
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 562

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : High temperatures induce excessive expansion in pavements, thus causing the closure of contraction joints between expansion joints. This results in the integration of slabs within the expansion joints into a unified slab. Compressive forces are generated owing to the friction that ensues between the unified slab and lower base layer. As the integrated slab expands and exceeds the allowable width of the expansion joint, the end restraint generates an additional compressive force. The escalating force, which reaches a critical threshold, induces buckling, thus compromising stability and causing blow-up incidents, which poses a significant hazard to road users. The unpredictable nature of blow-up incidents render their accurate prediction challenging because the compressive force within the slab must be predicted and the threshold for blow-up occurrence must be determined. METHODS : In this study, a GWNU blow-up model was developed to predict both the compressive force and period of blow-up incidents in jointed concrete pavements. The climate conditions, pavement structure, materials, and expansion joints were considered in this model. In the first stage of the model, the time at which the integrated slab expanded and surpassed the allowable width of the expansion joint was determined, and the compressive force was calculated. Subsequently, the compressive force within the integrated slab, considering both the end restraints and friction, was predicted. A large-scale blow-up test was performed to measure the blow-up force based on changes in the geometric imperfections. The measured blow-up force was adopted as the blow-up occurrence threshold, and the point at which the predicted compressive force within the slab exceeded the blow-up force was identified as the blow-up occurrence time. RESULTS : Using the GWNU blow-up model, the blow-up occurrence on the Seohean Expressway in Korea is predicted in the presence or absence of the alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Analysis is conducted using the expansion joint spacing and width as variables. As the expansion joint spacing increases, blow-up occurs sooner, and as the width increases, only the expansion joint life decreases. When applying an expansion joint spacing of 300 m and a width of 100 mm under an ASR with 99.9% TTPG reliability, the sum of the expansion joint life and blow-up occurrence time is 16 years. CONCLUSIONS : In the case of jointed concrete pavements where ASR occurred, installing an expansion joint spacing of 300 m and a width of 100 mm does not satisfy the design life of 20 years, and the expansion joint width minimally affect the blow-up occurrence time. To prevent blow-up incidents, a spacing of less than 300 m for the expansion joint is recommended. Based on the analysis results, the blow-up occurrence time and location can be predicted from the characteristics of the installed expansion joint, through which blow-up incidents can be prevented via preliminary maintenance.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        기존 교량을 일체식 교대 교량과 같이 거동할 수 있도록 교대 흉벽과 상부슬래브를 일체화하는 흉 벽 일체식 교대 교량 공법에 관한 것으로, 교대 흉벽은 뒤채움 토사의 토압을 주요 하중으로 설계되기 때문에 배면부에는 휨보강 철근이 배치되지만 흉벽 일체화에 따른 흉벽 전면부에 온도팽창에 저항하 기에 부족한 철근량을 가지게 된다. 본 실험 연구는 일체화된 흉벽 구조체의 단차부 전면에 부착-정 착방식으로 제작된 FRP 보강체를 사용하여 휨 실험을 수행하고 이를 비교 분석하였다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라에서 공용중인 시설물은 총 172,111개로 집계되고 있으며, 그 중 교량은 34,199개로 사회 기반시설 중 가장 많은 비중을 차지한다. 이러한 교량은 공용하중, 온도, 습도 등에 의해 거더간 신축 량이 발생하게 되고 신축량 발생으로 인한 유간거리에 대해 차량의 통행 안정성 및 주행성 확보를 위 한 신축이음장치를 설치하게 된다. 신축이음장치를 설치하여 차량의 통행 안정성 및 주행성을 확보할 수 있지만 누수 및 퇴적물 낙하 등을 직접적으로 방지하지 못하여 고무지수재를 별도로 설치하게 된 다. 하지만 이러한 고무지수재는 다양한 원인에 의해 쉽게 손상이 발생한다. 손상된 고무지수재를 통 해 거더의 부식, 교량하부 인명사고 등 다양한 2차 피해가 발생할 수 있다. 