Swine atrophic rhinitis is a respiratory disease that causes nasal turbinate loss and septal deformation due to Bordetella bronchiseptica and Pasteurella multocida. Turbinate loss facilitates pathogens to infect lungs, which leads to various respiratory diseases and productivity reduction. In this study, descriptive analysis was implemented for atrophic rhinitis and pneumonia. From 6 pig farms shipped to slaughterhouses in Chungbuk province, 20 heads and 20 lungs were collected by each farm from March 2020 to September 2020. Their atrophic rhinitis lesions and lung lesions were scored and blood samples were also collected to test the seroprevalence of several respiratory diseases. Pasteurella multocida from nasal swab was cultured and antibiotic resistance tests were performed. Correlation between atrophic rhinitis scores and lung lesion scores was not found. Abdominal nasal lesions were more severe than dorsal lesions. Differences in lung lesion scores were relatively small between lobes. The score of pneumonia was higher in castrated pigs than in female pigs. There was no relationship between lesion score and seroprevalence of respiratory diseases. Antibiotic resistance levels for Pasteurella multocida differed by farm, and several antibiotics were not effective. The results of this study imply that antimicrobial susceptibility tests are highly recommended before administration.
본 연구는 경기지역 도축돈 및 도축우의 폐렴병변에서 Mycoplasma spp.의 발생 분포를 조사하고자 수행하였다. 부천 소재 도축장에 출하된 소와 돼지의 폐에 대하여 육안적 검사를 하고, 이 중 병변을 보인 소 192두와 돼지 257두의 폐에 대한 PCR 검사 결과, Mycoplasma spp.는 소에서 147두(76.5%), 돼지에서는 203두(80.9%) 에서 각각 검출되었다. 소, 돼지 각각의 Mycoplasma spp.에 대한 세부 primer를 이용한 검사 결과에서는 소에서 M. agalactiae가 16두(8.3%)에서 검출되었으나, M. dispar, M. bovis 및 M. bovirhinis는 검출되지 않았다. 돼지에서는 M. hyo-pneumoniae가 74두(28.8%), M. hyorhinis가 13두(5.1%) 검출되었다. M. hyosynoviae는 검출되지 않았다. 본 연구를 통해 경기지역 도축우 및 도축돈에서 Mycoplasma성 폐렴이 상재하고 있음을 확인하였다.
Staphylococcus (S.) aureus is commonly found on the skin and mucous membranes of animals. Moreover, some isolates producing staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) are also responsible for food poisoning. This study was conducted to explore the prevalence of S. aureus enterotoxin from slaughtered pigs and cattle. A total of 202 carcass swabs were collected from slaughterhouses: 102 samples were taken from slaughtered pigs and 100 were taken from cattle, respectively. Among them, 16 (7.9%) from slaughtered pigs were found to contain S. aureus, while S. aureus was not isolated from any of the slaughtered cattle samples. Additionally, six (37.5%) of the S. aureus isolates contained genes that encode staphylococcal enterotoxin type A. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the management of food-borne pathogens based on differences in the process by which pigs and cattle are slaughtered.
Seven outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) have occurred in South Korea during the period January 2000-September 2015. The Korean government changed national goal to FMD-free country with vaccination after the November 2010 outbreak when approximately 3.5 million cattle and pigs were culled. With regard to vaccination, Korean pig producers have claimed that the occurrence of injection site reaction (inflammatory or non-inflammatory granuloma) is potentially associated with intensive vaccination campaign since 2011. The present study was undertaken to assess the incidence of injection site lesions in slaughtered pigs caused by FMD vaccination and the corresponding economic losses. Data obtained from two meat packers were classified into 3 vaccination periods: non-vaccination (July-November, 2010, n=96,959); one injection (July-November, 2014, n=162,089); and two injections (March-July, 2015, n=161,928). A total of 420,976 carcasses from 6,526 farms were analyzed. The incidence of the lesions was 18.6% for non-vaccination, 46.5% for one injection, and 73.7% for two injections. Economic loss per head slaughtered due to removal of the lesions was estimated to 1,302 won (US$ 1.1) for non-vaccination, 8,286 won (US$ 7.2) for one injection, and 17,378 won (US$ 15.1) for two injections (converted using 2015 exchange rate where Korean won 1,150 = 1 US$). It was estimated that the national annual losses excluding costs of an FMD vaccine and its application is US$ 115 million for one injection and US$ 241 million for two injections. The adoption of measures that cause minimal tissue damages and economic losses would appear to be of high priority.
The antimicrobial susceptibility of the 41 Bordetella bronchiseptica isolates was tested by using the Kirby-Bauer agar disk diffusion method. The B. bronchiseptica isolates were found to be sensitive to amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (100%), gentamicin (100%), neomycin (100%) and amikacin (97.6%), whereas they were resistant to streptomycin (100%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (100%), penicillin (100%) and ampicillin (97.6%). All the B. bronchiseptica isolates resisted to at least 4 antimicrobial agents and totally 8 different combinations of multiple antibiotic resistance patterns were noted. All of the B. bronchiseptica isolates, except one, were simultaneously resistant to streptomycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, penicillin and ampicillin. The observed antibiotic resistance is not plasmid mediated as plasmids were absent from all the B. bronchiseptica isolates.