Hindwings of many lycaenid butterflies have a unique tail-like wing structure referred to as a false head, which actually mimics the antennae. False heads increase butterfly survival by directing predatory attacks towards the false heads thereby enhancing the chance of escape. In this study, using discrete character evolution models of European and American butterflies, we examined the co-evolutionary patterns between false head structures and two associated traits: a highly contrasting color patch neighboring the false head, and hindwing rubbing behaviors. The former is considered a eye-mimicking structure that enhances the effectiveness of false head, and latter generates the movement of false heads which likely increases the success of false head deception. Our findings demonstrate that false heads are ancestral states for both European and American lycaenids. Both contrasting colors and hindwing rubbing behaviors follow correlated evolution models, suggesting that these traits co-evolved in lycanid butterflies. However, specific evolutionray patterns differed between the two continents.
This study analyzed and identified various causes of caustic alarms of 163 fire detectors that occurred from January 2019 to December 2021 at domestic semiconductor manufacturing plants equipped with about 30,000 fire detectors, and proposed a new non-fire prevention cause investigation plan by applying the NFPA 921 scientific methodology. The results of the study are as follows. First, in terms of necessary recognition and problem definition, an analog detector and an integrated monitoring system were proposed to quickly determine the location and installation space information of the fire detector. Second, in order to prevent speculative causes and errors in various analyses in terms of data analysis and hypothesis establishment, non-fire reports were classified into five by factor and defined, and the causes of occurrence by factor were classified and proposed. Finally, in terms of hypothesis verification and final hypothesis selection, a non-fire prevention improvement termination process and a final hypothesis verification sheet were proposed to prevent the cause from causing re-error.
노랑비취알락하늘소(가칭)의 제주 유입과 정착을 보고하는 논문에서 오리엔탈과실파리에 대하여 “제주지역에 유입되어 현재 발견되고 있 다”라고 잘못된 인용을 하고 있는 것이 발견되었다. 다행히도 해당 문장이 빨리 발견되어 “제주지역에 유입될 가능성이 있는”으로 수정되었다. 이 를 계기로 검역적으로 민감한 해충의 국내분포여부에 대하여 기술하는 경우 매우 신중하게 검증해야할 필요가 있음을 연구자들에게 강조하고자 한 다. 클라이멕스 모델의 저온 스트레스 지수로 추정한 결과 오리엔탈과실파리는 2022~2023년 겨울 제주에서 생존이 불가능한 것으로 예측되었다. 그러나 노랑비취알락하늘소는 2023년 겨울 영하의 기온을 겪고 월동후 여름철 발생이 확인되었으며 정착에 성공한 것으로 판단된다.
COVID-19 has been spreading all around the world, and threatening global health. In this situation, identifying and isolating infected individuals rapidly has been one of the most important measures to contain the epidemic. However, the standard diagnosis procedure with RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction) is costly and time-consuming. For this reason, pooled testing for COVID-19 has been proposed from the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce the cost and time of identifying the COVID-19 infection. For pooled testing, how many samples are tested in group is the most significant factor to the performance of the test system. When the arrivals of test requirements and the test time are stochastic, batch-service queueing models have been utilized for the analysis of pooled-testing systems. However, most of them do not consider the false-negative test results of pooled testing in their performance analysis. For the COVID-19 RT-PCR test, there is a small but certain possibility of false-negative test results, and the group-test size affects not only the time and cost of pooled testing, but also the false-negative rate of pooled testing, which is a significant concern to public health authorities. In this study, we analyze the performance of COVID-19 pooled-testing systems with false-negative test results. To do this, we first formulate the COVID-19 pooled-testing systems with false negatives as a batch-service queuing model, and then obtain the performance measures such as the expected number of test requirements in the system, the expected number of RP-PCR tests for a test sample, the false-negative group-test rate, and the total cost per unit time, using the queueing analysis. We also present a numerical example to demonstrate the applicability of our analysis, and draw a couple of implications for COVID-19 pooled testing.
