
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 758

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 중국 운남성 라평현 명가촌(中國雲南羅平縣明格村)대상지로 명가촌의 생태보전 및 지역발전 중심으로 연구를 진행하고 있다. 운남성 라평현의 독특한 계단식 밭 경관(梯田景觀)은 중국의 중요한 농업문화유산이고 매우 높은 보존 가치를 가지고 있다. 운남성 라평현 면가촌에서 살고 있는 포의족(布依族)은 중국의 소수 민족에 속하며, 그 민족의 전통문화와 풍습은 중국의 중요한 무형문화유산으로 보전가치 크다. 중국은 고대부터 다민족 국가였다. 수천 년 간 다른 민족문화와 지역문화가 서로 융합되어 상호 영향력이 중국의 전통문화를 형성했다. 소수 민족의 전통문화는 중국 민족의 전통 문화에서 중요한 부분이다. 운남성 포의족(布依族)은 독특한 의상, 음식, 건축, 무용, 공예 문화를 가지고 있지만 현대문명의 통일화에 따라서 운남 포의족 전통문화가 점차 사라지고 있다. 중국 독특한 소수 민족 문화가 시간에 흐르면서 잊혀지고 없어지는 것은 세계 문화사에 커다란 동정이다. 그래서 포의족 문화의 전승과 보전에 대한 내용도 핵심 내용이다. 현재 명가촌의 농촌마을계획은 장기간 단일화 발전 모델로 이 지역의 보전가치가 큰 계단식 밭경관과 포의족(布依族)의 문화에 대한 고려가 미비하여 점차 사라지고 있다. 본 연구는 명가촌의 경관보전 및 지역발전을 목적으로 연구를 진행하고 있다. 연구내용은 명가촌의 생태마을설계와 무형문화유산의 보전을 기반으로 지역 발전의 활성화 계획을 다루고자 한다. 첫째, 명가촌 생태마을설계에 대한 내용이다. 우선 기존의 농촌마을계획을 진단하였다. 생태마을설계 방향은 자연생태환경과 포의족 전통건축 복원 및 계단식 밭의 보전이다. 둘째, 마을의 무형문화유산 보전방안이다. 농업문화유산은 현대 농업 발전에 중요한 영향을 미치는 매우 중요한 가치를 지니고 있다. 그러나 과학 기술이 꾸준히 발전함에 따라 수천 년 동안 지속되어 온 전통적인 농업은 사라질 위기에 있다. 명가촌 계단식 경작지의 경제적 가치, 생태적 가치, 미학적 가치, 문화적 가치, 과학적 연구 가치 및 사회적 가치와 같은 여러 가치를 가지고 있다. 반면, 면가촌 전통적인 농법은 단지 1차 산업에 국한되어 있고, 계단식 경작지는 경사가 급하고 협소한 폭으로 기계경작이 어려워 농민의 소득과 생활수준을 제한하고 있다. 그런데 이러한 제한요소는 오히려 녹색농업, 유기농업 및 생태농업을 활성화 시킬 수 있는 기회요소가 되고 있다. 계단식 경작지와 연계한 생태관광의 개발을 장려하고, 다자간 경제 보상을 통한 유기농업과 특색 있는 농업을 촉진한다면 지속가능한 발전이 가능하다고 판단된다. 셋째, 명가촌 Permaculture 및 생태관광 모행 도입이다. 1). 전통적 단일농업 → 다양한 산업구조 퍼머컬쳐로 전환(유채 재배업, 유채씨 기름 가공업, 양봉업, 유기농산물 판매 산업) 2). 생태관광 개발 (포의족 전통문화 홍보, 지역수익증가, 생태경관보전)
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study analyzes a case of a rural village development project to identify characteristics of rural landscape plans. The results of the analysis revealed that in the initial stage, rural landscape plans focused on renovating the livingscape, which included walls, vacant houses, and roofs. Beginning in 2010, landscape improvement projects were divided into areas such as the livingscape, and the village landscape, which included the natural landscape, ecological environment, and urban landscape, and planned to preserve the agricultural landscape and enhance under-developed landscapes. According to an analysis of the Sunchang-gun (a county in Jeollabuk-do, South Korea) area development project, the landscape improvement project was planned as a way of formation a new landscape. This indicates that the project was more focused on creating a new specialized landscape consisting of different areas, than it was on improving and maintaining the existing landscape. The livingscape, among all other components of the rural landscape, was addressed the most frequently by landscape projects, which placed emphasis on improving the landscape of the living environment, not the overall landscape of rural villages. Landscape improvement projects implemented tasks to highlight distinctive characteristics of the target area. For instance, the creation of a themed rest area or characteristic streetscape were treated with importance in all areas. However, landscape projects do not significantly contribute to shaping the overall rural landscape, as they focus on separate facilities instead of considering the overall rural landscape. Given that landscape projects constitute the only landscape-related effort in an area or village, they should be more heavily emphasized in rural village development projects.