
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 21

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        유기농 생태농업단지 논에서 출현하는 수서곤충의 생태자원 분포 특성을 비교하고자 유기농 단지 논에 둠벙 이 있는 조건과 둠벙이 없는 조건에서의 수서곤충상을 조사하여 관행 논의 분포 특성을 비교하였다. 수서곤충 출현은 둠벙이 있는 유기농 논 5목 15과 26종 413개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 5목 14과 22종 236개체, 관행 논 5목 11과 16종 155개체로 유기농 논에서 관행 논에 비해 수서곤충의 출현 과, 종 및 출현 개체수가 많았고, 유기농 논에서도 둠벙이 있는 조건에서 종수 및 개체수가 많음을 확인하였다. 특히 잠자리목의 경우 유기농 논 4과 8종 134개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 3과 5종 35개체, 관행 논 2과 4종 12개체로 전체 출현 종의 발생특성과 유사한 경향을 보였는데, 유기농 재배의 특성상 농약의 피해로부터 수서곤충에 안전한 환경이 조성된 점과 둠벙의 담수 및 다양한 수서생물의 발생으로 수서곤충의 서식조건에 유리하게 작용되었다고 보인다. 반면 파리목에서는 둠벙이 있는 유기농 논 3과 3종 18개체, 둠벙이 없는 유기농 논 3과 3종 25개체로 관행 논 2과 2종 24개체보다 발생양상이 다른 수서곤충에 비해 상대적으로 낮고, 관행 논보다 깔다구류의 개체수 19개체보다 각각 6개체, 12개체로 적게 출현한 점에서 유기농 재배유형과 둠벙의 서식처 제공이 수서곤충의 출현 및 분포에 건전성을 조장하는 방안이라고 판단된다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 상주 곶감농업지역 감재배지의 육상곤충상을 파악하여 향후 상주 곶감농업지역 감재배지의 관리를 위한 기초자료로 수행되었다. 전체 출현한 육상곤충 종수는 7목 77과 177종 1,925개체이며 지역별 출현 종수는 내서면 서만2리 곶감마을 감재배지 > 내서면 서만1리 곶감마을 감재배지 > 외남면 소은리 곶감마을 감재배지 순으로 확인되었 다. 경작지 특성상 노린재목, 딱정벌레목이 대상지 전역에 우세하였다. 특이종은 한국고유종 13종, 국가적색목록 취약종 2종·관심대상종 22종·미평가 42종, 생태계교란야생생물 2종으로 확인되었다. 군집 분석 결과 우점종은 큰검정뛰어장님 노린재, 아우점종은 유채좁쌀바구미로 확인되었다. 종다양도는 1.1636-1.6022, 균등도는 0.6748-0.7611, 우점도는 0.2389-0.3252의 범위로 나타났다.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effects of some essential oils and Sopophora extract on Frankliniella occidentalis adults, Myzus persicae adults, Plutella xylostella larvae, and Spodoptera exigua larvae were investigated. Insecticidal and phytotoxicity activities of emulsion in water formulations containing the active essential oils as active ingredients under laboratory and pot conditions were also tested. Based on these results, NRS-13 and NRS-24 formulations were selected to further assess as follows; the GC and GC-MS analysis on the active essential oils, the quantity analysis of the major components contained in the formulations, their insecticidal activities under pot and field conditions, and their oral, dermal, skin and eye irritation, and fish toxicities. Thus, the NRS-13 (BaechooSaferTM) and NRS-24 (JindiOutTM) formulations could be considered as insecticides for pest control.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        충해 또는 병충해 관리용 친환경유기농자재로 목록공시된 제품 29종의 배추좀나방과 파밤나방 유충, 복숭아혹진딧물 성충, 꽃노랑총채벌 레 성충에 대한 살충과 섭식저해활성을 분무법과 잎침지법을 이용하여 실내에서 평가하였다. 배추좀나방 유충에 대해 추천농도 분무 또는 잎침지 시 유효성분으로 고삼 추출물 60% 단제(EOIS)와 고삼외 3종 식물 추출물(백부근, 멀구슬나무, 개박하, EIOSm) 및 고삼외 2종 식물추출물 (EOISc)을 함유한 혼합제의 살충력이 우수했다. 하지만 반량 처리 시 그 활성은 50% 이하로 감소되었다. 파밤나방 유충에 대해서는 고삼 60% 단제(EOIS)만이 우수한 살충력을 보였고, 비슷하게 꽃노랑총채벌레 성충에 대해 잎침지 후 24시간과 48시간 노출 시 85%와 95%의 살충력을 나타냈다. 복숭아혹진딧물 성충에 대한 분무시험에서 고삼 외 3종 혼합제(EOISm)와 유채외 2종 혼합제(EOIR)가 93%와 68% 살충력을 보였 는데, 농도를 배량 증가시켜도 살충력은 크게 향상되지 않는 경향을 보였다. 추천농도 잎침지에서는 고삼외 3종 혼합제(EIOSm)만이 100%의 강 한 접촉독성을 나타냈는데, 노출 시간과 농도를 증가시키면 시트로넬라오일외 1종(EOICi)과 유채외 2종 혼합제(EOIR)들의 살충력이 증가하였다. 흥미롭게도 cedar oil 16%(EOICe), 고삼 60% 단제(EOIS), 고삼외 3종 혼합제(EIOSm), 고삼외 2종 혼합제(EOISc), 미생물 89.62%(EOIM), 유 채외 2종 혼합제(EOIR), 식물추출물(EOIPe), 차나무추출물 48%(EOIT)제 등은 파밤나방에 대해 분무처리 시 강한 섭식저해활성을 나타냈다. 또한 배추좀나방 유충에 대해서도 이들 혼합제들 이외에 3종 미생물제들(EOIB, EOIM, EOIBs)과 시트로넬라오일외 1종(EOICi), 겨자외 2종 (EOIMc) 등의 식물 추출물 혼합제들이 70% 이상의 섭식저해활성을 나타냈다. 이상의 결과, 대상 곤충 종 및 유효성분이나 처리량에 따라 살충 력과 섭식저해력이 차이를 보였으나, 전체적으로 고삼추출물외 2-3종 식물추출물을 복합적으로 함유한 혼합제들의 유효력이 우수하게 나타남을 알 수 있었다.