This study studied the characteristics of cultured oyster marketing in Sacheon Bay. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the GULDAE aquaculture is a unique production method of Sacheon Bay. Second, oysters in Sacheon Bay were low in production, but the price was more than 70% higher than in other producing areas. Third, profit is 12.5% higher and rate of return was 179.8%. Fourth, there were more out-of-market sales than other than other producing areas, and it is a bidding method. Fifth, the marketing cost was higher than the longline hanging aquaculture; however, the advantage of price offseted this point. Although the Sacheon Bay Oyster aquaculture is small, it was confirmed that it was a producing area with high profitability and a unique marketing form from other regions. Although the Sacheon Bay Oyster culture is small, it has been confirmed that it is a producing area with high profitability and shows a unique distribution form.
It was turned out by shrimp beam trawl monthly survey from March, 2015 to February, 2016 that different species composition and abundance of the fish assemblages in Sacheon Bay and coastal waters off Namhae, Korea were compared. As a result of monthly measured sea temperature and salinity of Sacheon Bay and coastal waters off Namhae, sea temperature of both areas was changed seasonally; however, differences in sea temperature occurred during certain periods depending on the region. Salinity was generally low in Sacheon Bay affected by fresh water, and both areas was low in summer and high in winter. A total of 73 species representing 37 families were collected in Sacheon Bay. The dominant fish species in terms of numbers and biomass were Liparis tanakae, 23,077 inds./km2, 332.1 kg/km2. A total of 91 fish species representing 49 families were collected in coastal waters off Namhae. The dominant fish species in terms of numbers were Leiognathus nuchalis, 139,683 inds./km2 and biomass were Chelidonichthys spinosus, 1,078.6 kg/km2. Analysis of dendrogram of the clustering showed that Sacheon Bay and coastal waters off Namhae were distinctive featured (global R = 0.691, p = 0.017). And except of summer season (July-October), there was a distinctive feature seasonally (global R = 0.844, p = 0.001). The fish species that appeared in common in both areas, where fish species caught in Sacheon Bay, an important inner bay,were smaller than those caught in coastal waters off Namhae appeared. It presented that Sacheon Bay plays a more important role in spawning and nursery ground for fisheries resource than coastal waters off Namhae, Korea.
A study for species composition and abundance of the fish assemblages in the coastal Sacheon Bay, Korea were conducted using monthly collection by a shrimp beam trawl from March 2015 to February 2016. The number of individuals, biomass and species diversity indices fluctuated with the station and month. Of all 73 species collected, the dominant species in terms of numbers were Liparis tanakae, Zoarces gillii, Amblychaeturichthys hexanema, Ricuzenius pinetorum and Pleuronichys cornutus. The peak number of fishes occurred in March and April, whereas the biomass of fishes was highest in April. The numbers and biomass of fishes were lower in February corresponding with the low temperature, and diversity indices were highest in June. Due to those seasonal difference in abundance of the dominant species, fish community were divided into three main groups. In addition, seasonal difference by station of fish community were devided into four main groups. Juvenile fishes of coastal Sacheon were presented during the study period. It presented that the study area served as an important role in spawning and nursery ground for fisheries resource.
Species composition and seasonal variation of fish assemblage in Sacheon marine ranching, Korea were examined. Sampling was seasonally made by a shrimp trawl from February 2009 to November 2009. A total of 55 species were collected. Of these, five species was dominant species comprising 51.1% of the total number of individuals. Nine species represented 57.3% of the total biomass. While total abundance (number of individuals) was high in spring, total biomass and species richness (number of species) and diversity were high in autumn. Cluster analysis, based on seasonally abundance data of the 21 most common species, showed that the species were separated into 4 different groups. Group A composed of Pholis nebulosa, Pleuronectes yokohamae, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Hexagrammos otakii, Tridentiger trigonocephalus and Paracercis sexfasciata, which were year round residents, group B Congr myriaster, Leiognathus nuchalis, and Platycephalus indicus, which were abundant in autumn, group C Sillago japonica, Pseudaesopia japonica, Zoarces gilli, Pholis fangi, and Pleuronichthys cornutus which were abundant in spring, and group D Sillago sihama, Cociella sp., Johnius grypotus, Cynoglossus joyneri, Cynoglossus robustus, and Pennahia argentata, which were abundant in summer. Principal component analysis revealed that seasonal variation in the fish assemblage was attributed to the abundance of temporal species such as conger and sand smelt fishes, which were abundant in summer, due to seasonal variation of water temperature.
