Energy storage is one of the leading problems being faced globally, due to the population explosion in recent times. The conventional energy sources that are available are on the verge of extinction, hence researchers are keen on developing a storage system that will face the upcoming energy needs. Supercapacitors, also known as ultracapacitors or electrochemical capacitors, are advanced energy storage devices characterised by high power density and rapid charge–discharge cycles. Unlike traditional batteries, supercapacitors store energy through electrostatic separation, offering quick energy release and prolonged operational life. They hold exceptional performance in various applications, from portable electronics to electric vehicles, where their ability to deliver bursts of energy efficiently complements or replaces conventional energy storage solutions. Ongoing research focuses on enhancing energy density and overall efficiency, positioning supercapacitors as pivotal components in the evolving landscape of energy storage technologies. A novel electrode material of NiO/CuO/Co3O4/rGO was synthesized which when used as a supercapacitor, the highest value of CS is 873.14 F/g which is achieved for a current density of 1 A/g under with an energy density of 190 Wh/kg and the highest power density of 2.5 kW/kg along with 87.3% retention after 5000 GCD cycles under 1 M KOH.
최근 지구온난화로 인해 발생하는 폭우 및 강설과 같은 비정상적인 기상 패턴으로 인해 도로 표면 결빙(블랙 아이스)으로 인 한 사고와 인명 피해가 증가하고 있으며, 이는 주요 문제로 대두되고 있습니다. 이러한 문제를 완화하기 위해 본 연구에서는 열저장 능력을 갖춘 상변화 물질(PCM)을 시멘트 복합재료에 포함시켰습니다. PCM은 상변화 과정에서 열에너지를 흡수, 저장 및 방출할 수 있어 온도 변동으로 인한 결빙을 최소화할 수 있습니다. PCM은 먼저 미세 캡슐화된 후 시멘트 복합재료에 강화되어 기계적 및 열적 성능 검증 연구가 수행되었습니다. 또한, 열전달 효율과 기계적 특성을 향상시키기 위해 다중벽 탄소나노튜브(CNT)와 실리카 퓸이 추 가되었습니다. 미세 캡슐화된 PCM의 열 성능은 열 거동을 측정하기 위한 재료 실험을 통해 검증되었습니다. 이후, 제조된 시멘트 복 합재의 기계적 및 열적 성능 테스트가 그 효과를 평가하기 위해 수행되었습니다. 이러한 테스트 동안 일정 온도와 습도 챔버를 사용한 열 주기 테스트가 열 성능을 검증하기 위해 수행되었습니다. 기계적 성능 실험에서는 CNT와 실리카 퓸의 포함이 미세 캡슐화된 PCM 의 포함으로 인한 강도 저하를 완화하는 것을 확인하였습니다. 더욱이, 열 주기 테스트를 통해 고효율 열저장 시멘트 복합재가 결빙 조건에서도 영하의 온도를 유지할 수 있음을 보여주었으며, 이는 효율적인 열저장 성능을 입증하였습니다.
In this investigation, we synthesized a novel quaternary nanocomposite, denoted as RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/TiO2, through a straightforward and cost-effective solid-state synthesis approach. The as-prepared composites underwent a series of comprehensive characterizations, including XRD, FTIR, TGA-DTA, XPS, SEM, EDAX, and TEM analyses, affirming the successful synthesis of a quaternary nanocomposite with well-interconnected nanoparticles, nanorods, and sheet-like structures. Further, our electrochemical performance evaluations demonstrated that the electrochemical capacitance of the RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/ TiO2 nanocomposite achieved an impressive value of 445 F g− 1 at a current density of 1.0 A g− 1, particularly when the mass ratio of CeO2 and TiO2 was maintained at 90:10. Furthermore, the specific capacitance retained a remarkable 65% even after 2000 cycles at a current density of 6 A g− 1 in a 3 mol KOH electrolyte. Comparatively, this outstanding electrochemical performance of the RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/TiO2 (90:10) nanocomposite can be attributed to several factors. These include the favorable electrical conductivity and large specific surface area provided by graphene, TiO2, and Ba(OH)2, the enhanced energy density and extended cycle life resulting from the presence of CeO2, and the synergistic contributions among all four components. Therefore, the RGO-Ba(OH)2/CeO2/TiO2 nanocomposite emerges as a highly promising electrode material for supercapacitors.
