
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 33

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Understanding the long-term geochemical evolution of engineered barrier system is crucial for conducting safety assessment in high-level radioactive waste disposal repository. One critical scenario to consider is the intrusion of seawater into the engineered barrier system, which may occur due to global sea level rise. Seawater is characterized by its high ionic strength and abundant dissolved cations, including Na, K, and Mg. When seawater infiltrates an engineered barrier, such dissolved cations displace interlayer cations within the montmorillonite and affect to precipitation/ dissolution of accessory minerals in bentonite buffer. These geochemical reactions change the porewater chemistry of bentonite buffer and influence the reactive transport of radionuclides when it leaked from the canister. In this study, the adaptive process-based total system performance assessment framework (APro), developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, was utilized to simulate the geochemical evolution of engineered barrier system resulting from seawater intrusion. Here, the APro simulated the geochemical evolution in bentonite porewater and mineral composition by considering various geochemical reactions such as mineral precipitation/dissolution, temperature, redox processes, cation exchange, and surface complexation mechanisms. The simulation results showed that the seawater intrusion led to the dissolution of gypsum and partial precipitation of calcite, dolomite, and siderite within the engineered barrier system. Additionally, the composition of interlayer cation in montmorillonite was changed, with an increase in Na, K, and Mg and a decrease in Ca, because the concentrations of Na, K, and Mg in seawater were 2-10 times higher than those in the initial bentonite porewater. Further studies will evaluate the geochemical sorption and transport of leaked uranium-238 and iodine-129 by applying TDB-based sorption model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The compacted bentonite buffer is a key component of the engineered barrier system in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Groundwater infiltration into the deep geological repository leads to the saturation of the bentonite buffer. Bentonite saturation results in bentonite swelling, gelation and intrusion into the nearby rock discontinuities within the excavation damaged zone of the adjacent rock mass. Groundwater flow can result in the erosion and transport of bentonite colloids, resulting in bentonite mass loss which can negatively impact the long-term integrity and safety of the overall engineered barrier system. The hydro -mechanicalchemical interactions between the buffer, surrounding host rock and groundwater influence the erosion characteristics of the bentonite buffer. Hence, assessing the critical hydro-mechanicalchemical factors that negatively affect bentonite erosion is crucial for the safety design of the deep geological repository. In this study, the effects of initial bentonite density, aperture, discontinuity angle and groundwater chemistry on the erosion characteristics of Bentonil WRK are investigated via bentonite extrusion and artificial fracture experiments. Both experiments examine bentonite swelling and intrusion into simulated rock discontinuities; cylindrical holes for bentonite extrusion experiments and plane surfaces for artificial fracture experiments. Compacted bentonite blocks and bentonite pellets are manufactured using a compaction press and granulation compactor respectively and installed in the transparent extrusion cells and artificial fracture cells. The reference test condition is set to be 1.6 g/cm3 dry density and saturation using distilled water. After distilled water or solution injection, the axial and radial expansion of the bentonite specimens into the simulated rock discontinuities are monitored for one month under free swelling conditions with no groundwater flow. Subsequent flow tests are conducted using the artificial fracture cell to determine the critical flow rate for bentonite erosion. The intrusion and erosion characteristics are modelled using a modified hydro-mechanicalchemical coupled dynamic bentonite diffusion model and a fluid-based hydro-mechanical penetration model.