The market for counterfeit luxury goods is growing rapidly, with estimates suggesting that counterfeit trades are valued at around $4.5 trillion globally, with 60% to 70% of this being made up of counterfeit luxury goods. Research has shown that counterfeits dilute the perceived quality of luxury brands and reduce consumers' purchase intentions. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a form of ownership record that is linked and stored on a blockchain.
Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems in the world. In modern society, the consumption of single-use plastics in the food service industry has increased along with the increase in food-away-from-home. The COVID-19 pandemic has attacked the consumption of single-use plastic in the restaurant industry. During the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the US has retracted the related laws and policies regarding using single-use plastic for fast food and carry-out food, and customers have increased their use of single-use plastic for fast food and carry-out food due to worries about hygiene. Even though sustainability has been a novel topic in hospitality literature, a majority of studies have focused on the consumers’ perception, attitude, or behavioral willingness toward sustainability. To fill this gap in research, finding an effective way to influence consumers’ behavioral change becomes important and necessary.
Organizations are increasingly implementing recommendation systems on their websites. A growing body of research is focusing on how the characteristics of online message content affect consumers’ consumption intentions, taking into account consumers’ static personal information, such as demographics. However, limited research has explored how the social context of consumers and online message content characteristics can affect the consumers’ intention to consume events. To address this gap, the present study investigates the joint effects of consumers' social context and arousal potential cues on their intention to attend cultural events. Based on the Target-arousal level theory, we suggest that people who anticipate solo consumption (i.e., accompanied by no one) will tend to attend cultural events promoted by a low arousal potential cue ("A calming experience."), while those who anticipate social consumption (i.e., accompanied by one or more companions) will tend to attend cultural events promoted by a high arousal potential cue ("An exciting experience”). Furthermore, we argue that anticipated enjoyment will mediate this relationship. The joint impact of the social context and arousal potential cues of a cultural event on consumers' intention to attend, as well as the mediating role of anticipated enjoyment, were demonstrated through two studies. The use of message cues and personalized recommendation algorithms as tools to target consumers and improve attendance rates is discussed. References available upon request.
목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 아동의 음식 섭취 시 시각 역할에 관한 연구 동향을 주제범위 문헌고찰 방법으로 확인하고 연구 방향을 설정하는데 기초자료를 제공하고자 하는 것이다.
연구방법 : 본 연구는 주제 범위 고찰을 통하여 1974년부터 2022년까지 국외에서 발표된 연구를 데이터 베이스인 CINAHL, MEDLINE, ProQuest, Science Direct에서 검색하여 본 연구목적에 적합하고 포함 및 제외기준에 해당되는 14개의 연구를 최종으로 선정하였다. 선정된 연구는 연구의 일반적 특성 및 연 구목적, 연구절차, 연구결과로 나누어 분석하였다.
결과 : 음식의 시각적인 요소와 섭취량과의 관련성 연구는 1990~2019년까지 꾸준히 증가하는 것으로 나 타났으며, 미국에서 가장 많은 연구가 이루어졌다. 연구대상자는 아동(2세 8개월~18세)을 대상으로 진 행하였으며, 이 중 유아 및 학령전기 아동만을 대상으로 한 연구가 6편으로 가장 많았다. 음식의 시각적 인 요소는 음식의 색, 모양, 크기로 분류되었으며 2000년대 들어서는 아동이 좋아하는 음식보다는 채소 와 과일과 같은 건강식품으로 시도하는 것으로 나타났다. 14편 중 10편이 해당 음식 섭취량을 증진하기 위한 목적으로 진행되었으며, 음식 섭취를 확인하기 위한 평가는 대부분 아동을 대상으로 대부분 임상 관찰로 진행되었다.
결론 : 본 연구 결과를 통해 음식의 시각적인 요소로는 음식의 색, 모양, 크기로 분류할 수 있었고, 이러한 요소들이 음식 섭취에 영향을 미친다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
목적: 입체경에서 기하학적 단안 단서를 타깃의 배경에 적용하여 거리감 지각의 변화를 확인하였으며, 가상현실에 서 거리감의 효과적인 구현 방법을 분석하였다.
