
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 31

        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 헌법 제107조 제3항은 재판의 전심절차로서 행정심판을 할 수 있 으며 절차는 법률로 정하되, 사법절차가 준용되어야 한다고 규정한다. 그리고 행정심판법 제4조 제1항에서는 사안의 전문성과 특수성이 인정되면 필요에 따 라 개별법이 정한 특례절차에 따라 심판을 할 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 이러 한 특례절차에 따른 행정심판을 특별행정심판이라 하는데, 해양안전심판, 특허 심판 및 조세심판 등이 있다. 특별행정심판 중에서도 해양안전심판은 해양사고의 원인규명재결뿐만 아니 라 해기사 등에 대한 징계재결까지도 심판의 결과로 도출하는 특별한 형태의 행정심판으로서 구술변론주의, 대심주의 및 조사관의 청구독점주의 등을 채택 하고 있다. 그러나 조사관은 해양사고관련자를 조사하는 권한을 가지고 있어 해양사고관련자와 대등한 입장이라 보기 어렵다. 그러므로 상대적 약자인 해양 사고관련자의 정당한 권리구제와 방어권을 보장하기 위해서는 심판변론인 제 도의 적극적 활용이 무엇보다 중요하다. 이 연구에서는 해양사고심판의 심판변론인제도를 다양한 측면에서 살펴보 고, 다른 특별행정심판인 특허심판과 조세심판 제도와 비교·분석하여 해양안전 심판의 심판변론인제도에 대한 문제점을 도출하고 개선방안을 제안하고자 한다.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 K드라마의 소구 요인 탐색을 위한 사례연구로 2022년 글로벌 히트를 기록한 "이상한 변호사 우영우"의 해외 시청자 반응을 분석한 것이다. 이 드라마의 어떤 요소가 해외 시청자의 공감과 이해를 이끈 것인지 살펴, 한국 드라마의 해외 진출 전략 수립에 유용한 시사점을 제공함이 이 연구의 목적이다. “우영우”는 글 로벌 OTT의 현지화 전략에 따른 기획 제작 과정을 거치지 않은 토종 기획물임에 도 불구하고 아시아뿐 아니라 문화적 근접성이 낮은 서구권에서도 고르게 히트했 다는 사실에 주목해, 글로벌 웹 플랫폼 IMDb의 “우영우” 관련 리뷰 총 265건에 대한 양적, 질적 분석을 수행했다. 분석 결과 이 드라마에 평점을 준 사용자의 86% 이상이 10점 만점에 8점 이상의 높은 만족도를 보였으며, 장애 캐릭터를 연 기한 박은빈에 대한 호평과 따뜻한 인간애를 강조한 이 드라마의 메시지에 공감한 다는 의견이 지배적이었다. 리뷰에 언급된 가장 큰 이슈는 자폐 장애 재현에 대한 상반된 평가였는데, 그러한 논란은 사회 정의와 인권 존중의 휴머니즘 담론으로 수 렴되고 있었다. 기존의 한류드라마 인기가 ‘문화적 근접성‘에 기반된 것이었다면, 이 드라마는 ‘문화적 보편성’을 지닌 초국적 요소들로 전 세계인의 공감과 이해를 얻어낸 것이다. 이러한 연구 결과는 K드라마의 히트 요인을 설명하는 유의미한 사 례일 뿐 아니라, 한국 콘텐츠의 글로벌 문화 시장 진출과 국가 간 문화교류의 전략 및 정책 수립에도 유용한 시사점을 제공해 줄 것이다.
        2024.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        평균적으로 1년 내지 3년 이상이 걸리는 민사소송 과정에서 당사자 일방 이 그 소송결과를 보지 못한 채 사망하는 경우가 종종 발생한다. 이 경우 상속관계가 간명하고 상속인들이 망인의 소송상 지위를 이어받기를 원하는 경우라면 별 문제가 없을 것이다. 그러나 상속관계가 복잡하고 일부 상속인 들은 망인의 소송에 관여하지 않기를 원하는 경우에는 수계절차에서 누락 되는 상속인이 생길 수 있다. 이때 수계절차를 밟은 상속인들에 대해서만 판결이 선고되고 상소가 이루어진 경우 수계절차에서 누락된 상속인들은 어떻게 구제받을 수 있는지 문제가 된다. 최근 대법원 2023. 8. 18.자 2022그779 결정은, 소송계속 중 당사자가 사망하고 일부상속인만 수계절차를 밟아 판결이 선고되었는데 상소에 관한 특별수권이 있는 망인의 소송대리인이 직접 항소를 한 경우에 관하여 중요 한 판시를 했다. 즉 당사자 표시가 잘못되었음에도 망인의 소송상 지위를 당연승계한 정당한 상속인들 모두에게 효력이 미치는 판결에 대하여 잘못 된 당사자 표시를 신뢰한 망인의 소송대리인이 잘못 기재된 당사자 모두를 상소인으로 표시하여 상소를 제기한 경우에는 상소를 제기한 자의 합리적 의사에 비추어 위 판결 전부에 대하여 상소가 제기된 것으로 보는 것이 타 당하고, 상소제기에 관한 특별수권이 부여되어 있는 망인의 소송대리인이 상소를 제기한 이후부터는 그 소송대리권이 소멸함에 따라 망인의 공동상 속인 중 수계절차를 밟은 일부 상속인 외에 나머지 상속인에 대한 소송절 차는 중단된 상태에 있으므로 위 나머지 상속인 또는 상대방이 소송절차가 중단된 상태에 있는 상소심법원에 소송절차의 수계신청을 할 수 있다는 취지이다. 위 결정은 우리 민사소송법 제95조, 제238조 등의 규정에 충실하고, 항 소를 제기하는 소송대리인의 합리적 의사를 고려하여 항소의 인적효력범위 를 정하였으며, 수계절차에서 누락된 상속인들에 대한 소송관계는 소송대 리인의 항소제기시에 중단된 채로 계속되어 있다고 보아 항소심에 수계신 청을 하여 개별적으로 판결을 선고받아 구제받을 수 있다는 점에서 타당하 다 할 것이다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examined the combined effects of scarcity appeals and time remaining from the travel date on attitudes toward advertising and purchase intention. The results lead to a rationale for disparate advertising strategies of scarcity appeals considering the temporal distance of a consumer's hotel booking.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study analyzed the presence and effect of sexual appeal of plus-size models using Victoria's Secret's Instagram content. A content analysis using roBERTa deep-learning model found that, plus-size models’ sexual appeals increased number of likes and comments, but explicit sexual appeals resulted in less positive sentiments than thin models’.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the infusion of advanced technology, interactions between customers and firms’ representatives take place in brick-and-mortar stores, 2D online sites, and even 3D metaverse environments. In the metaverse, a firm’s sales avatars interact with other users while representing the firm, recommend, and sell virtual items. Previous literature about the effectiveness of sales representatives agrees that a firm representatives’ smiling faces engender customer satisfaction and better interactions. However, it is unclear whether smiling faces of sales avatars will work the same way in the metaverse as they do in the real world. The current research examines whether a firm’s sales avatars with sad facial expression (vs. those with smiling facial expression) stimulate higher user