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        검색결과 203

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국립수목원 산림생물다양성연구과는 2023년부터 산림생태계 보전을 위한 화분매개곤충 특성연구 사업을 추진하면서 그 첫 번째 단계로 화분매개곤충 인벤토리 구축을 위한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 수목원 4개소(강원도 립화목원, 경상남도수목원, 국립수목원, 대구수목원)에서 9종의 식물(국수나무, 미선나무, 산수유, 산철쭉, 생강 나무, 수수꽃다리, 아까시나무, 진달래, 히어리)을 대상으로 각 식물에 어떤 곤충들이 방문하는지 쓸어잡기 방법 을 이용하여 확인하였다. 조사된 곤충 중에서 가장 많은 개체수를 차지하고 있는 곤충은 파리목(1,407개체)이었 으며, 26과의 다양한 파리목 곤충들을 확인할 수 있었다. 그중에서도 가장 많은 개체수를 차지하고 있는 과는 재니등에과 (4속, 5종, 651개체), 꽃등에과 (24속, 34종, 302개체), 기생파리과 (8속, 9종, 111개체)로 집계되었으며 이 중에서도 꽃등에과의 종다양성이 가장 높게 나타났다. 조사한 식물 중에서 가장 많은 파리목 곤충이 모인 식물은 수수꽃다리와 미선나무였고, 각각 314, 308개체 이상의 파리목 곤충을 확인하였다. 반면 파리목 곤충의 방문이 가장 저조한 식물은 국수나무와 아까시나무였으며 확인된 개체수는 각각 38, 45개체였다. 우리는 화분매 개곤충에 대한 인벤토리 구축을 통해 화분매개곤충에 대한 다양한 분류학 및 생태학적 데이터의 지속적인 확보 를 위해 노력하고 있으며, 본 소모임에서 이에 대한 발전방안 및 축적된 데이터의 활용방안에 대해 모색하고자 한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, an alternative inventory policy that trades off the bullwhip effect at an upstream facility with cost minimization at a current facility, with the goal of reducing system wide total expected inventory costs, when external demand distributjon is autocorrelated, is considered. The alternative inventory policy has a form that is somewhere between one that completely neglects the autocorrleation and one that actively utilizes the autocorrelation. For this purpose, a mathematical model that allows us to evaluate system wide total expected inventory costs for a periodic review system is developed. This model enables us to identify an optimal inventory policy at a current facility that minimizes system wide total expected inventory costs by the best tradeoff of the bullwhip effect at an upstream facility with cost minimization at a current facility. From numerical experiments, it has been found that (i) when the autocorrelation is negative, the optimal policy is one that actively utilizes the autocorrelation, (ii) when the autocorrelation is small and positive, the optimal policy is one that neglects the autocorrelation, and (iii) when the autocorrelation is large and positive, the optimal policy is somewhere between one that actively utilizes the autocorrelation and one that neglect the autocorrelation.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The grassland section of the greenhouse gas inventory has limitations due to a lack of review and verification of biomass compared to organic carbon in soil while grassland is considered one of the carbon storages in terrestrial ecosystems. Considering the situation at internal and external where the calculation of greenhouse gas inventory is being upgraded to a method with higher scientific accuracy, research on standards and methods for calculating carbon accumulation of grassland biomass is required. The purpose of this study was to identify international trends in the calculation method of the grassland biomass sector that meets the Tier 2 method and to conduct a review of variables applicable to the Republic of Korea. Identify the estimation methods and access levels for grassland biomass through the National Inventory Report in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and type the main implications derived from overseas cases. And, a field survey was conducted on 28 grasslands in the Republic of Korea to analyse the applicability of major issues. Four major international issues regarding grassland biomass were identified. 1) country-specific coefficients by land use; 2) calculations on woody plants; 3) loss and recovery due to wildfire; 4) amount of change by human activities. As a result of field surveys and analysis of activity data available domestically, it was found that there was a significant difference in the amount of carbon in biomass according to use type classification and climate zone-soil type classification. Therefore, in order to create an inventory of grassland biomass at the Tier 2 level, a policy and institutional system for making activity data should develop country-specific coefficients for climate zones and soil types.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, the resources and energy consumed to produce hot mix asphalt mixtures and hot mix reclaimed asphalt mixtures in asphalt concrete plants were estimated and the emissions from the detailed processes of the production process were evaluated based on TRACI(the tool for the reduction and assessment of chemical and other environmental impacts). METHODS : To estimate the energy consumption of the aggregate drying process, which consumes a significant amount of energy in the production process, an energy consumption calculation model based on the thermal equilibrium equation was used, and the energy consumed for material transportation, storage, and operation of other facilities was cited from the literature. RESULTS : For the system boundary conditions established and the inventory considered, the emissions to produce one ton of hot mix reclaimed asphalt mix are greater than the emissions to produce one ton of hot mix asphalt mix for a number of key impact categories. The process of producing hot mix reclaimed asphalt mixtures was evaluated to consume more resources and energy in the production of recycled aggregates and heating for drying than in the production of hot mix asphalt mixtures, but less resources and energy in the production of binders and natural virgin aggregates and the heating to heat these materials. CONCLUSIONS : The results of the emissions assessment using the life cycle inventory for the production of hot mix asphalt mixtures were generally similar to the results understood in the field and in much of the literatures, confirming the reliability of the methodology. However, in order to evaluate the dominance of specific processes or mixtures, it is believed that the construction of a wide range of inventory databases after inventory redesign is necessary for a specific and rigorous assessment.