선박운항의 효율성을 감소시키는 생물부착(biofouling)을 방지하기 위해 사용되는 방오시스템(antifouling system)은 연안의 선체 수리, 해상 부착생물 제거 및 재 페인팅과정에서 해양으로 유출될 수 있다. 이에 대한 법적규제는 마련되어 있지 않아, 해양 생태계에 부정적인 영향을 초래할 할 수 있을 것으로 우려되고 있다. 선체청소배출수에 포함된 오염화학 물질과 관련된 잠재적인 독성 위험이 우려됨에도 불구하고, 이에 대한 생물의 독성영향을 보고한 사례는 매우 제한적이다. 본 연구에서는 선체청소배출수에 노출된 넙치 수정란에 대한 발생독성영향을 분석하였다. 현장에서 실제 선체를 청소한 배출수를 채집하여 원수(wastewater)와 페인트 입자를 제거한 여과한 폐수(0.45 μm Lab filter wastewater)로 나누어, 희석 배율(10배, 100배, 1000배)에 따른 치사 및 아치사 수준의 생태독성영향을 평가하였다. 선체청소배출수의 화학조성은 결과, 구리(Cu), 철(Fe), 아연(Zn)이 높은 농도로 확인되었다. 선체청소배출수에 노출된 모든 실험구의 사망률은 유의한 차이가 없었으나, 심장 부종, 척추만곡, 꼬리지느러미 기형, 발달 지연의 아치사 수준의 형태발생기형 영향이 나타난 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 노출 6시간 후 전사체분석을 통해 독성기작을 분석한 결과, 선체청소배출수에 노출된 넙치 배아에서는 Nervous system development, Cell development, Muscle development, Animal organ development pathway와 관련된 유전자들이 유의하게 차등 발현되었다. 본 연구 결과는 선체청소배출수가 연안에 서식하는 넙치의 발생에 미치는 급성독성영향을 규명하여, 연안 해양환경을 보호하기위한 선체청소배출수의 관리기준 마련에 유용한 정보로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.
Over the past decade, there has been global expansion in the advancement of underwater cleaning technology for ship hulls. This methodology ensures both diver safety and operational efficiency. However, recent attention has been drawn to the harmful effects of ship hull-cleaning wastewater on marine animals. It is anticipated that this wastewater may have various impacts on a wide range of organisms, potentially leading to populationand ecosystem-relevant alterations. This concern is especially significant when the wastewater affects functionally important species, such as aquaculture animals and habitat-forming species living in coastal regions, where underwater cleaning platforms are commonly established. Despite this, information on the ecotoxicological effects of this wastewater remains limited. In this mini review, we discuss the adverse effects of wastewater from in-water cleaning processes, as well as the current challenges and limitations in regulating and mitigating its potential toxicity. Overall, recent findings underscore the detrimental effects posed by sublethal levels of wastewater to the health status of aquatic animals under both acute and chronic exposure.
The production process of ultra-pure water (UPW) involves dozens of unit processes such as reverse osmosis (RO), pretreatments, membrane degasifier, and several ion exchange processes. Recently, continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) has replaced the 2-bed and 3-tower (2B3T) ion exchange process. As a result, the majority of wastewater in UPW production now comes from the RO concentrate. The important of RO in UPW production is to produce high-quality water with a low ion concentration (around 1 mg/L) for CEDI feed water. Minimizing RO concentrate is essential to reduce the wastewater produced in the UPW production process. This can be achieved by maximizing the recovery of the RO system. However, increasing the recovery is limited by the water quality of the RO permeate. To ensure high-quality permeate water, the RO system is designed with a two-pass configuration. The recovery of each pass in the RO system is limited (e.g., < 85%) due to the expected increase in permeate water concentration at higher RO feed water concentrations. Interestingly, tests using 4-inch RO modules with low concentration feed water (≤ 35 mg/L as NaCl) revealed that the permeate concentration remains almost constant regardless of the feed water concentration. This implies that the recovery of the first RO pass can be increased as long as the average feed/concentrate concentration of the second RO pass is less than 35 mg/L. According to this design criterion for the RO system, the recovery of the first and second RO pass, with a feed water concentration of 250 mg/L as NaCl, can be increased up to 94.8% and 96.0%, respectively. Compared to the conventional RO system design (e.g., 70% and 80% for the first and second RO pass) for UPW production, this maximum recovery design reduces the volume of RO feed and concentrate by up to 38.4% and 89.2%, respectively.