intentions to interact with firm representative avatars, to purchase virtual items from the representative avatars, and to spread positive WOM about their experience in the metaverse. Moreover, focusing on subcultural appeal, we investigate why this unconventional phenomenon happens in the metaverse unlike in real world. We conducted two experiments to manipulate a firm representative avatar’s facial expression (smiling vs. sad) in the metaverse. We newly designed a metaverse place, and participants who put on a virtual reality headset are exposed to either a hat (Experiment 1) or shoes (Experiment 2) store where they can purchase a virtual hat or shoes. Experiments 1 and 2 basically tested the same things repeatedly. However, to improve internal validity and generalizability, Experiment 2 used human-like sales avatars instead of cartoon character-like sales avatars in Experiment 1, changed virtual stores from a hat store to shoes store, and finally controlled for various extraneous variables such as attractiveness, warmth, and competence of sales avatars, and user’s previous experience about metaverse. Sales representatives with a smile are believed to contribute to beneficial consumers’ attitudes and behaviors in offline stores. However, our experiments demonstrate that this well-received belief does not necessarily apply in the metaverse, where subcultural appeal plays a more critical role. In the metaverse, users evaluate sales avatars with sad facial expression (vs. with smiling facial expression) as more unique and cool (i.e., higher subcultural appeal), leading to their higher intention to interact with the sad sales avatar, to purchase a virtual item, and to spread positive WOM about their experiences. Our results imply that previous findings supported in the offline or 2D online sites may not work the same way in the 3D metaverse.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The hospitality industry is widely using customer data to develop successful personalized marketing communication. However, in the event of information leakage, personalized advertising may escalate customers’ privacy distress. Building on Conservation of Resources theory, this study proposes three dimensions for privacy threats that impact the relationship between personalized hospitality advertising and consumer responses. Findings from six experiments across high and low involvement hospitality products demonstrate diverging effects of personalized advertising depending on the type of privacy threat communicated. Results further indicate that customers’ psychological comfort mediates the relationship between high-personalized advertising and the customer response to the advertising when privacy threat is high. Additionally, when the perceived severity and distance of the announced privacy threat are high and low respectively, rational appeals generate higher levels of psychological comfort, while the same happens for emotional appeals when the perceived scope of the threat is high. The study concludes with value-adding theoretical and managerial implications for the hospitality industry.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라에서는 오랫동안 영장청구와 영장기각결정을 둘러싸고 검찰과 법원의 갈등이 지속되고, 이러한 행태는 국민들에게 사법체계에 대한 불신을 가중·심화시키고 있다. 구속영장기각을 통계적으로 보면 2019년 현재 검사의 구속영장 직접 청구에 대한 판사의 기각률이 30%에 육박하고 있다. 이것은 독일이나 일본의 경우 6% 이하에 불과한 것에 비하면 상당히 높은 수치로 이것은 주로 검찰과 법원의 구속기준이 상이함에서 오는 것으로 볼 수 있고 이를 검찰의 수사의 편의만을 고려한 무리한 영장청구와 법원의 유한자로서의 자의적 판단에 의한 오류로서 표현되기도 한다. 문제는 검찰의 무리한 영장청구는 영장전담판사가 기각하여 바로 잡을 수 있으나 법원의 오류에 의한 영장기각은 불복할 방법이 없어 정당성의 한계를 보이고 있다. 영장기각에 대한 불복의 필요성은 피의자는 구속되면 구속적부심사의 기회를 가지나 검사는 구속영장이 기각되면 현행법상 불복할 기회를 가질 수 없다. 그러나 구속적부심사에 대응하여 영장재청구를 할 수 있으므로 피의자와 검사 간의 불평등은 상쇄된다. 그러나 구속적부심사와 영장재청구는 실무적으로 당해 사건에 영장전담판사의 구속 여부 결정에 대한 재심사를 받기보다는 영장 결과 이후의 사정 변경에 의해 재청구 당시의 범죄사실을 가지고 심사를 받는 것이어서 정당성 확보를 위해서도 상급법원에의 불복은 필요해 보인다. 또한 이것은 구속영장실질심사 자체의 구조적인 문제에 있다. 그것은 구속영장실질심사는 기소 후의 공판정에서 실체를 다루는 재판이 아니고, 수사기관의 초동수사 결과에 기초하여 제한된 시간 내에 간단한 피의자 심문과 변호인의 변론에 의해 구속 여부를 결정하는 것으로 판사가 합리적인 의심 없이 구속사유를 판단하기에는 한계가 있고, 그러므로 판결문과 같이 명확성의 원칙을 갖추어 실체적 사유를 밝히기에는 제약된 구조로 이를 위해 간단한 단문으로 그 사유를 밝히는 것으로 법관의 판단에 대한 오류는 당연히 높을 수밖에 없고 그렇다면 이에 대한 안전장 치가 필요한 것으로 상급법원에 불복을 제기할 수 있어야 한다. 그러나 대법원은 판사의 영장기각에 대해 영장 재청구라는 간접적 불 복할 수 있는 길을 열어놓고 있어 헌법상의 기본권침해가 문제가 없다는 입장이다. 