This paper presents a real-time, false-pick filter based on deep learning to reduce false alarms of an onsite Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system. Most onsite EEW systems use P-wave to predict S-wave. Therefore, it is essential to properly distinguish P-waves from noises or other seismic phases to avoid false alarms. To reduce false-picks causing false alarms, this study made the EEWNet Part 1 'False-Pick Filter' model based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Specifically, it modified the Pick_FP (Lomax et al.) to generate input data such as the amplitude, velocity, and displacement of three components from 2 seconds ahead and 2 seconds after the P-wave arrival following one-second time steps. This model extracts log-mel power spectrum features from this input data, then classifies P-waves and others using these features. The dataset consisted of 3,189,583 samples: 81,394 samples from event data (727 events in the Korean Peninsula, 103 teleseismic events, and 1,734 events in Taiwan) and 3,108,189 samples from continuous data (recorded by seismic stations in South Korea for 27 months from 2018 to 2020). This model was trained with 1,826,357 samples through balancing, then tested on continuous data samples of the year 2019, filtering more than 99% of strong false-picks that could trigger false alarms. This model was developed as a module for USGS Earthworm and is written in C language to operate with minimal computing resources.
식물에게 있어 화분매개는 필수적인 요소 중 하나인데, 화분매개를 하는 식물 중 50%이상이 곤충에 의해 화분매개가 이루어지고 있다. 화분매개를 하는 곤충에 대한 조사는 주로 농업과 관련되어 있는 과수작물 주변의 화분매개곤충에 대해 조사가 되어있지만, 정작 양봉과 관련되어 있는 밀원식물 주변의 화분매개곤충은 조사된 바가 없다. 이에 연구진은 밀원식물 중 국내에서 가장 많은 양봉생산물을 만드는 아까시나무(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)의 개화시기에 맞춰서 화분매개곤충을 조사하였다. 조사지역은 총 6군데로, 백두대간을 중심으로 RCP 기후변화 시나리오에 의해 지정되었다. 조사 결과, 전체적으로 6목 60과 183종 1,555개체의 화분매개곤충이 채집되었다. 이중, 가장 많이 채집된 종은 노린재목의 애긴노린재(Nysius plebejus)로 약 21.30%가 채집되었다. 채집된 종을 군집분석한 결과, 강릉지역이 가장 안정적인 생태계를 유지하고 있으며, 완주지역이 가장 불완전한 생태계를 유지하고 있는 것으로 확인되었다.
Some of the “False Reading” which mentioned by Jin Zailu in “San Yun Sheng Hui”, are derived from people’s analogy of homophonic radicals, and the others are misread because of the similar pronunciations of the words. Maybe, at the beginning of creation, these pronunciations which do not comply with the rules of the dictionary were errors. But they were accepted by the public later and they also became the oral pronunciations at that time.
This study was designed to show how ancient Chinese understood the concept of truth through characters listed in Shuowen Jiezi, the first analytical dictionary of Chinese characters (A.D.100). In my previous research, I examined the interconnectedness of „zhen‟ (貞) and „zhen‟ (眞) as cognate words, to show how ancient Chinese developed a concept of „truth‟ early on. In this paper, I would like to clarify how ancient Chinese thought about truth/falsehood, right/wrong, and assent/dissent through interpreting the meaning of characters with shi 是 („true‟) or fei 非 („false‟) as a components in Shuowen. I analyze shi 是 („true‟), 25 characters having 是 as a component (2 characters having 是 as a semantic part, 23 characters having 是 as a sound part), fei 非 (false), and 35 characters having 非 as a component (5 characters having 非 as a semantic part, 30 characters having 非 as a sound part). I further analyze fú 弗, signifying „not‟, and 17 characters having 弗 as a component (17 characters having 弗 as a sound part and 0 character having 弗 as a semantic part), because 非 and 弗 are similar in meaning and usages. Taking into consideration all the different meanings represented by these characters, I divide them into three categories: (1) characters for depiction of the object in question with distinctive features, (2) characters for regulation, and (3) characters representing value. The first category include 14 characters having 是 as a component (56%), 3 characters having 非 as a component (16%), 1 character having 非 as a component (6%). As the second, 4 characters having 是 as a component (16%), 23 characters having 非 as a component (66%), 4 character having 非 as a component (24%) are included. 5 characters having 是 as a component (20%), 3 characters having 非 as a component (9%), 12 character having 非 as a component (71%) are classified as the third. I hope this paper is to stimulate related research by providing the origins, historical development and detailed interpretation of truth-related characters, and so be able to advance toward more insightful writings on truth.
