
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The food service industry has grown larger with changes in the economic and socio-cultural environment. In this saturated food service industry, generation X and MZ are the main consumer forces that demand attention. That is because a generation is the main psychographic factor that reflects personal values and lifestyle based on one’s life cycle. From such a perspective, a generation in marketing has been used as a variable to predict a market by supplementing demographic factors. Accordingly, this study classified generations into generation X and generation MZ with the use of the 2019 consumer behavior survey for food by Korea Rural Economic Institute (KREI) and then investigated the factors influencing group and personal dining-out expenses. The analysis was carried out applying the Tobit model using SPSS and R. The positively influential variables on generation X's personal dining-out expenditure were male, single person, high income and simple lifestyle, whereas housewives, personal ethical consciousness, behavioral ethical consciousness, and safe dietary life were negatively influential variables. The positively influential variables on generation MZ's personal dining-out expenditures were male, dual-income, high education level, corporate and governmental ethical consciousness, while the number of family members and safe dietary life were negatively influential variables.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined 389 customers visiting restaurants located in the Guemo mountain resort who filled out self-administered questionnaires. The results showed that 60% of the participants dined out monthly. The 30 to 40-year-old age group did so the most frequently, dining out one to two times weekly. For men, the favorite menu item was the sanchejeongsik along side traditional liquor and for women was the samgaetang. By age, the 20, 30, and 60-year olds selected samgaetang as their favorite, the 40-year-olds selected traditional liquor, and the 50-year-olds selected the sanchejungsik. The reasons for selecting the dishes were because participants previously enjoyed them or considered the dishes healthy, regardless of sex or age. Participants suggested that the sanchejeongsik and samgaetang be promoted for tourism, without significant differences between gender. The current findings suggest that the quality of certain local menu such as sanchejungsik and samgaetang could be improved to become more nutritious for future customers. Also, traditional Korean liquor may become even more popular with visitors to the Guemo mountain resort if paired with simple menu items such as jeon or muk.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to provide fundamental data for the Korean food service industry by researching the awareness and consumption tendencies of 180 domestic foreign residents towards Korean meat dishes. The results showed differences in the preferred types of food depending on gender; men tended to like meats, followed by stews, and rice, whereas women tended to like meats, followed by rice, and stew. The foreigners who participated in this research dined at Korean restaurants at least 20 times per month on average, regardless of their place of residence. Dishes with the lowest intake were suyuk (boiled meat, 66.7%) and dakbokkeumtang (sauteed chicken stew, 67.8%) and dishes with the highest intake tended to be roasts, which are relatively easier to prepare. The types of preferred food were in the order of galbi, bulgogi, and dakgalbi, and the least favored foods were yukgaejang, followed by suyuk, and seollengtang. "It is delicious" was the response found most frequently as a reason for preference regardless of the type of meat dish, and the reason for distaste was: "It is not delicious" This demonstrated that taste was the most important factor when visiting a Korean restaurant. Unexpectedly, sirloin roast, beef galbi stew, chicken stew, samgyetang, and dakbokumtang were not favored because of unfamiliar aroma and taste. In the case of galbi, "It is not very sanitary" was the main factor in responses. For areas of improvement, food sanitation, meat smells left on clothes, and smoke generated during roasting were factors with a high degree of importance, whereas the use of gas burners and the blackening of bowls were found to have a lower degree of importance.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of dining-out customers by their behaviors based on geographical regions and visiting days in relation to restaurant attraction at ski resorts in Korea. The data were collected from six ski resorts. Three of the ski resorts were located in Kyunggi Province close to a metropolitan area, namely Seoul. The other three resorts were located in Kangwon Province, which is considered to be distant from the Seoul metropolitan area. A total of 599 usable questionnaires were utilized in the data analysis. Descriptive statistics and a cross tabulation analysis with chi square were used to examine the demographic characteristics of the respondents and the significant differences between geographical regions as well as between weekdays and weekends. The responding customers consisted of 57.3% (n=343) males and 42.7% (n=256) females. With respect to age, 15.5% were less than 20 yr., 44.6% were 20~30 yr., and 28.0% were 30~40 yr. The most recognizable occupations were student (32.9%) followed by office worker (33.2%). Twentyseven percent of the respondents had less than one year of skiing experience and the maj야ity (32.9%) had more than 1 ~ 3 yr of experience. The major findings obtained from this study include statistically significant differences in the customers’ demographical characteristics of age, occupation, skiing expenence, and residential area according to the geographical regions of Kyunggi Province and Kangwon Province (p<0.05). All six of the customers' behavioral attributes, including transportation, reason to visit, staying days, purpose of visit, spending expenses and usage of discount programs, showed significant differences between geographical groups (p<0.05). Finally, restaurant attraction was associated with the purpose ofvisiting and spending expenses by customers at the ski resorts (p<0.001).