Lead-free perovskite ceramics, which have excellent energy storage capabilities, are attracting attention owing to their high power density and rapid charge-discharge speed. Given that the energy-storage properties of perovskite ceramic capacitors are significantly improved by doping with various elements, modifying their chemical compositions is a fundamental strategy. This study investigated the effect of Zn doping on the microstructure and energy storage performance of potassium sodium niobate (KNN)-based ceramics. Two types of powders and their corresponding ceramics with compositions of (1-x)(K,Na)NbO3-xBi(Ni2/3Ta1/3)O3 (KNN-BNT) and (1-x)(K,Na)NbO3-xBi(Ni1/3Zn1/3Ta1/3) O3 (KNN-BNZT) were prepared via solid-state reactions. The results indicate that Zn doping retards grain growth, resulting in smaller grain sizes in Zn-doped KNN-BNZT than in KNN-BNT ceramics. Moreover, the Zn-doped KNNBNZT ceramics exhibited superior energy storage density and efficiency across all x values. Notably, 0.9KNN-0.1BNZT ceramics demonstrate an energy storage density and efficiency of 0.24 J/cm3 and 96%, respectively. These ceramics also exhibited excellent temperature and frequency stability. This study provides valuable insights into the design of KNNbased ceramic capacitors with enhanced energy storage capabilities through doping strategies.
As the demand for flexible wearable electronic devices increases, the development of light, thin and flexible high-performance energy-storage devices to power them is a research priority. This review highlights the latest research advances in flexible wearable supercapacitors, covering functional classifications such as stretchability, permeability, self-healing and shapememory capabilities, as well as practical studies on energy harvesting capabilities.
In this study, we have fabricated the phenolic resin (PR)/polyacrylonitrile (PAN) blend-derived core-sheath nanostructured carbon nanofibers (CNFs) via one-pot solution electrospinning. The obtained core-sheath nanostructured carbon nanofibers were further treated by mixed salt activation process to develop the activated porous CNFs (CNF-A). Compared to pure PAN-based CNFs, the activated PR/PAN blend with PR 20% (CNF28-A)-derived core-sheath nanostructured CNFs showed enhanced specific capacitance of ~ 223 F g− 1 under a three-electrode configuration. Besides, the assembled symmetric CNF28-A//CNF28-A device possessed a specific capacitance of 76.7 F g− 1 at a current density of 1 A g− 1 and exhibited good stability of 111% after 5,000 galvanostatic charge/discharge (GCD) cycles, which verifies the outstanding long-term cycle stability of the device. Moreover, the fabricated supercapacitor device delivered an energy density of 8.63 Wh kg− 1 at a power density of 450 W kg− 1.
In today’s world, carbon-based materials research is much wider wherein, it requires a lot of processing techniques to manufacture or synthesize. Moreover, the processing methods through which the carbon-based materials are derived from synthetic sources are of high cost. Processing of such hierarchical porous carbon materials (PCMs) was slightly complex and only very few methods render carbon nano-materials (CNMs) with high specific surface area. Once it is processed, which paves a path to versatile applications. CNMs derived from biological sources are widespread and their application spectrum is also very wide. This review focuses on biomass-derived CNMs from various plant sources for its versatile applications. The major thrust areas of energy storage include batteries, super-capacitors, and fuel cells which are described in this article. Meanwhile, the challenges faced during the processing of biomass-derived CNMs and their future prospects are also discussed comprehensively.
The Alkali-Metal Thermal to Electric Converter (AMTEC) can be used as a next-generation power generation technology related with a large thermal energy storage. In particular, this technology is expected for the higher efficiency by a cascade power generation with the thermoelectric generator(TEG), and the temperature distribution becomes a very important design parameter in this case. In this study, the temperature distribution of the AMTEC unit was analyzed through CFD analysis, and design points were discussed based on the results.
