
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 22

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While companies and brands have always collected and used customer data for multiple purposes, the advent of smart devices, Internet of Things (IoT), and big data has made it much easier to access and utilize consumers’ personal information. For consumers, however, such ease of access to their personal data and frequent cases of data breach have increased their concerns about data privacy (Harris & Associates, 1996; Milne et al., 2004). Nevertheless, consumers continue to share their personal information with companies and brands in the digital environment (Turow et al., 2015).
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해상교통정보의 수집, 관리 및 공유를 개선하기 위해서는 해상교통정보 관련 기술 동향 파악 및 해상교통정보의 현황·문제점 분석이 우선되어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 먼저 해상교통정보의 국내외 기술 동향을 조사하였으며 국내 해상교통정보의 수집·관리· 공유에 대한 현황·문제점을 분석하여 정리하였다. 자료를 토대로 문제점을 분석한 결과 우선 수집단계의 문제점은 주로 LTE 통신권을 벗 어나는 원거리 RADAR·CCTV·카메라 영상정보 수집의 어려움으로 나타났으며 이로 인해 EEZ를 거쳐 영해로 진입하는 밀입국 선박 등의 조기 탐지가 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 관리단계의 문제점은 대부분 해상교통시스템이 자체 구축한 물리 저장 공간을 사용함으로 써 저장 공간의 유연성 부족으로 인해 편리한 축소·확대가 어렵고 시스템 장애 발생 시 대비책으로 시스템 이중화·백업 등이 힘든 상황이 다. 또한 공유단계의 문제점은 대부분 해상교통정보 공유시 주로 내부망을 사용하고 있는 현황상 운영기관 외부로의 정보 공유가 어려운 것으로 나타났으며 LRIT·SASS와 같이 정부 클라우드를 통해 정보 공유가 되고 있다고 하여도 정부 클라우드의 특성상 해양 빅데이터 등 을 효과적으로 활용할 수 있는 다양한 애플리케이션의 제공이 원활히 되고 있지 않은 상황이다. 이러한 문제점들을 개선하기 위해 우선 수집단계의 경우 무인기·위성 등 수집장비의 추가 구축을 제시함으로써 수집구역을 확장하였고 관리·공유단계는 각 해상교통시스템의 운 영 주체·정보 공개성을 고려한 민간 클라우드 도입 및 구축형태를 제시함으로써 클라우드 도입 시 전문성·보안성 향상을 기대하였다.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 ICT기업에서 팀장의 변혁적 리더십이 혁신행동에 미치는 영향을 검증함과 동시에 SNS 정보공유의 매개효과와 동기부여 언어의 조절효과를 검증하였다. 서울 및 수도권 지역의 ICT기업에 종사하는 구성원 210명을 대상으로 SPSS 회귀분석과 PROCESS macro를 활용하여 매개효과와 조절효과를 검증하였다. 실증분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 변혁적 리더십은 구성원들의 혁신행동에 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 주었다. 둘째, 변혁적 리더십은 구성원들과의 SNS 정보공유에 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 주었다. 셋째, SNS 정보공유는 혁신행동에 유의미한 정(+)의 영향을 주었다. 넷째, 변혁적 리더십과 혁신행동 관계에서 SNS 정보공유는 부분매개효과를 보였다. 즉, 변혁적 리더십은 혁신행동에 직접적으로 영향을 주기도 하지만, SNS 정보공유를 매개로 하여 혁신행동에 간접적으로 영향을 주기도 한다. 다섯째, SNS 정보공유와 혁신행동의 관계에서 리더의 동기부여 언어는 조절효과를 보였다. 즉, SNS 정보공유가 혁신행동에 주는 긍정적인 효과는 리더의 동기부여 언어 사용이 높은 집단이 그렇지 않은 집단에 비해 더욱 높게 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 시사점과 한계점 및 향후 연구방향을 제시하였다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study empirically examines the effects of two distinct types of privacy-related concerns (organizational threats and social threats) on different aspects of information disclosure (amount, honesty and conscious control) on social network sites, especially by highlighting the role of trusting beliefs (integrity & honesty, predictability, benevolence, competence), across three markets in which social network usage is substantial (i.e. US, Europe, and East Asia). The study contributes to the literature focused on the paradoxical dichotomy between privacy attitudes and behaviors. In a quantitative modeling framework, we develop a structural model based on our previous conceptual model. We use data collected through snowball convenience sampling technique from a large sample (n=624), Web-based consumer survey from Europe, US and East Asia to measure these constructs, and we fit a series of structural equation models that test related prior theory. Findings suggest that the “Social Sharing” paradox may result from a failure to disentangle between social and organizational concerns, since the authors find no effect of privacy concerns about organizational threats on overall disclosure (amount and honesty of information) but find high conscious control of information disclosed for higher concerns towards social threats. Trusting beliefs differently influence information disclosure in the three main geographical areas and were found to moderate the effect of social concerns on the amount of information disclosed and conscious control. Further the cross-country analysis results suggest that cultural values may affect how concerns about privacy and trusting beliefs, impact self-disclosure. For practice, our research suggests actionable strategies to aid online marketers in matching information requests with the needs and concerns of consumers by providing greater control and customization and enhancing firm trust.