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to apply indirect methods (such as scaling factors) to assess the radionuclide inventory of waste generated by nuclear power plants, it is essential to first evaluate the correlation coefficient between key radionuclides and those that are difficult to measure (DTM). The benchmark for the correlation coefficient (r) applied in indirect assessments is set at 0.6, and its significance can vary based on both its value and the size of the dataset. For instance, deriving a correlation coefficient using three data points versus utilizing a dataset with a hundred data points would yield different implications. This study addresses the variance in correlation coefficients based on data selection and presents a methodology for validating the significance of these coefficients. Additionally, we will discuss how these variances may impact the results of indirect assessments, such as scaling factor evaluations.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To effectively assess the inventory of radionuclides generated from nuclear power plants using a consistent evaluation method across diverse groups, it is imperative to analyze the similarity in radioactive distribution between these groups. Various methodologies exist for evaluating this similarity, and the application of statistical approaches allows us to establish similarity at a specific confidence level while accounting for the dataset size (degrees of freedom). Initially, if the variance characteristics of the two groups are similar, a t-test for equal variances can be employed. However, if the variance characteristics differ, methods for unequal variances should be applied. This study delineates the approach for assessing the similarity in radioactive distribution based on the analytical characteristics of the two groups. Furthermore, it delves into the results obtained through two case studies to offer insights into the assessment process.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear facilities, assessing their radioactivity inventories is essential. As a result, countries with nuclear facilities are implementing assessment schemes tailored to their respective policies and available resources for radioactive waste management. This paper specifically describes the assessment scheme for radioactivity inventory applied to metal waste generated during the dismantling of the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor (JPDR), a 1.25 MW BWR. The distinctive aspect of the Japanese approach lies in the fact that, for a pair of a key nuclide and a difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclide that lack a significant correlation in their concentrations, the mean activity concentration method was used. In this method, an arithmetic average of all measurements of the DTM nuclide from representative drums, including MDAs (Minimum Detectable Activities), was assigned to the concentration of the DTM nuclide for all drums, regardless of the concentration of its paired key nuclide. Conversely, for a specific pair of a key nuclide and a DTM nuclide with a significant correlation, the scaling factor method was applied, as is common in many other countries. This Japanese case can serve as a valuable reference for Korea, which does not have the option of using the mean activity concentration method in its assessment scheme.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Kori Unit 1 was permanently shut down in 2017 and is currently being prepared for decommissioning. Decommissioning waste generated during the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant has the characteristic of being generated in large quantities over a short period. Therefore, if proper management is not carried out, abnormal situations (i.e., unauthorized disposal, diversion, etc.) may occur. According to IAEA General Safety Report Part 6, radioactive waste shall be managed for all waste streams in decommissioning. This means ensuring that all waste streams are managed by the recorded inventory of all decommissioning waste and verifying that the recorded inventory is reasonable. The radioactive waste management has been managed in units such as mass and radioactivity. However, in the case of decommissioning waste, the amount is very large, so management by radioactivity is expected to have limitations. Therefore, in this study, a simple test was conducted to verify the decommissioning waste generated by a hypothetical scenario by mass. In this study, establish a scenario assuming various flows of decommissioning waste expected to be generated and calculate the expected inventory of decommissioning waste using Microsoft Excel. Specifically, using “Material Unaccounted For” (MUF), a material balance equation in IAEA Services Series 15, Nuclear Material Accounting Handbook, the error inventory was calculated as the difference between the physical inventory of decommissioning waste in the area and the ending inventory. We propose a simple test scenario to verify the flow of decommissioning waste by verifying that the error inventory reasonably matches the set allowable error. This study aims to verify the inventory of decommissioning waste using the material balance methodology used for nuclear material accounting. It is expected that the safety and reliability of the nuclear power plant decommissioning process can be secured by verifying that the total inventory of equipment before decommissioning and the inventory of remaining equipment and decommissioning waste after decommissioning are reasonably consistent.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studied the problem of determining the optimal inventory level to meet the customer service target level in a situation where the customer demand for each branch of a nationwide retailer is uncertain. To this end, ISR (In-Stock Ratio) was defined as a key management indicator (KPI) that can be used from the perspective of a nationwide retailer such as Samsung, LG, or Apple that sells goods at branches nationwide. An optimization model was established to allow the retailer to minimize the total amount of inventory held at each branch while meeting the customer service target level defined as the average ISR. This paper proves that there is always an optimal solution in the model and expresses the optimal solution in a generalized form using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition regardless of the shape of the probability distribution of customer demand. In addition, this paper studied the case where customer demand follows a specific probability distribution such as a normal distribution, and an expression representing the optimal inventory level for this case was derived.