벼의 수량과 품질은 등숙기의 고온에 의해 영향을 받는다. 본 연구는 남부지방에서 벼 조기재배로 인한 고온 등숙에 벼의 수량과 미질이 적합한 벼 품종 선정을 위하여 수행하였다. 조생종 14품종을 파종 후 20일인 4월 20일에 이앙하여 수확 후 수량과 도정된 쌀의 품질을 조사하였다. 쌀 수량은 단위 면적 당 영화수가 가장 많았던 운광이 가장 많았고 주남조생, 조광, 황금보라, 만나, 운미, 밀양238 및 조아미 순이었다. 완전미 수량은 밀양247이 가장 높았고, 조광, 만나, 산들진미 순이었다. 단백질 함량은 6.0∼6.9% 범위를 나타내었고, 밀양247, 산들진미, 조아미, 만나, 보석 및 조광 품종이 취반미윤기치가 비교적 높게 나타났다. 따라서 남부지방 평야지 벼 조기재배시 산들진미, 조광, 만나 그리고 밀양247이 적합한 품종으로 판단된다.
Background : Gangwon-do (Province) is chief producing district of six-year-old raw material of red ginseng and transplanting culture is more than 90%. The 6-year-old red ginseng is easy to differentiate in quality and can secure a stable market, but it has high disadvantages such as high seedling cost, effort cost, and long term cultivation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop environment-friendly products that enhance price competitiveness based on 3 to 4-year-old ginseng by using direct seedling cultivation techniques. When ginseng seed sown directly, it is highly productive and has high disease resistance, which is advantageous for environment-friendly cultivation. Thus, it is advantage to save work force in seed production stage. The purpose of this study is to find the planting density for 4-year-old ginseng. Methods and Results : In order to determine proper planting density, ginseng growth characteristics such as root length, root diameter, raw weight, and yields were investigated at 4-year-old ginseng after planting 34, 67, and 100 roots per ㎡. As a result, the root length was the longest at 33.9 ± 5.45 ㎝ in 67 roots/㎡, and there was no difference in root diameter. The raw weight of 4-year-old ginseng was the highest at 65.1g in 34 roots/㎡. However, yields were 4.3 ± 0.78 and 4.8 ± 0.50 ㎏ in the 67 roots/㎡ and 100 roots/㎡, respectively, which were higher than the 34 roots/㎡. Conclusion : The proper planting density for direct seedling cultivation of yunpung cultivar was 67 - 100 roots/㎡, and these results could be applied to increase productivity in direct seeding cultivation of ginseng.
The purpose of this study was to establish the proper sowing time and planting density of cowpeas for labor-saving cultivation. Experiments were carried out in Naju, Jeonnam Province (Latitude 35° 04' N, Longitude 126° 54' E) during 2012 and 2013. The intermediate-erect type strains used in this study were Jeonnam1 and Jeonnam2. Sowing was performed five times between June 25 and August 5 at approximately 10-day intervals in order to establish proper sowing time, and sowed at 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, and 20,000 plants per 10a to establish proper planting density. The days from sowing to first flowering was shortest (32 days) in plants sowed on July 25 and became longer for plants sowed on or around July 25. The days from sowing to first flowering was longest (41 days) in plants sowed on June 25. The days from first flowering to first maturing was shortest (8 days) in plants sowed on June 25 and, became considerably longer at later sowing dates. The days from first maturing to first harvesting ranged from 8 to 10 days, with little difference among the sowing periods. Plants sowed on August 5 harvested at the same time, and plants sowed between June 25 and July 25 were harvested either three or two times. The yield was highest in plants sowed on July 25: 209 kg/10a was harvested for Jeonnam1 and 221 kg/10a for Jeonnam2. Furthermore, harvested at the same time enabled when the harvesting was delayed for around 15 days because the share of the seeds first harvested was highest (91%). The proper planting density was estimated to be 15,000 plants/10a, showing the highest yields of 199 kg/10a for Jeonnam1 and 224 kg/10a for Jeonnam2.
The test was carried out at a test field at the Wanju Eco-Farming Complex from 2009 to 2010 to figure out the proper application of fertilizers when growing rice at the EcoFarming Complex. The result showed that when compared to the basal application of compost as fertilizer, applying supplementary compost after natural re-seeding of chinese milk vetch (CM씨 helped balance soìl nutrìtìon and maìntained rice yields.
This study was conducted to investigate the variation of rice quality and the effect of labor-saving by using slow-releasing fertilizer when doing direct drill seeding on flooded paddy surface by large scale direct drill seeding machine in Honam plain area. The results obtained by changing the amount of slow-releasing fertilizer in 2008, 2009 are as follows. Considering rice growth, head rice yield and rice quality, the optimum amount of slow-releasing fertilizer was 7kg/10a, when doing direct drill seeding on flooded paddy surface in southern plain area of Korea. When using slow-releasing fertilizer 7kg/10a, the protein content became lower, and head rice ratio became higher than that of conventional nitrogen split application method as basal fertilization, top dressing at tillering stage, fertilization at panicle initiation stage.