피해방지를 위한 교량의 유지관리를 지속적으로 수행하고 있지만 고무지수재 특성상 지속적인 교체가 불가피한 실정이다. 따라 서 본 연구에서는 기존 신축이음장치에 활용되는 고무지수재의 문제점을 해결하기 위하여 초탄성 형 상기억합금을 활용한 새로운 지수재 개발 연구를 수행하였다. 이에 대해 초탄성 형상기억합금 지수재 와 고무지수재에 대한 유한요소해석을 수행하고 비교 및 분석하였으며, 하중 제거 후 원형으로 복원되 는 효과를 통해 지속 사용 가능한 지수재 연구를 검증하였다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 3D 프린팅 기술과 인체공학 순설계를 이용하여 턱관절 자기공명영상 동적 턱관절 검사 보조기구를 개발하고자 하였다. 3D 프린팅 기술 재료는 3D 프린터(Sindo, 3DWOX1, Korea), 3D 모델러 프로그램(Fusion 360, autodesk, USA), PLA(polylactic Acid) 필라멘트 소재를 이용하였고, 영상 검사는 3.0T 자기공명영상 장비 (Magnetom Vida, Siemens, Germany)를 사용하였다. 개발 방법은 성인 30명(남:13명, 여:17명, 평균나이 22.9±2.0세)의 안면뼈 CT(computed tomography) 검사의 단면 영상을 역학적으로 실측하여 상/하악궁의 형상을 모델링하였다. 모델링된 파일은 FDM(fused deposition modeling) 방식으로 3D 프린팅하였다. 출력된 보조기구는 자화 감수성 인공물 실험, 동적 영상 비교, 만족도 평가로 성능을 평가하였다. 그 결과, 자화감수성 인공물 발생은 개발된 개구 보조 장비와 비교하여 모든 영상에서 유의한 차이가 없었다. 동적 비교 영상에서는 TSE 기법이 모든 평가 법에서 가장 우수한 영상 품질을 보였다. 만족도 평가에서는 피검자는 평균 4.3점, 방사선사는 평균 4.4점으로 높은 만족도를 보였다. 결론적으로 인공물 발생이 없는 환자 맞춤형 보조기구에 개구의 동적 기능이 탑재된 보조기구 를 개발하였다.
        2024.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국내 고속도로의 본선차로 포장은 시공비용이 저렴한 줄눈 콘크리트 포장을 주로 시공하였으나, 최근 유지보수비용이 증가함에 따 라 유지관리비용이 저렴하고 공용성이 뛰어난 연속철근 콘크리트 포장을 확대 적용하고 있는 추세이다. 그러나 본선차로가 연속철근 콘크리트 포장으로 시공될 때 접속차로의 포장은 대부분 줄눈 콘크리트 포장으로 시공하고 있어 서로 다른 포장 형식이 접속함으로 인해 거동 차이가 발생하여 접속부에서 파손이 발생하기도 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 본선차로 연속철근 콘크리트 포장과 접속차로 줄눈 콘크리트 포장을 시공할 경우 줄눈 간격에 따른 접속차로 줄눈 콘크리트 포장의 응력 특성을 분석하기 위하여 유한요소해석 프 로그램을 이용하여 구조해석을 수행하였다. 줄눈 간격별로 줄눈 콘크리트 포장의 해석모델을 구성하였으며 환경하중인 선형수직온도 경사와 온도하강, 그리고 선형수직온도경사와 온도하강을 동시에 적용하여 해석을 실시하였다. 구조해석 결과, 모든 온도조건에서 줄 눈 간격이 좁아질수록 슬래브와 타이바의 응력이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
        2024.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        블로우업이 발생하는 구간에 ASR이 발생하고 있지만, 한국도로공사는 재료팽창인 ASR을 고려하지 않고, 콘크리트 팽창량을 계산하 여 팽창줄눈 설치간격을 제시하고 있다. 또한, 블로우업은 일종의 좌굴현상이므로 슬래브 두께에 따라 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본연구는 재료팽창과 슬래브 두께를 고려하여 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시하고자 한다. 팽창량 계산시, 재료변형률과 지역별 온도와 건조수축을 고려하였으며, 이를 동등한 팽창을 유발하는 온도상승량으로 변환하는 식을 도출하였다. 기준온도를 정하기 위해 실제 현장데이터를 팽창량 식에 대입하여 온도상승량으로 변환하였으며, 이를 블로우업을 모사한 콘크리트 포장 모형의 유한요소해석 결과를 이용하여 결과값을 비교하였다. 안전설계를 위해 더 작은 온도 값인 블로우업 구조해석 결과 값 중 안전온도를 블로우업이 일 나는 기준으로 선정하였으며, 안전 온도를 넘지 않은 지역별 슬래브 두께에 따른 최대 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시했다. 한국도로공사가 제 시하고 있는 기준과 비교한 결과, 일부 지역은 한국도로공사에서 제시하고 있는 기준에 만족하지 않았다. ASR 변형률을 고려하여 슬 래브 두께에 따라 지역별로 팽창줄눈 간격을 제시하는 것이 블로우업 파손을 저감하고, 포장의 안정성을 향상시키는데 도움이 될 것 이라고 판단된다.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The seismic separation joint is an important device that absorbs vibration displacement from earthquake shock and protects fire extinguishing pipes and various utility pipes. In this study, the mechanical behavior occurring in U-typed and V-typed seismic separation joint was analyzed according to the length of the bellows, the length of the elbow straight pipe, and the open angle. As a result, as the length of the bellows increased, the stress and natural frequency decreased. In addition, as the length of the elbow straight pipe increased, the stress tended to decrease in the case of forced displacement in the vertical direction. As the open angle increased, the stress in the case of forced displacement in the left and right directions increased.