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bentonite is a widely used buffer material in high-level radioactive waste repositories due to its favorable properties, including its ability to swell and low permeability. Bentonite buffers play an important role in safe disposal by providing a low permeability barrier and preventing radionuclides migration into the surrounding rock. However, the long-term performance of the bentonite buffer is still an area of research, and one of the main concerns is the erosion of the buffer due to swelling and groundwater flow. Erosion of the bentonite buffer can have a significant impact on repository safety by reducing the integrity of the buffer and forming colloids that can transport radionuclides through groundwater, potentially increasing the risk of radionuclide migration. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms and factors that influence the erosion of the bentonite buffer is critical to the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repositories. In this study, we attempted to develop the bentonite buffer erosion model using Adaptive Processbased total system performance assessment framework for a geological disposal system (APro) proposed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). First, the erosion phenomenon was divided into two stages: bentonite buffer penetration into rock fractures and colloid formation. As an initial step in the development of the buffer erosion model, a bentonite buffer intrusion into the fracture and consequent degradation of buffer property were considered. For this purpose, a tworegion model based on the dynamic bentonite diffusion model was adopted which is one of the methods for simulating bentonite buffer intrusion. And, it was assumed that the buffer properties, such as density, porosity and permeability, thermal conductivity, modulus of elasticity, and mechanical strength, are degraded as the buffer erodes. The bentonite buffer degradation model developed in this study will serve as a foundation for the comprehensive buffer erosion model, in conjunction with the colloidal formation model in the future.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Compacted bentonite buffer blocks placed in the engineered barrier system for high-level nuclear waste disposal can undergo swelling, intrusion into rock fractures, and erosion with saturation. Bentonite erosion and intrusion can lead to bentonite mass loss via groundwater flow and can ultimately compromise the overall integrity of the disposal system. To ensure the long-term safety of deep geological disposal, it is essential to assess the hydro-mechanical interactions between the bentonite buffer and surrounding rock. In this study, the impact of bentonite erosion and intrusion on the mechanical properties of the jointed rock mass were assessed via elastic wave propagation measurements using the quasi-static resonant column test. Granite rock discs obtained from the Korea Underground Research Tunnel and Gyeongju bentonite were used to simulate jointed rock specimens with different bentonite intrusion conditions. Different degrees of bentonite intrusion were simulated by mixing bentonite and water to create bentonite paste and gel. The longitudinal and shear wave velocities under different normal stress levels were used to quantify the effects of bentonite intrusion on the mechanical characteristics of the rock joint. Complementary numerical analysis using the three-dimensional distinct element code (3DEC) was conducted to provide improved understanding of wave propagation within bentonite gouge-filled rock mass.