The research on improvement of false alarm from the automatic fire detection system has been continually achieved in the meantime. But the research for the code-transmitter as one of component devices of the automatic fire detection system. In order to improve difficulty of the code-transmitter check-up, introduction for the address type-code-transmitter and the automatic recovery system for check up of the code-transmitter was proposed. In order to prevent against occurrence of noise and signal attenuation, introduction of the optical fiber cables that noise and signal attenuation do not occur and introduction for an optical communication relay that can apply to was proposed respectively.
The automatic fire detection system is an important facility installed with focusing on minimizing the damage from a fire. This paper presents in the followings as the methods to reduce the false alarm of the automatic fire detection system; first, to prepare for legal standard so that revised legal standard can be applied to the fire fighting property prior to revision; second, to introduce the performance based fire detection protection design in the law based fire protection design; third, to maintain the wiring of worn-out detector; forth, to introduce an evaluation system to the education for the fire warden; fifth, to extend the standard of MTBF(meantime between failure) of the detector; sixth, to extend of installing the analog type detector; seventh, to improve the structure of reset switch.
This paper deals with false friends-the source of their sound image (signifiant) is the same, but the concept image (signifie) is differentfound in Korean and Chinese. It is well-known that these false friends frequently cause negative transfer. I demonstrate that the false friends between Korean and Chinese can be classified into four types: ① no semantic resemblance type, ② partially overlapping type, ③ semantic inclusion type I (Korean over Chinese), and ④ semantic inclusion type II (Chinese over Korean). The result of the contrastive analysis of each type shows a striking difference. In the actual communications, false friends between these two languages may lead to misunderstanding. In order to prevent negative transfer due to false friends, students are advised to carefully check the differences in meaning and function.
In the case of Fictitious Declaration of Intention in Collusion, an formal agreement between the parties was made, which is why the record related to these contents being filled out at the register may not be seen as a false entry and not be considered as having committed a crime in false entry in officially authenticated original deed.
However, what matter in false entry in officially authenticated original deed are not the actual facts but “facts on rights and duties”. Thus, it is right to judge false entry not only on the existence of the legal acts or the literal meaning of the authentic deed they caused but also on the legal effectiveness.
Therefore, making government official to fill out an authentic deed by affecting as if the fictitious declaration of Intention in Collusion is an effective legal action, which is not, can not be but called an false entry, regardless of existence of appearance. Admitting private autonomy doesn’t mean allowing declaring ineffective legal action as if it had legal force and recoring fake facts on the authentic deed.
This study reviews the definition of false preparation and alteration in the crime of false preparation or alteration of public electromagnetic records(Article 227-2 of Criminal Act). Article 227-2 of Criminal Act protects the trustworthiness of the general public concerning the authenticity of public electromagnetic records, not the accuracy of information processing with electromagnetic record. Additionally in view of the fact that electromagnetic record crimes(Article 227-2 and Article 232-2 of Criminal Act) was enacted by following the form and contents of document crimes, the stand of Criminal Act which takes formalism(punishment of unauthorized preparation of document) on document crimes in principle, materialism(punishment of preparation of false document) exceptionally should be accomplished. So false preparation means to make an electromagnetic record without authority and alteration means to change the contents of a ready-made electromagnetic record without authority. This interpretation results from the systematic analyses of the penal clauses of crimes concerning documents and electromagnetic records, not from the mechanical identity of document with electromagnetic record. So I don’t agree with this judgement of the Supreme Court(2013do9003). Although we can not deny the necessity and worthiness of punishment of the preparation of false public electromagnetic record, the act of defendant cannot be punished by Article 227-2. In order to punish the preparation of false public electromagnetic records, it’s necessary to legislate a new clause. I think the terms of false preparation and alteration of public electromagnetic records are not appropriate, because these are very unfamiliar and confused with counterfeit or alteration of official document(Article 225 of Criminal Act) and private document(Article 232 of Criminal Act). So I recommend “to make an electromagnetic record without authority and to change the contents of a ready-made electromagnetic record without authority, instead of false preparation(falsification) or alteration of public and private electromagnetic records(Article 227-2 and Article 232-2 of Criminal Act). And as a result it needs to legislate a new clause that punishes the preparation of false public electromagnetic records.