
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 8

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ethyl formate (EF) is a naturally occurring insecticidal compound and is used to control pests introduced from abroad, in quarantine, by a fumigation method. In particular, it is mainly used as a substitute for methyl bromide and is less toxic to humans and less harmful to plants. This study aimed to investigate the possible acute toxicity of EF to useful organisms, and how to reduce phytotoxicity in watermelon, zucchini, and oriental melon. After fumigation with EF for 2 h, the LC50 values for earthworms, honey bees, and silkworms were 39.9, 7.09, and 17.9 g m-3, respectively. The degree of susceptibility to EF was in the order of earthworms, silkworms, and honey bees based on the LC50 value, and EF fumigation induced stronger acute toxicity to honey bees. Phytotoxicity was observed in watermelon leaves treated with a concentration of 7.5 g m-3 EF, and when treated with a concentration of 10.0 g m-3, it was confirmed that the edges of watermelon leaves were charred and seemed to be damaged by acids. Zucchini and melon, and other cucurbits, showed strong damage to the leaves when treated with a concentration of 10 g m-3, and sodium silicate, at concentrations of 10% and 20%, was used to reduce phytotoxicity. Therefore, acute toxicity towards nontarget organisms and phytotoxicity during the fumigation of EF should be reduced for efficient agricultural pest control.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study assessed effective strategies to reduce the sodium intake among consumers using pork cutlet sauce as a model food system. Original pork cutlet sauce and sodium-reduced sauce (29% reduced by a salt substitute) were analyzed to characterize the sensory properties using descriptive analysis. The effects of sodium-reduction of the sauce, consumer type (nutrition teachers vs. general consumers), information related to the sodium content, serving method, and consumer’s health, taste and sodium-related attitudes on the consumer’s preference, perception, and intake of the sauce were analyzed using a consumer test. In descriptive analysis, the original and sodium-reduced sauce showed similar sensory characteristics but did not differ in saltiness. In the consumer test, there were no significant differences in the overall preference levels between the two sauces. On the other hand, there were significant differences in preference and perception between nutrition teachers and general consumer groups, which were due largely to their age as well as the health and sodium-related attitudes and nutritional knowledge differences. Sodium-reduced information decreased the perceived saltiness intensity. In addition, reducing sodium intake by serving pork cutlet sauce in a bottle can be an effective strategy because this serving method increased the acceptance and induced the smaller intake of sauce.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to provide direction in the improvement of sodium labeling in an effort to reduce consumption. We surveyed confirmation and importance of food labeling and nutrition information and we also analyzed the willingness to pay on new nutrients labeling. Consumers checked the sell-by-date, product name, method of intake, but not nutritional information. They also checked for calories and carbohydrates but they were not interested in sodium, sugar, and trans fat which are health hazard nutrients. It is necessary to improve nutrition labeling, because consumers are experiencing difficulties in obtaining sodium information under the nutrition labeling system. Consumers will pay about 0.66% more if new sodium labeling is introduced. In conclusion, food labeling system can be improved by smooth and efficient access of information. for health-hazard nutritional components, such as sodium, it is important to introduce policies that reduce their intake. This can be done by providing consumers with clear and concise information. The social costs of high sodium intake could be reduced, hence improving the national health.