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During and after the construction of LILW disposal facilities, the decrease of groundwater head potential has been monitored. In addition, an increase of the electrical conductivity (EC) has been observed in several monitoring wells installed along the coastal coastline. Monitoring activity for groundwater head potential and hydrogeochemical properties is important to reduce the uncertainty in the evaluation of groundwater flow characteristics. However, the data observed in the monitoring wells are spatial point data, so there is a limit to the dimension. Several researchers evaluated groundwater head potential changes and seawater intrusion (SWI) potential for disposal sites using groundwater flow modeling. In case of groundwater flow modeling results for SWI, there is a spatial limit in directly comparing the EC observed in the monitoring wells with the modeling results. In a recent study, it was confirmed that the response of the long-range ground penetraiing radar (GPR) system was severely attenuated in the presence of saline groundwater. In order to reduce the spatial constraint of the groundwater monitoring wells for SWI, the characteristics of SWI within the disposal facility site by using the the results of a recent study of the long-range GPR system were investigated and evaluated in this study.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Near-surface disposal facility is more susceptible to intrusion than underground repository, resulting in more possible pathways for contaminant release. Alike human intrusion, animals (e.g. Ants, Moles, etc.) could intrude into the disposal site to excavate burrows, which could cause direct release of contaminants to biosphere. In this paper, animal intrusion is demonstrated using GoldSim’s commercial contaminant transport module and impact on the integrity of the near-surface disposal facility is evaluated in terms of fractional release rate of the contaminants. In this study, the near-surface disposal facility is modelled with a single concrete vault to contain radionuclide according to LLW concentration limit stated in NSSC notice No.2020-6. The release of contaminants is modelled to occur directly after the institutional control period, and the contaminants are mostly transported from the concrete vault to cover layers via diffusion. To produce mathematical model of the release of the contaminants due to animal intrusion, firstly, the fraction of burrow volume for each cover layer is calculated separately for each animal species, based on their maximum possible intrusion depth. In this study, fractions of burrow volume for ants and moles are calculated based on their maximum possible intrusion depths, where for ants is 2–3 m, and for moles is 0.1–0.135 m. Then, assuming that the contaminants are distributed homogeneously throughout each cover layers by diffusion, fraction of contaminants transported into the uppermost layer via excavation of the burrow is calculated for each layer based on burrow volume, and fraction of contaminants removed from the uppermost layer to the layers below via collapse of the burrow is also calculated based on the burrow volume. Lastly, the net transportation of contaminants into and out of the burrow via excavation and collapse, respectively, is calculated and demonstrated using direct transfer rate function of the GoldSim. Based on the simulated result, the maximum mass flux is too minor to cause a meaningful impact on the safety. The peak mass flux of the most sensitive radionuclide, I-129, is witnessed at around year 1,470, with a flux value of 5.36×10−6 g·yr−1. This minor release of the contaminants could be due to cover layers being much thicker than the maximum possible intrusion depth of the animals, preventing the animal intrusion into the deeper layers of higher radionuclide concentration. In future, this study can be used to provide a guidance and fundamental data for scenario development and safety evaluation of the near-surface disposal facility.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중·저준위방사성폐기물 표층처분시설 인간침입시나리오의 ‘평가/해석에 대한 불확실성’의 관리를 위해 GENII를 이용 한 평가결과를 오염토양에 대한 방사선영향평가를 위해 개발된 RESRAD를 이용하여 검증하였다. 중저준위방사성폐기물 표 층처분시설의 인간침입시나리오로 시추후거주시나리오를 선정하여 각 코드의 현상 모사에서 발생하는 한계점을 파악하고 동일한 입력데이터 조건에서 두 코드의 평가결과를 비교분석함으로써 모델링의 불확실성을 분석하였다. 평가결과 각 코드 에서 일부 핵종의 거동모사에 대한 차이는 있었으나 폐쇄후관리기간 이후 선량평가 결과 모든 피폭경로에 대한 경향이 유사 함을 확인하였다. 또한 RESRAD에서 확인한 선량평가 결과를 바탕으로 입력인자에 대한 민감도 분석을 수행하고 주요입력 인자를 도출하였다. 