
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 172

        2024.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        도로포장의 노면 마찰력은 노면 조직 특성에 큰 영향을 받으며, 이를 예측하기 위한 인자로써 MTD(Mean Texture Depth, 평균 노면 조직 깊이)를 주로 사용한다. 그러나 MTD는 노면 특성 중 노면 조직의 깊이만을 나타내므로 여러 요인이 복합적으로 구성되어 있는 노면 조직 특성을 포괄적으로 설명할 수 없다. 이에 선행 연구에서는 다양한 노면조직 특성을 반영하여 보다 적합한 마찰력 예측 식 을 제안하고자 하였다. 노면 마찰력에 영향을 미치는 노면 조직 특성을 정량화하기 위하여 3D 프린팅 시편을 제작한 후 BPT(British Pendulum Tester)를 이용해 노면 마찰력(BPN; British Pendulum Number)을 측정하였다. 선행 연구를 통하여 노면 마찰력에 영향을 미치 는 노면 조직을 MTD, EAN(Exposed Aggregate Number, 골재노출도) 및 골재 형상으로 선정하였으며, 이를 포함한 노면 마찰력 예측 식 을 제안하였다. 그러나 3D 프린팅 시편을 사용하여 제안한 노면 마찰력 예측식의 경우 이상적인 노면조직 특성에 기반하여 제안된 것 으로 실제 현장에서의 노면 조직 특성과 비교 및 검증이 이루어져야 한다. 이에 3D 프린팅 시편을 기반으로 개발된 노면 마찰력 예측 식의 현장 적용성 평가를 위하여 EACP(Exposed Aggregate Concrete Pavement), 밀입도 및 개립도 아스팔트 콘크리트 포장에서 188개의 노면 조직 데이터를 측정하였다. 현장 측정 데이터와 3D 프린팅 시편을 기반으로 개발된 노면 마찰력 예측 식을 비교 검토한 결과 MTD, EAN 및 골재 형상은 노면 마찰력 예측에 있어서 유의미한 지표로 사용될 수 있는 것으로 확인하였다.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we covered the basic design process of water-cooled cabinets and studied how to determine the target performance of heat exchanger design, which is essential in water-cooled cabinet design. A theoretical method was presented to set the target efficiency of the heat exchanger, and the pressure drop of air passing through the heat exchanger was predicted analytically. A cabinet-level thermal analysis was performed using the target efficiency and pressure drop data of the heat exchanger. The accuracy of the theoretical method was judged by comparing the theoretically predicted operating environment of the internal equipment with the analytically predicted operating environment of the internal equipment.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to confirm the structural relationship between parental support, relationships with teachers, and stress variables on adolescents' mental health. Among the panel of 7,324 third-year high school students in the 8th survey in 2020 of the ‘Korean Education Longitudinal Study 2013’ conducted by the Korea Educational Development Institute, 6,054 people who participated in the survey were selected as research subjects. Frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and Bayesian structural equation model path analysis were performed using SPSS 26.0 and Amos 24.0. First, adolescents' parental support had a statistically significant positive effect on their mental health. Second, the relationship with teachers had a negative effect on stress and a positive effect on mental health. Third, it was confirmed that stress has a negative effect on the mental health of adolescents. Fourth, relationships with teachers had a positive effect on mental health with stress as a mediating variable. This study identified predictors that affect mental health at the point when adolescents' mental health problems become serious, and the research results can serve as data related to policy establishment and program operation in educational settings to improve mental health.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문에서는 파랑 하중을 받는 부유식 구조체의 운동 해석에 있어서 시스템 식별 방법을 이용한 상태공간방정식 모델을 수립하 고 해석하는 방법을 제안하였다. 상태공간방정식 모델의 수립 방법으로는 주파수영역에서 하중-변위 입출력 관계에 대한 목표 전달 함수를 구하고 이에 가장 근접하는 상태공간방정식을 구하는 절차를 제시하였다. 전통적으로 부유식 구조체 운동의 시간영역 해석은 지연함수의 합성곱적분을 포함하는 Cummins 방정식을 시간적분하여 이루어진다. 상태공간방정식 모델은 이러한 시간영역해석을 효과적으로 수행하기 위한 방법의 하나로서 연구되어 왔다. 제안하는 방법에서는 시스템 식별방법인 N4SID 와 전달함수의 분모 및 분자 다항식의 계수를 설계변수로 하는 최적화방법을 사용하여 목표 전달함수에 상응하는 상태공간방정식을 구한다. 제안하는 방법 의 적용성을 보이는 예제로서 단자유도 수치모델 및 6자유도 바지의 운동을 해석하였다. 제시하는 상태공간방정식 모델은 주파수영 역 및 시간영역에서 모두 기존의 해석결과와 잘 일치하고 시간영역해석에서는 계산의 정확도를 확보하면서 계산 시간을 크게 줄일 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to advance our understanding of extensible beams with multiple cracks by presenting a crack energy and motion equation, and mathematically justifying the energy functions of axial and bending deformations caused by cracks. Utilizing an extended form of Hamilton's principle, we derive a normalized governing equation for the motion of the extensible beam, taking into account crack energy. To achieve a closed-form solution of the beam equation, we employ a simple approach that incorporates the crack's patching condition into the eigenvalue problem associated with the linear part of the governing equation. This methodology not only yields a valuable eigenmode function but also significantly enhances our understanding of the dynamics of cracked extensible beams. Furthermore, we derive a governing equation that is an ordinary differential equation concerning time, based on orthogonal eigenmodes. This research lays the foundation for further studies, including experimental validations, applications, and the study of damage estimation and detection in the presence of cracks.