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As mobile shopping has increased in the new media age, fashion consumers’ decision making and product consumption processes have changed. The volume of consumer-driven information has expanded since media and social networking sites have enabled consumers to share information they obtain. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting information searching strategies and information sharing about fashion products. An online survey collected data from 466 respondents, relating to the influence of product price level and consumer SNS commitment level on information search and information sharing. Experimental design of three product price level and two consumer SNS commitment level was used. Analysis of the data identified factors in fashion information searching as ongoing searching, prepurchase web portal information search, and prepurchase marketing information search. For low-price fashion products, prepurchase product-detail influenced intention to share information. For mid-priced products, ongoing search significantly affected intention to share information. Both ongoing search and prepurchase marketing information search showed significant effects for high-price products. Consumers who are more committed to SNS engaged in significantly more searching in all aspects of information search factors. Significant interaction effect was detected for consumer SNS commitment level and product price level. When consumers with low consumer SNS commitment search for information on lower-priced fashion products, they are less likely do a prepurchase web portal information search.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explains an agricultural mobile commerce case using Oauth Based Real-Time Information Sharing Technique according to the growth of the agricultural e-commerce market. Considering the characteristics of the agricultural market, it can confirm differential values with the existing agricultural mobile commerce market according to the functions and characteristics of its technique. We compare variables for introducing agricultural mobile commerce with the existing mobile commerce. Trust through information sharing with real-timefarming diaries, suitability and perceived ease of use variables are positively influenced, but influence on completeness and authority of information variables are relatively insufficient. Through this, we explained differential values of agricultural mobile commerce and suggested an applicable business model.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Children’s play facilities have changed over a decade from the traditional play facilities in the front yard to the new type of commercial play facilities which install more exciting and enjoyable facilities, such as Kids Park. The more diversified in the type of facilities, the more difficult in the safety management by the existing system. The ‘Safety Management System of Children’s Play Facilities’ of MOSPA(Ministry of Security and Public Administration) has provided the safety information uni-directly by government sector to the private communities. Recently, multi-directional information sharing methods, such as community mapping are adopted actively in the social activities which have common purpose for making the better community by information sharing with government and private sector. On the purpose of citizen’s participation for safe play facilities and preventing accidents, this study investigated the status of child accidents and safety standards, especially focused on the children’s play facilities. And the way for sharing safety information among the communities with the GIS mapping skills is suggested in the respect of more easily monitoring and practically inputting the comments on the status of management of play facilities by real users based on their experiences. It is expected that more activities from the private sector would participate to the safety management of children’s play facilities by realizing the suggested system.