본 연구에서는 용접 여부에 따른 세 가지 유형의 철계-형상기억합금(Fe-Shape Memory Alloys, Fe-SMA)의 고주기 피로 거동에 대한 실험적 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구를 위해 사용된 Fe-SMA은 스위스 EMPA에서 개발된 Fe-SMA으로, Fe-17Mn-5Si-10Cr-4Ni-1(V,C)의 화학적 조성을 가진다. 용접 여부 및 열처리 여부를 변수로 한 비용접, 용접, 열처리된 용접 시편이 ASTM E606/E606M 표 준에 따라 제작되었다. Fe-SMA의 재료적 특성을 평가하기 위해 직접 인장 실험 및 회복 실험이 수 행되었으며, 용접된 Fe-SMA의 피로 거동 평가를 위해 응력 진폭에 따른 피로 시험이 수행되었다. 피 로 시험은 최대 응력 수준을 Fe-SMA 극한 인장강도의 약 70%인 700MPa에서부터 100MPa씩 감소 시키며, 200MPa의 응력 범위까지 수행되었으며, 응력비(R)는 0으로 설정되었다. 피로 한계는 ASTM E1823-13에 따라 하중 반복 횟수 200만 회를 기준으로 하여 각 시편의 피로 한계를 확인하였다.
In the modern society, the sports industry is becoming an important industry that plays an important role in cultural exchange and economic development between countries. Along with this, the size of sports equipment manufacturers is also increasing, and especially in the archery field, domestic companies occupy a high share in the global market. However, in the case of precision accessories, foreign products are imported and used. Among the precision archery accessories, the cushion plunger is subjected to repetitive loads, and the surface damage due to wear affects the accuracy of the archery, so fatigue and wear analysis taking this into account are required. In this paper, a friction simulation was performed to calculate the fatigue life and wear amount of the cushion plunger among the precision archery accessories, and the validity of the analysis model was evaluated by comparing the friction test results.
Korean MMTT project has been launched in order to clarify the vibration and shock loads under normal condition and transportation (NCT) in Korean geological and transportation conditions and to evaluate the integrity of SNF under such a transportation load. To evaluate the integrity of the SNF during normal land and sea transport tests, a representative SNF that represents the entirety of the different types of SNFs stored in the spent fuel pool of the power plant should be selected. And, it is necessary to make the test assembly to have a statically and dynamically similar behavior with the actual SNF. Therefore, in this project, we selected two types of fuel assembly that are expected to exhibit relatively conservative behavior under NCT, and these assemblies are being fabricated into surrogate test assemblies to have a similar characteristic as actual SNF based on the accumulated data from the poolside examination and the hot cell test so far. Tests were conducted for NCT conditions. In addition, a fatigue test was performed to integrity of the nuclear fuel rods under NCT conditions. Nuclear fuel assemblies are transported while being laid inside the cask under NCT, and are exposed to external shocks and vibrations. At this time, the fuel rod between the grid and grid is exposed to bending motion by this external force. For this simulation, a fixture was developed and used for static bending tests and bending fatigue tests. To simulate spent nuclear fuel rod specimens, hydrogen reorientation Zry-4 cladding was used and simulated pellets made of stainless steel were applied. And also, it was bonded using epoxy to give bonding conditions between the inside and the pellet. As a result of the test, cracks occurred due to the concentrated load between the pellets, resulting in damage to the fuel rod. The fatigue results showed a similar trend compared to the results performed by ORNL, and the lower bound fatigue curve presented by NUREG-2224 was also satisfactory.
In this study, using the plasma spray method, tensile and compression fatigue tests are performed in saline solution to examine the effect of Ti undercoat on corrosion fatigue behavior of alumina-coated specimens. The alumina-coated material using Ti in the undercoat shows better corrosion fatigue strength than the base material in the entire stress amplitude range. Fatigue cracking of UT specimens occurs in the recess formed by grit-blasting treatment and progresses toward the base metal. Subsequently, the undercoat is destroyed at a stage where the deformation of the undercoat cannot follow the crack opening displacement. The residual stress of the UT specimen has a tensile residual stress up to about 100 μm below the surface of the base material; however, when the depth exceeds 100 μm, the residual stress becomes a compressive residual stress. In addition, the inside of the spray coating film is compressive residual stress, which contributes to improving the fatigue strength characteristics. A hardened layer due to grit-blasting treatment is formed near the surface of the UT specimen, contributing to the improvement of the fatigue strength characteristics. Since the natural potential of Ti spray coating film is slightly higher than that of the base material, it exhibits excellent corrosion resistance; however, when physiological saline intrudes, a galvanic battery is formed and the base material corrodes preferentially.
Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) has been widely used for construction of pavements [1]. The strength of RCCP can be obtained from not only hydration of binder but also the aggregate interlock resulted from roller-compaction [2]. For this reason, RCCP normally achieves higher strength compared to conventional concrete pavement with similar cement content. Even though RCCP can be provided a good structural performance, it has been difficult to verify the long-term performance though actual field construction. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the fatigue characteristics and crack development in RCCP based on full-scale fatigue test and accelerated pavement test. In case of full-scale fatigue tests, fatigue behavior was evaluated by using 1 m × 1 m dimensional RCC slab specimens obtained from the field in order to consider the field variability. Fatigue equation derived from this study shows that the number of load repetitions which causes fatigue failure at the same stress level is slightly larger than that of PCA fatigue equation. In order to evaluate the performance of RCCP, two phases of accelerated pavement test (APT) were conducted. In phase one, the performance of RCCP at two different strengths (35.6 and 30.4 MPa) was evaluated. In phase two, the performance of RCCP with different thickness (5, 7.5 and 10 cm) was investigated. The number of load repetition of fatigue crack occurrence in each section was compared to the estimated fatigue failure determined from fatigue equation of RCCP. The crack development in each section was compared to the AASHTO crack model for JPCP. Overall, it was confirmed that RCCP has equal or better performance compared to JPCP the estimation in term of fatigue cracking. The fatigue equation from PCA and cracking model from AAHTO can be used on RCCP at certain design thickness range.
The characteristics of stress distribution and fatigue life have been investigated in the road mower head system using FEM(Finite Element Method). There is high stress distribution around the coupling part with non-uniform load from the irregular road surface. Maximum equivalent stress especially occurs in the fixed plate and the pillar of the head device with maximum deformation at the rotation axis frame of the mower system. Fatigue life tests were also performed with SAE bracket history, SAE transmission, and sample history conditions. SAE bracket history and SAE transmission predicted the possibility of high damage while Sample history showed a stable trend. These results will be applicable in optimal design for various systems equipped with mower head system.
A kart is a vehicle without the suspension system and the differential gear. The kart frame as an elastic body plays the role of a spring. By the cornering of a kart, rolling, pitching and twisting motions are induced in the kart frame. Also the slip or noncontact of the wheel and a permanent deformation of the kart frame can be induced. In order to examine closely this phenomenon of the twisting deformation, measurement and analysis on torsion working stress with strain gage and tracking system are needed. According to the measurement result, while steady state driving in a curve in general the torsion working stress of the kart frame will be increased depending on the vehicle velocity, but the kart frame will be not permanent deformed. However, analysis of the torsion working stress in comparison with torsion fatigue limit shows that while unsteady state driving as clash with same drive condition the racing kart frame will be deformed more quickly as the leisure kart frame.
This study investigated gait characteristics, kinematics, and kinetics in the lower extremities between two different shoe conditions (high heeled shoes (7 cm), and high heeled shoes with a total contact insert (TCI)) after lower extremity muscle fatigue. Although TCI shave been applied in high heeled shoes to increase comfort and to decrease foot pressure, no study has attempted to identify the effects of TCI in fatigue conditions. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of walking in high heeled shoes with TCI after lower extremity muscle fatigue was induced. This study was carried out in a motion analysis laboratory at Hanseo University. A volunteer sample of 14 healthy female subjects participated. All in fatigue conditions, the subjects were divided into two groups. The muscle fatigue was induced by 40 voluntary dorsi- and plantar-flexion exercises and 40 heel-rise exercises of the dominant foot. Surface electromyography was used to confirm the localized muscle fatigue using power spectral analysis of three muscles (tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis). The results were as follows: (1) In muscle fatigue conditions, the use of TCI decreased the peak flexion angle of the hip joint significantly in the early stance phase (p<.05) and increased the peak hip flexion moment in the terminal stance phase (p<.05). (2) In muscle fatigue conditions, the application of TCI also increased peak hip power generation in the early stance phase and peak hip power absorption in the terminal stance phase (p<.05). (3) In muscle fatigue conditions, the use of TCI reduced the impact force significantly and increased the secondary peak vertical GRF. These findings suggest that the TCI may provide beneficial effects when muscle fatigue occurs for a high heeled shoe gait. Future research employing the patient population and various types of TCI materials are required to clarify the effects of TCI.
본 연구에서는 개발된 중공단면 복합소재 교량 바닥판에 대해 피로거동을 평가하기 위하여 거더 지지부에서의 압축피로 시험과 2.8m 길이의 휨시험체 모델에 대한 휨피로시험을 수행하였다. 피로하중은 도로교설계기준의 제시된 DB24 트럭 후륜 축하중에 대해 200만회까지 반복 재하하였으며, 압축피로시험의 경우에는 복합소재 바닥판 부재와 바닥판 튜브간의 연결부에 대한 피로성능을, 휨피로시험의 경우에는 복합소재 바닥판 및 주형연결부에 대한 피로성능을 분석하였다.