방법 : 타깃의 배경에 사용된 단안 단서는 결의 밀도, 선형 전망, 대기 전망 및 음영이었다. 결의 밀도 단서 및 선형 전망 단서는 선의 개수와 대비도, 대기 전망 단서 선의 개수와 대비도 차이, 음영 단서는 음영의 농도와 범위 를 각각 변수로 선정하였다. 타깃은 모든 대상자에게 무작위로 제시하였으며, 원거리 및 근거리에서 검사 후 5점 척도의 설문조사를 통해 거리감 변화를 확인하였다. 또한, 거리감 변화에 대해 대상자의 지각이 의도한 것과 일치 했을 때 긍정적, 그렇지 못했을 때 부정적 효과로 구분하고, 거리감 변화의 효율을 평가하였다.
결과 : 원거리와 근거리 모두 단안 단서의 변수에 대해 의도한 것과 대부분 일치하는 것으로 확인되었으며, 근 거리는 일부 변수 조정 항목에서 다소 차이가 발생했다. 또한, 거리감 변화 효과는 결의 밀도 단서 및 대기 전망 단서에 의해 선의 개수가 변화했을 가장 높았고, 일부 유의하였다(p<0.050).
결론 : 입체경에서 대상자의 거리감은 주시거리가 동일해도 타깃의 배경에 적절한 단안 단서를 제공하여 조정 이 가능한 것으로 확인되었다. 원거리 및 근거리 입체시표의 기하학적 단서 중 결의 밀도 및 대기 전망 단서에서 선의 개수를 변화시켰을 때 거리감 지각 변화의 효과가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 보다 정확한 거리감 지각을 위해서는 조절 및 폭주 변화 등을 추가한 후속 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
People differ greatly in their capacity to persist in the face of challenges. Despite significant research, relatively little is known about cognitive factors that might be involved in perseverance. Building upon human threat-management mechanism, we predicted that perseverant people would be characterized by reduced sensitivity (i.e., longer detection latency) to threat cues. Our data from 5,898 job applicants showed that highly perseverant individuals required more time to correctly identify anger in faces, regardless of stimulus type (dynamic or static computer-morphed faces). Such individual differences were not observed in response to other facial expressions (happiness, sadness), and the effect was independent of gender, dispositional anxiety, or conscientiousness. Discussions were centered on the potential role of threat sensitivity in effortful pursuit of goals.
본 연구는 제품과 물리적 접촉이 불가능한 온라인 환경에서 다중 감각 단서가 소비자의 촉각적 심상과 제품에 대한 태도 및 구매 의사에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 실험 1에서는 참가자들을 음향 없이 사진만 제시한 조건, 음향 없이 영상만 제시한 조건, 일치하는 음향과 영상을 제시한 조건, 불일치하는 음향과 영상을 제시한 조건으로 나누어 제품을 탐색하게 하였고 그 후 촉각적 심상선명도, 제품 사용의 상상용이성, 제품에 대한 태도-구매 의사를 측정하였 다. 그 결과, 모든 변수에서 불일치하는 음향과 영상이 주어진 조건이 가장 낮은 평균 점수를 보였다. 실험 2는 참가자 내 디자인으로 설계되어, 참가자들에게 동일한 제품을 실험 1과 같은 네 개의 조건에서 탐색하게 하였다. 탐색 후,촉각적 심상선명도, 제품 사용의 상상용이성, 제품에 대한 태도-구매 의사, 접촉 욕구 등을 측정하였다. 접촉 욕구를 공변인으로 하는 반복측정 공분산분석 결과, 일치하는 음향과 영상을 제시한 조건은 다른 조건과 비교했을 때 유의미 하게 심상선명도, 제품에 대한 태도, 제품 구매 의사가 높았다. 이중 매개 분석 결과, 다중 감각 단서 조건은 심상선명 도와 제품 사용의 상상용이성을 순차적으로 매개하여 제품에 대한 태도-구매 의사를 유의미하게 예측했다. 결론적으 로, 음향 및 영상 단서로 유발된 선명한 촉각적 심상은 소비자가 제품을 사용하는 상황의 상상을 쉽게 만들어 태도-구 매 의사와 같은 의사 결정에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