영장재청구는 횟수 제한이 없고 또한, 영장전담판사의 당해 사건의 잘못된 결정에 대한 재심사가 아니라 재청구된 범죄사실을 가지고 재구속 여부를 판단한다. 이렇게 될 경우 추가적 범죄의 수사로 장기간 수사가 예정되어 피의자의 인권에 심각한 침해가 발생할 수 있다. 이미 주요선진국들은 영국, 미국, 독일, 프랑스, 일본 등에서는 영장항고제도를 운용하고 있다. 최근 법원과 검찰의 갈등은 더 심화된듯하다. 이와 같은 상황에서 피해자의 인권과 사회방위를 위해서만이 아니라 피의자의 인권을 위하여도 영장항고제의 도입이 더욱 필요해 보인다.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study investigates the effects of influencer on advertising effectiveness compared to traditional celebrity endorser. Results of an experiment shows that the use of influencer have a better fit with hard-sell appeal and well-known brand to have more favorable brand attitude and higher intention to purchase. The findings provide ample contribution to theory and practice.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The humor appeal is extensively used in advertising, but its impact is not clearly understood in the context of luxury brand advertising. This research therefore examines the role humor appeal in luxury advertising plays in customers’ evaluation of the brand, advertisement, and purchase behaviors toward the firm. Specifically, this study proposes that the use of a humor appeal in luxury advertising has a favorable influence on perceived luxuriousness of the brand, attitude toward the advertisement, and purchase intention through coolness perception of the luxury brand. Furthermore, this study explores the moderating roles of brand positioning appeal (top-dog vs. underdog) and desire for distinction. This study is one of the few to examine the influence of humor appeal in luxury brand advertising, providing evidence for the applicability of humor appeal in luxury advertising. The study findings will help luxury brand managers make informed decisions about when and how to use humor in advertising to achieve desirable advertising outcomes.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research aims to provide a conceptual framework to explore how consumers respond to genuinuity claims made by organisations and how it affects perceptions towards the brand. Further, this proposal explores the influence of brand familiarity and inferences of manipulative intent on consumer’s cognition of the genuine claim. The Affect Transfer Hypothesis, Dual Mediation Hypothesis, Independent Influence Hypothesis and Reciprocal Mediation Hypothesis Models are tested parallel to determine the most effective model in line with previous studies. A total of 12 studies have been designed, comparing across 4 different levels of genuinuity, and 3 different product categories (luxury car brands, luxury hotels & spa resorts). A self-administered survey will be used while collecting data using panel data and mall intercept to ensure the ecological validity of the study. The study contributes conceptually by proposing a conceptual definition for genuinuity appeals. It contributes methodologically in its development of a brand genuinuity scale. Finally, the study will contribute managerially by providing practitioners, policy makers and firms with new ways to distinguish themselves as genuine amongst the clutter of unsubstantiated claims and to change consumer’s perceptions of industries such as banks which are renowned for unsubstantiated claims.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Innovation in technology has led to the growth of hybrid products, which demonstrate features of more than one product category (Rajagopal & Burnkrant, 2009). This trend is evident in the luxury market (e.g., the Tag Heuer Connected wearable, a hybrid of a luxury watch and a computing device. The combination of technology and luxury can pose challenges in the design and marketing of such devices. This could be a problem for new hybrid luxury products, which consumers typically evaluate in terms of symbolic meanings rather than functional utility. In this research we build on and contribute to the product design literature as we propose a model in which the characteristics of aesthetics, symbolism, functionality, monofunctionality (how many different tasks a product delivers on), and ergonomics are antecedents that drive usage intention for luxury hybrids, specifically wearables. First, we find that perceived ergonomics and perceived multi-functionality influence perceived overall functionality of wearables, which then has a positive effect on intention to use those products. Perceived aesthetics appears as an important characteristic for wearables, as mediation analysis shows it has an indirect effect on use intention, both through perceived symbolism and overall functionality of those hybrids. Such order of effects within product design characteristics has not been explored before and our findings yield implications for academics and practitioners.