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is on the policy direction settings that can accomplish regional revitalization by continuously developing the various theme of rural tourism and can contribute to the improvement of the quality of life. The recent issues of SDGs are discussed, and their link with rural development, especially with rural tourism, are examined. To be specific, it focuses on healing-type rural tourism that is rising as a new theme in the tourism industry. The results have revealed the possibility of linking the indicators of SDGs and the needed resources for healing rural tourism. Therefore, it is possible to strengthen the rural tourism theme linkage, and to contribute to the regional revitalization through establishment of the detailed action indicators of rural tourism in line with SDGs. However, since research on SDGs is at an early stage, there is a need for further discussion on various examples from the rural tourism field.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 중국 도농관계의 역사적 변화궤적을 근대전환기, 중화민국시대, 마오쩌둥 치하 사회주의시대로 구분해서 추적함으로써 오늘날 중국 도농관계의 역사적 맥락을 조명하고자 하는 연구이다. 근대전환기는 전근대 중국의 도농관계를 특징지었던 사회문화적 연속체가 해체 되고 근대적 도농이분법과 도농불평등의 정치경제적 문화적 단초가 마련되는 시기였다. 중화 민국시대에는 중국경제가 세계 자본주의 체제로 본격적으로 편입되고, 서구로부터 사회진화론의 개념적 프레임이 도입되면서 도농관계가 문화적으로 급격하게 재구성되는 시기였다. 이에 따라 중국의 도시는 진보의 상징이자 모더니티의 소재지로, 농촌은 봉건적 낙후성과 무지 몽매의 장으로 정의되고 재현되기 시작했다. 사회주의시대 중국의 도농관계는 표면적으로 양립 불가능할 것 같은 이념적 양가성을 통해 구성되었고, 이는 문화혁명기에 절정에 이른 상산하향운동을 통해 극적인 형태로 표현되었다. 이 연구를 통해 조명한 중국 도농관계 변화의 역사적 궤적은 오늘날 중국 도농관계의 문화적 구성과 그것이 중국의 정치경제적 문화적 지형에서 갖는 중층적 함의를 이해하는 데 중요한 지적 발판을 제공해줄 것이다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study is to develop suitability site indicator of urban-rural return to fishing and to analysis priority of the indicators. The study is based on literature review, expert survey and AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) methods. This study found 5 factors(natural environment, acceptance environment, social overhead capital, economy, fishing environment) and 21 detail variables. as a result of AHP, fisheries resources, acquisition convenience of fishing license, income(except fishing), attitude of local resident, one-person household income, high income fishing were showed high priority. This result indicate that economic foundation is most important factor for suitable site of the returning.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Highly developed, European industrial countries normally have a dense network of rural highways. The future focus of roadwork in Germany, where there is a high density of 1.6 km of rural highway per km² of land, will involve upgrading and rebuilding rural highways prone to accidents. As new guidelines are not completely relevant for upgrading existing highways and exceptional permits are often required, there is an increasing need to use simulation in the design process to assess discrepancies from the standards and their effect on traffic safety. Using virtual driving (automatically using a defined driver profile or a driving simulator), it is possible to objectively assess expected driving behaviour using characteristic feature graphs and quantitative parameters derived from them. Zwickau University of Applied Sciences has developed a new multi-stage methodology for upgrading rural highways by using a 3D design working place simulator. The highway is automatically retraced using survey data and genetic algorithms in stage 1 (preliminary review) and is broken down into the horizontal and vertical projection design elements. Stage 2 involves determining the shortcomings on the road by superimposing the design elements, the actual accident figures and virtual driving runs. The actual replanning work occurs in stage 3, taking into account the minimum and maximum standard figures for the design elements. The replanning work is feasible, even if the standard figures are not met along parts of the route, but the graph figures, parameters and virtual driving runs prove that there is no reduction in traffic safety. Otherwise, the route needs to be realigned. After finishing the testing period of the hard- and software components, the methodology and the working place can be used from designing engineers for the preparing process of practical projects.