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 제5차 국가산림자원조사(2006-2010)에서 조사된 편백을 대상으로 흉고직경에 따른 수고 생장곡선식과 초기 수고생장 모델을 개발하여 편백의 초기 생장특성을 고려한 합리적인 산림경영계획 수립에 필요한 기초자료를 제공할 목적으로 실시하였다. 연구자료는 제5차 국가산림자원조사 자료 중 편백 표준목 353본에 대한 수고, 흉고직경, 연륜생장 자료를 이용하였다. 흉고직경에 따른 수고 생장곡선식은 Petterson 식, Log 식, Michailow 식을 이용하여 개발하였으며, 연령에 따른 초기 수고생장 모델은 Chapman-Richards 식, Gompertz 식, Schumacher 식을 이용하여 개발하였다. 본 연구 결과, 모델 검정을 통하여 흉고직경에 따른 수고 생장곡선식은 Petterson 식이 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났으며, 초기 수고생장 모델은 Gompertz 식이 가장 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 개발한 초기 수고생장 모델을 그래프로 나타낸 결과 편백은 13년생일 때 연간 수고생장량이 0.54m로 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 편백의 생장 특성 관련 연구에 활용할 수 있을 뿐 아니라 초기의 편백 조림지에 대하여 합리적인 산림경영계획 수립에 유용한 기초자료가 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear Forensics is recognized as a essential component in the nuclear non-proliferation verification sector by the international community. It is being advanced under the leadership of the IAEA, the U.S., and the EU. Both the U.S.’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the international collaborative organization, the Nuclear Forensics International Technical Working Group (ITWG), have proposed to establish a relationship between the production timing and radiochronometry of nuclear materials or samples to utilize in the field of nuclear forensics. Radiochronometry of nuclear materials is calculated based on the Bateman equation, incorporating factors with uncertainties derived from tests, experiments, and analyses. The results from the nuclear activity radiochronometry also encompass uncertainties, affecting their reliability. This study examined the mathematical uncertainty calculations related to the results of nuclear activity radiochronometry, focusing on calculation methods, contribution rates per factor, and sensitivities. Uncertainty factors for the Bateman equation-based radiochronometry were observed in the decay constants for each nuclide type and the uncertainty in the radioactive ratio of the tracer nuclide. The sensitivity for each factor revealed that the uncertainty in the radioactive ratio of the signature nuclide contributed more significantly than the uncertainty in decay constants for each nuclide type. Each factor displayed a distinct sensitivity curve relative to the radioactive ratio. As it approaches a radioactive equilibrium, the sensitivity tends to increase infinitely, indicating a corresponding trend of infinite increase in uncertainty. Because the time and curve shape to reach radioactive equilibrium vary depending on the signature nuclide, it’s essential to choose an appropriate signature nuclide based on the anticipated period and analysis requirements for nuclear activity radiochronometry. However, radiochronometry using mathematical methods is limited to the relationship between parent and daughter nuclides, presenting the potential for underestimation of uncertainty factors like decay constants. Future research will need to focus on uncertainty calculation methods through computational simulations, especially using the Monte Carlo method, to overcome the limitations of mathematical approaches and potential underestimations.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 아프리카 전자상거래 법률 및 규정이 중국-아프리카 디지털 무역에 끼치는 영향을 탐색한다. 이를 위해, 구조방정식 모델링을 이용해 중국-아프리카 ICT 상품 무역액, 아프리카 전자상거래 발전 지수, 그리 고 전자상거래 법률 및 규정간의 상호 영향을 분석하였다. 결과적으로, 아프리카 전자상거래 법률 및 규정이 아프리카 전자상거래 발전과 중국- 아프리카 디지털 무역에 모두 긍정적으로 작용함을 확인하였다. 하지만 과도한 세금은 이러한 발전을 제한하는 요소로 작용하였다. 이 연구는 방법론적 혁신을 포함하며, 아프리카 전자상거래 법률 및 규정의 개선과 디지털 무역의 발전을 촉진하는 실증적 근거를 제시하였다. 다만, 데이터 와 이론적 한계로 인한 제약점이 존재하며, 향후 연구는 이를 극복하기 위한 방안을 제시하였다. 이 연구는 이론적 가치와 실질적 시사점을 제 공한다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the development of information technology, online food delivery services have significantly changed people’s food consumption patterns. The outbreak of COVID-19 has further facilitated the development due to restaurant restrictions and social distancing measures. Due to the emergence of online food delivery services, scholars have paid increasing attention to this popular topic, and a large number of studies have examined which factors are related to consumers’ intention to use online food delivery services. However, previous studies showed inconsistent findings, and relationships between variables lack a comprehensive understanding. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a research model and examine the factors influencing consumers’ intention to use online food delivery services. By reviewing and analyzing 52 studies with 53 independent samples (N = 22,937), the meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach was carried out to assess the research model. The findings indicate that two attributes of online food delivery services (i.e., convenience and price-saving orientation) play different roles in the research model. Specifically, convenience significantly impacted perceived ease of use but had no direct impact on perceived usefulness. Price-saving orientation significantly influenced both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. Moreover, relationships between perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived trust were significant, and these factors ultimately significantly led to the intention to use food delivery services. The findings contribute to theoretical advancement in the extant literature on food delivery services and help firms develop to provide better food delivery services for consumers’ continuous usage.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경험식에 기반한 폭발 해석방법은 폭압-시간 이력곡선을 하중으로 적용하여 해석하는 방법이다. 이 방법은 모델링이 간단하고 해 석시간이 짧아 효율적이지만, 일부 연구에 따르면 근거리 폭발 해석에는 적합하지 않음이 보고되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 예로써 환산 거리 0.4~1.0의 근거리 폭발조건에 있는 RC 보에 대해 해석방법에 따른 결과의 차이 및 원인을 분석하였고, 이를 통해 경험식 방법을 이용한 해석의 적용 범위를 구체적으로 검토 및 확인할 수 있었다. 사용된 유한요소해석 프로그램은 LS-DYNA이다. 해석결과에 따르 면, 원거리 폭발 실험 데이터를 근거로 하는 경험식 해석방법은 충격량을 과소평가하고 있었다. 이로 인해 RC 보의 처짐은 측정된 처 짐 또는 ALE(Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian) 해석결과에 비해 작게 계산되었다. 구조체의 응답이 크게 나타나는 근거리 폭발에 대해 서는 ALE 해석방법을 사용하는 것이 더 적합할 것으로 사료된다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the spent fuel modeling, the plastic model of the cladding used in FRAPCON uses the σ􀷥 = K􀟝̃􀯡 􁉂 􀰌􁈶 􀬵􀬴􀰷􀰯􁉃 􀯠 format. Strength coefficient (K), strain hardening exponent (n), strain rate sensitivity constant (m) are derived as the function of temperature. The coefficient m related to the strain rate shows dependence on the strain rate only in the α-β phase transition section, 1,172.5~1,255 K. But this is the analysis range of the FRAPTRAN code, which is an accident condition nuclear fuel behavior evaluation code. It does not apply to evaluate spent fuel. This coefficient in FRAPCON is used as a constant value (0.015) below 750 K (476.85°C), and at a temperature above 750 K, it is assumed that it is linearly proportional to the temperature without considering the strain rate dependence, also. In order to confirm the effect of strain rate, multiple test data performed under various conditions are required. However, since the strain rate dependence is not critical and test specimen limitation in the case of spent fuel, it is needed to replace with a new plastic model that does not include the strain rate term. In the new plastic model, the basic form of the Ramberg-Osgood equation (RO equation) is the same as ε􀷤 = 􀰙􀷥 􀮾 + 􀜭􀯥 􁉀􀰙􀷥 􀮾􁉁 􀯡􀳝. If the new variable α is defined as α = 􀜭􀯥􁈺􀟪􀯢/􀜧􁈻􀯡􀳝􀬿􀬵, this equation can be transformed into ε􀷤 = 􀰙􀷥 􀮾 + 􀟙 􀰙􀷥 􀮾 􁉀 􀰙􀷥 􀰙􀰬 􁉁 􀯡􀳝􀬿􀬵 . The procedure for expressing the stress-strain curve of the cladding with the RO equation is as follows. First, convert the engineering stress-strain into true stress-strain. Second, using a data analysis program such as EXCEL or ORIGIN, obtain the slope of the linear trend-line on the linear part and use it as the elastic modulus. Third, using the 0.2% offset method, find the yield point and the yield stress. Finally, using the solver function of EXCEL, find the optimal values of α and 􀝊􀯥 that minimize the sum of errors. The applicability of the suggested RO equation was evaluated using the results of the Zircaloy-4 plate room temperature tensile test performed by the KAERI and the Zircaloy cladding uniaxial tensile test results presented in the PNNL report. Through this, the RO equation was able to express the tensile test results within the uncertainty range of ±0.005. In this paper, the RO equation is suggested as a new plastic model with limited test data due to the test specimen limitation of spent fuel and its applicability is confirmed.