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the keyword, emotion, in many areas including information technology. Previous research mostly used emotion as the input of the contents or to present the changing contents based on the user's emotional states. In this research, a new platform that allows sharing each other's emotional state and a couple of prototype contents utilizing the platforms are developed. There are two different ways to build such emotion sharing platforms either sharing the emotional states in real-time or not. We used stateless server for the asynchronous emotion sharing, while stateful server is utilized for the real-time emotion sharing. This paper explains the systems architecture of both stateful and stateless servers and describes the prototype applications. Content developers should be able to utilize the platforms developed in this paper.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since manufacturing and supplying corporations today come to view their practice of SCM as important, it becomes essential to analyze and control the structural relationship between the information sharing among corporations and the performances resulting from their practice of SCM. It is thus the purpose of this paper to examine the factors that may prompt corporations to implement SCM by means of analyses into the relationship between information sharing and practice of SCM which corporations should lay stress on as well as the relationship between financial and non-financial performances of corporations. The findings of the study can be summed up as follows: First, as for the relationship between information sharing among and practice of SCM by corporations, information sharing among corporations turned out to affect such factors of implementing their SCM as trust, commitment mutual dependence. Consequently, corporations are requested to endeavor to implement SCM itself faithfully if they really aim to achieve their performances by practice of SCM and, at the same time, to make efforts to obtain understanding and support for information sharing among themselves. Second, from the analysis of the relationship between SCM and financial as well as non-financial performances of corporations, it was found that trust, a factor of SCM practice, had influence upon non-financial performances of corporations, but not upon their financial performances, while commitment and mutual dependence affected both financial and non-financial achievements of corporations. Therefore, it was made clear from the analysis that the decision and systematic control of SCM activities which best suit to a corporation play an important role in improving its financial and non-financial performances, because they greatly depend on the implementing extent of SCM factors such as trust, commitment and mutual dependence among corporations.
        2011.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 학술정보의 이용 방식이 인쇄매체 중심에서 디지털자료 중심으로 변화하고 있다. 디지털 기술을 통해 온라인상에서 학술정보를 신속하고 자유롭게 공유할 수 있다면, 학문의 진보는 더욱 가속화될 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 이를 위해서는 학술정보의 생산, 자금지원, 보급, 이용과 관련된 다양한 이해당사자들이 추구하는 목표가 상충하면서 만들어내는 법적, 제도적인 장애물의 해소가 선행되어야 한다. 이 글에서는 한국의 디지털 학술정보 유통 현황 및 관련된 법적 분쟁 사례를 알아보고, 이를 해결하기 위한 방안으로서 최근 각광받고 있는‘오픈 액세스(Open Access)’와 현재 한국에서의 오픈 액세스 추진 사례에 관하여 살펴보았다. 오픈 액세스는 저자들이 이용자들에게 재정적, 법률적, 기술적장벽 없이 인터넷을 통해 학술논문의 원문을 누구나 무료로 접근하여 읽고, 다운로드하고, 복제∙배포∙인쇄∙탐색∙링크할 수 있도록 허용하는 것을 의미한다. 비영리적 성격을 지닌 학술저작물의 경우 인간의 사상 또는 감정을 표현한 창작물이므로 저작권법의 보호를 받지만, 학문의 진보에 기여하기 위해서는 학술저작물의 공정하고 자유로운 이용이 이루어져야 한다. 한국에서도 공공영역을 중심으로 비영리 학술정보의 오픈 액세스를 확대한다면, 저작자와 이용자 모두의 이해관계를 충족시키면서 학문의 발전에도 이바지할 수 있을 것이다.
