Mango fruit seed shells were used as starting materials to produce activated carbons for the capture of acetone, a typical volatile organic compound (VOC), from gaseous streams. This fruit waste presents high volatiles and low ashes contents, as expected for the lignocelulosic materials commonly used for the preparation of activated carbons. The starting material was hydrothermally treated at 180 or 250 °C for 5 h and the obtained hydrochars were activated with KOH solutions. The carbon samples were characterized by SEM, EDX, TG/DTA, Raman spectroscopy and textural analysis by physisorption. The adsorption capacity and adsorption cycles were investigated by TG. The hydrochars presented spherical morphology and the activated carbons derived from them presented heterogeneous micropore structures allowing to high capacity of acetone vapor removal, namely 472 mg/g, at 30 °C and 363 mg/g, at 50 °C. The results indicate that the adsorption capacity of the activated carbons is directly related to their Dubinin-Astakhov micropore surface areas and microporous volumes determined by NLDFT. The adsorption of acetone vapor showed a pseudo-first order kinetics and both external and intraparticle transport contributed for the overall process. Highly efficient and stable acetone vapor removal was observed over the activated carbons after five cycles.
본 연구는 아세톤 농도에 따른 리무버액의 젤네일 제거 정도, 손톱 표면에 미치는 영향을 비교하고자 100%아세톤, 5%아세톤, 0%아세톤, 아보카도 넌아세톤 4종의 리무버액으로 젤네일을 제거하여 시간경과에 따른 손톱 변화를 관찰하였고 제거 전·후의 손톱 표면거칠기, 표면볼륨, 수분량 및 경피 수분증발량을 측정하였다. 실험 결과, 젤네일 제거정도에서 100%아세톤, 아보카도 넌아세톤, 5%아세톤, 0%아세톤 순으로 젤이 제거되었고 손톱 표면거칠기에서는 5%아세톤, 0%아세톤, 아보카도 넌아세톤이, 표면볼륨에서는 0%아세톤이 젤네일 제거 전·후 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으며 손톱 표면수분량에서 는 0%아세톤의 경우 젤네일 제거 전·후 감소가, 경피수분증발량에서는 0%아세톤의 경우 젤네일 제거 전·후 증가가 가장 적은 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 5%, 0%아세톤이 젤네일을 제거하는 리무버액으로 사용이 가능하며 손톱 손상에 영향이 제일 적은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구가 비아세톤계 리무버 제품 개발과 네일 미용 발전에 기초 자료로 활용되기를 기대한다.
어리쌀바구미 성충 20마리를 밀 20g과 함께 50㎖용량의 유리병에 넣 고 유리병 뚜껑에 지름 7mm의 필터페이퍼를 붙여 ethanol 및 acetone을 용기당 2 ㎕, 4㎕, 6㎕, 10㎕씩 적신 다음 뚜껑을 닫고 경과 시간별로 생존하는 비율을 관찰한 결과, ethanol보다 acetone이 전체적으로 살충효과가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 100% 치사효과를 나타내는 처리는 ethanol에서 10㎕ 3일간 처리구이었고, acetone에서는 4㎕ 1일간 처리구이었다. 멀구슬나무 등 24종의 살충효과가 있는 것으로 알려진 식물의 추출물을 이용하여 살충효과를 비교한 결과 고추 추출물에 서만 살충효과를 보였다. 식물추출물 20mg을 ethanol 또는 물 80㎕에 녹여 4㎕, 12 ㎕, 20㎕을 취하여 50㎖ 용량의 유리병 뚜껑에 부착한 필터페이퍼에 적신 후 용매 를 증발시키고 vapor toxicity 조사하였다.
In the present study, acetone extract and sub-fractions of Albizia amara stem bark were evaluated for their free radical potential. The results showed that the crude extract and all the fractions exhibited antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities under different in vitro assays. Among the different fractions, the ethyl acetate fraction exhibited higher DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities than the standard quercetin. A. amara stem bark might be valuable source of natural antioxidants that could be used for medicinal and food applications.