본 연구에서는 하수 재이용을 위한 역삼투막 공정에서 전처리 정밀여과막(MF) 손상에 대한 누출되는 다양한 수 질변화로써 막 손상 검지 방안을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 역삼투막 유입수질 적합성 평가지표인 SDI (silt density index)를 3에서 5의 범위 내에서 막 손상 시 검지 감도를 정량화하기 위하여 전처리 분리막이 1에서 3가닥 파단에 따라 SDI는 1.92에 서 6.11까지 증가한 결과를 확인할 수 있었다. 일반적으로 3을 기준으로 역삼투막 유입수질로 설정하였을 때 분리막이 3가닥 까지 파단이 되어야만 막 손상 검지가 가능하다는 것을 의미하며 역삼투막의 오염은 잠재적으로 가속화되어 효율을 저하시 킬 수 있다. 또한 이때 누출되는 입자성과 유기물질에 대하여 0.45 μm 이상의 크기만 걸러주는 입자계수는 입도분포별 막 파 단 개수에 따라 일정한 패턴을 확인할 수 없었으며, TOC 농도는 약 2배의 변화패턴으로써 SDI와의 상관관계로써 TOC가 막 손상 수질지표로써 신뢰성이 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 수질분석결과와 더불어 USEPA에서 제시하는 막 손상 검지 방법 중 압력손실시험과 이를 기반으로 LRVDIT 모델의 적합성 평가를 한 결과 막 손상 또는 역삼투막 공정으로 유입되는 막오염물질 을 신속하게 확인할 수 있는 SDI 및 TOC를 포함한 LRVDIT 모니터링과 UCL 설정을 병행해야 한다.
본 연구는 점오염원인 하수종말처리장으로부터 배출되는 물의 수질을 분석하고 배출수의 영향을 받는 어류 중 지점들에서 공통적으로 출현하는 어종인 피라미 (Z. platypus) 를 선택하여 조직학적 변화를 참조하천 지점의 수질과 어류 조직을 비교·분석하였다. 2019년 6월 27~28일 하수종 말처리장 4곳 (대전, 전주, 청주, 익산)의 채집 결과, 참조하 천에서 22종 450개체로 가장 많은 종수 및 개체수가 확인 되었다. 지점별로 5개체씩 2~3년생 피라미의 조직표본을 제작하여 아가미와 근육조직 (피부조직)을 관찰한 결과, 참조하천을 제외한 나머지 지점의 조직은 병리적인 양상을 나타내었다. 수질분석 결과, 각 WTP에서는 배출수질 기준을 준수 혹은 더 좋은 수질로 방류하고 있었다. 그러나 하수종말처리수 배출수 및 방류수계 수질에서 오염도지표를 나타내는 항목인 BOD, COD, TP, TN, SS 값이 참조하천에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났다. 빈약한 어류상과 바이오마커로 이용된 종의 조직병리학적 상태는 참조하천에 비해 낮은 수질에서 기인한 것으로 추측되며, 따라서 원인이 되는 하수종말처리장 배출수 수질개선이 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료된다.