중독자들은 물질이나 행동과 같은 중독-관련 단서에 주의를 더 기울인다. 그리고 이러한 단서들에 증가된 주의는 갈망과 관련이 있다. 국내 마약류 사범 중 가장 많이 남용되고 있는 마약류는 메스암페타민이며, 재범률은 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이다. 최근 3년 동안 전체 마약류 사범 중 여성의 비율은 21.1%이나, 여성 마약류 사범에 대한 연구의 부족으로 관련 정책과 심리치료 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초 자료는 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구의 목적은 여성 메스암페타민 중독자들을 대상으로 약물 단서에 대한 주의편향이 나타나는지를 확인하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 교정기관에 수용 중인 여성 메스암페타민 중독자(중독 집단) 22명과 약물과 관련한 문제가 없는 정상인(통제 집단) 22명을 대상으로 탐침 탐사 과제를 수행하였다. 이 과제를 통해 약물 단서와 중성 단서 위치에 따른 정반응률 및 정반응시간을 산출하였다. 그 결과, 통제 집단은 정반응률과 정반응시간 모두에서 약물 단서와 중성 단서 간의 차이가 없었으나, 중독 집단은 중성 단서에 비해 약물 단서에서 더 낮은 반응률과 더 느린 반응시간을 보였다. 이러한 본 연구의 결과는 마약류로부터 단절된 여성 메스암페타민 중독자들의 약물 단서에 대한 주의편향 특성을 규명하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
The purpose of this study is to examine the compensatory role of instrumental (e.g., product information) and aesthetic (e.g., website background) online cues presented within apparel websites where touch is unavailable. The moderating role of two need for touch (NFT) dimensions (i.e., autotelic and instrumental NFT) between online cues and consumer responses was also investigated. Results demonstrate that personal differences in autotelic and instrumental NFT moderate the relationship between online cues and affective responses. It was found that consumers high in autotelic NFT (i.e., who need to touch for fun) seek more instrumental cues to compensate for lack of touch when shopping apparel products online. Surprisingly, consumers high in instrumental NFT (i.e., who need to touch for product evaluation) use aesthetic as well as instrumental cues to supplement the absence of touch. In contrast, for the low NFT groups, only aesthetic online cues showed significant effects on consumer arousal. Further analysis shows that instrumental NFT is negatively related to purchase intention while autotelic NFT has a positive effect on purchase intention. This implies that need for hedonic-oriented touch is no longer a barrier for online apparel shopping. However, the instrumental NFT seems a significant obstacle for the adoption of online apparel purchasing.
