This study aimed to assess the global and domestic efforts regarding the reduction of environmental-impact-factor emissions in the production and construction processes of concrete pavements. By utilizing internationally commercialized programs, this study sought to calculate the environmental impact factors generated by specific domestic concrete-pavement projects and identify areas for improvement. This study evaluated the global and domestic efforts of environmental impact reduction by focusing on the production and construction of concrete pavements. This study calculated the environmental impact factors for five cases using internationally commercialized software. The analysis revealed that, during the production and construction of concrete pavements, Portland cement production is a dominant cause of global warming, smog, acidification, and non-carcinogenic factors, whereas aggregate production is a dominant cause of ozone depletion, eutrophication, carcinogenicity, respiratory issues, environmental toxicity, and fossil-fuel depletion. This study analyzed the environmental impact factors of material mix and process during concrete pavement production and construction using foreign life-cycle inventory (LCI) databases. The environmental impact of each input material was identified. In the future, if an LCI and life-cycle impact assessment (LCIA) database for domestic road pavement materials is established and analyzed based on the conditions presented in this study, it is expected to lay the foundation for the development of environmentally friendly materials.
고속도로에 적용되고 있는 소음저감대책 현황을 고찰하기 위해서 고속도로 건설 전 수행해야 하는 환경영향평가서와 고속도로 완공 후 소음기준 초과 소음에 대한 소음영향분석보고서를 검토하였다. 환경영향평가서는 시기별로 수립되는 방음대책이 변화하였다. 2013 년 전까지는 방음벽(흡음형, 반사형) 위주의 방음대책이 수립되었다. 그러나 2015년 이후 방음벽 이외의 배수성저소음포장과 소음감쇠 기를 저감방안으로 제시하였다. 그러나 보고서마다 소음저감효과가 서술되어 있거난 서술되어 있지 않았다. 환경영향평가 이후 신규소 음저감대책이 수록된 소음영향분석보고서에서 최근 5년간 보고서 일부를 중심으로 검토하였다. 소음대책 수립을 위해서 20년 후 장래 교통량을 이용하여 방음벽 신설, 방음터널, 소음감쇠기, 배수성저소음포장 등의 소음저감대책을 수립하였으며 방음벽과 배수성저소음 포장을 조합한 대책안이 많이 제시되었다.
본 연구는 해외자회사의 성과에 미치는 현지 자선활동의 긍정적 효과가 자회사가 위치한 현지 산 업환경에 따라 어떻게 달라질 수 있는지를 실증적으로 분석한다. 한국에 진출한 544개의 다국적 기업 자회사들의 자선활동과 기업성과를 분석한 결과, 자선활동의 영향이 현지 산업의 풍부성 (Munificence)과 복잡성(Complexity)에 따라 달라짐을 확인하였다: 풍부성이 높은 산업에서는 자선활동의 영향이 강화되었으나, 복잡성이 높은 산업에서는 그 영향이 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 해외자회사의 자선활동이 현지 산업의 환경을 고려하여 실행되었을 때 성과를 향상 시키는 전략적 도구가 될 수 있음을 시사한다. 본 연구는 현지 산업환경이 해외자회사의 자선활동 이 성과에 미치는 영향을 제한하거나 확대하는 하나의 요인임을 제시하며, 이를 통해 현지 자선활 동의 전략적 가치에 대한 논의를 확장하고 기업의 사회적 책임(CSR) 문헌에 기여한다.
