
Damage to the natural environment is becoming increasingly complex in modern society, expanding to impact not only the environment but also society and the economy. Various systems and policies based on sustainability have been promoted internationally. Legal systems and policies based on evaluation systems such as land environment assessment and urban ecological status maps, have been implemented in Korea. However, most of Korea institutions and policies related to the natural environment have been directed toward the conservation of the natural environment, and restricted to in simple theoretical frameworks with various limitations. Therefore, this study analyzed the definition and value of the natural environment for a fundamental conceptual approach to the valuation of the natural environment. Based on this, we modeled the policy process for a flexible evaluation system suitable for the actual situation of Korea natural environment through a review of the integration of environmental policy proposed in Europe.
This study is to explore the relationship between the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the environment using the big data methodology. We scrutinize the trend of the Fourth Industrial revolution, in association with the environment, and provide implications for a more desirable future environmental policy. The results show that the Industrial Revolution has been generally perceived as negative to environment before the 2010s, while it has been widely regarded as positive after the period. It is highly expected that the Fourth Industrial Revolution will be capable of functioning as a new alternative to enhance the quality of the biophysical and social environment. This study justifies that the new wave of technological development may serve as a cure for the enhancement of the environmental quality. The positive linkage between the new technological development and the environment from this study clearly indicates that the environmental industry and environmental technologies will be key economic factors in the next-generation society. They should be of critical importance in shaping our cities into clearer and greener spaces, and people will continuously depend on the development of new environmental technologies in order to correct environmental damages.
While the significance and need of landscape assessment for rural area has been recognised, an appropriate method has not been established due to the lack of statutory ground and policy status in Korea. For that reason, current studies have been limited to dominantly amenity field survey in specific rural areas and stayed in academic. In particular, the majority of research on rural landscape amenity or character assessment methodologies so far has been attempted with quantitative processes. Such quantitative methods produced sometimes, heavily overlapped, conflicted, and not much meaningful characterisation and classification. Moreover, such results could not only have been reflected to policy implementation but provide vision for rural areas. Therefore, this study offers new facets for landscape character assessment methods through the lens of practitioners’ qualitative survey methods and moreover, seek a policy implementation of newly developed methodologies. In order to carry out such analysis, the study employed a case study of England’s Landscape Character Assessment and survey location was Gateshead Council, Northeast of England. The study suggests meaningful qualitative landscape character assessment method and review of its policy implementation.
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that have an impact on public policy, green products and technology in Kuala Lumpur, given government initiatives to boost the environment awareness. The data used in this study was collected by distribution questionnaires randomly in six areas of Kuala Lumpur and 400 respondents were interviewed. Based on a literature review, three hypotheses were stated and tested using structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM is a statistical analysis method that involved two or more variables in analyzing structural relationships among the variables. The SEM model shows that green products and government policies have a direct influence on environmental awareness. However, green technology does not have a direct influence on environmental awareness. Since, knowledge on green technology does not have a significant impact on raising environmental awareness among the public, a much more pragmatic awareness campaign needs to be put in place to use green technology as a part of modern living. The study suggests that the urban population needs to be more aware of the environmental issue as cities tend to have better infrastructure to raise public awareness on green issues. Moreover, the government should increase the environmental awareness among younger generation through workshops, seminars, campaigns, and pamphlets.
This study aims at analysing the process of introduction and the development of the agri-environment policy of the UK and identifying the implication for the Korean government. The UK introduced the AES policy in order to reduce the negative impact of the farming practice on biodiversity and habitats. The initial process was only possible for the enormous research results on the relationship between the farming and environment. Since the UK launched the ESA scheme in 1987, it has extended the designated areas for four stages. Based on the success of the ESA scheme, it started CSS and other schemes. However, these had a modest success and were integrated into the CSS scheme, which from then on became the main measures of the AES in the UK. The whole process of the UK case tells us that the most important work for the start of the AES in Korea would be the necessity and feasibility of the environment protection measures in Korea which could be identified from academic and scientific research on the impact of agricultural practice on the rural environment in Korea.
This study aims at providing with the implication of the EU agri-environmental policy which modestly started in 1985 as an optional policy for the Member States and developed as one of main measures for the reformed CAP in 2013. The first AES was the ESA scheme which had a focus on specific areas where were regarded as having a high natural value and assisted farmers who were voluntarily participated in the scheme. Such a small scale measure has developed as a main policy of the CAP from several reforming processes. It is now applying for the entire land of the EU and necessary for every Member State to introduce the AES measures in their rural development plan. With the principle of cross-compliance and the whole farm approach, it is possible to encourage the European farmers to change their ways of farming into low-input farming. This is the best way to achieve sustainable farming and rural development. This analysis on the changing process of the AES provides the Korean government with somewhat logical perspective on the reform of agricultural policy. The most important thing is to recognise that protecting and restorating environmental and biological resource must precede economical utilising the rural resource.
This research reviews the current state of the environmental problems in Northeastern Asia and emphasizes the necessity of building a sustainable regime of multilateral environmental cooperation. The Process and problems of multilateral environmental cooperation system are briefly discussed.
This research stresses the importance of contractual environment that enhances the level of enforcement of international environmental agreement. Within the contractual environment, international regimes can support the parties of conference to build up administrative capacity and scientific technology to cope with transborder pollution problems.
Some policy proposals such as cooperation among central governments and local governments, and the participation of NGOs are suggested.
This paper asks the question: what choice of environmental policy instruments is efficient to reduce sulfur dioxide from stationary sources?: In Korea, command and control has been a common way of controlling SO2-emissions. When compared to the non-incentive environmental policy instrument such as command and control, economic incentive environmental policy instrument has been the advantage of making polluter himself flexibly deals with in marginal abatement cost to develop environmental technology in the long view. Therefore, the application possibility of the incentive environmental policy instrument was studied in this research to realize the countermeasure for controlling of SO2-emissions. As a result, enforcement of the countermeasure such as flue gas desulfurizer by command and control would be suitable because power generation is performed by the public or for the public in source of air pollution and thus, economic principle is not applied to the polluter. In the source of industrial pollution, enforcement of fuel tax is found to be suitable for the countermeasure for the use of low sulfur oil in terms of the flexibility of demand for the price in the long term. For the permissible air pollution standards applicable to all air pollutant emitting facilities, enforcement of incentive environmental policy such as bubble, off-set, banking policy or tradeable emission permits would be ideal in long terms according to the regional characteristics and the number and scale of air pollutant emitting facilities.
Environmental problems emerged as common global problems awaiting solution. Active collaborative efforts are required of nations and communities in order to solve environmental problems effectively. International collaboration occurs much more commonly these days than before, and European Community(EC) mumber countries are no exceptions. EC has established and executed the five-year programs on Environmental Policy Implementation, which explicated basic principles for environmental policy development, since 1973. EC programs tend to emphasize that the direction of the policies should reflect a change from a remedial approach to a preventive approach. Those programs have brought an awareness of the importance of Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) to EC member countries. France installed an EIA system in 1976, which was the first among member countries. Several other member countries also established a system. EC decided that a common guideline was necessary, and therefore formulated the "European Community Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment" in 1985. All member countries were required to legislate an EIA system within three years, according to the Guideline. This study will conduct a comparative analysis of the current EIA systems of different EC member countries. The findings of this study will provide helpful information on how to improve the efficacy of the Korean system.