Due to the explosive growth of peer-to-peer transportation sharing services offered by micro-entrepreneurial travelers, investigating how their quality cues affect demand is of paramount importance. The goal of this study was to identify what types of intrinsic and extrinsic quality cues affect the demand of peer-to-peer transportation sharing services. Based on the rich data set of 414,292 transactions from a leading peer-to-peer ridesharing platform, it was identified that intrinsic quality cues – car status and driver status – and extrinsic quality cues – price and offering duration – significantly affect the peer-to-peer transportation demand independently and interactively. Although the lower price and longer offering duration of a transportation sharing service positively affect its demand, the higher price or shorter offering duration can increase its sales when combined with better intrinsic cues. Implications for vulnerable segments such as female and minority drivers are provided
최근 자동차와 IT기술의 융합으로 차량 내 인포테인먼트 시스템이 운전자에게 편의 및 오락 기능을 제공하며 역할이 중요해지고 있다. 하지만 운전과 인포테인먼트 시스템을 조작하는 것은 동시에 시각 리소스를 요구하는 과제로 과제를 전환하며 수행해야 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 운전 중 인포테인먼트 시스템 조작 상황에서 조작 과제의 난이도와 motor cue가 과제 전환과 운전 주행능력에 미치는 영향과 함께, motor cue의 효과가 조작 과제의 난이도 수준에 따라 차이가 있는지 보고자 하였다. motor cue와 조작 과제 난이도의 효과를 살펴보기 위해 반복되는 숫자가 청크 단위와 일치하는지에 따라 두 종류의 번호를 사용하였으며, 터치 키의 크기로 난이도 수준을 조절했다. 실험에서 참가자들은 모의 주행을 하며 스크린에 번호를 입력하도록 지시받았고, 과제 수행 중 번호 입력시간, 차선 유지능력, 숫자 키 입력 시간 간격과 핸들 움직임을 측정했다. 그 결과, 난이도 수준에 따라 운전 주행 능력과[F(1, 26) = 8.521, p < .001], 번호 입력 시간의 차이가 유의미했고[F(1, 26) = 35.372, p < .0001], 번호 종류에 따른 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 하지만 Incongruent 번호 입력 시, 청크로 구분된 두 숫자를 입력하는 시간의 간격과 핸들 움직임이 크게 증가하였다. 이는 반복된 숫자가 청크로 구분되어도 청크를 무시하고 한 번에 입력하였음을 나타낸다. 종합하면, 다중 과제 상황에서 청크 단위는 motor cue에 의해 상쇄되며 과제 전환 시점을 결정하는 데에 motor cue의 효과가 있음을 시사한다.
Given the increasing competition in the hospitality industry, a key question is to
investigate how consumer-generated reviews affect the consumption decision of
tourism services. Online reviews are regarded as one form of electronic word of
mouth communication (Banerjee & Chua, 2016). While researchers have
demonstrated the benefits of the presence of customer reviews on company sales, an
issue scarcely investigated is how to assess the impact of informational cues on
eWOM adoption for consumer decision-making and how individuals process and
integrate conflicting opinions from other consumers. Drawing on dual process
theories, this paper analyzes: (1) the impact of systematic information cues
(informativeness, credibility and helpfulness of reviews) on eWOM adoption; (2) the
moderating effect of conflicting reviews on the impact of eWOM adoption on
behavioural intentions.
The heuristic-systematic model HSM (Chaiken, 1980) is a widely recognized
communication model that attempts to explain how people receive and process
persuasive messages. As Zhang et al. (2014) advocated, the HSM provides broader
explanations of individuals’ information processing behaviour in the context of online
communities than do other models, such as ELM (elaboration likelihood model). We
build up and test an expanded HSM model anchored in dual process literature, which
includes the influence informativeness, credibility and helpfulness of mixed valence
online reviews (systematic information cues) have on eWOM adoption which, in turn,
influences behavioural intentions.
In order to test the hypotheses of the model an experimental subjects-design was
carried out using valence order: positive-negative vs. negative-positive as a condition.
Data was collected in January 2016 using a sample of 908 Tripadvisor heavy-users.
461 interviewees answered in the POS-NEG condition and 447 in NEG-POS
condition. Participants were instructed to imagine a situation where they were going
out for dinner to an Italian restaurant with friends and they were told to read a total of
10 reviews about the restaurant in the same order they were displayed and answer the
questions that followed. We used an experimental design. All variables were
measured with seven point likert scales. Data analysis shows informativeness
activates both review credibility and review helpfulness, which in turn influence
eWOM adoption. When the sequence of Tripadvisor reviews begins with positive commentaries, eWOM is a significant driver of intention to visit the restaurant, but when the user reads negative commentaries followed by positive ones, the effect becomes non-significant.