이를 통해 모델링 결과 및 입력인자에 대한 불확실성을 분석하고 안전성평가 결과에 대한 신뢰성을 확 인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 중저준위방사성폐기물 처분시설의 Safety Case 구축에 활용될 수 있다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 방사성폐기물 처분장이 건설·운영되고, 폐쇄 후 제도적 관리기간이 끝나게 되어 그 곳에 처분장이 존재한다 는 사실과 위해(hazard)의 정도가 잊혀 지면서 무의식적인(inadvertent) 처분장 인간침입이 일어날 경우 이를 어떻게 평가할 것인지에 대해 기술하였다. 처분장 인간침입을 평가하기 위한 전제조건을 국내 또는 국제적으로 권고한 사항에 근거하여 설 정하고 처분장 인간침입 평가방법론에 대해 기술하였다. 처분장 인간침입 평가 방법론에서는 사회적요인, 인간침입 시나리 오, 방지대책 도출시 상호 관계에 대해 언급하였으며, 시나리오 도출절차에 대해서도 언급하였다. 인간침입 방지대책을 도 출하기 위한 절차를 네 단계로 구분하여, 기본 정보를 도출하는 방법, 일반방지대책을 도출하는 방법, 후보방지대책을 도출 하는 방법, 정형화된 시나리오를 고려하여 최종적으로 인간침입 방지대책을 도출하는 방법 등에 대해 체계적으로 기술하였 다. 본 연구에서 도출된 인간침입 평가 방법론은 향후 인간침입의 가능성을 감소시키고 인간침입 발생 시 위해를 줄이기 위 한 방지대책 마련 시 유용하게 활용될 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경주에 저준위 및 극저준위 방사성폐기물을 영구적으로 처분하기 위한 2단계 처분시설이 표층처분시설로 건설된다. 처분시 설은 폐쇄 후 제도적 관리기간 동안에는 일반인의 부주의한 침입을 제한하지만, 제도적 관리기간 이후에는 일반인에 대한 접근이 제한되지 않는다. 이에 따라 거주 및 자원 탐사 등을 목적으로 한 인간침입 행위가 발생될 수 있으며, 이 경우 침입자 에 대한 방사선 영향은 일반인에 대한 선량한도로 제한되어야 한다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 부지 특성을 반영하여 시추 및 시 추 후 거주시나리오를 설정하고 종류 및 준위별 발생량을 고려하여 선정된 처분고내 폐기물에 대하여 평가하였다. 첫째, 시 추 및 시추 후 거주시나리오의 평가결과가 모두 규제 제한치를 만족하였다. 둘째, 평가결과 시추 후 거주시나리오가 시추시 나리오에 비해 중요한 시나리오임을 알 수 있었다. 셋째, 폐쇄 후 인간침입 시점과 침입자의 행위에 따라 침입자가 지배적으 로 영향 받는 핵종이 다름을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 인간행위와 관련된 입력 자료의 민감도 분석결과 모두 규제 제한치를 만족 하였다. 특히 민감도 분석결과, 토양재분배인자에 피폭선량이 가장 민감하게 변동됨을 알 수 있었다. 다섯째, 인간침입평가 측면에서 폐기물의 바람직한 정치방안을 살펴본 결과, 폐필터 폐기물은 가능한 폐수지 및 농축폐액 폐기물보다 잡고체 폐기 물과 정치하며 폐필터 폐기물 비율을 낮추는 것이 개인최대 피폭선량을 줄이고 선량한도 대비 안전여유도를 높이기 위해서 바람직함을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 연구결과는 처분시설의 개발 시 인간침입을 고려한 표층처분시설의 강건성과 심층방어를 위한 Safety Case 구축을 위하여 활용하고자 한다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to investigate and evaluate that a roadside tree root intrudes sewer network systems. Two approaches were performed to assess the characteristics of tree root intrusion. First, the characteristics of tree roots that had invaded sewers were directly observed by means of closed-circuit television inspection robot. Second, the intrusion proportions of tree root into rain gutters in the sampling area were investigated. As tree species of low intrusion proportions, the results indicated that Ginkgo biloba Linn. and Acer buergerianum Miq. were 1.7% and 4.3%. On the other hand, tree species of high intrusion proportions were Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng, Ulmus davidiana var. japonica Nakai and Zelkova serrata Makino as 22.2%, 20.4%, and 17.6% respectively. In particular, sewers and gutters around Zelkova species should be the focus of maintenance work because of the high proportion of these trees on roadsides.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the safety assessment of the geological disposal system of the radioactive wastes, the abnormal scenarios, in which the system is impacted by the abnormal events, need to be considered in addition to the reference scenario. In this study, characterization and prediction of well intrusion as one of the abnormal events which will impact the disposal system were conducted probabilistically and statistically for the safety assessment. The domestic well development data were analyzed, and the prediction methodologies of the well intrusion were suggested with a computation example. From the results, the annual well development rate per unit area in Korea was about 0.8 well/yr/km2 in the conservative point of view. Considering the area of the overall disposal system which is about 1.5 km2, the annual well development rate within the disposal system could be 1.2 well/yr. That is, it could be expected that more than one well would be installed within the disposal system every year after the institutional management period. From the statistical analysis, the probabilistic distribution of the well depth followed the log-normal distribution with 3.0363 m of mean value and 1.1467 m of standard deviation. This study will be followed by the study about the impacts of the well intrusion on the geological disposal system, and the both studies will contribute to the increased reliability of safety assessment.
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