In preparation of porous carbon materials microwave oven brightening is one of the warming modes used ever. The various procedures that take place in microwave combustion process include carbonization, incitation, and recovery and thus carbon is defined. This paper compares ideal conditions of traditional warming methods, as well as their implementation potential, losses, and specifications. This porous carbon with heat treatment possesses various properties and they are well suited for energy applications which require constrained space such as hydrogen storage in solid-state and supercapacitors. The enhanced properties are chemical and thermal stability, ready availability, low framework density and ease of processability. The recent trend in class of porous carbons is Activated Carbons that are employed traditionally as adsorbents or catalyst supporters but currently, they found potent applications in fabricating for hydrogen storage materials and supercapacitors. These activated carbons are much enhanced form in class of porous carbon materials and they possess the capability to enable hydrogen economy, where the energy carrier is hydrogen. Therefore, the utility of activated carbons as a source for energy storage experiences a rapid growth at current trend and they possess significant advances. This investigation is based on detailed cost development data and electrical imperativeness applications.
Fibrous supercapacitors (FSs), owing to their high power density, good safety characteristic, and high flexibility, have recently been in the spotlight as energy storage devices for wearable electronics. However, despite these advantages, FCs face many challenges related to their active material of carbon fiber (CF). CF has low surface area and poor wettability between electrode and electrolyte, which result in low capacitance and poor long-term stability at high current densities. To overcome these limits, fibrous supercapacitors made using surface-activated CF (FS-SACF) are here suggested; these materials have improved specific surface area and better wettability, obtained by introducing porous structure and oxygen-containing functional groups on the CF surface, respectively, through surface engineering. The FS-SACF shows an improved ion diffusion coefficient and better electrochemical performance, including high specific capacity of 223.6 mF cm2 at current density of 10 μA cm2, high-rate performance of 171.2 mF cm2 at current density of 50.0 μA cm2, and remarkable, ultrafast cycling stability (96.2 % after 1,000 cycles at current density of 250.0 μA cm2). The excellent electrochemical performance is definitely due to the effects of surface functionalization on CF, leading to improved specific surface area and superior ion diffusion capability.
Recently, due to high theoretical capacitance and excellent ion diffusion rate caused by the 2D layered crystal structure, transition metal hydroxides (TMHs) have generated considerable attention as active materials in supercapacitors (or electrochemical capacitors). However, TMHs should be designed using morphological or structural modification if they are to be used as active materials in supercapacitors, because they have insulation properties that induce low charge transfer rate. This study aims to modify the morphological structure for high cycling stability and fast charge storage kinetics of TMHs through the use of nickel cobalt hydroxide [NiCo(OH)2] decorated on nickel foam. Among the samples used, needle-like NiCo(OH)2 decorated on nickel foam offers a high specific capacitance (1110.9 F/g at current density of 0.5 A/g) with good rate capability (1110.9 - 746.7 F/g at current densities of 0.5 - 10.0 A/g). Moreover, at a high current density (10.0 A/g), a remarkable capacitance (713.8 F/g) and capacitance retention of 95.6% after 5000 cycles are noted. These results are attributed to high charge storage sites of needle-like NiCo(OH)2 and uniformly grown NiCo(OH)2 on nickel foam surface.
본 논문은 에너지를 실시간으로 저장할 수 있는 저장장치 중 열에너지 저장 콘크리트를 대상으로 재료의 미세구조와 물성(열전도 도)의 상관관계를 분석하는 연구를 수행하였다. 에너지 저장 콘크리트의 열전도 성능을 증가시키기 위해 혼화재인 그라파이트 (graphite)를 사용하였다. 그라파이트가 시멘트 질량의 10%와 15%를 치환한 시편과 일반 콘크리트(OPC) 시편을 제작하여 그라파이 트의 혼입에 따른 미세구조 변화 및 열전도도의 영향을 마이크로 스케일에서 분석하였다. 마이크로-CT를 활용하여 OPC와 그라파이 트를 사용한 콘크리트의 공극률을 비교하였으며, 확률함수를 사용하여 미세구조 특성을 정량화하였다. 미세구조 특성 차이가 열전도 도에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위해 3차원 가상 시편을 제작하여 열해석을 수행하였으며, 이를 열평판법을 사용하여 측정한 열전도도 실험 결과와 비교하였다. 열해석 수행 시 그라파이트 재료가 지닌 열전도도 성능을 반영하기 위하여 해석 결과와 실험 결과를 기반으 로 고체상의 열전도도를 역해석을 통해 계산하였으며, 그라파이트가 시편의 열전도도에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하였다.