이 연구는 2009년 1월부터 9월까지 총 4회(1월, 4월, 7월 9월) 사천만에서 해수와 표층퇴적물의 세균학 적․이화학적 특성을 조사한 것이다. 조사기간 중에 수온은 5.3∼24.9℃(평균 17.7±0.4℃), 투명도는 1.4∼2.5m(평균 1.8±0.5m), 부유물질 농도는 16.2∼35.8㎎/L(평균 24.2±2.2㎎/L), 화학적산소요구량 (COD)는 1.42~3.29 ㎎O2/L(평균 2.06±0.55 ㎎O2/L), 용존산소(DO)는 6.7∼9.5㎎/L(평균 7.9±0.6 ㎎ /L)로 각각 조사되었다. 대장균군과 분변계대장균의 검출 범위는 <1.8∼7,900 MPN/100mL (GM 214.7 MPN/100mL)과 <1.8∼330 MPN/ 100mL (GM 9.7 MPN/100mL)로 각각 나타났다. 대장균군은 시료의 75.0%, 분변계대장균은 57.1%가 각각 양성을 나타내었다. 대장균군에 대한 분변계대장균의 양성율은 76.2%로 나타났다. 조사기간 중에 사천만에서의 표층퇴적물의 수분함량, 강열감량, COD 및 AVS의 평균 값은 53.28±2.58%, 9.38±0.42%, 14.23±3.36㎎O2/g, 0.09±0.07㎎S/g로 각각 조사되었다.
경상남도 사천시의 백악기 육성퇴적층인 진주층에서는 다양한 종류(막대기형, 멍울형, 층형, 작은 기둥형)의 스트로마톨라이트(stromatolite)가 산출된다. 세계적 산출 경향과는 달리 막대기형 스트로마톨라이트가 대량으로 발견되었다. 이는 나뭇가지에 부착 서식하던 미세조류에 의하여 탄산염 광물이 침전하여 동심원 모앙의 엽층리를 형성하여 생성된 구조이다. EPMA를 이용하여 구성광물, 속성작용, 풍화과정의 진행을 확인했다 일반적인 스트로마톨라이트는 내지성 화석이지만 막대기형 스트로마톨라이트는 외지성 화석으로도 산출될 수 있다는 점에서 특이하다. 전형적인 스트로마톨라이트의 미세 엽층리는 막대기의 포위 부분에 있으며, 여기서 최소 두 종류의 사상체 남조세균(평균 2.2μm와 7.8μm 녹조류(평균 32.3μm 발견하였으며, 이 때 남조세균은 피막 건설자이고, 녹조류는 피막 보조자로 판단되었다. 일부 박테리아에서는 세포사를 발견할 수 있었다.
경상남도 사천 지역에 분포한 백악기 진주층의 비해성(非海成) 퇴적층에서 생흔화석 Protovirgularia McCoy, 1850를 보고한다. 이 지역의 진주층은 주로 호수 환경에서 퇴적된 회색의 이암과 셰일 및 세립질 사암으로 구성되어 있다. 이러한 Protovirgularia의 산출은 비해성 퇴적 환경에서 처음으로 보고되는 것이다.