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to offer some basic data for nutrition education to housewives by comparing behaviors of eating out targeted on housewives who live in Daejon surveyed by classification of regions and by family forms. As for their ages, 79 housewives (16.0%) are less than 30, 179 housewives (36.8%) are between 30 and 39, 156 housewives (35.9%) are between 40 and 49 and 74 housewives (15.2%) are more than 50, and as for their final academic careers, 204 housewives (41.9%) graduated from universities, which was the most and as for religions, 172 housewives (35.3%) had no religion, which was the most, and in the case that they had religions, 137 housewives (27.5%) believed in Christianity. And as for occupations, 327 housewives (69.0%) had no job, and in case they had jobs, 123 housewives (25.3%) that occupied the most were professional. As for husbands’ occupations, profession was the most for 143 housewives (29.4%) and as for monthly income, 2 million won~3 million won was most as 40.0%. As for times of eating out, ‘4 times a year’ was said by 131 housewives (26.9%), which was the most, and as for the times of food home service, ‘seldom’ was said by 221 housewives (45.4%), and as to the expense for eating out a month, ‘less than 100,000 won’ was said by 219 housewives (45.0%), which was the most, and as for the reasons of their eating out, ‘for harmony in a family’ was said by 119 housewives (24.4%). As for times of eating out by general items of housewives, it was appeared that the younger, the higher in education, less in religion, more in occupation, the more professional in their husbands’ jobs, the more nuclear in family forms, fewer in number of family members and the more average family income per a month, they had more times of eating out. Regarding the factors influencing on eating out, ‘high price’, ‘nutritive imbalance’ and ‘use of MSG’ were pointed by 204 housewives (41.9%), 83 housewives (17.0%) and 63 housewives (12.9%) respectively as the problems of food service shops. And as for the question why their went to their regular restaurants, 185 housewives (38.0%) said ‘taste of food’, and the most considerable thing when they selected menu at a restaurant was ‘taste of food’ for 167 housewives (34.3%). The survey showed that a lot of housewives thought the prices at restaurants were high, and they valued taste of food most, therefore food service shops should improve the taste and nutrition of food.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to compare the healthy dining out attitude of restaurant diners by self-rated health status. Using healthy dining attitude and behavior questionnaire and a single question describing self-rated health status, the needs and importance of healthy dining out was detected. Mean age of the 182 respondents was 38.9±11.37 years old and 37.4% of the respondents answered their mean monthly income was over 6,000,000won showing the subjects belonged in high income diners. The needs of healthy dining measured by five scales and offering healthy menus(3.80), labeling foods about original country(3.79), using environmentally friendly foodstuffs(3.71) and labeling nutrients on menu board(3.62) show higher score than others. A total of 76.4% of the respondents assessed their health status as 'good-rated Health' and 23.6% was 'poor-rated health'. There was no difference in frequency of eating out by self-perception of health status but, the 'poor-rated health' group need more nutrition information in restaurant specially for calorie(p〈0.05), cholesterol(p〈0.05), fiber(p〈0.05), functional nutrients(p〈0.001) showing significant differences comparing to 'good-rated health' group. In good-rated health group, selection of Korean cuisine for eating out was more frequent than the poor. The results shows the needs of healthy dining can be varied by diner's health status and therefore restaurateur should focus on understanding of the needs of diners with various health status.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate several aspects of eating out behaviors among older persons. In aging society, need of seniors are getting higher than before, they want to have a good quality of life. Specially it is changed in family structure and life style. The food habits of older person will be getting change. Hence this study tried to show the various thought of eating out behaviors, interested factors to select restaurants and menus, tendency to do eating out, inconveniences to use of eating out so on. The questionnaires were completed by 150 older persons living over 60 years old in Busan. They were mostly health and active. The most study were focused young generation however the old generation was not interest in eating out behaviors. Therefor this study gave a lot of approach to develop food habits for old person. The result were as followed: The attitude of eating out were positive, once or two times in a week was highest response 138(92%). As frequently selected food were vegetable and Korean food restaurants. Moreover older person expect a meaningful food culture among older person. As a bad grade of eating out were not to be kind to seniors, never concern to characteristic older. They wanted to have a food for their health and to share with their spare time. The study of eating out style will be very important issue of silver industry. To develop menus and to make older person culture is very needed in aging society.