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 농촌개발협력 사업을 대상으로 SDSN의 공개작업반이 목표별로 제안하고 있는 SDGs지표와 선진 공여기관 및 국제기구(DFID, FAO, WB, 한국국제협력단 등)들이 사용하고 있는 기존 지표의 연계가능성을 검토하기 위해 동 분야 국내 전문가들을 25명을 대상으로 설문을 실시한 후 결과를 제시하였음. 2. ‘농업·농촌분야 SDG 지표 활용을 통한 성과 측정 방안’으로 중남미 농업·농촌 분야 개발협력 사업별에 대한 SDGs 기여 정도 측정안을 제시하였고, SDGs 성과지표 활용방안 제시를 위해 최근 KOICA가 추진한 중남미 농업·농촌분야 개발협력 사업 중 볼리비아 종합개발사업을 실례로 선정하여 분석하였음. 3. 농촌개발협력사업의 성과관리를 위해 SDGs 성과지표를 선정하고 SDGs 목표에 대한 기여 정도를 정량화하여 시범적으로 적용하는 방안을 제시함으로써 SDGs 목표별 기여 정도를 측정한다면 향후 우리나라의 개발협력 사업이 국제사회에 기여하는 정도를 정량화할 수 있고 , 이러한 방식의 도입은 보다 효과적인 개발협력 사업 추진을 위한 자료 및 정보를 제공하는 측면에서 의미가 있음.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This plan attempts to rigorously analyze the location characteristics and surroundings of the Ungpo village from the perspective of rural landscape planning. On the basis of the analysis, a strategy for developing the village as a rural tourist hub is established by determining characteristic attractions. The ultimate objectives of this plan are to create a good living environment for the local people and provide memorable attractions to visitors, which are expected to increase the incomes and revive local community. In other words, this plan conceives a village that is an attractive place to visit and also a good place to live. The planning procedure included an analysis of the current situation, basic concept, basic plan, and landscape plan. The characteristics of this plan are as follows. First, the natural features and surroundings of the Ungpo village were reflected in designing a rural tourist hub. Second, the current infrastructure was considered in the basic plan to create a sustainable rural tourism environment. Third, a water experience space is included in order to create an amusing and exciting tour. Fourth, the existing facilities will be remodeled to create amenities for visitors. Fifth, the main focus of the plan includes the landscape plan, increasing the visibility of streets, and connecting nearby tourist attractions and the landmark plan around the rural tourism center.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Peru, according to the Census of Students (ECE) carried out by the Ministry of Education at 2016 (MINEDU), there are sustained differences between learning goals in rural and urban schools. There are more than 20 thousand educational robotic kits distributed nationwide. It requires trained teachers to develop their digital competence and integrate these resources into the teaching-learning process. In this context, a virtual course was designed and executed, showing rural teachers how to plan learning sessions that integrate Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their pedagogical practice. The course was validated with 2500 registered teachers. In the first court, 300 did not log into the virtual classroom, 500 did not to complete the course, 1170 remained active, 534 successfully completed the course and 473 gained a certificate through the virtual platform. In the second court, there are 667-registered teachers. The conclusions of the experience indicate that it is possible to implement strategies for electronic learning aimed at rural teachers in a sustainable and cost - effective way using ICT, which spontaneously create virtual communities of collaborative learning, which support the process allowing implementation the "Knowledge Management". This experience will allow us to make recommendations for rural education policy in Peru (Fernández Morales, Iriarte Gómez, Mejía Solano, & Revuelta Domínguez, 2017).