This study is directed to study of the stratigraphy, sedimentary rocks and depostitional environment of the Jinju Formation in the Jinju-Sacheon area. The Jinju Formation in the area is subdivided into the lower member, middle member and upper member by their lithologic characteristics. Each member of the Jinju Formation is composed mianly of grey arkose sandstone, sandy shale and dark grey shale. A few thin layers of limestone and calcareous shale are intercalated in the upper parts. As in most places, sand shale of the formation shows onionJstructures and contains many nodules. The grain particle analysis of the sandstone samples were obtained moderately sorted, positive skewness and meso-kurtic. The significant sedimentary structures such as the pillow, cone-in-cone, large scale suncrack, ridge-type cross-bedding, cylindrical muddy lime concretion and stromatolites are sampled from the non-marine Cretaceous Jinju Formation in the Kyeongsang basin, Korea. The fades fossils of the Cretaceous snakeflies, freshwater fishes, cyzicuses, cladophlebis spp., and plant stems were excavated from the black shale of the formation. The paleocurrent study, was carried out by means of the statistical analysis of the cross-stratification, ripple mark, slump structure, and parting lineation, which are palecocurrent structure. The investigator presents his own computer programming process for the calculation of statistical parameters. The paleocurrent direction, depositional strike, source area, and the depositional center of the basin of the Jinju Formation are judged to be southeast, northeast, northwest, and southeast, respectively. The depositional environment on the formation in the studied area is determined definitely the fluvial environment in view of the interdisciplinary assessment of the analysis results of paleocurrent structures listed above.
산천지방의 해풍은 사천부근의 지형, 특히 사천만과 소백산맥 등의 지형적인 영향으로 인하여 다음과 같은 특성을 가지고 있다. 1. 해륙풍의 발생빈도는 평균적 98.1일 (26.9%)로 김해지방의 56.8일 (15.5%) 및 부산지방의 65.8일 (19.0%)보다 높으며, 3월이 가장 많고 7월이 가장 작다. 2. 해풍의 평균 발생 시각은 13.3시로서 김해지방 (13.9시)보다 여름철을 제외하고는 빠르게 발생한다. 또, 평균 소면시각은 19.3시로서 김해지방 (20.3시)보다 빠르게 감소하며, 평균 지속시간은 5.9시간으로 김해지방(6.5시간)보다 겨울을 제외하고는 짧게 나타난다. 3. 해풍의 평균풍속은 5.8kts로서 김해지방 (6.8kts)과 부산지방(7.8kts)보다 약하며, 4월(7.7kts)이 가장 강하고 12월(4.8kts)이 가장 약하게 나타난다. 4. 해풍의 고도는 해풍발생과 함께 높아지고 해풍이 소멸되면서 점점 낮아진다. 때때로 21시 이후에도 1000 feet 이상의 고도까지 해풍이 존재한다
맥주맥 사천 006는 두산농산(주) 맥주맥 시험장에서 1970년 내한.조열.양질.다수성을 육종 목표로 하루삔 2조와 북대 002를 교잡한 후 선발.고정된 1계통에 1978년 사천 006의 계통명을 부여하고 1978~'79년까지 지방적응 연락시험을 실시한 결과 조열.양질.다수성인 품종으로 인정되여 1979년 종자 심의에서 경상 전남 및 제주도의 맥주맥 장려품종으로 결정하였는데 그 주요 특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 내한성은 향맥 및 골덴메론보다 다소 강한 편이었다. 2. 출수기는 향맥보다 3일, 골덴메론보다 8일 이 각각 빨랐고, 성숙기는 향맥보다 4일 골덴메론보다 7일 이 각각 빠른 조숙종이다. 3. 간장은 향맥에 비하여 6cm 골덴메론에 비하여 18cm가 각각 짧은 중간종이며 도복은 향맥 및 골덴메론보다 다소 강한 편이었다. 4. m2당 수수는 향맥보다 10본, 골덴메론보다 72본이 각각 많은 수수형 품종이다. 5. 수량은 전 지역에서 증수되었고 향맥에 대비하여 해남에서는 29%, 목포, 광산, 진주에서 각각, 공히 12% 증수로 전 지역에서 평균 15%가 증수되는 품종이다. 6. 양조용 품종에서 향맥 및 골덴메론에 비하여 맥아 수량률은 높고 조단백질과 전질소 및 가용성 질소는 낮으며 Extract 수량이 매우 높은 고전분 저단백 품종으로 극히 양질의 양조 적품종이다.