축산 폐수는 고농도의 영양염류와 중금속을 함유하고 있어, 배출될 때 수질을 악화시킨다. 기존 처리 기술과 비교하여 bioremediation은 축산 폐수 처리에 유능하다. 특히, 미세조류는 오염물질 제거에 잠재력을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 Ankistrodesmus bibraianus를 이용하여 축산 폐수 내 영양염류 (질소 (N), 인 (P))와 중금속 (구리 (Cu), 아연 (Zn))의 제거 가능성을 평가하고, A. bibraianus의 최적배양조건을 확립하였다. 연구결과, 최적 배양조건은 28°C, pH 7, 광주기는 14 : 10 h로 설정되었다. N과 P의 단일 처리구 (500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 mg L-1)에서 제거효율은 각각 22.9~80.6%와 11.9~50.0%였다. 또한, N과 P의 복합 처리구에서 제거효율은 각각 16.4~58.3%와 7.80~49.8%였다. Cu와 Zn의 단일 처리구 (10, 30, 50 mg L-1)에서 제거효율은 각각 15.5~81.5%와 6.28~34.3%였다. 유사하게, Cu와 Zn의 복합 처리구에서 제거효율은 각각 16.7~74.5%와 5.58~27.5%였다. 또한 영양염류 (N 및 P)와 중금속 (Cu 및 Zn)의 성장 및 제거효율을 축산 폐수에 적용할 수 있음을 나타냈다. 본 연구의 결과에 따르면 A. bibraianus는 축산 폐수 내 영양염류와 중금속 제거에 이용할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
The proper operation and safety management of water and wastewater treatment systems are essential for providing stable water service to the public. However, various natural disasters including floods, large storms, volcano eruptions and earthquakes threaten public water services by causing serious damage to water and wastewater treatment plants and pipeline systems. Korea is known as a country that is relatively safe from earthquakes, but the recent increase in the frequency of earthquakes has increased the need for a proper earthquake management system. Interest in research and the establishment of legal regulations has increased, especially since the large earthquake in Gyeongju in 2016. Currently, earthquakes in Korea are managed by legal regulations and guidelines integrated with other disasters such as floods and large storms. The legal system has long been controlled and relatively well managed, but technical research has made limited progress since it was considered in the past that Korea is safe from earthquake damage. Various technologies, including seismic design and earthquake forecasting, are required to minimize possible damages from earthquakes, so proper research is essential. This paper reviews the current state of technology development and legal management systems to prevent damages and restore water and wastewater treatment systems after earthquakes in Korea and other countries. High technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles, wireless networks and real-time monitoring systems are already being applied to water and wastewater treatment processes, and to further establish the optimal system for earthquake response in water and wastewater treatment facilities, continuous research in connection with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, including information and communications technologies, is essential.
Traditional wastewater research mainly focuses on 1) estimating the amount of waste entering sewage treatment facilities, 2) evaluating the treatment efficiency of sewage facilities, 3) investigating the role of sewage treatment effluent as a point source, and 4) designing and managing sewage treatment facilities. However, since wastewater contains a variety of chemical and biological substances due to the discharge of human excreta and material used for daily living into it, the collective constituents of wastewater are likely a reflection of a community’s status. Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), an emerging and promising field of study that involves the analysis of substances in wastewater, can be applied to monitor the state of a defined community. WBE provides opportunities for exploiting indicators in wastewater to fulfill various objectives. The data analyzed under WBE are those pertaining to selected natural and anthropogenic substances in wastewater that are a result of the discharge of metabolic excreta, illicit or legal drugs, and infectious pathogens into the wastewater. This paper reviews recent progress in WBE and addresses current challenges in the field. It primarily discusses several representative applications including the investigation of drug consumption across different communities and the management of community disease and health. Finally, it summarizes established indicators for WBE.
인간의 삶과 발전에 있어 물은 생명의 기원이며, 국토의 피와 같다. 물의 공급과 오수의 처리는 국민이 마땅히 누려야 할 건강한 삶의 첫걸음이다. 통일을 바라보는 이때 (사)대한상하수도학회는 회원(사)의 역량을 발휘할 기회와 성실한 노력에 대한 당연한 보상을 기획하고 이의 제도화를 노력하여 우리학회가 회원(사)와 국가발전에 기여하도록 한다. 이에 상하수도 발전에 대한 전략과 안목이 중요함을 인식하고 미래비젼을 공유하고 설득하여 상하수도에 종사하는 회원(사)의 자부심을 공유한다.