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On the development and reproduction of four major agricultural insect pests including B. tabaci, M. persicae, P. xylostella and T. urticae, electron-beam was irradiated with different doses of 30, 50, 70, and 100 Gy. The effect of electron beam was investigated with respect to the longevity, egg hatching, emergence, and fecundity. Eggs hatching of B. tabaci, P. xylostella and T. urticae were more inhibited as increased irradiation doses. Especially B. tabaci and T. urticae eggs were perfectly inhibited to hatch at a dose of 100 Gy. However, these pests showed no lethal effect on the nymph/larva, pupa, and adult stages. When irradiated on the eggs of B. tabaci, P. xylostella and T. urticae, the emergence was inhibited from nymphs/larvae to adults. Individually, B. tabaci emerged adult did not lay eggs at a dose of 70 Gy. Besides, fecundity of P. xylostella emerged adult decreased at a dose of 100 Gy. On the contrary, irradiation did not affect the longevity of P. xylostella adult. When irradiated on B. tabaci, P. xylostella, Myzus persicae and T. urticae nymphs/larvae, emergence was inhibited at doses of 70 and 100 Gy, and decreased the fecundity and inhibited the hatching of laid eggs. However, the longevity of adults did not affect
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The toxicity of methanol extract from 28 plants toward four agricultural insect pests were examined using contact toxicity bioassay with spray methods. At a concentration of 1,000 ppm Achyranthes japonica whole body was observed strong activity against Myzus persicae. Paeonia lactiflora root and Corydalis turtschaninovii rhizome methanol extract were observed strong activity toward Tetranychus urticae. Catalpa ovata leaf and Ginkgo biloba leaf and stem methanol extracts were revealed high activity toward Nilaparvata lugens. Actium lap root methanol extract was observed moderate activity against Plutella xylostella. High or moderate insecticidal activity of plant extracts were listed in Fig.1. These plant resource, particularly plant methanol extract or insecticidal constituents, merit further as potential insect pest control agents or leads because of their great activity as a insecticide.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many kinds of environment friendly agricultural materials (EFAMs) were used for the plant protection, furthermore they support the growth of crops in the greenhouses and the kindly environment friendly farming. Natural enemies might be used for control of insect pest with EFAMs at the same space and time. For testing the toxicity of EFAMs against to natural enemies, 10 EFAMs were selected and tested in small greenhouses and farm"s fields. In case of Harmonia axyridis larva, there was no predacious activity against cotton aphids in the block with EFAMMo L, EFAMPE D, EFAMME G and EFAMAE A, otherwise, aphid population was rapidly decreased in the control block without EFAMs. Both of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Encarsia formosa population were slightly decreased in the block with EFAMs. There were significantly decreased in the block with IEFAM C, FEFAM D, EFAMSM Band EFAMPE D compared with control area. Especially, there was significantly maintained a very low population, both T. vaporariorum and E. formosa in the block with EFAMMo C. The parasitized ratio of Aphidius colemani is also very low in the block with EFAMs compared with control area. In the block with IEFAM C, FEFAM D, EFAMPE D and EFAMMo L, there were significantly different with control area in the number of mummies. Otherwise, in case of Diglyphus isaea and Liriomyza trifolii, there was no significantly different between blocks with and without EFAMs. In the block with EFAMMo C, Tetranychus urticae and Phytoseiulus persimilis populations were significantly maintained a very low level. However, the population of T. urticae was increased, but P. persimilis was decreased in the block with EFAMMo L.