        2003.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the dining-out behavior of breakfast and preference on the menu of female college students. 500 questionnaires were distributed and 417 were used for statistical analysis(SAS program). This survey was conducted from June, 2000 to October, 2000. 72.8% of the respondents thought there were problems in eating breakfast. The problems were 'skipping breakfast frequently(33.1%)', 'short eating time(20.9%)', 'simple menu(18.8%)'. Preference of dining-out breakfast menus were 'bread & milk(43.8%)', 'conventional menu(34.7%)', 'snack(15.5%)', soup or 'porridge(6.0%)'. A general preference of breakfast menus were conventional (63.7%), 'bread & milk(21.1%)', 'milk and breakfast cereal(8.7%)', 'soup or porridge(6.5%)'. Increase on the amount of monthly allowance decreased the preference of conventional type of breakfast(P<0.05). The questions about the breakfast were 'what is the best menus for breakfast(49.2%)', 'alternative to rice(17.1%)', 'the amounts of breakfast(12.1%)'. But there was no significant difference among these variables. In conclusion, development of convenient & well-balanced breakfast model and nutritional education are needed to increase the nutritional status of female college students.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, Korean's dining-out behaviors were compared and investigated according to gender and age. The change and the problem of dietary pattern in Korea were understood and we intend to provide the basic information for guidelines of Korean's dietary habits. The subjects are composed of 46.5% male and 53.5% female. According to age, groups aged 10~19 are 26.3%, 20's are 24.6%, 30's are 16.8%, 40's are 18.7%, and 50 and over age group is 13.6%. All of the age groups ate out for celebration of a special day or for social purposes. When dining-out, the most important criteria for selecting a restaurant was the taste of food. All age groups liked Korean-style restaurants the most. All age group eat a house meal at breakfast. At lunch, age groups 40 and below go to a restaurant in school or company and 50 and over age group eats house meal. In general, all age groups ate a house meal at dinner. At breakfast, all the age groups do not eat out. For lunch, they eat out four or five times a week. For dinner, the most of age groups except the 20's eat out two or three times a month and for the 20's age group, two or three times a week. The reason for selecting a Korean-style restaurant is that the food is 'well matched with one's appetite'. According to the above results, the dietary habits of 30 and over age groups are relatively good. On the other hand, in 10's and 20's age groups, they have an irregular meal and the ratio of skipping a meal is high. And they frequently use fast-food restaurants. In the future, the unbalance of nutrition in these age groups is expected. Therefore, the correct nutritional facts should be educated so that these age groups have a healthy dietary habit.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the consumers' Dining-out preference and behavior for the chilled meat consumption strategy . A total of 328 persons in Seoul, Kyunggi areas were selected by stratified random sampling method and were responded to this study questionnaire which was composed of six parts with 65 statements about chilled meat consumption. 1. The frequency of Dining-out is characterized that 'once a month' is the highest pattern of consumers(46.3%) : In that cases, the married people showed 'once a month'(52.7%) and 'once biweekly'(23.3%), but the unmarried people showed the more frequent pattern as 'once a week'(27.3%) and 'twice a week'(27.3%). And the frequency of Dining-out in relation with the education level revealed that 'the graduate people' are the highest (37.5%). 2. Generally the first food for the Dining-out is 'Kalbi'(26.2%), and the others were 'pork grilling','chilled meat grilling','fish sasimi','chinese foods','pizza' etc.... But there were some variation in relation with incomes and housing types: For the agriculture/physical labor class, they prefers the 'pork griling'(25.0%), the office work class prefers the 'Kalbi' For the house-owner group, they prefers the 'Kalbi', but the house-renting/lodging group, they prefer the 'chinese food' or 'pork grilling' etc.... 3. In choosing the Dining-out place,'quality of food'(54.3%) and 'hygiene'(21.0%) were rated as the first important factor. 4.'Soups', 'Noodles' and 'Cooked rice in casserole' were chosen as good lunch menu : for male, they prefer the 'Soups', but females prefer 'Cooked rice in casserole'. 5. People with commercials/services(44.7%) and agriculture/physical labor(50.0%) ate their lunch in private restaurant, but peoples in the office work(57.0%)/public service personnel(70.4%) and industry use refectory; and it showed significant difference. 6. Consumers prefer the chilled meat as a Dining-out menu, but they didn't recognize the difference between chilled meat and frozen meat 7. For Dining-out menu, many people proper the beef, but the price of beef was so high than pork, agriculture/physical labor class choose the pork grilling instead of beef : commercials/services/office worker prefer the beef chilled meat . 8. The first admirable cooking method for chilled meat is direct radiation grilling with charcoal and many of consumers prefer tender, marbling, some chewy and juicy, flavor, soft as a quality of meat but physical labor class prefer the some tough and chewy texture.