본 논문은 가열 재생아스팔트 혼합물의 공용성능 향상을 위한 혼합방법 개발 연구의 일부분이다. 기존 재생혼합물 혼합방법은 재생혼합물 내에서 기존의 노화된 바인더가 균등히 회생되지 않다는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 새로이 개발된 혼합방법은 회수 아스팔트 포장의 기존 바인더를 기존 재생 혼합방법보다 회수 아스팔트 포장 재료에 묻어 있는 노화된 바인더를 훨씬 많이 회생시켜 재생 혼합물에서 보다 더 균일한 바인더의 점도상태가 되도록 한다. 본 연구의 목적은 새로이 개발된 혼합 방법으로 제조된 재생아스팔트 혼합물의 피로저항 특성을 평가하는 것이다. 두 종류 골재(편마암, 화강암), RAP 15%, LDPE의 두 가지 첨가량(0, 6%)를 이용하였으며, 혼합방법은 바인더의 불균등 상태를 개선하기 위한 두 가지 방법, 즉 일반적인 기존의 O 방법과 새롭게 개발한 N 방법을 이용하였다. 혼합방법에 따른 피로저항성을 평가하기 위하여 혼합방법에 따라 제작한 재생 혼합물의 피로시험을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 피로수명은 O 방법 혼합물이 가장 길고 그 다음이 N 방법이고 control이 가장 낮았다. 또한 장기노화 후 N 방법 혼합물의 균열에 대한 저항성이 O 방법 혼합물에 비해 상대적으로 높아지고 있음을 알 수 있었다.
To investigate the fatigue characteristic of upper limbs, this study analyzed RMS(root mean square) and MPF(mean power frequency) value between initial and terminal stages of each experiment condition. And the effect of intermittent endurance time was eva
본 연구에서는 상지의 10개 근육에 대한 근전도 측정을 통하여 얻어진 RMS와 MPF의 변화량을 이용하여 작업-휴식 주기에 따른 피로도 특성을 분석하였다. 평균 RMS의 변화량 분석에서는 실험조건에 관계없이 전체적으로 작업 시작시점과 종결시점의 비교에서 평균 RMS값이 증가하는 경향을 보였으며, 힘 발휘 형태 중 push, pull 및 down의 경우 각각의 주동근들은 %MVC에 대해, 그리고 up의 경우 %MVC, 어깨 굴곡 그리고 팔꿈치 굴곡에 대하여 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 작업-휴식 주기에 따른 RMS변화량의 분석에서는 의무사이클이 50% 이상이 될 때 평균 RMS의 변화량이 상당히 증가함을 보여줌으로써 작업과 휴식시간의 관계가 작업에 따른 피로를 증대시키는 것으로 나타났으며, 특히 %MVC가 커질수록 이러한 의무사이클의 영향은 더욱 커지는 것으로 나타났다. MPF분석에서는 push의 척측수근굴과 up의 상완이두근이 %MVC에 대하여 유의적으로 감소하는 경향을 나타내었으며, push와 down은 10%MVC에서는 대체로 MPF값이 높은 주파수대로 전이하는 경향을 보였으며, up의 경우에는 %MVC에 관계없이 낮은 주파수대로 전이하는 경향을 보였다. 특히 up과 down에 대한 의무사이클의 분석에서는 30%MVC 이하의 작업에서는 의무사이클이 33%일 때도 감소하는 경향을 보였다.
In rehabilitation programs involving muscle re-education and endurance exercise, it is necessary to confirm when fatigue occurs. It is also necessary to quantify fatigue, to confirm whether the muscle has been exercised sufficiently. In general, as fatigue occurs, the force-generating ability of the muscle is reduced. If the median frequency (MDF) obtained from electromyogram (EMG) power spectrum is correlated highly with work, then the timing and degree of fatigue may be confirmed. This study examined the relationship between work and MDF obtained from the EMG power spectrum during repetitive isokinetic exercise. Surface EMG signals were collected from biceps brachii and vastus lateralis of 52 normal subjects (26 males, 26 females) at and while performing an isokinetic exercise. The exercise was finished at 25% of peak work. MDF data was obtained using a moving fast Fourier transformation (FFT), and random noise was removed using the inverse FFT, then a new MDF data was obtained from the main signal. There was a high correlation between work and MDF during repetitiv isokinetic exercise in the biceps brachii and vastus lateralis of males and the biceps brachii of females (r=.50~.77). However, there was a low correlation between work and MDF in the vastus lateralis of females (r=.06~.19).