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the biological control of the greenhouse whitefly, aphids, American leaf-miners, Encarsia formosa, Aphidius colemani, Diglyphus isaea, and Dacnusa sibirica were used as biological control factors. Otherwise, many kinds of environment friendly agricultural materials were also used in the kindly environment friendly fanning. For testing the toxicity of environment friendly agricultural materials against to insect parasitoids as biological control factors, 61 environment friendly agricultural materials were selected by using methods and periods with insect parasitoids in the greenhouses. Environment friendly agricultural materials were sprayed to mummies and adults of E. formosa and A. colemani, and adults of Diglyphus isaea and Dacnusa sibirica in laboratory condition. Emergence rates were checked during 12 days after spray to mummies of E. formosa and A. colemani, and survival rates were at 24 and 48 hours after viral test for adult parasitoids, with 10% sugar solution. Emergence rates of E. formosa mummies were inhibited by sprayed the fungicidal environment friendly agricultural material (FEFAM) E and the environment friendly agricultural materials contained molybdenum (EFAMMo) G as 0.4 and 2.7%, respectively. E. formosa adults were not survived in vial for 48hours after sprayed and dried with the environment friendly agricultural materials contained plant extract (EFAMPE) J and the EFAMMo C. The environment friendly agricultural materials contained microelements (EFAMMEs) B and EFAMPE H, environment friendly agricultural materials contained useful soil microorganisms (EFAMSMs) H, FEFAM A and FEFAM D were recorded low survival rates of E. formosa adults with 6.7, 13.3, 13.3, 20.0 and 20.0, respectively. In case of the spraying environment friendly agricultural materials to mummies of A. colemani there were low emergence rate from mummies to adults as around 20s % with water spraying as control. A. colemani adults were not survived in vial with EFAMMo C. EFAMPE J, EFAMPE F, EFAMPE H, EFAMSM H were recorded low survival rates under 20% as 6.7, 13.3, 13.3 and 13.3, respectively. D. isaea and D. sibirica adults were not survived in vial with EFAMPE J. EFAMMo C was 53.3% of survival rates in 48 hours vial tests. D. isaea and D. sibirica were not affected by environment friendly agricultural materials compared with E. formosa and A. colemani.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라에서 분리된 곤충병원성선충들의 지역농림해충에 대한 병원성은 선충의 종류와 대상해충에 따라 차이가 있었다. 한림산 Steinemema sp.와 함양산 Heterorhabditis sp.를 배추좀나방유충 한마리당 3, 6, 12, 24마리 처리한 결과, 여과지상에서 각각 51.8%, 77.8%, 96.3%, 100%와 50.0%, 74.1%, 96.3%, 98.1%의 치사율을 얻었고, 케일잎에서는 44.4%, 63.0%, 76.1%, 94.5%와 79.7%, 81.6%, 94.4%, 100%의 치사율을 얻었다. 구당 (13,27)300,000마리 농도로 배추밭에 처리한 결과 14일후 한림산 Stemermema sp. 는 72.0%, 함양산 Heterorhabditis sp. 는 84.1%의 방제기를 보였다. 이화명나방유충은 높은 농도에서는 차이가 없었으나 50~200마리/ml의 낮은 농도에서는 함양산 Heterorhabditis sp.(47.3~100%)가 한림산 Stelnemema sp.(34.3~83.3%) 보다 효과적이었다. 밤바구미와 복숭아명나방유충에 대하여 유충 한 마리당 10, 20 마리의 산칭산 Stemernema sp. 와 함양산 Heterorhabditis sp. 를 처리하여서는 각각 50.0%와 80.0%와 90.0%, 70.0%와 90.0%, 90.0%와 100%의 치사율을 얻었다. 유충 한 마리당 10, 20 마리의 선충을 처리하였을때 노랑털알락나방유충은 포천산 Steinernema sp.에 대하여 매우 감수적이었으나(96.7%~100%) 동래산 Steinernema sp.에서는 낮은 치사율을 보였다.(63.3%~76.7%)
        2022.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to investigate the psychological effect of a healing agricultural program using insect resources and to confirm the persistence of the healing effect. The applied insect was silkworm Bombyx mori (Linnaeus) and 28 adolescents from local children’s centers were used as the subjects. The healing agricultural program was applied at the centers for 4 weeks, and stress was measured using salivary ɑ-amylase levels and a survey on life satisfaction, happiness, and insect preference. The results indicated that stress levels decreased, and life satisfaction and insect preference increased after participating in the the healing agricultural program. Furthermore, it was confirmed that this healing effect continued until 4 weeks after the end of the program.