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국제광고 맥락에서 한국과 중국의 현지화 혹은 표준화 논의의 중심으로 사용되는 문화적 불확실성 회피성향의 광고 수용에 대한 영향력을 정교화하여 검증하고자 한다. 구체적으로, 주효과로써 불확실성 회피성향에 감정소구라는 다른 주효과를 설정하여 두 변인 사이의 중재(moderating)효과 살펴보았다. 측정한 결과, 기존의 연구들과 유사하게 불확실성 요소는 광고효과에 유의미한 영항을 미치는 것으로 조사되었다. 하지만 문화차원과 감정소구 변인을 동시에 측정하였을 때, 중국 소비자의 경우 감정적 소구와 불확실성 요소를 최대한으로 사용하는 경우 가장 높은 광고효과를 보인 반면, 한국의 소비자들은 감정적 소구 요소와 불확실성 수준을 최소한으로 사용하는 경우 최대의 광고효과를 보였다. 즉, 두 주효과 변인은 유의미한 상호작용을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 보다 상세한 이론적 논의와 현업에 대한 시사 점은 본문에서 다루고 있다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Authenticity is an important topic in business activities and society at large. Sustainability management and marketing activities are required as consumers become more interested in society. The consumer evaluation of brand authenticity is a crucial factor in a brand’s reputation and long-term growth, which affects brand loyalty, electronic word of mouth (eWOM) and purchase behavior. With this latest trend, luxury brands are paying attention to sustainability activities, but consumer confidence in the sustainability of luxury brands is still low. Experts emphasize that building trust with customers by promising authenticity is a key challenge. Meanwhile, luxury brands are actively communicating with consumers through SNS, such as Instagram. Social media marketing directly and indirectly influences brand authenticity, as well as purchase intentions and eWOM. Nevertheless, there is little exposure to sustainability activities in the social media accounts of luxury brands. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the sustainability activities on the social media of luxury brands and brand authenticity, as well as the effects of brand authenticity on eWOM and purchase intention. For this study, we conducted an online survey targeting individuals with ages of 20–30 years and who are highly interested in society while actively using social media. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 software package. The main finding of this study reveals that consumers are more aware of brand authenticity when they see an Instagram post that includes messages about sustainability rather than a post without any such messages. In addition, brand authenticity has positive effects on eWOM and purchase intention. These findings suggest that sustainability marketing by luxury brands leads to positive consumer response, and the broadcasting of messages about sustainability via social media is effective for the marketing strategy of luxury brands.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to find out how effective native content can be and how much 1) the web site type (news vs. entertainment vs. social networking site) and 2) the native content appeal (emotional vs. informational) will influence reader’s evaluations about a) the ad/website where the ad is placed and b) reader’s persuasion knowledge. The study also included an individual’s ad skepticism as one of the independent variables, arguing that the level of ad skepticism will influence the evaluations about the ad/website and individual’s persuasion knowledge. The result of the study can be helpful for advertisers to decide where and how to present native content. An online experiment, 3 (website type: news site/entertainment site/Facebook) X 2 (native content appeal: emotional/informational) X 2 (individual’s ad skepticism: high/low) was conducted to estimate the effects of independent variables on dependent variables, such as attitude towards the ad, website’s evaluation and individual’s persuasion knowledge. Introduction One of the newest ways of online advertising is ‘native ad’ or ‘native content.’ This new form of advertising provides companies the opportunity to introduce their products or services in a more natural way via online. Native ads normally match the design of other contents presented in the website and it should be perceived naturally as the rest of the content there (for example, in an online news site, the ad should be presented as news). Since native ads fit into the design of the site and people are there looking for stories to read, they provide higher rates of engagement as well as brand perception. However, there is a possibility of people feeling ‘deceived’ after realizing the story they click to read is no other but advertising. Furthermore, in the case of news websites, there have been instances of disapproval regarding native content. One of the arguments against native content presented in news sites points out that it is not ethical to present ads in the format of news. On the other hand, paid content can be seen as a useful alternative for non-intrusive online advertising which can generate more views among the users. Despite the increase of native content as a new form of advertising, academic study about native content (ads) is still difficult to find. The purpose of this study is to find out how effective native content can be and how much 1) the web site type (news vs. entertainment vs. social networking site) and 2) the native content appeal (emotional vs. informational) will influence reader’s evaluations about a) the ad/website where the ad is placed and b) reader’s persuasion knowledge. The study also included an individual’s ad skepticism as one of the independent variables, arguing that the level of ad skepticism will influence the evaluations about the ad/website and individual’s persuasion knowledge. Native content appears naturally, functioning like the rest of the content in the website. This characteristic makes it difficult for some people to tell the difference between the editorial content and paid content. By including ad skepticism as an independent variable, this study will show how people with high/low levels of ad skepticism will deal with this type of advertising. The result of the study can be helpful for advertisers to decide where and how to present native content. An online experiment, 3 (website type: news site/entertainment site/Facebook) X 2 (native content appeal: emotional/informational) X 2 (individual’s ad skepticism: high/low), was conducted to estimate the effects of independent variables on dependent variables, such as attitude towards the ad, website’s evaluation and individual’s persuasion knowledge. Literature Review Native Advertising and Evolution of Advertorials Native advertising is a method marketers use to present content in an interesting and subtle way on different websites or social media in a way that is almost camouflaging with the other content presented there. According to a IPG Media Lab survey, native advertising presented 53% more exposure than banners and it showed better performance regarding purchase intention, brand closeness and share intention. Native advertising’s origins can be found in what is defined as ‘advertorial’ (a combination of the words advertising and editorial). As we can find different arguments in native ads, we may also find discussions regarding similar topics related to advertorials. Cameron and Ju-Pak (2000)’s research supported that when stories are presented as editorial copy, they showed better credibility than those with a label of advertising. The ideas and main characteristics of advertorials appear today in native advertisements, bringing the advantages of advertorials to native ads. Marketers keep trying to make online advertising reliable and create effective sponsored content. However, as it was discussed with advertorials, when it appears difficult to tell the difference between news content and sponsored content, there is a possibility that the advertising is seen as deceptive (Pike, 2014). Since native content has become a popular online advertising format in reality, it is necessary to study it and the responses generated among the audience members of online news and different websites. Persuasion Knowledge Model & Ad Skepticism An individual’s ability to