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        검색결과 8

        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The possibility of orange pulp utilization for nanoporous carbons production was investigated. Moreover, processing the obtained materials as limonene oxidation catalysts was studied as well. Limonene was separated from orange pulp obtained from fragmented orange peels—the waste from industrial fruits processing—by means of simple distillation. After the separation of limonene from the biomass, the dried orange pulp was converted to three types of nanoporous carbon catalysts: without activating agent, with NaOH, and with KOH. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, SEM, EDX, AFM, and sorption of N2 methods. The activities of the obtained catalysts were tested in the oxidation of limonene to perillyl alcohol (the main product), carveol, carvone, and 1,2-epoxylimonene and its diol. In the oxidation processes, hydrogen peroxide was used as the oxidizing agent. This work has shown for the first time that nanoporous carbons obtained from orange pulp waste, after separation of limonene, are active catalysts for limonene oxidation to industrially important value-added products.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The methods for determining the diffusion parameters for the diffusion of d-limonene, a major volatile compound of orange juice, through a multi-layered food packaging material and predicting its absorption into the packaging material have been investigated. The packaging material used was the 1.5-mm thick multi-layered packaging material composed of high impact polystyrene (HIPS), polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC), and low density polyethylene (LDPE). Orange juice was placed in a cell where volatiles were absorbed in the sample package and kept at 23±2oC for 72 hr. The d-limonene absorbed in a 1.5-mm thick multi-layered food packaging material was analyzed by a solid phase micro-extraction (SPME). The absorption parameters for the absorption of d-limonene in the packaging material were determined and absorption of d-limonene into the packaging material was predicted using absorption storage data. The SPME desorption at 60oC for 1 hr resulted in the most sensitive and reproducible results. The diffusion coefficients of d-limonene in the packaging material and the partition coefficient at 23±2oC were approximately 1-2×10-12m2/s and 0.03, respectively. The absorption profile no earlier than 30 hr was fit well by a model derived from the Fick’s law.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this research is to conform of practicable possibility and recycling of producing junk after citrus fruits is processed. With extracting d-limonene oil that have 70~90% a component of oil out of junk citrus peel, making certain the about 12000ppm concentration of it. Limonene derived from citrus in jeju using conventional synthetic detergents can be replaced with the development of environmentally friendly natural detergent investigated the possibility. Mostly due to ocean dumping, disposal and cause environmental problems by recycling natural citrus cleaner alternative to the research conducted on the possibility. Cleaning efficiency with temperature did not affect the largest concentrations were able to identify the difference between cleaning efficiency. At least 10% of the d-limonene oil could be from the cleaning performance, increasing the concentration of the cleaning efficiency was increased in size. Ultrasonic is very high removal efficiency under the conditions shown in the cause of pure self-generated ultrasonic cleaning power as co-effects of d-limonene oil appears to chemical cleaning effect of ultrasonic cavitation occurs in the physical cleaning effect due to a combination of synergistic stability is maximized by low concentrations of d-limonene oil in a short time showed an excellent cleaning ability. Having the ability of cleaning at the same time, considering the side recycling in the junk citrus peels reflects possibility of basic materials utility eco-friendly in the skin soap, bath soap, cosmetics etc, through ability of exclusion a contaminant in based cleaning effect(EC) it can prospect substitution effect environmentally in the pre existence synthetic detergents.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objection of this research is to conform of practicable possibility and recycling of producing junk after citrus fruits is processed. In the middle of practicable possibility, with verification of antibiosis that tactiling sensibility in a microorganism. With extracting d-limonene oil that have 70~90% a component of oil out of junk citrus peel, making certain the about 12000ppm(1.2%) concentration of it. By means of antibiosis property over the a pathogenic bacterium as well as a residence bacterium, considerating the limit of application against daily living supplies needs to antibiosis. Antibiosis effect of a stationing bacterium in the body permanently and by means of antibiosis verification of special bacteria Propionibacterium Acnes that causative skin trouble is selected, in based the antibiotic sencitivity test check up result of minimal inhibitory concentration(MIC).
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Perilla frutescens L. is valuable as a medicinal plant as well as a natural medicine and functional food. Limonene perilla collected from various places showed 60% limonene compounds. However biological activity of these accession has not been reported before. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the biological activity of limonene perilla. Methods and Results : Fractional solvent extracts were obtained by using organic solvents such as n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, n-BuOH, and aqueous solvent from different parts of limonene perilla extracted initially in 70% EtOH. We investigated the effects of limonene perilla on total phenol and flavonoid contents, FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power), total saponin contents and tyrosinase inhibition activity. Leaves of limonene perilla produced the highest total phenolic contents (29.88 mg·CAE/g), flavonoid (8.39 mg·QE/g) and saponin contents (47.77 mg·GIE/g) than stems and roots of limonene perilla. FRAP of leaves was 823.00±3.58 μM·FeSO4·E/mg. Tyrosinase inhibition activity rate was 40.31% in 70% ethanol extracts from leaves of limonene perilla. Conclusion : This results suggest that leaf of limonene perilla fractions has significant antioxidant activity. Also, limonene perilla could be used as a functional biomaterial in developing cosmetics and functional foods.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The full-length cDNA encoding Perilla frutescens limonene synthase (PFLS) (603 amino acids, GenBank accession no. D49368) was cloned. To elucidate the role of PFLS in gene regulation, we transiently transformed full-length PFLS into tobacco plants. PFLS mRNA was first detected in the intact leaves of the plants at 6 h, and the LS transcript level increased after 12 h in leaves treated with oxidative stress-related chemicals. The transient overexpression of PFLS resulted in increased transcription of NbPR1 and NbSIP in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. Thus, our result confirmed that the infiltration of PFLS gene act as a transcriptional regulator of NbPR1 or NbSIP genes in the tobacco.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For the purpose of development of an environmentally friendly aqueous cleanser, some experimental researches on emulsification of D-limonene were performed. OA series surfactants with different molecular weight were adapted as an emulsifier for preparation of O/W emulsion. Cleaning power of aqueous cleanser was measured by a dipping method adapting abietic acid(AA) as a solubilizate. Besides, drop size and drop size distribution, contact angle and storage stability of the aqueous cleansers were also measured and relationships among them were examined. Decrease in molecular weight of surfactant induced small drop size and contact angle, resulting in high cleaning power of aqueous cleanser. Aqueous cleanser consisted of 3wt.% OA300 and 30wt.% D-limonene showed the highest cleaning power, but displayed unfortunately with low storage stability. The storage stability of the aqueous cleanser with OA300 was significantly enhanced by addition of 0.5wt.% OA600 at the expanse of decrease in cleaning power.