The purpose of this study was to explore the marketability by developing a fresh HMR product for improving hyperlipidemia and dieting for elderly chronic disease patients and young people pursuing healthy beauty. The diet menu increased the ratio of fresh vegetables and mushrooms, and chicken breast and cheese were used as protein sources. By using whole grains, the supply of vitamins and minerals was strengthened while minimizing calories. Regarding the recipe, the diet menu was mainly prepared in the form of salads, risotto, and pasta. In the hyperlipidemia improvement menu, the proportion of fresh vegetables was increased, and as protein sources, pork shank, tofu, seafood, etc. with minimal fat were used. As a carbohydrate source, whole grains were mainly used to minimize calories while strengthening the supply of vitamins and minerals. In the recipe, it was prepared in the form of steamed or bibim-myeon, and it was also produced in a form such as paella. As a result, the developed menu was analyzed as low-calorie and evenly comprised of essential nutrients, which can satisfy palatability and nutrition.
New biological treatments were being developed at a record place, but their potential could be compromised by a significant obstacle: the delivery of these drugs into a body. Pharmaceutical delivery is now nearly as important as product. New systems are being developed, and Drug Delivery Markets Series cover these new systems. Transdermal Delivery System(TDS) is often used as a method of drug dosage into the epidermic skin. An approach used to delivery drugs through the skin for therapeutic use as an alternative to oral, intravascular, subcutaneous and transmucosal routes. Various transdermal drug delivery technologies are described including the use of suitable formulations, carriers and penetration enhancers. The most commonly used transdermal system is the skin patch using various types of technologies. Compared with other methods of dosage, it is possible to use for a long term. It is also possible to stop the drug dosage are stopped if the drug dosage lead to side effect. Polysaccharides, such as karaya gum and glucomannan, were selected as base materials of TDS. Also, these polymers were characterized in terms of enhancers, drug contents. Among these polysaccharide, the permeation rate of karaya gum matrix was fastest in fibric acid(ciprofibrate) such as lipophilic drug in vitro. We used glycerin, PEG400 and PEG800 as enhancers. Since dermis has more water content(hydration) than the stratum corneum, skin permeation rate at steady state was highly influenced when PEG400 was more effective for lipophilic drug. Proper selection of the polymeric materials which resemble and enhance properties of the delivering drug was found to be important in controlling the skin permeation rate. Especially, this result suggests a possible use of polysaccharide gel ointment matrix as a transdermal delivery system of anti-hyperlipoproteinemic agent.
We examined the effect of Bulnesia sarmienti (BS) water extract on hyperlipidemia induced by a high-fat diet. ICR mice were fed a high-fat diet ad libitum for four weeks. Simultaneously, BS water extract was administered intragastrically at 0 mg/kg (control), 30 mg/kg, or 300 mg/kg once daily for four weeks. Male ICR mice were divided into four groups; normal control group (NC), high-fat diet+vehicle treatment group (HF), high-fat diet+BS of 30 mg/kg treatment group (HF+BS30), and high-fat diet+BS of 300 mg/kg treatment group (HF+BS300). The levels of serum biochemical parameters and histological appearances were evaluated. After four weeks, body weight gain and serum levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol were significantly higher in the HF group than in the normal control group. Together, serum High-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol level in the HF group was lower than that in the normal control group. However, treatment with BS resulted in significantly reduced body weight gain and levels of serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL-choleterol. In addition, serum HDL-cholesterol level in the BS treatment group was significantly elevated, compared to that of the HF group. Histopathological evaluation of the liver showed fat accumulation and swelling of hepatocytes in the high-fat diet group; these abnormalities were ameliorated by treatment with BS. These results suggest that treatment with BS water extract resulted in dose-dependent prevention and mitigation of high-fat diet-induced hyperlipidemia.