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Commercial operation of KORI Unit 1 ended in 2017, and the final decommissioning plan is currently under approval from the KINS. In order for the dismantling waste to go to the repository, it is judged that the radioactive waste generated during the commercial operation should be treated and disposed in advance. Among these radioactive wastes, spent filters contain various radionuclides. The radiation dose rate from the radiation coming out of the filters ranges from a low dose rate to high dose rate. Therefore, in order to handle the spent filters, a remote processing system is required to reduce the radiation exposure of workers. This paper evaluates the radioactive inventory of filters that are stored in the filter room at the KORI unit #1. For this purpose, a method for predicting the radioactivity of each nuclide in the filter, based on the radiation dose rate, has been described using the MicroShield code, which is a commercial shielding code. The information on the filters in the field has only the creation date, type, size, and surface dose rate. In order to evaluate the radioactivity inventory using such limited data, it is possible to know the nuclide radioactivity ratio in the filter. We took out some of the filters stored on site and measured from using the ISCOS system, a gamma nuclide analyzer. The radioactivity of each nuclide in the filter was inferred by modeling with the MicroShield code, based on the radiation dose rate and the radioactivity value of each nuclide measured in the field.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In case of damaged spent fuels, it would require additional treatment for their transportation and storage to capture the radioactive fission products in a defined space. The canning container for the damaged spent fuels is one way to seal the radioactive fission products inside the container. In the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF) of KAERI, the Quiver container has been introduced for canning damaged spent fuels from Westinghouse Sweden. The main container body has been manufactured for particle-tightness of spent fuel. In addition, drying equipment is being prepared for gas-tightness of spent fuel. The drying equipment can remove water and fill the inert gas inside the container. Before drying inside the container, we evaluated the volatile fission products inventory because volatile fission products could be released during the drying process. Despite assuming highly conservative hypotheses for the inventory remaining in damaged fuel rods, the amount that could be released during the drying process was less and dose rate levels around the evacuation piping system were low.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Companies are making design changes by improving product quality and function to succeed while meeting customer requirements continuously. Design changes are changing the product BOM's amount, item, specification, and shape while causing a change in the product's structure. At this time, the problem of inventory exhaustion of parts before design change is a big topic. If the inventory exhaustion fails, the pieces before the design change become unused and are discarded, resulting in a decrease in asset value, and the quality cost of the design change affects the company's profits. Therefore, it is necessary to decide to minimize quality costs while minimizing waste inventory costs at the time of application of design changes. According to the analysis, priorities should be prioritized according to urgency because the quantity of items before the design change affects the applied lead time.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, emissions from asphalt mixture production and construction processes are calculated and used to estimate the emission from each asphalt pavement layer. The calculated emissions for the processes are used as fundamental data to estimate the total emission from the entire life cycle of pavement engineering in South Korea. METHODS : A design proposal and the Korean standard, which provide quantitative information for activities, were used to estimate the amount of construction materials and energy consumption. Subsequently, the LCI DB from NAPA and the LCIA DB from EPA were utilized in conjunction with the estimated quantity to assess the effect of the emissions to determine their environmental impact categories. RESULTS : Calculation results show that 5.84 million ton of CO2eq is discharged from production and construction processes, whereas 3.24 million ton of CO2eq is discharged from operation processes in the pavement engineering sector. The total GHG emission, i.e., 9.08 million ton of CO2eq, is approximately 1.25% of the national GHG emission in 2018. The asphalt mixture production process results in the highest GHG emission in the life cycle of asphalt pavements. CONCLUSIONS : An LCI DB that accounts for the industrial characteristics of South Korea must be established to provide more reliable emission data to be used for national GHG reduction plans, including those for the pavement engineering sector.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 산림자원으로 활용 가능한 활엽수림(혼효림 포함)의 상층 교목성 수종을 대상으로 유사한 수종구성을 갖는 산림 유형 분류를 통해 활엽수림의 효율적 산림관리 기반 구축을 위해 실시하였다. 제7차 국가산림자원조사 고정표본점(3,994지점) 중 2,291지점의 임분 현황 자료를 기반으로 클러스터분석, 지표종분석, 다중판별분석 등 다양한 다변량 통계분석 기법을 이용하여 산림 유형을 분류하였다. 활엽수림의 산림 유형은 신갈나무-피나무림, 신갈나무-당단풍나무림, 신갈나무-물푸레나무림, 신갈나무-굴참나무림, 신갈나무-소나무림, 졸참나무-굴참나무림, 소나무-신갈나 무림, 소나무-굴참나무림, 밤나무-아까시나무림, 상수리나무-소나무림 등 10개로 구분되었다. 신갈나무와 기타 활엽수림, 신갈나무가 우점하는 참나무 림, 주요 참나무류 수종과 소나무의 혼효림 형태로 구성된 것으로 파악되었다. 조사된 102종의 수종 중 점유비율이 높은 신갈나무, 굴참나무 및 소나무가 산림유형 분류에 중요한 역할을 한 것으로 나타났다.
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