This study is novel because it examines the factors that drive consumers to adopt consumer generated content (eWOM) in tourism services and to make consumption decisions. This study demonstrates how systematic information cues and sequence of reviews influence on eWOM adoption and behavioural intentions. Firstly, consumer intentions to visit a restaurant are determined by the consumer's eWOM adoption, which, in turn, is determined by three information cues: informativeness, perceived credibility and helpfulness of the online reviews. Understanding the specific effects of different information cues on eWOM adoption seems to be particularly important given the tremendous competition in the tourism sector. Secondly, this study shows conflicting reviews affect the user in a complex way. When consumer reviews conflict, if the consumer reads positive reviews before the negative ones, eWOM adoption has a stronger influence on behavioural intentions. It seems that users attribute an opportunistic view to the negative comments mainly attributed to the lack of their informativeness, credibility and helpfulness. User behavioural intention to visit a restaurant is directed by systematic and heuristic information cues. Therefore, users examine content of online reviews carefully and they also are influenced by the sequence of comments.
Numerous studies have tested the impact of store environmental stimuli on store loyalty via some form of attachment and found that the environmental cues of a store do influence repatronage behaviours such as intentions to visit a store. However, different groups of consumers such as men and women could respond differently to environmental stimuli and develop distinct emotions or attachment towards a store brand (i.e. store love) which eventually results in different store repatronage behaviour (i.e. store loyalty). This study sought to determine whether male and female shoppers evaluated the (1) impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love, as well as (2) effect of store love on store loyalty differently from each other. Studies comparing male and female shoppers are crucial as it would help retailers formulate and implement more effective gender-related marketing strategies. The framework and measures of this study were adapted from Koo and Kim (2003). Data was solicited from 863 Millennial shoppers of fast fashion retail stores in Malaysia using a survey method. The focus was on fast fashion stores given their significance as a disrupter in the retail industry and their strong popularity among clothing shoppers. Partial least squares multigroup analysis (PLS-MGA) was used to determine the differences between path coefficients in the structural model as well as compare the loadings of the indicators in the measurement model between both male and female respondents. Results showed that the indicator loadings do not differ significantly between male and female subsamples thereby establishing measurement model invariance. Results from the PLS-MGA showed that male and female shoppers do not evaluate the impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love differently. Both groups shared the same perception that all four environmental cues examined in this study were important in cultivating positive feelings and attachment towards a store brand. However, the impact of store love on store loyalty differed significantly among males and females. Interestingly, the effect of store love on store loyalty was higher for the males than the females, contrasting the conventional view of females as the more emotionally-attached and loyal group of consumers.Numerous studies have tested the impact of store environmental stimuli on store loyalty via some form of attachment and found that the environmental cues of a store do influence repatronage behaviours such as intentions to visit a store. However, different groups of consumers such as men and women could respond differently to environmental stimuli and develop distinct emotions or attachment towards a store brand (i.e. store love) which eventually results in different store repatronage behaviour (i.e. store loyalty). This study sought to determine whether male and female shoppers evaluated the (1) impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love, as well as (2) effect of store love on store loyalty differently from each other. Studies comparing male and female shoppers are crucial as it would help retailers formulate and implement more effective gender-related marketing strategies. The framework and measures of this study were adapted from Koo and Kim (2003). Data was solicited from 863 Millennial shoppers of fast fashion retail stores in Malaysia using a survey method. The focus was on fast fashion stores given their significance as a disrupter in the retail industry and their strong popularity among clothing shoppers. Partial least squares multigroup analysis (PLS-MGA) was used to determine the differences between path coefficients in the structural model as well as compare the loadings of the indicators in the measurement model between both male and female respondents. Results showed that the indicator loadings do not differ significantly between male and female subsamples thereby establishing measurement model invariance. Results from the PLS-MGA showed that male and female shoppers do not evaluate the impact of store environmental cues (ambient, design, merchandise and social) on store love differently. Both groups shared the same perception that all four environmental cues examined in this study were important in cultivating positive feelings and attachment towards a store brand. However, the impact of store love on store loyalty differed significantly among males and females. Interestingly, the effect of store love on store loyalty was higher for the males than the females, contrasting the conventional view of females as the more emotionally-attached and loyal group of consumers.The findings imply that retailers need to be more astute in creating strong emotional bonds with customers that translate to repatronage behaviours particularly among female shoppers. Male shoppers, as discovered, tend to be less finicky in expressing their love and repatronage intentions for a store once they are contented with the store’s ambience, design, merchandise and service. Alternatively, retailers can seize the opportunity of reaching out to the Millennial male shopper cohort given their potential in market size, characteristic as the less fastidious lot compared to their female counterparts, penchant for recreational shopping and being market mavens when it comes to the latest products, trends and happenings.