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 최근의 시인들이 농민과 농업, 그리고 농촌에 대해 얼마나 관심을 가지고 작품에 표현하는가 에 대한 경향을 탐구해보는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 오늘날 한국의 농촌은 갈수록 점점 심각한 상황에 처 하고 있다. 사회적 상황이 악화되면, 제일 먼저 시인의 감각에 포착된다고 말해왔다. 그래서 시인을 두 고 ‘시대의 안테나’라고 말하는 것이다. 그런데 최근 시인들의 작품을 보면 농촌에 대한 관심을 보이는 작품들이 충분하지 않다. 농촌을 먹을거리를 생산하는 곳으로만 생각하면 안 될 일이다. 도시인들의 정 서회복의 장소는 결국 농촌이 될 것인데, 농촌의 환경마저도 결코 건강하지 않은 상황이다. 시인들까지 도 제가 먹고 있는 것들의 근원이 어디이고, 근본이 어떠한가에 대한 관심을 갖지 않는다면 사람들을 절 실하게 각성시킬 방법이 없다. 현대시의 논의에서 비평가들은 농민이 직접 쓰는 시를 적극적으로 옹호 하고, 농촌을 소재로 한 시들을 평범한 것으로 취급한다. 이데올로기가 들어있지 않은 ‘농민시’는 강력한 힘을 가지지 못한다는 이유에서다. ‘농촌시’를 평범한 것으로 평가하지 말아야 한다. 소재주의에 빠질 염려가 있다고 해서 ‘농촌시’를 배격해왔는데, 이제는 그런 부류의 시마저도 충분하지 않기 때문이다. ‘농민시’를 고집하지 말고, 농촌의 현실을 절실하게 각성시킬 수 있는 작품들은 어떤 것이든 소중히 여겨야 할 것이다. 농촌시의 본보기가 될 시인들, 예컨대 신경림, 김용택 등이 있다. 이들의 시를 ‘농민시’ 또는 ‘농촌시’로 한정지을 수는 없다. 이들의 시는 농촌에 대한 관심과 성찰을 갖게 한다. 이들의 시는 ‘농민시’와 ‘농촌시’를 차별하는 않아야 한다는 것을 터득하게 한다. 소외된 농촌에 필요한 이데올로기를 담은 ‘농민시’도 필요하지만, 문학적으로 봤을 때 다양한 시대정신을 가진 ‘농촌시’도 더욱 풍성해져야 할 것으로 보인다.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes residents’ views on rural resources and facilities necessary for rural resource development. The data utilized for the analysis is a questionnaire targeting local residents living in Yuchon-ri, Musu-ri, Yudeung-myeon, Sunchang-gun, and Jeollabuk-do. The analysis methods used herein include multi-attribute utility theory, to assess the importance of community resources; variance analysis to determine the importance of developmental directions; and multiple response and cross-analysis to analyze the facilities required for each project. The results are as follows: “Seomjin River”, “specialized crops”, “Oktaek creek”, and the “bike lane along Seomjin River” were rated highly as community resources. Respondents evaluated the developmental directions in descending order of importance, i.e., “cultivating specialized crops”, “fostering environmentally-friendly agriculture”, “processing agricultural specialty products”, “improving rural landscapes”, “revitalizing rural tourism and hands-on experiences” and “ameliorating living environments”. Regarding facilities required for each project respondents prioritized “expanding basic living grounds”, the establishment of “health care maintenance facilities” and the “expansion and paving of village roads”. Also frequently requested were “facilities for increasing local incomes”, the “direct transaction of agricultural products”, “facilities for processing agricultural specialty products” and “establishing a distribution system for agricultural specialty products”. Many respondents also expressed their need for “sales facilities” and “facilities for hands-on experiences” in order to “revitalize rural tourism”. With respect to facilities for “ameliorating local landscapes” respondents wished to “establish community symbolic structures”, “plant roadside trees”, “revamp vacant or deserted properties” and “tidy up the areas surrounding community centers.” Needs were identified such as “education for local residents”, “community leader- fostering training”, and “taking tours of advanced areas” in order to “enhance the capabilities of local areas”, Given such analysis results, it can be seen that local residents place greater emphasis on the rural resource developments whereby they can better increase their revenues. Respondents would like the developmental directions from which they can create value related to producing, processing, and experiencing specialty crops. In order to set the direction for the development of these rural, future research must meticulously examine the resources scattered through rural and create measures that can be directly linked to rural household incomes and regional revenues.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to build a rural landscape industrial network system and establish the roles and relationships of stakeholders within that system. The rural landscape industrial network system was set up systematically, based on five business model components: value proposition, target customer, value chain/organization, delivery design, and revenue stream. The roles and relationships of stakeholders were established using a case study of the typical industrialization using rural landscape. The proposed rural landscape industrial network system consists of core industry, auxiliary industry, and the network service industry that connects the two. It was designed to have a system for landscapes to maintain their rurality, with the mutual effects among government agencies and local governments, specialized organizations, local residents, and visitors all described in the industries. Data from the rural landscape industrial network system proposed in this study can be used as baseline data to set the direction for industrialization using the rural landscape at villages.