        1996.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To study the dining-out behaviour of housewives, the frequency, food preference, expense for dining-out in social meeting, family gathering, daily meal were surveyed with a total of 454 housewives in Pusan. (1) In the frequency of dining-out, once or twice a month shows highest percentage, 59.7% and 45.8% for social meeting and family gathering respectively. The occasion of dining-out for the daily meal is less than 1 or 2 time per 6 month (62.6%). The frequency of dining-out is highly dependent on demographic variables such as age, academic background, family income, car ownership. (2) The preference for Korean dishes is found to be top in all occasions for dining-out. And then for the social meeting, chinese food, western style food, japanese cuisine and fast food are prefered in order, while western style food and chinese cuisine are rather prefered than japanese cuisine and fast food in occasion for family gathering. When they dine out just for daily meal, korean food is prefered first and preference for chinese food, western style food, fast food is followed in order. Japanese cuisine is prefered the last. (3) Housewives answered highly that the expense they spend for dining-out for social meeting (45.8%) or family fathering (46.8%) is 5,000 to 10,000 won per person. For these occasions, the expense is different with family income. Namely, if their income is higher than 3,000,000 won, they usually spend 10,000 to 15,000 won for the occasion. And for the daily dining-out, 34.7% respondents answered that they spend 2,000 to 3,000 won.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 부페식당 이용자의 식생활 태도를 알아보기 위해 설문조사를 실시하였는데 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 조사대상자의 일반환경 조사대상자의 연령은 6세부터 70세까지로 20대, 30대, 40대가 주를 이루었고, 여자가 65.1%로 여성들이 많이 찾는 조사대상 부페식당의 특색을 보였다. 직업은 가정주부가 27.2%, 사무직이 19.3%, 전문직이 17.3%였고, 학생이 30.3%였다. 2) 평소 부페음식에 대한 견해에 관한 조사 평소 부페식당 이용이 '한 주에 1~2회'가 1.6%, '한 달에 1~2회'가 13.7%, '서너달에 1~2회'가 43.9%, '일년에 1~2회'가 36.9%, '처음'이 2.7%였다. 대상자들은 부페음식에 대해 음식의 가지수가 많고 마음대로 선택할 수 있고 음식의 모양, 진열 및 정갈함, 많이 먹을 수 있는 점 등에 대해서는 좋다고 생각하는 반면, 음식을 가지러 왔다 갔다 하는 점, 가격 등에 대해서는 부정적인 반응을 보였다. 3) 부페식당에서의 식사행동 부페식당에 온 이유는 '가족파티'가 31.3%였고, 동행인은 평균 9.3±4.3명이며 주로 가족 및 친척, 직장 동료였다. 식사에 소요된 시간은 1시간 32분±26분이었고, 음식을 가져온 첫수는 평균 3.7±1.2회였으며, 최고 10회가 있었다. 만복감 후 식사첫수는 평균 1.2±0.8회였다. 부페식사시 가장 먼저 먹은 음식은 스프 23.9%, 샐러드 23.9%였는데, 여자는 스프, 샐러드의 비율이 높은 반면, 남자는 육류, 어패류의 비율이 높았으며, 음식 선택시 기준은 '내가 좋아하는 음식'이 70.7%로 가장 높게 나타나 부페식당 이용자들이 바람직한 식사순서 및 음식선택에 대한 인식이 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 부페식당에서 가장 좋아하는 음식의 국적은 54.4%가 한국음식으로 나타났다. 부페식사에서 '약간' 또는 ‘대단히 과식했다'고 응답한 경우가 64.0%로 많은 대상자들이 과식하는 것으로 나타났는데 이로 인한 건강 및 영양문제에 대한 교육이 필요하고 운영면에서는 이러한 일종의 음식의 낭비를 줄일 수 있는 방안에 대한 연구가 필요하다고 사료되었다. 5) 향후 부페식당의 발전방향에 대한 의견 부페식당의 발전방향에 대해 '가지수를 줄여서라도 가격을 짜게 하자'는 의견이 82.9%로 대부분 조사 대상자들이 현재 부페가격에 대해 부정적인 반응을 보였다. '한국음식을 더 많이 해서 전통음식과 친밀한 장소로 발전시키자', '계절식품을 이용하고 비슷한 종류의 음식은 빼서 가격을 낮추자', '연령에 따라서, 또, 성인에서는 성별에 따라 가격 차이를 두자'는 의견 등이 있었다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed by 318 male and 288 female college students eating out behaviours in Seoul. The results were summarized as follows; 1. Listed below are the major kinds of eating out of the home, breakfast form 8.9%, lunch 76.9%, supper 24.5% and snacks 25.7%. 2. 'Lunch out everyday' by male 53.5%, by female 52.5% 3. The reason why they lunch out indicates carrying a lunch box is 'inconvenient' by 35.1%, 'convenient' by 32.2%, 'hard to prepare the lunch box' by 19.9%. 4. When they choose kinds of food they are ascribed to 'preference' by 66.5%-74.6% the highest percentage of all. 5. The percentage rate of families who eat out Korean food gained the highest percentage by 59.7% next western food 16.6%, chinese food 15.2%, but the lowest percentage was Japanese food by 4.3%. 6. Ra-myun and noodles occupy the highest percentage of male by 43.7%-40.6%, female by 32.4%-54.3%. 7. When viewed from food preference for eating out take fried chicken, Pizza, Kalbi, Bulkoki and Tangsuyook. 8. The price the students generally pay for lunch was 500-1400 wons, averages to 1,000 wons. The price of eating out per capita a day, when taken by family unit averages to 5,200-5,900 wons. 9. College students offered suggestions for 'expensive in prices' 59.1%, 'Unsanitary' 14.1% when eating out.