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 영양부추의 미생물학적 안전성을 확보하기 위하여 이산화염소와 차아염소산나트륨을 이용하여 미생물의 저감효과를 분석하고, 최적의 영양부추와 소독제의 비율을 결정하기 위하여 수행하였다. 이를 위하여 영양부추에 E. coli, Salmonella spp., S. aureus, B. cereus을 7.0 log CFU/g 정도로 접종 한 후 이산화염소는 3, 5, 10, 25, 100 ppm 차아염소산나트륨은 100, 150, 200 ppm에서 5, 10, 30, 60분간 처리하였으며, 또한 유기물이 이산화염소와 차아염소산나트륨의 효과에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 영양부추와 소독제를 1 : 2, 1 : 4, 1 : 9, 1 : 19 비율로 처리 하여 소독제의 효과를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 소독제의 농도에 따른 저감효과는 차아염소산나트륨 150 ppm, 이산화 염소 50 ppm으로 30분간 처리시 일반세균수는 2.0 log CFU/ g 정도 감소효과를 나타내었으며, 식중독세균은 차아염소 산나트륨 100 ppm, 이산화염소 3 ppm에서 약 2.0 log CFU/g 정도 감소효과를 보였다. 한편, 이산화염소의 경우 50 ppm 으로 30분간 영양부추를 처리할 경우 탈색 등 상품성이 저하되어 현장 적용이 어렵다고 판단되었다. 또한 영양부 추와 소독제 처리 비율에 따른 미생물 저감효과는 일반세 균의 경우 1 : 4에 비하여 1 : 9에서 유의적으로 높은 저감 효과를 보였다(p < 0.05). 확립된 기술을 영양부추 생산농 장에 적용한 결과 일반세균수의 경우 2.7 log CFU/g, 대장 균군의 경우 4.0 log CFU/g의 감소효과를 보였다. 따라서 영양부추를 세척이후 차아염소산나트륨 150 ppm에서 1 : 9 정도의 비율로 30분간 침지하면 미생물 안전성을 향상시 킬 수 있으며, 최종 소비자에게 보다 안전한 부추의 공급이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2015.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 양조간장만을 사용하여 음식 내에 소금을 대체하고 나트륨의 사용량을 줄여 섭취를 줄일 수 있는지 를 알아보기 위하여 샐러드 드레싱에 소금과 양조간장의 사용량을 달리하여 전반적인 맛과 짠맛의 차이를 비교하고 나트륨 분석을 통해 정량적인 나트륨 감소량에 대해 살펴 보았다. 소금을 사용하였을 경우 가장 선호하는 샐러드 드레싱의 나트륨 함량은 3.85±0.03 g/L이었으며, 양조간장 을 사용하였을 경우에는 0.68±0.02 g/L이었고, 0.53±0.01- 0.68±0.02 g/L의 농도에서는 소금을 사용하였을 때와 전반 적인 맛에 있어서 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다(p<0.05). 짠맛의 차이에 대한 평가에 있어서 소금을 사용하였 때와 가장 비슷한 짠맛을 나타낸 실험구의 나트륨의 농도는 0.53±0.01 g/L로 나타났으며, 짠맛 차이에 있어서도 전반적 인 맛의 차이에서와 같은 범위의 나트륨 농도에서 유의적 인 차이를 보이지 않았다(p<0.05). 소금을 대신하여 양조간 장만을 사용할 경우 전반적인 맛에 있어서는 약 82.4%, 짠맛에 있어서는 86.2%의 나트륨 함량을 줄일 수 있었다. 이러한 결과는 양조간장 내에는 짠 맛을 증진하는 것으로 알려진 단백질, 펩타이드, 유기산 및 간장 고유의 향 이외 에도 짠맛을 증진시킬 수 있는 새로운 물질이 존재할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the effects of lactic acid spray, hot water spray, or their combined treatment, as well as the effects of acidified sodium chlorite (ASC), for the decontamination of Escherichia coli on beef carcass surfaces using a commercial intervention system. With this system, the effects of 2 or 4% lactic acid (v/v), hot water (89±1oC), or their combined treatment, were examined in terms of reducing inoculated E. coli. ASC (266 ppm), which was adjusted to pH 2.5 using acetic acid or citric acid, was applied using a hand-held spray system. When the beef carcasses were treated with 2 or 4% lactic acid for 10.4 s, less than 1 log reductions of inoculated E. coli were observed. A hot water spray treatment for 9.8 s resulted in a 2.1 log reduction of inoculated E. coli. However, when the hot water was followed with either 2 or 4% lactic acid, no difference in E. coli reduction was found between the hot water alone or the combined treatment with lactic acid. When ASC was adjusted to pH 2.5 with acetic acid and citric acid, 3.8 and 4.1 log reductions of E. coli were observed, respectively. Overall, the lactic acid spray treatment was least effective, and the ASC treatment was most effective, for the E. coli decontamination of beef carcasses. Therefore, these data suggest that ASC would be a more effective intervention against E. coli than most of the methods currently being used. However, more research is required to evaluate the effects of ASC on other organisms, as well as to identify application methods that will not affect meat quality.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sodium carboxymethylcellulose(SCMC)와 Hyaluronic acid(HA)가 수정란 이식 및 채란을 위한 복강 수술 후 생식기의 유착 방지 효과 여부를 확인하기 위하여 본 실험을 수행하였다. 실험 동물로 성숙한 암컷 한국 흑염소 20두를 대조군, saline 투여군, SCMC 1%, SCMC 2% 및 HA 0.4% 투여군에 각각 4마리씩 배치하였다. 수정란 채취를 위한 통상적인 방법의 수술을 시행한 후 약물 주입용 카테터를 절