생물다양성협약 당사국총회 결의에 따르면, 환경영향평가란 제안된 계획 또 는 개발이 환경에 미칠 것 같은 영향을 이익적 측면과 불리한 측면에서 사회경 제적, 문화적 및 인간의 건강에 미치는 영향과 연계하여 평가하는 과정을 의미한다. 해양에서의 환경영향평가 제도는 다수의 국가에 의해 국내법적으로 수용 하여 수행되어왔으며, 국제적으로도 많은 환경협약과 하위 지침들로부터 의무 화하여 수행되고 있다. 국제법상 국가관할권 이원지역에 대한 환경영향평가의 수행의무는 분명히 존재한다. 최근 채택된 BBNJ협정은 국가관할권 이원지역에 대한 종합적인 환경 및 해양생물다양성 보호를 목적으로 하는데, 그중 제4부는 환경영향평가의 발동요건, 절차, 평가의 내용, 협의과정, 의사결정 등 환경영향 평가 수행 전반에 대한 요건을 서술하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 다수의 환경영향 평가와 관련된 기존제도들 중 국가관할권 이원지역만을 협약의 적용지역으로 하고, 명확히 환경영향평가의 의무를 부과하고 있는 남극조약체제 및 국제해저 기구 주관하의 심해저 광업규칙상 환경영향평가제도와 BBNJ협정상 환경영향 평가제도의 비교를 통해 환경보호의 대응기조가 어떻게 유사하게 반영되었는 지 또는 차이점이 있는지 살펴보고 그 실효성에 대하여 논한다. 결론적으로 1) 기존제도와 달리 BBNJ협정은 call-in mechanism의 적용을 통 해 환경영향평가서에 대한 최종 의사결정권을 당사국에게 부여하고 있다. 2) 국가관할권 내측 지역으로부터의 월경 오염에 대한 환경영향평가 절차를 포함 함으로써 월경오염에 대한 준수의 효과성을 보장하고자 하였다. 3) 대중통고 및 협의, 활동의 영향에 대한 검토 조항을 통해 환경영향평가의 절차에서 넓은 범위의 이해관계자를 포함하고, 기존제도와 달리 국가관할권 이원지역에서의 활동으로부터 야기된 월경오염으로 영향을 받을 수 있는 연안국을 명시하여 환 경영향평가 절차에서 역할을 부여하고 있다. 4) 기존제도상 환경영향평가시 고 려되던 누적영향 및 잔존영향에 더하여 전략환경평가라는 현대적 보전기법을 규정하고 있다. 남극조약체제 및 국제해저기구 주관하의 심해저 광업규칙상 환 경영향평가제도 역시 과거 작성되었던 규칙에 대비하여 비교적 최근의 규칙 및 현재 작성중인 문서에서 대중통고 절차 신설, 확장된 이해관계자의 참여 근거 규정 마련 등에 따라 환경보호를 위한 국제사회의 강화된 기조에 대응하고 있 음을 살펴볼 수 있었다. 향후 당사국 총회를 통해 환경영향평가의 세부 지침이 보완될 것임에 따라, 기존의 관련 제도상 환경영향평가 절차 및 내용에 대한 정확한 숙지를 기반으로 하여 대응해 나가야 할 것이다. 또한 관련 전문기관을 지정하고 과학 전문가 양성에 집중해야 할 것이다.
이 연구는 해양경찰공무원의 환경 적합성이 조직 및 직무 애착에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위해 해양경찰공무원 150명을 대상 으로 연구를 진행하였다. 이 연구의 독립변수인 환경 적합성의 하위변인은 조직 적합성, 직무 적합성, 상사 적합성으로 분류하였다. 연구 결과 조직 애착에 영향을 미치는 독립변인은 조직 적합성만이 유일하였고, 직무 애착의 경우 조직 적합성, 상사 적합성, 직무 적합성 모두 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 해양 경찰 조직의 발전을 위한 제언 및 향 후 개인적 특성에 따른 후속 연구를 제안 하였다.
Domestic nuclear power plants conduct radiological environmental impact assessments every year in accordance with the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission (NSSC) notice. Among them, gaseous effluents are evaluated for their effects due to inhalation, external exposure in the air, exposure from ground surface deposits, food intake. In order to evaluate the impact of this exposure pathway, an evaluation point for each pathway must be selected. In the case of evaluation points, each country has different evaluation points. In the case of Korea, the evaluation point is calculated on the assumption that one lives 365 days a year at the EAB and consumes food from the nearest production area. In the case of the United States, external exposure and inhalation are evaluated at the site boundary or the nearest residential area, and food intake is evaluated by assuming that food produced in the nearest residential area or the nearest production area is consumed. Currently, the dose evaluation is optimized and selected so that EAB evaluation point for each site includes 16 direction evaluation points for each unit. In the E-DOSE60 program currently under development, the evaluation point was selected by calculating 16 direction x number of units without optimization. The food intake evaluation point was selected as the point that satisfies the minimum farmland area of the U.S. NRC NUREG-1301 and is the shortest distance from the site. The location of the production point from multiple units in included all 16 directions for each unit and quantity of evaluation points was optimized to satisfy the shortest distance. It can contribute to improving the reliability of the E-DOSE60 program currently under development by selecting new evaluation points for evaluating inhalation and external exposure evaluation and selecting optimized dose evaluation points for each site for evaluation by ingestion.