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The consumption of high-salt foods is an independent risk factor for increased hypertension. Thus, evaluating the relationship of taste sensitivity and pleasantness of high-salt foods such as Korean jang products, would help contribute to an understanding of salty food eating behaviors of the Korean rural elderly. This study aimed to verify the association between taste sensitivity and salinity of Korean jang products, and the preferences of food groups and nutrient intake in the rural elderly. We studied 269 elderly persons (males 83, females 186) aged above 65 years, residing in the rural area, Sunchang gun Jeonbuk. For each subject, a recognition threshold of 4 basic tastes and pleasant concentrations of NaCl were estimated using the sip- and–spit method. Taste preferences, frequency of intake of food groups, nutrient intakes, and salinity and sweetness of Korean jang products (Doenjang, Ganjang, Gochujang) were assessed. No association was found between salt taste recognition threshold and optimally preferred concentration of salt and salinity of Korean jang products. However, the sweet taste recognition threshold was positively related to the sweetness of Korean jang products. Also, the salinity of Doenjang positively correlated with the frequencies of food groups and nutrient intakes. That is to say that the sweet taste sensitivity was related to the sweetness of Korean jang products, but was not sensitive to the salty taste. The salinity of Doenjang correlated with the consumption of food and nutrient intakes. Taken together, these findings suggest the need for appropriate intervention and education to reduce the salinity of Doenjang, which is an important modifiable factor contributing to reducing sodium intake in the rural elderly.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The manufacturing of apparel is the third-largest industry in the world, generating $700 billion annually (Jacobo, 2016). However, over the last 20 years, the US has lost 90% of its apparel manufacturing jobs (Bland, 2013). In response, the US Department of Commerce considers the importance of strengthening American manufacturing to be a key piece of economic recovery. They stated that large manufacturers needed to play a key role in, “cultivating the capabilities of small firms in their supply chains and spurring cross-pollination of expertise across firms” (Supply Chain Innovation: Strengthening Small Manufacturing, 2015, p. 3). This National Science Foundation funded research investigates the development of new, small US cut and sew firms as providing a potentially important link with larger, urban firms in the US apparel manufacturing supply chain. The objectives of this qualitative research are to: 1) ascertain social as well as economic challenges to establishing viable cut and sew firms in two rural US communities; and 2) examine the emerging issues in the apparel manufacturing supply chain; and 3) build propositions for research directions. Theoretical framework From an economic-sociological perspective, business, organizations, are embedded in larger institutional environments (DiMaggio & Powel, 1983, Granovetter, 1985, Meyer & Rowan, 1977, Meyer & Scott, 1983). The firm is seen as a part of a social-economic system with strong ties to others that can offer both business advantages (Di Maggio & Powel, 1983) or disadvantages (Uzzi, 1997). Institutional theory thus links social and cultural meaning systems or norms to the business environment (Handelman & Arnold, 1999). An Institutional theoretical framework proposes that in the economic environment, there are norms or rules that participants are expected to comply with if the organizations involved are to receive support and achieve legitimacy (Arnold, Handelman, & Tigert, 1996). Business owners or managers strive to legitimize their businesses, thus elevating investors’, suppliers’, and potential collaborators’ confidence in their competency to provide the specified products or services. This theory provides a foundation for examining the process through which small startup businesses, particularly rural apparel cut and sew firms, balance economic strategic actions and adherence to societal norms internally within their community and externally across a variety of apparel supply chain businesses located in non-adjacent urban communities. Current approach and preliminary results Using the Institutional theoretical perspective, we follow the initial stages of development for two apparel cut and sew centers in rural communities and their navigation of new businesses into the apparel manufacturing industry. Prior to outsourcing of apparel, many small agricultural-based communities across the state had manufacturing centers that provided income for local community members. Community leaders have long sought ideas for returning light manufacturing to their communities for local investment, job creation, and economic growth. Rural county economic development officers set up community interest meetings to see if there was interest in addressing the apparel industry need for quick speed-to-market and greater quality control through domestic manufacturing located closer to company headquarters within the state. Meetings in two communities, located in the northeastern part of the state, generated interest from local investors who have recently moved to open cut and sew centers. Four additional communities, located in the southeastern section of the state, await proof-of-concept prior to moving forward. Given the larger plan for the centers, the concept of specialization in manufacturing was determined for growth and expansion across the state; thus, one center was focused on woven apparel production and the other on knit apparel production. Cooperation and collaboration were important business values to prevent price competition