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: The Nordic hamstring exercise is a closed-chain exercise that effectively activates all lower extremity muscles, but there is a lack of consideration of ankle joint which affects exercise effectiveness. One of the major advantages of the Nordic exercise have been known as strengthening lower extremity extensors. This manifests the exercise increases activities of the ankle plantar flexors as well as hip extensors. Objectives: To investigated the impacts of changes in ankle position on the lower extremity musculature and subjective difficulties during the Nordic hip extension exercise. Design: Cross-sectional study. Methods: Twenty the healthy male participants participated in this study. Participants perform three variations of the Nordic exercises including three ankle positions. Each Nordic exercise was defined as ankle position (neutral, dorsiflexion and plantar flexion). During the Nordic exercise, erector spine (ES), gluteus maximus (GM), biceps femoris (BF), gastrocnemius (GCM) activities and subjective difficulties (Borg RPE score) were measured. Results: Muscular activities of the biceps femoris and gastrocnemius were significantly different among the three ankle conditions, which showed controversial results (P<.05). The biceps femoris activity was significantly higher with the dorsiflexion condition, compared to the others (P<.05). On the other hand, activity of the gastrocnemius was significantly higher with the plantarflexion position compared to the others (P<.05). Conclusion: Present study suggests the ankle positional changes could affect lower muscular activities during the Nordic exercise. Although it is difficult to affirm the causes due to limited data, selective activation of the biceps femoris might accomplish with ankle dorsi flexion and that of the gastrocnemius might accomplish with the ankle plantarflexion during the Nordic exercises.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bellows expansion joints enhance the displacement performance of piping systems owing to their unique geometrical features. However, structural uncertainties such as wall thinning in convolutions, a byproduct of the manufacturing process, can impair their structural integrity. This study addresses such issues by conducting a global sensitivity analysis to assess the impact of these uncertainties on the performance of bellows expansion joints under monotonic loading. Global sensitivity analysis, which examines main and nth order interaction effects, is computationally expensive. To mitigate this, we employed a surrogate model-based approach using an artificial neural network. This model demonstrated robust prediction capabilities, as evidenced by metrics such as the coefficient of determination. The sensitivity indices of the main effect for the 2-ply and 3-ply bellows at the sixth convolution were 0.3340 and 0.3233, respectively. The sensitivity index of the sixth convolution was larger than that of other convolutions because the maximum deformation of the bellows expansion joint under monotonic bending load occurs around it. Interestingly, the sensitivity index for the interaction effect was negligible (0.01%) compared to the main effect, suggesting minimal activity between uncertainty factors across convolutions. Notably, bellows expansion joints under repetitive loading exhibit more complex behaviors, with the initial leakage typically occurring at the convolution. Therefore, future studies should focus on the structural uncertainties of bellows expansion joints under cyclic loading and employ a surrogate model for comprehensive global sensitivity analysis.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 재료분야 국내 공동특허의 공동 출원인 정보를 이용하여 연구협력 네트워크의 구조, 특징, 진화를 탐구하는 것이다. 이를 위해 재료 기술분야(금속, 세라믹, 고분자 등 6개 기술분야) 및 혁신주체(산업계, 학계, 연구계)의 네트워크 구조 및 동태를 정량적으로 분석하며, 2010년∼2021년까지 한국의 공동특허 데이터를 활용하여 소셜 네트워크 분석(SNA)을 사용한다. 분석결과, 재료분야는 세부기술별로 네트워크의 차별점이 존재하며, 산업계, 학계, 연구계 등 혁신주체별 협력 강도의 명백한 단계별 특성을 가진다. 연구협력 네트워크의 규모는 점차 확장되어 ‘작은 세계’ 구조를 보여주고 있다. 