우리나라 해양환경에 유출되는 위험·유해물질(Hazardous Noxious Substances, HNS)의 해양환경 및 사회환경 영향평가 결과 와 HNS 확산 영역, 해양환경 정보, HNS 실태조사 결과 등 관련 연구 결과 및 자료를 정책결정자와 연구자들에게 공유할 수 있는 HNS 국내 용 플랫폼을 구축하고자 한다. 국내의 HNS 관리 및 배출 체계 마련을 위한 의사결정 지원이 가능하고 국내 실정에 적합한 플랫폼의 설계 를 위하여 유해물질의 데이터 관리 및 유출 시 대응 도구, 기초적인 정보 등 플랫폼에 관련된 기술동향을 분석하는 등 국내·외의 플랫폼 개발 사례를 고찰하였다. 유속 벡터의 전처리 기능 개발, 전처리 결과에 따른 동적 시각화 구현, 해양산업시설 배출 HNS의 유출량과 유출 범위의 전처리 모듈, HNS 해양환경 영향평가 연산 모듈 프로토타입을 개발하였다. HNS 해양환경 영향평가를 위한 국내용 HNS 플랫폼은 초기 위해성을 평가하고 대응 및 관련 법제화 시 과학적인 기초 도구로써 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
To promote the diffusion of environmentally friendly equipment, appropriate measures need to be taken for each target group. This study evaluated changes in the influence of mass media on PV installation intentions by generation, based on over 10 years of consumer awareness survey data and the number of newspaper reports.
The US NRC developed a program called NRCDose3 to evaluates the environmental impact of radiation around nuclear facilities. The NRCDose3 code is a software suite that integrates the functionality of three individual LADTAP II, GASPAR II, and XOQDOQ Fortran codes that were developed by the NRC in the 1980’s and have been in use by the nuclear industry and the NRC staff for assessments of liquid effluent and gaseous effluent, and meteorological transport and dispersion, respectively. Through the integrated program, it is possible to conduct safety assessment and environmental impact assessment from liquid and gaseous effluent when operating permits are granted. In addition to a more user-friendly graphic user interface (GUI) for inputting data, significant changes have been made to the data management and operation to support expanded capabilities. The basic calculation methods of the LADTAP II, GASPAR II, and XOQDOQ have not been changed with this update to the NRCDose3 code. Several features have been added. The previous program used only ICRP-2 dose conversion factor, but the new program can additionally use dose conversion factor of ICRP-30 and ICRP-72. In the previous program, 4 age groups (infant, child, teen, and adult) were evaluated during dose evaluation, but when ICRP-72 was selected, 6 age groups (infant, 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, and adult) could be evaluated. In addition, when selecting ICRP-72, many user-modifiable parameters such as food intake and exposure time were added. It will be referred to E-DOSE60, a program currently under development.
After the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, interest in technology for evaluating residents’ exposure to effluents generated from nuclear power plants at the time of the accident has increased. KHNP has developed the S-REDAP program and is using it to evaluate radiation dose and recommend resident protection measures in the event of a nuclear power plant emergency. Its main functions are source term evaluation, atmospheric diffusion evaluation, radiation dose evaluation, etc. Based on these evaluations, resident protection measures are evaluated. In Japan, evaluation is conducted through a program called SPEEDI-MP (System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information Multi-model Package) created by JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency). Similar to S-REDAP, the program also evaluates effluents emitted from nuclear facilities through source term evaluation and atmospheric diffusion factor evaluation. In JAEA, through a program using SPEEDI-MP, the source term evaluation was performed in collaboration with NSC (Nuclear Safety Commission) in the event of the Fukushima nuclear plant accident, and dose evaluation in Japan was performed 2 months as an atmospheric diffusion factor using meteorological data for 2 days. Through comparative analysis of evaluation data from Japan, improvements to the current program be derived.