상하수도는 깨끗한 물을 공급하고 오염된 물을 처리하는 기본 개념은 변함이 없으나, 이를 구현하는 방법은 정보와 과학의 발전에 따라 지속적으로 발전하고 있다. 또한 역동적인 사회발전에 따라 국민의 요구수준이 높아지고 있으므로 우리학회는 이에 부응하고, 상하수도 산업발전을 선도한다.
국민복지의 근간이 되는 물과 직접 관련된 학회로서 국가의 정책이슈를 이끌고, 세계의 기술동향을 파 악하여 이에 대응하고 또 회원의 발전을 도모하는 것이 대한상하수도학회가 견지하는 대한민국 상하수도업에 대한 미래비젼이다.
본 총설은 다양한 저널 게재 논문으로부터 분리막 및 광촉매의 혼성 정수/하수 처리 공정을 요약하였다. 이 총설에는 (1) 분리막 광촉매 반응기(membrane photoreactor, MPR), (2) 분리막 결합 광촉매 공정에서 막오염 관리, (3) 유기 오염 물의 분해를 위한 광촉매 분리막 반응기, (4) 정수처리용 막분리 공정과 광촉매 분해의 결합, (5) 휴믹산 분해를 위한 광촉매 및 세라믹 막여과의 혼성공정, (6) 활성슬러지 여과를 위한 한외여과의 막오염에 이산화티타늄 나노입자의 영향, (7) 정수처 리용 광촉매 및 정밀여과의 혼성시스템, (8) 선박 평형수 처리용 한외여과 및 광촉매의 혼성공정 및 (9) 분리막 및 광촉매 코팅 프로필렌 구의 혼성수처리 공정이 포함되어 있다.
Water and wastewater treatment has always been a challenging task due to the continuous increase in amount and the change in characteristics of the poorly biodegradable and highly colored organic matters, as well as harmful micro-organisms. Advanced techniques are therefore required to successfully remove these pollutants from water before reuse or discharge to receiving water bodies. Application of ozone, which is a powerful oxidant and disinfectant, alone or as part of advanced oxidation process depends on the complex kinetic reactions and the mass transfer of ozone involved. Micro- and nano bubbling considerably improves gas dissolution compared to conventional bubbles and hence mass transfer. It can also intensify generation of hydroxyl radical due to collapse of the bubbles, which in turn facilitates oxidation reaction under both alkaline as well as acidic conditions. This review gives the overview of application of micro- and nano bubble ozonation for purification of water and wastewater. The drawbacks of previously considered techniques and the application of the hydrodynamic ozonation to synthetic aqueous solutions and various industrial wastewaters are systematically reviewed.
Pulp and paper industry produces large volumes of wastewater and residual sludge waste, resulting in many issues in relation to wastewater treatment and sludge disposal. Contaminants in pulp and paper wastewater include effluent solids, sediments, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biological oxygen demand (BOD), which should be treated by wastewater treatment processes such as coagulation and biological treatment. However, few works have been attempted to predict the treatment efficiency of pulp and paper wastewater. Accordingly, this study presented empirical models based on experimental data in laboratory-scale coagulation tests and compared them with statistical models such as artificial neural network (ANN). Results showed that the water quality parameters such as turbidity, suspended solids, COD, and UVA can be predicted using either linear or expoential regression models. Nevertheless, the accuracies for turbidity and UVA predictions were relatively lower than those for SS and COD. On the other hand, ANN showed higher accuracies than the emprical models for all water parameters. However, it seems that two kinds of models should be used together to provide more accurate information on the treatment efficiency of pulp and paper wastewater.