Over the past decades, researchers devoted considerable attention to the impact of store environments on shopping behavior (e.g. Baker et al., 2002; Kotler, 1973; Turley & Milliman, 2000). More recent, practitioners and academics alike have argued that a greater challenge for brands is the creation and enhancement of compelling shopping experiences along, and beyond, the entire path-to-purchase (Interbrand, 2014; Shankar et al., 2011). In a luxury brand context, where the shopping experience is a significant motivator for purchases (Yoon, 2013), the interaction of multiple retail environments greatly affect consumer behavior towards the brands. Accordingly, brand experiences is created at both ends of the marketing supply chain, by brand manufacturers and retailers.
Yet, although research has developed fruitful areas for new perspectives on the relationships between manufacturers and retailers (Ganesan et al., 2009), the vast majority of existing research predominantly focuses on consumer response to brand experiences with respect to manufacturer cues (Dolbec & Chebat, 2013; Tynan et al., 2010), store cues (Baker et al., 2002), or retail settings (Möller & Herm, 2013). The evolving business world needs to implement more comprehensive and holistic approaches (Choi et al., 2014), where integrated strategies must emerge. The objective of this study is to present an explanation of luxury brand experiences across manufacturer and retailer’s settings. By overviewing the literature on the interaction between brand management, store atmospherics, and consumer behavior, and applying qualitative methods, the authors provide relevant insights for academics and practitioners toward a more comprehensive understanding of the luxury brand experience.
Customer experience and luxury brands
In the field of contemporary marketing, customer experience has been defined as a construct which “encompasses the total experience and may involve multiple retail channels” (Verhoef et al., 2009, p. 32). It includes the search, purchase, consumption, and after-sale phases of the experience. In a holistic brand perspective, this definition enlightens the key role of luxury brands in delivering the same brand promise and brand message across each connection between the consumer and the brand. Among the characteristics of luxury brands, consumers are willing to pursue luxury products as these products provide psychological benefits rather than functional benefits (Kapferer, 1997). Further, luxury brands are associated with status, wealth, exclusion, and pride (McFerran et al., 2014). As result, strong experiences with luxury brands derive when consumers develop deep emotional bonds with brands (Grisaffe & Nguyen, 2011).
From a marketing perspective, consumers that develop deep emotional relationships with a brand have a lot of positive and strong associations (Yoo et al., 2000), such as the perception of the brand uniqueness and inimitability, and loyalty to the brand. However, when it comes to analyze the brand experience, research confers a conceptually different meaning from other brand constructs. According to Brakus et al. (2009), brand experience has distinct dimensions from evaluative, affective, and associative brand constructs, such as brand attachment, brand attitudes, customer delight, and brand personality. The concept of brand experience encompasses multiple dimensions, which refer to the sensorial, affective, intellectual, and behavioral sphere (Zarantonello & Schmitt, 2009). More specifically, the intrinsic concept of luxury brands as hedonic products with high symbolic value, holistically incorporate manufactures and retailers in fulfilling these various dimensions of brand experience. By assuring consistency across the manufacturer and retailer’s settings of the luxury brand, customer experiences evoke the exclusivity of the brand and transfer the authenticity of the brand message.