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Density of chloride molten salts is an essential physical property in the reactor core design and thermal-hydraulic design simulation, especially in molten salt reactor (MSR) design currently under development in Korea. NaCl-MgCl2-UCl3 pseudo-ternary system is one of the various candidate chloride-based salt mixtures because it has relatively-low melting point, very low vapor pressure, high thermal conductivity, etc. However, to the best of our knowledge, the density data of NaCl-MgCl2- UCl3 have not yet been measured or published worldwide, and therefore the ballpark figures of the density should be given for the preliminary reactor design. In our present study, the density estimation of NaCl-MgCl2-UCl3 based on the pseudo-binary data, i.e., NaCl-MgCl2, MgCl2-UCl3, and NaCl- UCl3, reported in the literature previously were performed using the Redlich-Kister model. Binary interaction parameter for MgCl2-UCl3 was higher than that for NaCl-MgCl2 and lower than that for NaCl-UCl3. As an example, calculated density of 0.62 NaCl: 0.18 MgCl2: 0.20 UCl3 at 873 K was 2.578 g·cm−3. In our further study, the methodology using Redlich-Kister model will be applied to more complex multicomponent systems and to other physical properties such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, surface tension, etc.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the flexural capacity equation of FRP-bar reinforced concrete beams was verified by comparing the experimental results and flexural capacity obtained according to the ACI procedure. And, also the economic feasibility of FRP-bar reinforced concrete beams was analyzed by comparing nominal moment capacity of beams. The results of analysis were as follows, 1) GFRP concrete beams have lower flexural performance than reinforced concrete beams, whereas CFRP concrete beams have similar flexural performance to reinforced concrete beams under the same reinforcement ratio 2) Although the design moment increased as the compressive strength of concrete increased, the flexural performance of GFRP reinforced concrete beams was found to be lower than the reinforced concrete beams for all reinforcement ratios.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze causality of climatic factors that affecting the yield of whole crop barley (WCB) by constructing a network within the natural ecosystem via the structural equation model. The WCB dataset (n=316) consisted of data on the forage information and climatic information. The forage information was collected from numerous experimental reports from New Cultivars of Winter Crops (1993-2012) and included details of fresh and dry matter yield, and the year and location of cultivation. The climatic information included details of the daily mean temperature, precipitation, and sunshine duration from the weather information system of the Korea Meteorological Administration. The variables were growing days, accumulated temperature, precipitation, and sunshine duration in the season for the period of seeding to harvesting. The data was collected over 3 consecutive seasons—autumn, winter, and the following spring. We created a causality network depicting the effect of climatic factors on production by structural equation modeling. The results highlight: (i) the differences in the longitudinal effects between autumn and next spring, (ii) the factors that directly affect WCB production, and (iii) the indirect effects by certain factors, via two or more paths. For instance, the indirect effect of precipitation on WCB production in the following spring season via its effect on temperature was remarkable. Based on absolute values, the importance of WCB production in decreasing order was: the following spring temperature (0.45), autumn temperature (0.35), wintering (-0.16), and following spring precipitation (0.04). Therefore, we conclude that other climatic factors indirectly affect production through the final pathway, temperature and growing days in the next spring, in the climate-production network for WCB including temperature, growing days, precipitation and sunshine duration.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Este trabajo analiza los errores debidos a la interferencia coreana al escribir/traducir al español. Sostenemos que, cuando los alumnos ingresan una vez en la memoria una forma española α que corresponde preferentemente a una forma coreana A, tienden a equiparar esta correspondencia como ‘A = α’ y la aplican a los casos en los que dicha correspondencia no debería usarse. Para averiguar cuántos alumnos cometen este tipo de error, realizamos un experimento con 42 alumnos. En el experimento, dividimos las oraciones en dos grupos. Las oraciones que pueden producir un resultado apropiado se colocaron en el grupo A si usamos la correspondencia ‘A → α’, mientras que las que pueden producir un resultado inapropiado se ubicaron en el grupo B si lo hacemos. Nuestro análisis mostró que el error más común del grupo B es reutilizar la correspondencia utilizada en el grupo A. Por lo tanto, los estudiantes necesitan evitar una “ecuación excesiva” para reducir errores. Finalmente, para cada oración, sugerimos formas de reducir o evitar errores.
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