The sewage and wastewater (SAW) are a well-known major source of eutrophication and greentide in freshwaters and also a potential source of thermal pollution; however, there were few approaches to thermal effluent of SAW in Korea. This study was performed to understand the behavioral dynamics of the thermal effluents and their effects on the water quality of the connected streams during winter season, considering domestic sewage, industrial wastewater and hot spring wastewater from December 2015 to February 2016. Sampling stations were selected the upstream, the outlet of SAW, and the downstream in each connected stream, and the water temperature change was monitored toward the downstream from the discharging point of SAW. The temperature effect and its range of SAW on the stream were dependent not only on the effluent temperature and quantity but also on the local air temperature, water temperature and stream discharge. The SAW effects on the stream water temperature were observed with temperature increase by 2.1~5.8℃ in the range of 1.0 to 5.5 km downstream. Temperature effect was the greatest in the hot spring wastewater despite of small amount of effluent. The SAW was not only related to temperature but also to the increase of organic matter and nutrients in the connected stream. The industrial wastewater effluent was discharged with high concentration of nitrogen, while the hot spring wastewater was high in both phosphorus and nitrogen. The difference between these cases was due to with and without chemical T-P treatment in the industrial and the hot spring wastewater, respectively. The chlorophyll-a content of the attached algae was high at the outlet of SAW and the downstream reach, mostly in eutrophic level. These ecological results were presumably due to the high water temperature and phosphorus concentration in the stream brought by the thermal effluents of SAW. These results suggest that high temperature of the SAW needs to be emphasized when evaluating its effects on the stream water quality (water temperature, fertility) through a systematized spatial and temporal investigation.
Understanding effects of thermal pollution and acidification has long been a concern of aquatic ecologists, but it remains largely unknown in Korea. This study was performed to elucidate the effects of thermal wastewater effluent (TWE) and acid rain on water quality and attached algae in a small mountain stream, the Buso Stream, a tributary located in the Hantan River basin. A total of five study sites were selected in the upstream area including the inflowing point of hot-spring wastewater (HSW), one upstream site (BSU), and three sites below thermal effluent merged into the stream (1 m, 10 m and 300 m for BSD1, BSD2, and BSD3, respectively). Field surveys and laboratory analyses were carried out every month from December 2015 to September 2016. Water temperature ranged 1.7~28.8°C with a mean of 15.0°C among all sites. Due to the effect of thermal effluent, water temperature at HSW site was sustained at high level during the study period from 17.5°C (January) to 28.8°C (September) with a mean of 24.2±3.7°C, which was significantly higher than other sites. Thermal wastewater effluent also brought in high concentration of nutrients (N, P). The effect of TWE was particularly apparent during dry season and low temperature period (December~March). Temperature effect of TWE did not last toward downstream, while nutrient effect seemed to maintain in longer distance. pH ranged 5.1~8.4 with a mean of 6.9 among all sites during the study period. The pH decrease was attributed to seasonal acid rain and snow fall, and their effects was identified by acidophilic diatoms dominated mainly by Eunotia pectinalis and Tabellaria flocculosa during March and August. These findings indicated that water quality and periphyton assemblages in the upstream region of Buso Stream were affected by thermal pollution, eutrophication, and acidification, and their confounding effects were seasonally variable.
Euiam and Paldang Reservoirs have often been facing water quality problems, such as eutrophication, algal blooms and off-flavors by treated wastewater effluent (TWE) in the North-Han and the Han River basins, but little is examined on the direct biological effect of TWE. This study tested algal growth potential (AGP) of four TWEs discharged into Euiam and Paldang Reservoirs to evaluate water fertility in September 2014 and March and September 2015. Test alga was used Anabaena circinalis isolated from Paldang Reservoir. Mean concentration of T-N and T-P in TWEs was 3,956.7 μg N L-1 and 50.8 μg P L-1, and the proportion of NO3-N and PO4-P to the total fraction was 72.1% and 40.8%, respectively. Both N and P were high in TWEs, but much higher N than P concentration indicates strong P-limitation. As a consequence, the maximum AGP was determined by PO4-P concentration (r=0.998, p<0.01). Mean AGP value was 15.4 mg dw L-1 among four effluents indicating its eutrophic condition. Due to the establishment of tertiary (advanced T-P) treatment method in the studied plants recently, P concentration was significantly decreased in TWEs compared to the years prior to 2012. However, P concentration seems to be still high enough to cause eutrophication and algal blooms. Therefore, wastewater treatment to P-free level needs to be considered if effluents are directly discharged into the drinking water resources.