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment was carried out to determine the optimal concentration of agricultural organic materials using sulfur and oil for the insect pest control in pepper and cherry tomato cultivation. The control value of aphids and Oriental tobacco budworm (OTB) was examined one day after spraying with sulfur preparation (SP) (0.33~0.17%), oil preparations (OP) (2.00~0.33%), SP+OP, OP+ginkgo leaf extracts (GLE), SP+OP+GLE on the “Super Manidaa”pepper. The aphid control in pepper was complete by applications of SP+OP (0.25+1.00%) in the early growth stage and the control value was above 98.1% by the application of OP+GLE (1.00+1.00 %), SP+OP+GLE (0.25+1.0+1%), SP+OP+GLE (0.25+1.0+0.5%) in the middle to late growth stage while showing 0% in the control treatment. The OTB was completely controlled by the 3 times application with the high concentration of SP+OP (0.25+1.00%) in pepper cultivation. This result indicates that the oil and the sulfur preparations should be applied at low concentration before insect pests do not appeared, and then sprayed at the high concentration after they appear at pepper plant. The greenhouse whitefly in ‘Minichal’ tomatoes was completely controlled by three times application of SP (0.25~0.33), OP (1.0~2.00%). and all the treatment of SP+OP. However, continuous control with intervals of 1~3 days was considered favorable in the tomato plant. By the periodical control with agricultural organic materials using sulfur and oil, the greenhouse whitefly, which is a high-temperature insect pest, several moths of OTB did not occur at all. In conclusion, SP+OP (0.17%+0.33%) treatment was the most economical combination to control the aphid, OTB, and greenhouse whitefly in pepper and tomato cultivation when considering operating cost. In addition, we recommend that SP should not be sprayed on the plant shoots during the day time from July to August because of high temperature.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the growth of the Rubus coreanus Miquel fruits, the unripened (10 days) and ripened (25 days) fruits after flowering were harvested. The chemical characteristics of different maturational stages of the unripened and ripened fruits were investigated. Total amount of phenolic compounds was 4.00-7.56% in the unripened fruits and 3.78-5.57% in the ripened fruits, respectively. Furthermore, total amounts of organic acids such as malic, citric, succinic, and oxalic acids were 16.40 mg/ 100 g in the unripened fruits and 28.82 mg/100 g in the ripened fruits, respectively. In organic acids of the unripened and the ripened fruits, citric acid (8.76-15.47 mg/100 g) was the highest amount among other organic acids. Soluble sugars were significantly increased from 11.07 to 21.54% in the unripened and ripened fruits. Therefore, ripened fruits had the high levels of phenolic compounds, organic acids and soluble sugars. For the biological studies of R. coreanus, methanol extracts of R. coreanus leaves, fruits, and stems were evaluated for their insecticidal activities against Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Plutella xylostella (Lepioptera: Plutellidae) and Spodoptera litura (Lepioptera: Noctuidae) by leaf dipping method. From these results, the extract of R. coreanus leaves revealed potent insecticidal activity against P. xylostella. However, the methanol extracts of R. coreanus fruits and stems had no any insecticidal activity against M. persicae, P. xylostella and S. litura. The R. coreanus leaves have promising potential as new insecticidal agent against P. xylostella.
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