and to potentially provide fulfillment of large scale orders. Longitudinal approach and research questions To address the objectives of this early stage work we used a case study approach to capture information. Data was collected from US Census Bureau and from interviews with investors, managers, workers, large manufacturing management, industry specialists in sourcing and equipment, as well as individuals connected to economic development and Extension. Please see Table 1. summarizing case study findings and emerging themes. In addition to these findings we employ a method frequently found in the analysis of an institutional theoretical perspective known as event history analysis. In time, this study will measure the temporal and sequential unfolding of unique events that transform the interpretation and meaning of social and economic structures (Steel, 2005; Thorton & Ocasio, 2008). This method will enable accommodation of data at multiple levels of analysis involving the individual (members of the cut and sew centers), organizational (cut and sew center firms), and environment (community and industry interactions). Event history is used to assess the five elementary concepts of – state (dependent variable, cut and sew center continuance), event (defines the transitions or experiences of the cut and sew centers), duration (length of time), risk period (potential for exposure to the particular event), censoring (not experiencing the event) (Vermunt, 2007). Thus far, we have initial case study data and documentation of events for two newly established cut and sew centers, but will continue to collect data as four additional cut and sew centers evolve. The following research questions address the five elementary concepts. We address the following research questions in meeting Objective 1 of this study: RQ 1. What are the social institutional centered events and consequences? RQ 2. How do different economic organizations contribute to firm evolution? RQ 3. What risks are involved that could inhibit or enable firm development? To address Objective 2 of this study, we focus on the following research questions framed around emerging issues expected to shape the apparel industry: RQ 4. What are the local capabilities? RQ 5. What role does technology play in firm emergence and development? RQ 6. How does the speed to market capability evolve? RQ 7. What are the industry expectations for domestic apparel production? Implications Early analyses of the two cut and sew centers highlights commonalities that are central to Institutional theory. In partially addressing Research Questions 1 through 3, we have found that there are several emerging issues that stem from weak or delicate linkages of social and cultural meaning systems or norms to the business environment (Handelman & Arnold, 1999). Though the investors, managers, and workers desire to meet industry expectations, there is a gap between the localized perspective and industry perspectives with neither having a strong understanding as to how to return the production to a domestic process. Years of outsourcing have weakened linkages and knowledge has been lost. Training is needed in commercial sewing, creating connections to industry, sourcing trims, ownership of goods, and pricing the production. Thus, as proposed in an Institutional theoretical framework, there are norms or rules that participants are expected to comply with if the organizations involved are to receive support and achieve legitimacy; however in this business arena, the rules are no longer clearly established. Further, the embeddedness of the cut and sew firms in the communities, though appearing to be currently well supported, may be moved as the cut and sew firms gain linkages beyond the community. In addressing Research Questions 4 through 7, we have found that though the support from the local communities has been strong both socially and financially, the learning curve was steep for both of the cut and sew centers in working with clients and educating clients in the product development process of sample pattern to grading to marker making for production cutting as well as procuring thread, findings, labels, hangtags, and packaging for delivery to stores. The move from home sewing to commercial sewing has involved considerable training of the managers and workers. Training featured understanding of the different machines, threading, and tension issues to ensure quality standards for apparel construction. Collaboration was facilitated by a technical consultant’s interface with an industrial sewing supplier and equipment repair company. Training of one-piece flow manufacturing work improved timing efficiency and quality control. The technical consultant spent days on-site and sewing with the team to solve process flow problems and study quality control issues. Issues of timing and efficient production process revolved around changing thread and adjusting machine and stitch tension for various contracts. Issues also emerged in the supply chain of contract manufacturing. Many of the clients were not ready for production, either due to financial commitments or understanding of the process from designing sample lines to marketing apparel products to retail stores and consumers. This required a change in plans to market the cut and sew center directly to the industry. The industrial sewers