There has been an accelerating increase in water reuse due to growing world population, rapid urbanization, and increasing scarcity of water resources. However, it is well recognized that water reuse practice is associated with many human health and ecological risks due to numerous chemicals and pathogenic microorganisms. Especially, the potential transmission of infectious disease by hundreds of pathogenic viruses in wastewater is one of the most serious human health risks associated with water reuse. In this study, we determined the response of different bacteriophages representing various bacteriophage groups to chlorination in real wastewater in order to identify a more reliable bacteriophage indicator system for chlorination in wastewater. Different bacteriophages were spiked into secondary effluents from wastewater plants from three different geographic areas, and then subjected to various doses of free chlorine and contact time at 5˚C in a bench-scale batch disinfection system. The inactivation of φX174 was relatively rapid and reached ∼4 log10 with a CT value of 5 mg/L*min. On the other hand, the inactivation of bacteriophage PRD1 and MS2 were much slower than the one for φX174 and only ~1 log10 inactivation was achieved by a CT value of 10 mg/L*min. Overall, the results of this study suggest that bacteriophage both MS2 and PRD1 could be a reliable indicator for human pathogenic viruses for chlorination in wastewater treatment processes and water reuse practice.
The object of this study is to investigate the relationship between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number (TON) method for evaluating the odor of domestic wastewater, plating plant wastewater, food plant wastewater and lake water. The dilution factor of raw wastewater evaluated by the air dilution sensory test was in the order of food plant > plating plant > domestic > lake, and that evaluated by the threshold odor number method was in the order of food plant > domestic > plating plant > lake. The same results were obtained when the raw wastewater and lake water were diluted 2 and 5 times with pure water. The relative geometric standard deviation determined from the threshold values of each panel on the air dilution sensory test was much larger than that calculated from results derived from the threshold odor number method. The relative geometric standard deviation obtained from samples with a low dilution factor was greater. There was a very good linear correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.968~1.000) between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number method. But, the reduction in odor intensity (the slopes of regression curves) by dilution was dependent on the types of the odor-emission sources.
본 연구는 시설하우스에서 비점오염원으로 인해 배출되는 오염된 농업배수를 인공습지에서 효과적으로 처리하기 위한 기초자료를 확보하기 위해 인공습지에서 여재종류, 조합방법 및 부하량에 따른 오염물질 정화효율을 평가하였다. 인공습지의 조합방법은 수직-수평흐름조, 수평-수직흐름조, 수평-수직-수평흐름조 및 수직-수평-수평흐름조로 구분하여 설계 및 시공하였으며, 여재는 왕사, 쇄석, 방해석 및 혼합여재로 구분하여 각 조에 충진하였다. 또한 농업배수 부하량을 150, 300, 600 L m-2 day-1으로 달리하여 오염물질의 처리효율을 조사하였다. 조합방법별 수처리효율은 HF-VF-HF 조합방법이 다른 조합방법에 비해 높은 처리효율을 보였으며, 최적여재는 COD 처리효율은 왕사가 가장 높았고, T-N은 쇄석, T-P는 방해석이 가장 높았다. 하지만 모든 처리효율과 경제성 부분을 고려하였을 때 최적여재는 혼합여재가 가장 효과적일 것으로 판단된다. 농업배수의 부하량에 따른 처리효율 결과 COD는 농업배수 부하량 600 L m-2 day-1까지 안정적인 처리효율을 보였으나, T-N 및 T-P는 150 L m-2 day-1≒300 L m-2 day-1¤600 L m-2 day-1의 순으로 농업배수의 부하량이 증가함에 따라 약간 감소하는 경향이었다. 따라서 시설하우스 농업배수 처리를 위한 인공습지 농업배수처리장의 최적조건은 HF-VH-HF 조합형 인공습지에 왕사, 쇄석 및 방해석이 혼합된 혼합여재로 충진하고 부하량 300 L m-2 day-1 이하의 농업배수를 주입하는 것이 최적일 것으로 판단된다.