본 연구를 통해 재료 정책 관점에서 지금까지 시행된 재료분야 산학연 협력 정책의 효과를 파악하는데 정책적 시사점을 제공함과 동시에, 보다 효과적인 재료 혁신주체 간의 네트워크를 구축하기 위한 근거 기반의 정책 수립에 도움이 될 수 있다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Colloid Formation and Migration (CFM) international joint research initiative continues as a part of the GTS’s Radionuclide Retardation Programme, which has been in progress since 1984. This project focuses on examining the formation of colloids from a bentonite-engineered barrier system and exploring how these colloids impact the migration of radionuclides in fractured host rock when subjected to advective flow. Phase 1 of the project was launched in 2004 and concluded in early 2008, focusing on preliminary studies related to in-situ boundary conditions, predicting models, and supplementary lab works. Following that, Phase 2 spanned from 2008 to 2013 and aimed at fortifying the field setup by adding three new monitoring boreholes and suitable instrumentation in both the boreholes and tunnel. This phase also tested the system’s resilience while mapping the flow domain. Phase 3 kicked off in January 2014 and extended until December 2018. During this period, the Long-term In-situ Test (LIT) was introduced in May 2014, featuring a set of compacted bentonite rings laced with radionuclide tracers. These were placed in a borehole to serve as a colloid and radionuclide source. CFM Phase 4 initiative commenced in January 2019, marking the successful deployment of the i-BET (In-situ Bentonite Erosion Test). This project component involves placing approximately 50 kg of compacted bentonite in a natural water-conducting shear zone. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) joined CFM in 2008 to examine the behavior of colloid generation and migration with radionuclides in the Underground Research Laboratory. The fourth phase of the CFM project was also scheduled to include a post-mortem evaluation of the LIT and additional tracer experiments in the well-mapped MI shear zone. This study aims to provide an interim update on the ongoing i-BET, a key component of Phase 4 of the CFM project. We will also discuss the current status of the post-mortem analysis for the LIT experiment. In addition, we will outline plans for the forthcoming Phase VI of the project. These plans will continue to advance our understanding of radionuclide migration and the influence of bentonite-based disposal systems.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this study, the initial behaviors of shoulder concrete slabs and tiebars at the longitudinal construction joints between the shoulder JCP and mainline CRCP are investigated. METHODS : The strains of concrete and tiebars were measured at the longitudinal construction joint between the CRCP and JCP. Measurements were performed using data accumulated over a month after concrete placement. The contact conditions were investigated by comparing the strains at each location. RESULTS : The longitudinal construction joints between the shoulder JCP and mainline CRCP exhibited the composite behavior of bonding and friction, and a virtual neutral axis was formed inside the JCP. At the connection of the shoulder concrete, the strain and temperature of the concrete were inversely proportional. The tiebars connecting the CRCP and JCP exhibited different behaviors depending on the bonding conditions around the tiebars of the construction joints. In the presumed state in which the bonding condition was maintained, the concrete temperature and tiebar strain were directly proportional; however, the presumed state of the separation condition exhibited an inversely proportional relationship. In the 24-h behaviors of the tiebars, the effects of the horizontal and curling movements overlapped, and the strains of the measured tiebars increased at the minimum and maximum temperatures of the shoulder JCP. CONCLUSIONS : The strains in the tiebars and concrete slabs primarily depended on the boundary conditions (bonding and friction) of the longitudinal construction joint between the shoulder JCP and mainline CRCP.