recognize and evaluate marketers’ persuasion goals and tactics is known as persuasion knowledge. Ad skepticism refers to a critical approach for consumers to evaluate and cope with advertising. Relating to the persuasion knowledge model and native content, one of the most important aspects for marketers is to determine the degree of persuasion knowledge that the target has in the different types of native content or the different website types where it is presented. This study will evaluate how an individual’s persuasion knowledge is affected after being exposed to native content. According to the persuasion knowledge model, we can assume that the more consumers know about the persuasion attempt of an agent, the lesser they are being persuaded. This study examined how the exposure to a new way of online advertising (native content) affects users’ persuasion knowledge. In the meantime, consumers with a higher level of skepticism make it harder for advertisers to find the effective format of online advertising. Consumers with a high level of skepticism may also be more aware of advertising strategies which leads to less positive responses to ads that use subtle persuasive techniques (Obermiller & Spangenberg, 1998, 2000). Previous research has shown that ad skepticism varies depending on advertising formats: banner advertisements present higher levels of skepticism than sponsored content. The present study differentiated persuasion knowledge from ad skepticism. Ad skepticism is regarded as a personal attribute. It is measured in order to find out how participants' level of ad skepticism (high/low) will influence the effects of native content. On the other hand, persuasion knowledge is seen as a way users will cope with advertising strategies. This research examined the effects different native advertising have on a reader’s persuasion knowledge. Research Questions & Hypotheses [RQ1]: Will the effect of native content on site evaluation be different depending on the website type, native content appeal and individual’s ad skepticism? [RQ2]: Will content appeal and website type influence the effects of native content on site evaluation (before/after)? [RQ3]: Will the effect of native content on persuasion knowledge be different depending on the website type, native content appeal and individual’s ad skepticism? [RQ4]: Will the effect of native content on attitude towards the ad (affective/cognitive/behavioral attitude and advertising credibility) differ depending on website type, native content appeal and individual’s ad skepticism? [H1]: Informational native content will show more positive cognitive attitude towards the ad than emotional content. [H2]: Emotional native content will show more positive affective attitude towards the ad than informational content. Research Method An online experiment was conducted in May 2016 in Seoul, Korea. Using a convenient and snowball sample, a total of 359 adult participants aged 18 or older took part in the online experiment. Experiment stimuli were created based on existing brands with high-involvement products (LG G5 mobile phone and CITI credit card). Experimental stimuli were created by the researchers to resemble native content and native ads in news sites, entertainment sites, and Facebook. The format of the contents was adapted from native content published in different sites (news site: /entertainment site: Huffington Post Korea, ). Participants were randomly assigned to one of the 6 cells (3 website types X 2 appeals). First, ad skepticism was measured followed by website evaluation. After each stimulus was shown, attitude towards the native ad, site evaluation and persuasion knowledge were measured. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Despite the growing popularity of native advertising in various online sites, little research has been performed regarding its effects and possible variables influencing the effects of native advertising. This study intended to contribute to find an effective way to create native content and a suitable place to place the native content. The study found significant interaction effects between content appeal and site evaluation (before/after). Also, significant interaction effects on persuasion knowledge were found between website type and content appeal. On the other hand, main effects of independent variables (native content appeal and ad skepticism) showed interesting results. Results of RQ1 showed that a lower ad skepticism and informational content appeal presented more significant effects on site evaluation. In other words, participants with lower levels of ad skepticism were more likely to positively evaluate the site. Also, when comparing the types of appeal, informational native content turned out to be more effective on site evaluation than emotional appeal. However, the online experiment failed to detect a meaningful connection between website type and site evaluation. Significant differences were found in terms of participants’ website evaluation before and after presenting experimental stimuli, native content (RQ2). Contrary to what was expected, emotional appeal presented a bigger mean difference between site evaluation before and site evaluation after. This may be due to participants’ feeling of deception from native content with emotional appeal that leads a lower website evaluation among research participants (Howe & Teufel, 2014). According to Moore and Rodgers (2005), due to high levels of skepticism, online ads are perceived as the least reliable source of credibility. This can explain why content with informational appeal showed more favorable website evaluation over content with emotional appeal. The interaction effect between content appeal and website type on persuasion knowledge was significant. That is, informational appeal showed higher persuasion knowledge for both Facebook and news sites, whereas emotional appeal showed higher persuasion knowledge for entertainment sites. This result is consistent with the literature review presented above regarding website context and online advertising. Meanwhile, the fact that informational appeal increases persuasion knowledge on Facebook can be a subject for further research. Main effects of content appeal and ad skepticism were also found in increasing persuasion knowledge (RQ3). Ad skepticism showed significant main effects on attitude towards the ad over all four categories (affective, cognitive, behavioral attitudes and ad credibility). In other words, participants with lower ad skepticism showed more positive affective/cognitive/behavioral attitudes towards the native content and believed the ad was better. This finding supported previous research on ad skepticism where consumers with low levels of skepticism had more positive responses to advertising (Obermiller & Spangenberg; 1998, 2000). In conclusion, this study showed that participants with a lower level of ad skepticism show more positive reactions to native content than those who tend to be more skeptical about advertising in general. Also, informational appeal appeared to be more effective when compared to emotional content: informational appeal native ads resulted in more positive cognitive/behavioral attitudes towards the native ad and more ad credibility (RQ4).
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research aims to provide a conceptual framework to explore how consumers respond to genuinuity claims made by organisations and how it affects perceptions towards the brand. Further, this proposal explores the influence of brand familiarity and inferences of manipulative intent on consumer’s cognition of the genuine claim. The Affect Transfer Hypothesis, Dual Mediation Hypothesis, Independent Influence Hypothesis and Reciprocal Mediation Hypothesis Models are tested parallel to determine the most effective model in line with previous studies. A total of 12 studies have been designed, comparing across 4 different levels of genuinuity, and 3 different product categories (luxury car brands, luxury hotels & spa resorts). A self-administered survey will be used while collecting data using panel data and mall intercept to ensure the ecological validity of the study. The study contributes conceptually by proposing a conceptual definition for genuinuity appeals. It contributes methodologically in its development of a brand genuinuity scale. Finally, the study will contribute managerially by providing practitioners, policy makers and firms with new ways to distinguish themselves as genuine amongst the clutter of unsubstantiated claims and to change consumer’s perceptions of industries such as banks which are renowned for unsubstantiated claims.