From a consumer’s perspective, consumers reach brand authenticity when they perceive both the internal consistency, which focuses on maintaining the luxury brand standard and style, honoring its heritage, preserving its essence, and avoiding its exploitation, and the external consistency, which pertains to appearances and claims of the brand (Choi et al., 2014). Similarly, consumers tend to perceive the exclusivity of the luxury brand when they encounter consistent experiences across multiple brand touch points. Accordingly, in the experiential view, the principle of consistency and contiguity proposes that sensations, imagery, feelings, pleasures, and other symbolic or hedonic components are paired together to create mutually evocative consumer response (Holbrook & Hirschmann, 1982).
The integration between the marketing and consumer’s perspectives suggests that luxury brands create and maintain powerful customer experiences when there is consistency across the manufacturer and retailer’s environments. However, in the landscape of luxury brand management, the conceptualization of customer experience requires the understanding of how consumers respond to luxury brand messages. This investigation is particularly important when examining brand experiences emerged in the manufacturer versus retailer physical environment. Existing literature on brand experiences, retail atmospherics, and luxury brands cannot fill the gap we address. Prior studies aiming to investigate the brand experience have analyzed the phenomenon of this construct from a theoretical perspective (Verhoef et al., 2009), case study analysis (Payne et al., 2009), or focused only on the direct relationship between manufacturer and consumer (e.g. Dolbec et al., 2013; Kim, 2009). For example, Dolbec et al. (2013) have studied in-store brand experiences on consumer response to flaghship vs. brand stores, and highlighted how their study suffers from not considering the continuity between current, previous and future experiences.
Regarding the impact of store atmospherics and retailer’s settings on customer experiences (e.g. Baker et al. 2002; Bloch, 1995), research has found that specific combinations of atmospherics elements influences consumers’ perceptions about merchandise, service quality, and the overall store image. More recently, Möller & Herm (2013) showed how retail settings may shape consumers interpretation and evaluation of the brand, and in-store bodily experiences transfer a metaphoric message to customers’ perceptions of the brand. However, the authors empirically tested a mono-brand fashion retail store, and stressed the importance of examining the interaction between brand and store personalities in transferring meaning “from the product to the retailer and the other way around” (Möller & Herm, 2013, p. 8). The retail landscape has dramatically changed the dynamics of consumer-brand interactions in the physical encounter. The main challenge of these interactions concerns the effective integration of multichannel brand experiences into an exciting, emotionally engaging, and coherent brand experience. However, in-depth studies on consumer perceptions to these multi-environment experiences have not yet emerged. In this paper, we aim to fill that gap. By addressing the attention to the customer’s sphere, we specifically investigate how consumers perceive luxury brands in relation to brand experiences across various retail settings.
Method and studies
Owing to the lack of relevant research, this study applies a direct qualitative and exploratory approach to develop deep insights of consumers response to luxury brand experiences in different retail settings (Creswell, 2012). Two sequential studies investigate consumer cues of brand experiences across various environments. Study 1 provides the identification of luxury brand elements that are pivotal in the creation of exciting shopping experiences. In study 1, respondents named a luxury brand which they had frequently experienced in the last year, and to which they felt being in a deep relationship across multiple retail touch points of the brand. Respondents were asked about what elements of the brand they were more engaged to. The authors imposed no constraints on the elicitation. Following the categorization of luxury brands (Jackson, 2004) which comprehends fashion, perfumes and cosmetics, wines and spirits, and watches and luxury, respondents chose whatever brand they wanted. One of the authors provided the instructions to respondents. This study includes in the first sample a variety of 35 consumers from various age (20 to 65 years old consumers), as well as various education levels. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, and evaluated with content analysis, following quality criteria of Kassarjian (1977).
The luxury brand elements emerged from Study 1 were used in Study 2 as thematic basis for investigating how these elements provide exciting experiences across multiple retail setting of the luxury brand. The same interviewer of Study 1 undertook in-depth interviews with eight of the above respondents, two from each consumer profile identified in line with the hedonic profiles of Arnold & Reynolds (2003). Each interview discussion lasted between 30 and 45 minutes, was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The text was analyzed by the authors following the generalized sequence of steps of data reduction and transformation, data display and conclusion drawing/verification (Miles & Huberman, 1994). The code development followed thematic analysis (Boyatzis, 1998), and coding was multivariate within subjects. With multiple ideas per respondent, we extracted a large list of properties. We sorted thematic elements into logically related clusters and assigned representative headers. The authors now describe results regarding respondents’ perceptions of luxury brand experiences in multiple retail environments.
