The effect of Cu content on hydrogen reduction behavior of ball-milled -CuO nanocomposite powders was investigated. Hydrogen reduction behavior and reduction percent() of nanopowders were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG) and hygrometry measurements. Activation energy for hydrogen reduction of nanopowders with different Cu content was calculated at each heating rate and reduction percent(). The activation energy for reduction of obtained in this study existed in the ranging from 129 to 139 kJ/mol, which was in accordance with the activation energy for powder reduction of conventional micron-sized
The sintering behavior of titanium-titanium nitride nanocomposite powders has been studied by dilatometry. Titanium. titanium nitride nanocomposite powders were produced by the reactive milling of micron sized titanium powder in nitrogen atmosphere. The Ti-TiN nanocomposite powders milled for various durations along with the initial micron sized Ti powders were then sintered in the temperature range of by a constant rate of heating . The linear shrinkage, shrinkage rate, activation energy for sintering and microstructure has been studied and discussed as a function of milling time.
In-situ processing route was adopted to disperse carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into powders homogeneously. The composite powders with homogeneous dispersion of CNTs could be synthesized by a catalytic route for in-situ formation of CNTs on nano-sized Fe dispersed powders. CNTs/Fe/ nanopowders were densified by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The hardness and bending strength as well as electrical conductivity increased with increasing sintering temperature. However, the electrical conductivity of the composites sintered at above showed decreased value with increasing sintering temperature due to the oxidation of CNTs
Nanostructured and composite powders have been prepared by mechanochemical reaction from mixtures of Ti, BN, and powders. The raw materials have reacted to form a uniform mixture of TiN, and or depending on the amount of used in the starting mixtures, and the reaction proceeded through so-called mechanically activated self-sustaining reaction (MSR). Fine TiN and crystallites less than a few tens of nanometer were homogeneously dispersed in the amorphous or matrix after milling for 12 hours. These amorphous matrices became crystalline phases after annealing at high temperatures as expected, but the original microstructure did not change significantly
An optimum route to synthesize composite powders with homogeneous dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was investigated. nanocomposite powders were fabricated by thermal chemical vapor deposition of gas over nanocomposite catalyst prepared by selective reduction of metal powders. The FT-Raman spectroscopy analysis revealed that the CNTs have single- and multi-walled structure. The CNTs with the diameter of 25-43 nm were homogeneously distributed in the powders, and their characteristics were strongly affected by a kind of metal catalyst and catalyst size. The experimental results show that the composite powder with required size and dispersion of CNTs can be realized by control of synthesis condition
Fe-Co nanocomposite powders with different composition were prepared by chemical vapor condensation (CVC) process and their characterizations were studied by means of X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometer. The particles having the mean size of 5~25 nm consisted of metallic cores and oxide shells. The Co contents and particle size increased with increasing the carrier gas flow rate of Co precursor. The saturation magnetization and coercivity increased with increasing Co content. and the saturation magnetization maximized at the 40 wt.%Co. The Fe-Co nanocomposite powder oxidized at showed the maximum coercivity of 1739 Oe.
현재 기계적 합금화법에서는 주로 합금을 구성하는 성분원소 분말을 불활성분위기에서 볼밀처리 함으로써 함금화를 시키거나 모합금에 산화물을 분산시켜 복합화시키는 공정을 통하여 각종 화합물, 비정질상 및 과포화고용체등의 준안정상의 합성 뿐만이 아니라 초미세조직의 생성에 관한 폭 넓은 분야의 연구가 행하여지고 있다. 한편 MA에서는 볼멀처리중 기계적 에너지의 투여에 의하여 실제 반응온도보다 낮은 온도에서 발생하는 특이한 화학반응 즉 Mechanochemical
최근 한국기계연구원에서 개발된 Mechanochemical process (MCP)는 Spray conversion 법에 의하여 나노크기의 W/Cu 복합 분말을 제조하는 방법으로서, 현재 (주)나노테크에서 산업화를 위한 시험/개발이 진행 중이다. 이 방법에 의하여 W /1 0 ~ 40wt. %Cu 조성의 초미렵 W/Cu 복합 분말의 양산화가 가능하게 됨으로써, 나노복합분말을 사용한 초미립 W/Cu 합금의 소결 제조 연구 역시 나 노태크에서 분말사업화와
Nano particles have recently been a major research interest, motivated by their unusual physical and chemical properties. Such particles can be synthesized using physical and chemical methods. The physical methods need expensive installation like vacuum induction furnace, whereas in chemical methods the process in generally very simple and low cost. In this study, simple and new fabrication process by using ultrasound was investigated to prepare the nano-sized metal particles on various powders at room temperature.
MgO based nanocomposite powder including ferromagnetic iron particle dispersions, which can be available for the magnetic and catalytic applications, was fabricated by the spray pyrolysis process using ultra-sonic atomizer and reduction processes. Liquid source was prepared from iron (Fe)-nitrate, as a source of Fe nano-dispersion, and magnesium (Mg)-nitrate, as a source of MgO materials, with pure water solvent. After the chamber were heated to given temperatures (500~), the mist of liquid droplets generated by ultrasonic atomizer carried into the chamber by a carrier gas of air, and the ist was decomposed into Fe-oxide and MgO nano-powder. The obtained powders were reduced by hydrogen atmosphere at 600~. The reduction behavior was investigated by thermal gravity and hygrometry. After reduction, the aggregated sub-micron Fe/MgO powders were obtained, and each aggregated powder composed of nano-sized Fe/MgO materials. By the difference of the chamber temperature, the particle size of Fe and MgO was changed in a few 10 nm levels. Also, the nano-porous Fe-MgO sub-micron powders were obtained. Through this preparation process and the evaluation of phase and microstructure, it was concluded that the Fe/MgO nanocomposite powders with high surface area and the higher coercive force were successfully fabricated.
본 연구에서는 기지금속과의 고상이나 액상의 고용한이 거의 없는 금속-카본(carbon)계에서 고에너지 볼밀공정을 이용하여 고체 윤활 청동베어링용 Cu-C-X계 나노복합금속분말을 제조하고자 하였다. Cu-10wt.%C-5wt.%AI과 Cu-10wt.%C-5wt.%Fe의 혼합분말을 이르곤 분위기의 attritor내에서 기계적 합금화한 후 Cu-C-X의 나노복합금속분말의 미세조직 특성을 조사하였다. AI, Fe를 첨가하였을 때 10시간 이상의 MA공정에서부터 약 10μm이하의 미세한 Cu-C-X나노복합금속분말을 얻을 수 있었으며, MA 시간에 따른 분말의 형상과 미세구조 변화는 금속-금속계의 MA 과정과 유사하게 진행되는 것을 알 수 있었다. Cu-C-X 나노복합금속분말의 X-선 회절시험 결과, MA 시간에 따라 Cu와 C분말의 회절피크의 폭은 넓어지고 회절강도는 감소하였으며, 특히 흑연피크의 MA시간에 따른 소멸은 흑연의 낮은 원자산란계수 때문에 의한 X-선 흡수 영향으로 고찰하였다. Williamson-Hall식으로 계산된 Cu-C-X 나노복합금속분말내의 Cu의 결정립은 15시간 이상의 MA공정에서부터 약 10nm이하의 크기를 가졌으며, TEM 분석결과로는 불규칙한 형상의 약 10-30nm 크기로 복합화된 Cu결정립을 확인할 수 있었다.