K-DOSE60, a off-site dose calculation program currently used by khnp, is performing evaluation based on the gaseous effluent evaluation methodology of NRC Reg. Guide 1.109. In particular, H-3 and C-14, which are the major nuclides of gaseous effluent, are evaluated using a ratio activity model. Among them, H-3 is additionally evaluating the dose to OBT (Organically Bound Tritium) and HT as well as HTO (Triated water). However, NRC Reg. Guide 1.109 is a methodology developed in the 1970s, and verification was performed by applying the evaluation methodology of H-3 and C-13 presented by IAEA TRS-472 in 2010 to the current K-DOSE60. The IAEA TRS-472 methodology also includes OBT and HT for H-3. In order to apply the ratio radioactivity model presented in IAEA TRS-472, the absolute and relative humidity were calculated using the weather tower of the nuclear site and used for H-3 evaluation. For the dose evaluation of HT, the previously used Canada Chalk River Lab. (CNL) conversion factor was used. For atmospheric carbon concentration, the carbon concentration presented in IAEA TRS-472 was used, not the carbon concentration in the 1970s of NRC Reg. Guide 1.109. It was confirmed that the K-DOSE60, which applied the changed input data and methodology, was satisfied by performing comparative verification with the numerical calculation value.
In 2022 and 2023, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), a regulatory body, revised the regulatory guidelines for off-site dose evaluation to residents, marine characteristics surveys around nuclear facilities, and environmental radiation surveys and evaluation around nuclear facilities. In addition, the NRC, a US regulatory body, has revised regulatory guide 1.21 (MEASURING, EVALUATING, AND REPORTING RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL IN LIQUID AND GASEOUS EFFLUENTS AND SOLID WASTE) to change environmental programs for nuclear facilities. The domestic regulatory guidelines were revised and added to reflect the experience of site dose evaluation for multiple units during the operation license review of nuclear facilities, the resident exposure dose age group was modified to conform to ICRP-72, and the environmental monitoring plan was clarified. In the case of the US, the recommended guidelines for updating the long-term average atmospheric diffusion factor and deposition factor, the clarification of the I-131 environmental monitoring guidelines for drinking water, and the clarification of the procedures described in the technical guidelines when changing environmental programs have been revised and added. Through such regulatory trend review, it is necessary to preemptively respond to changes in the regulatory environment in the future.
We deduced the proper estimation methodology for the amount of carbon sequestration by damaged trees for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). The nine development projects related to renewable energy, damaged trees occur, assessment status and used method of evaluating the carbon storage of damaged trees were summarized. And after re-calculating the carbon storage of damaged trees through allometric equations, the difference between the two groups, re-calculated the damaged trees carbon storage and the damaged trees carbon storage in the report, was validated. As a result, damaged trees carbon storage in words was more than the re-calculated damaged trees carbon storage, and it was statistically significant (p<0.005). This result means that the existing method for calculating damaged tree carbon storage is overcalculated. It was judged that it was necessary to improve the calculation method. Therefore, allometric equations suitable for each dominated-tree species should be used when calculating the damaged tree carbon storage. Furthermore, we propose to establish a carbon storage calculation system based on actual data from the ecosystem so that researchers can efficiently and accurately the damaged trees carbon storage. Key words: damaged vegetation, carbon sequestration, allometric equation, environmental impact
Recently, the construction of tall buildings utilized by high strength-concrete in the whole world is tending to be on the rise. The application of high-rise structural system in buildings results in the excellent cut-down effect in construction materials due to section reduction. Therefore, in order to investigate the CO2 and resource reduction effect for the high-rise structural system, comparisons of GWP and ADP in embodied energy of structural materlais between 4 type of high-rise structural system have been performed. As a result, GWP emission increased in the order of steel structure outrigger system, RC shear wall system, and RC outrigger system. On the other hand, ADP emissions increased in the order of RC shear wall system, RC outrigger system, and steel structure outrigger system.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) states that every environmental report prepared for the licensing stage of a Pressurized Water Reactor shall contain a statement concerning risk during the transportation of fuel and radioactive wastes to and from the reactor. Thus, the licensee should ensure that the radiological effect in accidents, as well as normal conditions in transport, do not exceed certain criteria or be small if cannot be numerically quantified. These are specified in 10 CFR Part 51 and applied in NUREG-1555 Supplement 1 Revision 1, which deals with Environmental Standard Review Plan. Corresponding regulations in Korea would be the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notice No. 2020-7. In Appendix 2 of the Notice, guides on the radiological environmental report for production and utilization facilities, spent nuclear fuel interim storage facilities, and radioactive waste disposal facilities. In this guide, unlike the regulations in the U.S., there are no obligations for radiological dose assessment for workers and public during the transportation. Therefore, overall regulations and their legal basis related to risk assessment during transportation conducted for the environmental report in the U.S. were analyzed in this study. On top of that, through the comparison with regulations in Korea, differences between the two systems were figured out. Finally, this study aims to find the points in terms of assessing transport risk to be revised in the current regulatory system in Korea.