Activated non-graphitizable hard carbon using orange peel with mesoporous structure has been prepared by pyrolyzation at 700, 800, 900 °C using chemical activation method. The activated orange peel-derived hard carbon has been characterized for its mesoporous and disordered structure. TG-DSC gives the information for the changes about sample composition and thermal stability of the materials. Increasing the carbonization temperature for orange peel precursor using NaOH as activating agent, elevates the pore diameter, which thereby facilitating the insertion of Na+. Raman and X-ray diffraction confirms the presence of disordered carbon. The surface morphology of the material was analyzed by scanning eletron microsope and nitrogen ( N2) adsorption and desorption analysis give the morphology, mesopore size (3.374, 3.39 and 4 nm) and surace area (60.164, 58.99 and 54.327 m2/g) of the orange peel-derived hard carbon. Hence, this work strongly evidences that the biomass-derived hard carbon with good porosity and paves way of superior electrochemical performance for emerging sodium ion batteries.
To improve ferroelectric properties of PZT, many studies have attempted to fabricate dense PZT films. The AD process has an advantage for forming dense ceramic films at room temperature without any additional heat treatment in low vacuum. Thick films coated by AD have a higher dielectric breakdown strength due to their higher density than those coated using conventional methods. To improve the breakdown strength, glass (SiO2-Al2O3-Y2O3, SAY) is mixed with PZT powder at various volume ratios (PZT-xSAY, x = 0, 5, 10 vol%) and coating films are produced on silicon wafers by AD method. Depending on the ratio of PZT to glass, dielectric breakdown strength and energy storage efficiency characteristics change. Mechanical impact in the AD process makes the SAY glass more viscous and fills the film densely. Compared to pure PZT film, PZT-SAY film shows an 87.5% increase in breakdown strength and a 35.3 % increase in energy storage efficiency.
Most recently, graphene-related composite-modified electrode surfaces are been widely employed to improve surface interactions and electron transfer kinetics. Hydrothermally prepared strontium pyro niobate (SPN) and reduced graphene oxide/ strontium pyro niobate (RGOSPN) nanostructures reveal excellent morphology. X-ray diffraction analysis of SPN and RGOSPN agree with standard data. Thermogravimetry–differential scanning calorimetry analyses show that RGOSPN has higher thermal stability than SPN. In addition, from the polarization–electric field (P–E) loop measurements, the estimated value of remnant polarization (Pr) and coercive electric field (Ec) of SPN are 0.039 μC cm−2 and − 2.90 kV cm−1 and that of RGOSPN nanocomposite are 0.0139 μC cm−2 and − 2.04 kV cm−1. Cyclic voltammetry measurements show that RGOSPN nanocomposite manifests the possibility of electrochemical reversibility beyond long cycles without change in performance. The redox cycle reveal that RGOSPN can be used as part of a composite electrode for hybrid capacitors dynamic conditions. Moreover, the specific capacitance of SPN and RGOSPN was calculated using galvanostatic charge–discharge (GCD) technique. The observed energy density of 9.1 W h kg−1 in RGOSPN is higher when compared with previous reported values.
메타바나듐산 암모늄으로 제조한 전해액과 양이온교환막인 Nafion117을 활용하는 바나듐 레독스 흐름 전지 (vanadium redox flow battery, VRFB)의 전기화학적 성능을 평가하였다. VRFB의 전기화학적 성능은 전류밀도 60 mA/cm2에 서 측정하였다. 메타바나듐산 암모늄으로 제조된 전해액을 사용한 VRFB의 평균 전류효율은 94.9%, 평균 전압효율은 82.2%, 평균 에너지효율은 78.0%를 보였다. 그리고 메타바나듐산 암모늄으로 제조된 전해액을 사용한 VRFB의 각 효율은 바나딜 설 페이트(VOSO4)로 제조된 전해액을 사용한 VRFB의 각 효율과 비교하여 거의 동등한 값을 갖는다는 것을 확인하였다.