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Floor sit-to-stand (FSTS) places a higher load on the knees than chair sit-to-stand (CSTS). It is difficult to experimentally measure the maximum knee joint force during sit-to-stand motion. Objectives: This study's objectives were twofold: firstly, to quantify the differences in knee joint force between FSTS and CSTS, and secondly, to identify the angles at which the maximum knee joint force occurs during these motions. Design: Computer simulation study. Method: This study was conducted on 4 adult male subjects in their 20s. The FSTS and CSTS motion trajectories of the subjects were acquired using 3- dimensional motion analysis equipment. Using these, the human body mass model of the program was modified according to the subject, and the knee joint force was calculated. Also, the knee angle at which the maximum knee joint force occurs was found. Results: When the subjects performed the FSTS motion, a knee joint force that was up to about 160% higher than that of the CSTS motion occurred, and the angle at which the maximum knee joint force occurred was different between the sitting sequence(FSTS motion: 56~58 degree, CSTS motion: 78~82 degree) and the standing sequence(FSTS motion: 98~100 degree, CSTS motion: 70~74 degree). Conclusion: By comparing FSTS motion with CSTS motion, it is expected that it can be used as a quantitative guide for the effect of motion similar to FSTS motion on the knee when prescribing exercise for the elderly or patients with knee-related lesions.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Proprioception in the ankle joint is important for maintaining balance. There is a correlation between joint position sense (JPS), balance and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion (DF-ROM). Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of talocrural joint mobilization (TJM) and muscle energy technique (MET) of plantar flexor muscle (PF) on improving joint position sense (JPS) and static balance. Design: Cross-over randomized trial research. Methods: Sixteen participants (male 10, female 6; 20’s of their age) without ankle instability were recruited. In a randomized, three conditions, no intervention, talocalcaneal mobilization, and PF-MET were all applied to 16 participants. For TJM, the Kaltenborn grade 3 joint gliding method, in which the talus moves posteriorly perpendicular to the tacrocrural joint plane, were used. In the PF-MET, MET method were applied gastrocnemius muscle and soleus muscle with 25% of 1 Repeat Maximum of each muscle. The all participants performed PF-MET and TJM for 18 minutes. DF-ROM measured the weightbearing lunge test. JPS measured using the active joint angle reproduction test. Static balance was measured displacement of center of pressure parameter. Results: PF-MET and TJM had significant differences in DF-ROM and AP displacements. PF-MET significantly increased at 5° and 15° of plantar flexion and 5° of dorsiflexion, and COP velocity significantly decreased in JPS compared to TJM. Conclusion: PF-MET and TJM are effective in increasing DF-ROM. However, PF-MET has a more positive effect on improving JPS and static balance than on talocrural joint mobilization.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 허벅다리걸기 시 유도 선수들의 무릎 관절 부상 경험이 운동학적 요인과 압력 중심 요인들에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 있었다. 본 연구에는 허벅다리걸기를 특기로 하는 오른손잡이 남 자 대학 유도 선수 중 최근 2년 이내 무릎 관절 부상 경험이 있었던 13명(연령, 20.69.1±0.75 세; 신장, 172.85±4.81 cm; 체중, 74.92±5.51 kg; 경력, 8.92±0.95 세)과 상해 경험이 없었던 13명(연령, 21.08.1±0.76 세; 신장, 172.54±6.32 cm; 체중, 76.62±9.09 kg; 경력, 9.46±0.94 세)이 두 그룹으로 나 뉘어 피험자로 참여하였다. 두 그룹의 발목, 무릎, 힙 관절각도 변인과 압력 중심 가동범위와 속도 요인들 의 차이를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 부상 경험 그룹은 부상 경험이 없었던 그룹에 비해 허벅다리걸기 기술 발 휘 시 한발 지지 구간 중 E3에서의 무릎 관절 굴곡 각도와 E4에서의 힙 관절 신전 각도에서 작은 수치를 나타내었다. 더불어 부상 경험 그룹은 부상 경험이 없었던 그룹에 비해 한발 지지 구간에서 압력 중심 가동 범위와 전방 이동 속도 요인에서도 낮은 수치를 나타내었다.
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