were flexible with producing various knit or woven sewn products. Issues related to managing a domestic cut and sew facility involved ensuring that all components were received on time, planning time, and estimating the costs involved with fulfilling manufacturing contracts. Data collection continues as the two established centers advance and four additional centers launch in the next two years. From this initial data and to meet the third objective of this inductive research, we offer propositions that warrant further analyses as the cut and sew centers more through various phases of development. Data will be collected to address propositions. P1 The greater the agreement in norms or rules that guide the apparel supply chain process, the stronger the business relationships among contractors, manufacturers, and cut and sew centers. P2 Legitimization of rural community cut and sew centers among the more urban supply chain members will build collaboration and reduce perceived risk in competency to provide specified products or services. P3 Increased collaboration among rural cut and sew centers in terms of shared knowledge and resources will increase perceived economic benefits to the individual centers and to the rural communities.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate and characterize the visual preferences of Rural Housing Standard Plans, which are expected to increase in demand as the number of households grows, and the effects of those characterizations on people’s choices in selecting home plans. In this study, Munsell values were extracted and analyzed using color analysis, and I.R.I image adjective analysis was performed to identify the color characteristics of each model type. To analyze the effect of the most influential colors among the visual elements in the plans, questionnaires were carried out according to whether color was present or not. There was a correlation between pre-selected frequency of preference and preference of visual preference. The study tallied the number of downloads for each model provided for the site of the farmers’ village and applied a t-test to confirm whether there was a difference in visual preferences. The results were as follows. First, the colors of Rural Housing Standard Plans were N and YR series, and the image analysis results were “Oriental” and “Rural”. Second, analyzing the number of model downloads and visual preferences on the homepage (www.returnfarm.com). Third, in the results of visual preference, the wooden house ranked 2.98-5.13 and the reinforced concrete house ranked 3.68-4.48. Fourth, comparative analysis of selection frequency and visual preference showed that the rankings of the top-ranked plans were similar; all were wooden houses and had similar roof forms. Fifth, the t-test conducted to analyze preferences in the visual elements of the standard design model of rural housing revealed significant differences in preferences for the color, roof form, and size, but no statistically significant differences (at .111) between preferences for structural wooden and reinforced concrete. The reason for this was that the types of wooden and reinforced concrete were not clearly distinguished from each other by photographs. Therefore, analysis suggested that the visual factors influenced the preference of Rural Housing Standard design model. In conclusion, it is necessary to present a model considering visual factors when providing models to urban and rural residents.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The core principles of Korea’s Saemaul Undong, a model of the agricultural and rural development for developing countries, may be summarized as adoption of organizational approach considering spiritual enlightenment, pursuit of visible change through practical innovations, villager’s voluntary participation and self-help, and introduction of competition-based incentive system. The contents of the Saemaul Undong project include agricultural production technology transfer and agricultural infrastructure building as well as spiritual enlightenment and living infrastructure improvement. Based on the situational characteristics of Myanmar, some measures to apply Saemaul Undong approach can be proposed as follows. The scope of Saemaul Undong needs to encompass agricultural technology transfer as well as infrastructure building for improving agricultural production and living environment. Saemaul Undong is not a panacea for rural development, but it can be a guide for developing agriculture and rural areas by helping lessen trial and errors. Mind-set change by Saemaul Undong training and group decision making with village leaders and villagers need to be actively applied to Myanmar. Emphases need to be put on agricultural productivity and income increase as well as living environment improvement considering unique situations of Myanmar. In addition, income increase measures for landless farmers by livestock raising are required. Empowerment, manpower mobilization and material support need to be flexibly applied to rural villages based on their labor market situation. In developing village leaders, partnership with NGOs needs to be emphasized in suburban areas. Systematic evaluation tools need to be developed for identifying determinants of the success of Saemaul Undong.
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