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumers nowadays are looking for luxury brands that are able to fulfil their values. Luxury fashion marketers have spent enormously on advertising and adopted sex appeal extensively as their major selling technique. Little empirical evidence, however, has been presented with regards to the effectiveness of using sex appeal in luxury fashion advertising. Consumer responses to sex appeal in luxury brand advertisements are also poorly understood and under-investigated. The massive use of sex appeal in luxury brand advertising suggests the strong need for empirical research to determine the relationship between sex appeal and perceived luxury values. Based on the luxury value framework and adopting a quasi-experimental design, this study examines the influence of sex appeal in advertising on the relationships between attitude towards the advertisement and luxury value perceptions. Results show that the increase of sex appeal level increases the favourability of the advertisement which results in significant changes in luxury value perceptions. The influence of gender is found to be prominent in this study, which highlights the importance of gender consideration when adopting sex appeal strategy for any luxury brand advertising. Implications for luxury brand marketers and advertisers are discussed.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국제기아 돕기를 촉구하는 설득 메시지의 효과에 영향을 미치는 죄책감 소구 수준과 공감적 개인성 향의 상호작용을 살펴보았다. 죄책감 소구 수준은 메시지가 수용자의 죄책감을 이끌어 내는 정도의 높고 낮음을 의미한다. 공감적 성향이란 타인의 경험에 동조하거나 관심을 갖는 개인의 경향을 지칭하며 본 연구에서는 개인 적 고통과 공감적 관심이라는 하위 차원을 이용하였다. 메시지의 실험은 2단계로 구성하였다. 1단계에서는 개인 성향을 측정하고 2단계에서는 죄책감 소구의 수준을 차별화한 메시지를 전달하였다. 전체 실험은 죄책감 소구 수준(2) ✕ 공감성향(2)으로 설계되었다. 그 결과, 죄책감 소구 수준은 개인적 고통과 상호작용하는 것으로 나타 났다. 그 상호작용은 주로 죄책감 수준이 높은 조건에서 개인적 고통이 높은 개인과 낮은 개인들의 차이에 의해 발현되었다. 공감적 관심이 높은 개인들은 낮은 개인들에 비해 죄책감 수준과 상관없이 돕기 메시지에 더 우호적인 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 한국기독교에 대한 비판의 대부분은 ‘종교가 사회에 어떤기능을 하는가?’라는 종교기능론으로부터의 비판이라는 특징을 띠고 있는데, 이것은 살아 있는 예수, 영으로 함께 하는 예수를 잃어버린교회의 모습이다. 만일 기독교가 단지 이 사회의 한 기능이라는 점에집착하게 될 때, 기독교는 자기 본래의 정체성에 관한 종교적 평가가 아닌 여타의 사회기관들과 같은 근거로 자기 가치를 인정 받아야 하고,그 결과 기독교는 이 사회에서 종교로서 추구하는 순수한 목적에서어긋나게 된다. 따라서 오늘날 교회는 위기에 당면하여 사회가 요구하는 사회적 집단으로서의 기능을 만족하려고 하기 보다는 먼저 종교본연의 정체성으로써 위기를 극복하려고 해야 한다. 기독교는 종교의 원천적인 기능이 ‘종교의 실체로의 귀환’이라는 입장을 견지하여야만 위기를 극복하고, 종교적으로 회복될 수 있고,또 그런 면에서 본연의 임무로 사회에 기여할 수 있다고 생각한다.우리는 예수를 통해 배운 것으로 사는 사람들이 아니라 예수를 통해 지금도 역사하는 그 영과 직접 접하여 세상을 살아가는 사람들이다. 어쩌면 오늘날 교회는 초대교회의 아볼로와 같이 지혜와 언변에는 뛰어나 사람들을 감화할 수는 있지만, 거기에 물세례만 있고 성령의세례가 빠져 있기에 ‘예수의 실체’를 경험할 수 없는 상황에 처해 있다고생각한다. 그런 의미에서 오늘날 교회가 그들의 건물 크기와 교인 숫자로 자신의 정체성을 확인 받고자 하는 ‘종교적 실체’의 종교에서 바울이 성령세례를 주어 영이신 예수 그리스도가 드러나는 ‘종교의실체’로의 귀환이 이루어진 것과 같은 사건을 일으켜야 한다. 그리고바로 이것이 예수적인 종교에서 예수의 종교로의 귀환이다. 즉 종교적영성을 회복한 종교로서의 교회의 회복이고, 바로 그 영성은 예수 그리스도의 영성인 것이다. 오늘날 기독교의 가장 큰 문제에 관해 결론적으로 말하자면, 교회는 ‘종교적 실체’이기는 하지만 ‘종교의 실체’를 상실한 상태이고, 이것은 다른 말로 ‘예수의 실체’를 잃어버린 예수 없는 ‘예수적인 교회’의 문제라고 할 수 있다. 우리는 바덴부억의 종교 이해에서 그의 종교회복을 위한 이러한 통찰력에 교훈을 얻는다. 그리고 이러한 그의 주장은 구더가 말하는 선교적 교회론이나 콕스가 말하는 영성회복만이 미래의 종교의 가능성이라는 말과 일맥 상통하는 듯하다. 그러나 우리는 바덴부억의 종교의 실체에 대한 한 가지 분명한 차이를 언급해야 한다.그것은 그가 말하는 종교의 실체가 우리에게는 오직 예수 그리스도라는 분명한 실체라는 것이다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sex appeal advertising has been widely adopted in luxury fashion marketing and yet little attention has been paid to the impact of sex appeal on perceived luxury values. Using a 2(low/high degree of sex appeal) x 2(male/female ad endorser) x 2(male/female ad viewer) factorial design, this study finds that the use of a high degree of sex appeal in an advertisement significantly improves young consumers’ perceptions of the appearance, quality, uniqueness, and conspicuousness value of a luxury fashion brand. The impact of sex appeal on the self-identity, hedonic, materialistic or prestige value perceptions appear to be insignificant. Gender interacts with the degree of sex appeal on the appearance and quality value only. Implications for luxury brand marketers and advertisers are discussed.
        1 2