To examine the effect of Codium fragile on blood cholesterol and lipid metabolism, hyperlipidemia was induced in experimental animal rats through the administration of a hypercholesterolemic diet. Codium fragile powder was then administered to the rats fo
To evaluate the hypolipidemic effects of Cheonggukjang (CGJ), which is frequently used in Korea similar to Natto in Japan and Douchi in China like a dairy product, boiled soybeans were fermented with two Bacillus strains, B. subtilis and B licheniforms, is이ated from rice straw and their antihyperlipidemic effects oftheir products were investigated. Treatment with the CGJs significantly reduced blood triglyceride (TG) and total ch이esterol (TC) levels and increased HDL cholesterollevels in Triton WR-l339-induced hyperlipidemic mice. The treatment of non-fermented soybeans alone also reduced blood TG and TC levels, but not significantly. Feeding the CGJs significantly lowered high blood TG and TC levels as well as body and epididymal mass weights in hyperlipidemic mice induced by the long-term feeding of a high-fat diet that increased blood HDL cholesterollevels. The B. subtilis-fermented CGJ products more potently reduced TG and TC levels, although the differences between the starters were not significant. These finding suggest that CGJ products may be effective as hypolipidemic foods by the synergistic interaction of soy and Bacillus strains.
본 연구는 복부 초음파 검사를 통해 확인된 지방간 환자의 지방간 정도에 따른 혈액학적 고지혈증 지표와의 관련성을 분석하여 관련 연구에 기초자료를 제공하고자 시행되었다. 2017년 1월 1일부터 2017년 12월 31일까지 총 412명의 성인을 대상으로 하였으며, 복부초음파 검사를 진행하여 지방간이 확인된 환자 중 초음파 검사 시행일 기준 3개월 이내의 혈액학적 데이터가 있는 환자를 대상으로 후향적 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 지방간 정도에 따른 혈액학적 수치는 중성지방, AST, ALT에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었고(p<.05), 지방간은 전체 변수 중 성별, 중성지방, AST, ALT와 관련성이 있었다(p<.05). 결론적으로 지방간 정도는 고지혈증의 혈액학적 수치와 직접적인 영향인자는 아니었지만 그 관련성 확인을 통해 지방간과 고 지혈증 동반 관리의 필요성을 확인했다.
Hyperlipidemia is an increase in one or more of the plasma lipids, including triglycerides, cholesterol. Ginseng has been used as a valuable tonic and for the treatment of various diseases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Jinan red ginseng (JRG) water extract on the blood and serum in rabbits with hyperlipidemia induced by poloxamer 407 when supplied in drinking water. JRG treatment was performed for 20 weeks. We evaluated the effects of the JRG treatment on diabetes through hematological and biochemical analysis before and after JRG treatment were performed. Our results indicate that LDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides were significantly decreased compared prior JRG supply. CRE, BUN, CK and UA levels indicating renal functions are significantly reduced when compared to those prior to the JRG supply. In addition, AST, ALT, ALP, and LDH were significantly reduced indicating hepatoprotective effect. Blood electrolytes deteriorated in HL rabbits were improved when JRG supplied. In conclusion, Biochemical and hematological analysis demonstrate that the JRG is effective to alleviate the hyperlipidemia signs.
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the Crataegus pinnatifida BUNGE extract supplementation of non esterified fatty acid (NEFA), concentrations of serum protein and electrolyte in sera on the hyperlipidemic rats. Concentrations of NEFA and globulin were remarkably lower in the Crataegus pinnatifida BUNGE extract group (HW group) than in the hyperlipidemic group (HD group), but no difference between control group (CO group) and extract of Crataegus pinnatifida BUNGE supplement in control group (NW group). However, concentrations of electrolyte K and A/G were higher in the HW group than HD group. Concentrations of total protein, albumin, electrolyte of total Ca, Pi, Na and Cl were no difference between HW group than HD group. The results indicate that Crataegus pinnatifida BUNGE extract was in the improvement of hyperlipidemic rats.
민간약으로 사용되는 당호박의 물 추출물에 대하여 실험한 결과 500mg/kg 투여군에서 carrageenan에 의한 부종에 대하여는 42.1%의 억제효과를 보였고, 고지방 식이에 의해 상승된 혈중 cholesterol과 triglyceride의 함량을 각각 20.1%와 35.3% 감소시킨 반면 HDL-cholesterol의 함량을 43.1% 증가시킴으로 고지혈증에 대하여 유의성 있는 억제효과를 나타내어 당호박의 부종 및 고지혈증의 치료에 대한 약용가치는 충분하다고 사료된다.