It is known that the content of saturated fatty acids methyl ester (SFAME) affect the pour point of biodiesel at low temperature. In this study, biodiesel (BD) was produced from beef tallow (TAL) by alkali catalyst. To reduce the saturation in BD, acetone fractionation was applied. Besides, TAL was also solvent-fractionated to reduce the saturated fatty acid (SFA) content for further producing BD. With acetone, TAL or TAL methyl ester (5:1 v/w) were fractionated at 10, 0, -10, and -15℃, respectively. At -10℃, 17.35% of SFA was observed in fractionated TAL (liquid part, -10TAL) when 5:1 solvent ratio was used for 24 hr. Under the same condition, fractionated BD (liquid part, -10BD) showed SFA (33.14%) with 78wt % yield. Also, fractionation of BD with different concentration of crystallizer 209 (0.1, 0.5, and 1%) along with different time (2, 6, 12, and 24 hr.) was observed. The best condition for reducing the SFA was 0.5% of crystallizer 209 addition for 12 hr of fractionation time at -10℃, in which 30.14% of SFA content was observed in BD (liquid part). Among different crystallizer, ps 66 showed the least content of SFA content (23.28%) in BD after fractionation (-10℃ and 24 hr) with 0.5wt% addition.
To resolve coelution phenomenon of acetone and acrolein in the HPLC‐based analysis of carbonyls, we attempted to find the optimal conditions for their separation. For the purpose of this study, the collection of carbonyl Compounds is made by DNPH‐coated cartridges. Quantification of carbonyls is then initiated by the formation of hydrazone derivatives that are then separated by HPLC and detected by UV‐VIS spectroscopic detector (at 360 nm). To the course of this experiment, we examined the influences of the three major experimental variables such as 5 temperature (25, 30, 40, 50 and 60℃), 2 flow rate (1.0 and 1.2 mL min‐1), and variable relative composition of mobile phase (among acetonitrile, water, and tetrahydrofuran). According to our experiments, the optimal condition for separation was found at flow rate of 1.2 mL min‐1 and temperature of 32℃ with the mobile phase composition of acetonitrile:water:tetrahydrofuran = 34 : 52.8 : 13.2.
율피, 솔잎, 호프로부터 70% 아세톤 추출물을 획득하여 대두유, 돈지, 대두유 유탁액, 돈지 유탁액에 대한 항산화력을 토코페롤과 비교하였다. Rancimat의 유도기간에 따른 항산화력 비교에서는, 대두유에서는 솔잎〉율피〉호프〉토코페롤〉무첨가구, 돈지에서는 토코페롤〉율피〉솔잎〉호프〉무첨가구로서 항산화력이 있었다. Peroxide value의 측정을 통한 항산화력 비교에서는, 대두유나 대두유 유탁액, 돈지나 돈지 유탁액에서 이들 세 추출물은 같거나 우수한 항산화력을 나타내었으며, 율피가 가장 좋은 것으로 판단되었다. 폴리페놀화합물의 분석결과, 율피 추출물에는 ellagic acid가 솔잎 추출물에는 flavanol이 항산화력에 큰 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다.
Background : Plants are the rich source of antioxidants, which plays a very important role in maintaining human health. Their antioxidant property protects cells of different organs of human beings against free radicals and free radical mediated diseases. Even though, there is lack of knowledge on the antioxidant effect of lutein present in plants. In the present study, lutein was isolated from the GreenTea leaves (Camellia sinensis) which is used as a dietary source. Methods and Results : The procedure adopted for the isolation and purification of lutein using acetone extraction and preparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is simple and less time consuming. Free radicals scavenging activity of isolated lutein from acetone extract of GreenTea was assessed by DPPH radical scavenging assay and reducing power. The isolated lutein scavenged 79% of DPPH radicals at 20 ㎍/㎖ and two fold lower concentration compared to the standard antioxidants (α-tocopherol). No significant differences were found between the reducing power of the lutein and BHT when their concentrations were high. However, significant differences were observed at relatively low concentrations, the reducing power of lutein was isolated from the GreenTea leaves was stronger than those of their acetone extract and standard antioxidants (BHA). Both electron spin resonance (ESR) and in vitro assay confirmed that lutein was isolated from the GreenTea leaves, exhibited a greater capacity for scavenging superoxide (O2 •-) and hydroxyl (OH •) radicals than standard antioxidants β-carotene and α-tocopherol respectively. Conclusion : The results proven that lutein isolated from GreenTea leaves has an efficient antioxidant ability, it could serve as an antioxidant to scavenge reactive oxygen species.