Results and discussion
Consumers identified a wide range of experience factors that they seek in luxury brands, and highlighted how the brand and retail environment fulfill these expectations. They considered the brand evocation to exclusivity and authenticity as the primary reason for purchasing luxury brands. One of the respondents stated: “I buy brand X because it is a nice and deeply authentic brand to have. When I use the brand X I feel I am wearing something very exclusive. And I feel exclusive”. Regarding experiencing luxury brands in the stores, respondents stressed the importance of “finding the same brand appealing in the monobrand store as well across retailers’ stores”, and added that when they did not perceive this coherence of message they often switched to other brands in the purchasing stage. Another determinant element of holistic experiences concerns the products presentation of the brand in various settings, which has to be very similar and related across the brand touch points. Respondents explained to feel confused when they visit one store and encounter “colorful display with a charming presentation of the brand Y in the store of retailer 1”, while finding in store of retailer 2 “black and white displays and an awful presentation for the brand Y”. Concerning the specific impact of the retailer’s environment on luxury experiences, we identified that the overall store setting of the retailer influences the luxury brand even when consumers do not experience the brand in the specific. For example, one respondent highlighted that “If I have to buy brand Z, I never go to retailer 3. I know that brand Z does not feel luxury at all in retailer 3 because of its very old fashioned store”.
This study shows how consumers respond to luxury brand strategies across manufacturer and retailer’s brand setting. By providing deep insights on their relationship with luxury brands, consumers contributed to understand key elements for living consistent luxury brand experiences. They stresses the pivotal role of a coherent brand exclusivity. This is an evident implication to motivate consumers in purchasing the luxury brands. Retailers can also make important considerations from our study. They must create more appealing and overall exciting store images. By enhancing luxury experiences in the store, retailers can leverage opportunities of stronger connection with consumers. Simultaneously, brand manufacturers can build upon retailers enhanced in-store experience to magnify the holistic luxury brand experience. Finally, this study is one of the first explorations concerning the cross-effect of brand experiences and store atmospherics. In an empirical context, the authors investigate the conceptualization of consumer experiences in a multichannel view, and provide relevant contributions to analyze the brand and the environment as interdependent elements. Further research may test empirically our findings on the interaction between luxury brands and multi-retail experiences.
In insects, the sense of smell is a complex and highly sensitive modality, governing essential decisions such as choice of food and oviposition sites. Plants emit substantial amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and the characteristic scent represents a dynamic communication channel. Understanding this odor-mediated system is critically important in the habitat management and in the largest view of the conservation biological control. Here we suggest that the fitness of the egg parasitoid ,an important biological control agent of the green vegetable bug may be improved through the understanding of chemical communication in the biological control system. Initially, the attractiveness of four flowering plant species, chosen from apanelofplants based on the longevity of the eggparasitoid on these plants, to T. basalis was assessed, which indicated significant behavioral attraction of T. basalis to the buckwheat flowers. Subsequently, and GC-MS analysis were carried out to identify the olfactory-active VOC semanated from buck wheat, demonstrating that the antennalol factory receptor neurons of T. basalis were responsive to some aliphatic acids as well as a few common plant volatiles. In behavioral bioassays using synthetic formulation based on the chemical and electrophysiological analysis, T. basalis exhibited significant behavioral attraction to the synthetic blend at optimum dose. The findings, in a wider perspective, form the basis for further improvement of the use of the companion plants that may increase the insects’ communities’ ability to persist in an environment.
This research studied the effect of underwear’s product cues (style, fabric and price) on consumer choice by using conjoint and consumer neural response (EEG). The results reveal that female prefers bikini style and silk fabrics while male likes brief and boxer. In addition, male more relies on price than female.