        2011.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this exploratory analysis, we investigate the genesis and the evolution of local food-purchasing networks created and operated by consumers. In details, we describe how collecting and sharing information about food-products can become a central activity for some consumers’ communities and how these communities are starting to play an active role in the food supply chain. We define this community-based food-purchasing model as collaborative food network (CFN), and we analytically describe its characteristics and differences with respect to the traditional and industrialized agrifood supply chain models. A collaborative food network community in Italy, known as GAS (“Gruppi di Acquisto Solidale” – “Solidarity Purchasing Groups”), is introduced as an example of our analytical model. We will use this empirical example to present the strengths and weaknesses of the CFN model.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, effects of information sharing in multi-level supply chain management have been studied through simulation. The simulation model consists of a manufacturing company as a center, three suppliers, two logistic centers, and three different retail supply lines of each logistics centers. The mathematical model and the simulation were developed when real-time information sharing occurs and does not occur in supply chain under the assumption that each company applies (s, S) inventory policies. In addition, this paper analyzed the effects of the change of variables related to total costs, which compose of total ordering cost, total transportation cost, total carrying cost and shortage cost that are caused by the change of demand of three different patterns with the way of information sharing.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study is for the approach that we could reduce the logistics costs through uprising the efficiency, complying to the demand in time, stock management based on the general production plan in the point of SCM. We will take following steps to get the goal. First, we will overview the physical distribution expenses annually. Second, will find the main cause of optimal load loss by improper container and lack of delivery flexibility to the demand. Third, the goal will be inferred through the fast information share based on organic relationship, the establishment of general production plan, the improvement of stock management plan. By way of this process, it can be accomplished expense reduction as well as flexible establishment of the reduction of worker's load.
        2005.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study is for the approach that we could reduce the logistics costs through uprising the efficiency, complying to the demand in time, stock management based on the general production plan in the point of SCM. We will take following steps to get the goal. First, we will overview the physical distribution expenses annually. Second, will find the main cause of optimal load loss by improper container and lack of delivery flexibility to the demand. Third, the goal will be inferred through the fast information share based on organic relationship, the establishment of general production plan, the improvement of stock management plan. By way of this process, it can be accomplished expense reduction as well as flexible establishment of the reduction of worker's load.
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 XML(Extensible Markup Language)이 인터넷 표준으로 자리 잡아가고 있는 가운데 원격 서 비스를 지원하는 XML 기반 SOAP 프로토콜은 개발자들에게 급속도로 인기를 얻고 있다. SOAP(Single Object Access Protocol) 통신은 방화벽에 제약을 받지 않지만 SOAP 기반 웹 서비스를 안전하게 구현하기 위한 표준 정보보호 모델은 아직 없는 상태이다. 따라서 인터넷 분산 환경에서 기업간 제품정보 공유 및 교환 할 때에 제품 정보보호를 위해서는 사용자 인증, 데이터 무결성 및 기밀성 보장, 송수신에 대한 부인 봉쇄, 접근제어 등 다양한 보안 기능이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 인터넷상에서 XML을 기반으로 하는 협업적 제품거래의 안전한 제품정보 공유/교환을 위하여 XML 전자서명, XML 암호화 기술, XACL(Extensible Access Control Language) 기술을 이용하여 웹 서비스 정보보호 서비스 모델을 제안한다. 제안한 웹 서비스 정보보호 서비스 모델은 인터넷 분산 환경에서 기업간 제품정보(부품정보)를 서로 공유/교환함에 있어서 안전한 정보보호 서비스를 목적으로 한다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Globalization has led to an increase in foreign banks’ penetration. It is argued that the presence of foreign banks may affect the banking sector of the host countries in several ways including their competition level. It is mentioned that the presence of the foreign banks could heightened the level of competition in the banking sector. Nonetheless, the impact of the foreign banks on competition could be influenced by the degree of information sharing in the banking industry. This study investigates the role of information sharing in moderating the impact of foreign bank penetration on host banking sector competition in selected developing countries. We employ panel data samples of 54 developing countries during the period from 1998 to 2016. The estimation is carried out using the two-step system of the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) regression technique. This technique is adopted due to its robustness to all forms of endogeneity. The findings of this study show that the presence of information sharing could affect the relationship between foreign banks’ penetration and competition. They suggest that improvement in information sharing by a host country may help foreign banks to improve monitoring and reduce the moral hazard and adverse selection problem.
        2018.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Concrete residential structures are being redesigned for maximum space utilization efficiency by including parking lots and other convenience facilities. However, there are increasing problems of leakage due to various environmental and deterioration conditions. This paper proposes the a world-wide-web based professional information sharing system designed to provide solutions, alternatives and technical information for leakage prevention and effective design at the beginning of the construction stage.
        2016.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The prompt provision of risk map information is defined as a dynamic expression technology in this study. Based on the module, effective disaster information compression plan will be prepared, and prompt information transmission system will be secured in the future.
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