The photocatalytic decomposition characteristics of toluene, acetone, and methyl mercaptan (MM) by UV reactor installed with TiO2-coated perforated plane were studied. The removal efficiency of single toluene, acetone, and MM vapor was increased with increasing oxygen concentration, but decreased with increasing inlet concentration. Elimination capacity of single toluene, acetone, and MM vapor was obtained to be 628 g/m3․day, 1,041 g/m3․day, and 2,158 g/m3․day, respectively. Also, the photocatalytic decomposition of binary vapor consisted of toluene and acetone, toluene and MM, acetone and MM were observed. Elimination capacity of toluene mixed with acetone, toluene mixed with MM, acetone mixed with toluene, acetone mixed with MM, MM mixed with toluene, and MM mixed with acetone was 327 g/m3․day, 512 g/m3․day, 128 g/m3․ day, 266 g/m3․day, 785 g/m3․day and 883 g/m3․day, respectively. The inhibitory effect of acetone was higher than MM in photocatalytic decomposition of toluene, the inhibitory effect of toluene was higher than MM photocatalytic decomposition of acetone, and the inhibitory effect of toluene was higher than acetone in photocatalytic decomposition of MM.
In this study, the photocatalytic decomposition characteristics of single toluene, toluene mixed with benzene, toluene mixed with acetone, and toluene mixed methyl mercaptan (MM) by UV reactor installed with TiO2-coated perforated plate were studied. The photocatalytic decomposition rate of single toluene, toluene mixed with benzene, toluene mixed with acetone, and toluene mixed with MM fitted well on Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) kinetics equation. The maximum elimination capacity was obtained to be 628 g/m3·d for single toluene, 499 g/m3·d for toluene mixed with benzene, 318 g/m3·d for toluene mixed with acetone, and 513 g/m3·d for toluene mixed with MM, respectively. The negative effect in photocatalytic decomposition of toluene are found to be in the order of acetone>benzene>MM.
The purpose of this work is to study the adsorption and desorption characteristics of acetone vapor and toluene vapor from adsorption tower in the VOCs recovery device. The six kinds of activated carbon with different pore structures were used and the adsorption and desorption characteristics were compared according to pore structure, desorption temperature, and adsorption method, respectively. Adsorption capacity of acetone vapor and toluene vapor by batch method was higher than that by dynamic method. Especially, activated carbon with medium-sized or large pores had more difference in adsorption capacity according to adsorption methods as a result of gradually condensation of vapors on relatively mesopore and large pores. Activated carbons with relatively large pores and relatively small saturated adsorption capacity had excellent desorption ability.
생약재로 이용되고 있는 활나물은 항암효과가 밝혀져 그 이용이 기대되나 종자발아가 불량하여 재배가 어려운 식물이다. 따라서 GA3, 저온, KNO3, acetone처리가 활나물의 종자발아에 미치는 영향을 구명하여 앞으로의 재배연구의 기초자료를 얻고자 본 연구를 실시하였던 바 그 결과를 다음과 같다. 1. 활나물 종자의 발아율은 GA3 처리시에는 0.1 mM에 12시간 암상태에서, 저온처리시에는 3℃에서 1주간 처리하는것에서 가장 높았다. 2. 발아율은 KNO3 처리시에는 400 mM에 6시간, acetone 처리시에는 200 mM에 6시간 처리하는 것에서 가장 높았으며, 이들 처리결과가 GA3 또는 저온처리의 최적결과보다 양호하였다. 3. 포장출현율은 200 mM의 acetone 용액에 6시간 처리하는 것보다 400 mM의 KNO3에 6시간 처리하는 것에서 높은 것으로 조사되어 활나물 종자처리는 KNO3를 이용하여 암상태에서 처리하는 것이 바람직한 처리방법으로 평가되었다.