        1989.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A secondary survey was conducted of 503 customers, to investigate eating out behaviours at five fast food restaurants of Youido apartment compound in Seoul, in April of 1988. The results are summarized as follows: The majority, 84% of customers, were aged 14 to 30, consisting of junior and senior high school children, college students and company employees. In contrast to the previous survey of 1986, in which no elderly customers were found, a small number of elderly customers were observed in this study. The reasons given by customers for patronizing fast food restaurants were the following, from most to least frequent: 'convenient', 'allows for companionship', 'the pleasant place to eat', 'dining equipment and tableware are hygienic', 'to be able to stay as long as I want', and 'foods rapidly served'. Only 24.2% of the customers purchased the fast foods for a full meal, 38.3% purchased the foods for snacking, and others purchased ice cream only or drink only. The majority of the customers ate the purchased foods at the fast food restaurants. However, a limited number of female customers preferred to take the packed fast foods to their homes. Taste preference was a major factor in food selection from available menu items, among the younger customers; whereas customers over 30 years old were concerned with nutritive balance. Fried chicken, pizza, rolled rice with laver, ice cream, and juice were high on the list of liked foods; in contrast, lower preference was for fish burger, doughnut, spaghetti, Chajang noodles and chili beans. The survey discovered that the preference for fried chicken, pizza, and salad had increased compared to the previous survey of 1986. Preference by food nationality was highest for Korean food, then Western food, Chinese food, and Japanese food, in that order. Customers offered suggestions for better fast food service, such as lowering the price; greater variety in the menu; developing fast foods from the traditional Korean foods; and increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits on the fast food menu. The customers, in particular, emphasized a need for the development of Korean traditional beverage of malt drink and persimmon punch, as well as mungbean pan cakes and sweet- spicy rice noodles (docbokki), as fast foods.
        1986.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine dining out behaviours of fast foods at five different fast food restaurants of Youido apartment compound in Seoul, a survey was conducted of 460 customers ranging in age from 7 to 29 year, from October 1 to 5th, 1986. Findings are summarized follows: The reasons the customers the fast food restaurants by the highest percentage were the following in the order: 'the atmosphere in which fast food is eaten is enjoyable for the companionship', 'convenient to dining', 'the surroundings and dining equipment are pleasant and hygienic', and 'to be able to stay as long as I want'. The majority of the customers visited the fast food restaurants with their friends between 1pm and 5pm. The fast foods purchased by the customers were mostly for snack rather than a full meal. Preference was a major factor in food selection from available meun items. Ice cream, Kentucky fried chicken, rolled rice with laver I rice cake stew, fried Mandoo were ranged high on the list of liked foods, in contrast, lower preference was for noodle soup, small red bean porridge, pinenut porridge, and persimmon punch.