
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study supplements the literature by determining how restaurant innovativeness is linked to customer advocacy as well as considering self-image congruity as mediator of this relationship. A questionnaire survey of 385 restaurant customers was conducted in Taiwan. The results indicated that restaurant innovativeness is positively related to customers’ self-image congruity and customer advocacy. Customers’ self-image congruity is positively associated with customer advocacy. In addition, self-image congruity mediates the relationship between restaurant innovativeness and customer advocacy. The research contributes to literature by extend the relationships between restaurant innovativeness, self-image congruity, and customer advocacy. Restaurant managers should adopt approaches (e.g. innovativeness-related activities) for enhancing self-image congruity in customers.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study supplements the literature by determining how restaurant innovativeness is linked to customer advocacy as well as considering self-image congruity as mediator of this relationship. A questionnaire survey of 385 restaurant customers was conducted in Taiwan. The results indicated that restaurant innovativeness is positively related to customers’ self-image congruity and customer advocacy. Customers’ self-image congruity is positively associated with customer advocacy. In addition, self-image congruity mediates the relationship between restaurant innovativeness and customer advocacy. The research contributes to literature by extend the relationships between restaurant innovativeness, self-image congruity, and customer advocacy. Restaurant managers should adopt approaches (e.g. innovativeness-related activities) for enhancing self-image congruity in customers.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the effects of the service quality of fine dining restaurants on the service value and customer satisfaction by targeting 310 customers with experience in using fine dining restaurants in Seoul. The results of this study are as follows. First, the quality of the physical environment and interactions and the result of fine dining restaurants had positive (+) effects on the service value. Second, the quality of the physical environment and interactions and the result of fine dining restaurants had positive (+) effects on customer satisfaction. Third, the service value had positive (+) effects on customer satisfaction. According to the result of this study, when customers visit fine dining restaurants, evaluations of the service quality, such as interior design, kindness, accessibility, pleasant environment, and good quality of food, are very important elements. The service quality has been verified to be a very important factor when evaluating fine dining restaurants. Overall, the result of this study can be used to develop measures for improving the service quality.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As information technology advanced, customers’ service consumption process heavily shifted to the online environment, particularly social media and mobile. A new topic, customer engagement, has emerged along with the fast advancement of social media. Customer engagement refers to a type of customer behavior that is beyond purchase such as spreading word-of-mouth, providing recommendations to family and friends, interacting with fellow customers, and writing online reviews (Bijmolt et al., 2010; Verhoef, Reinartz, & Krafft, 2010). This study introduces the Flow theory, which is especially important to understand consumers’ online experiences, with the intention to shed light on how to better engage consumers in the hospitality industry (Bilgihan, Okumus, Nusair, & Bujisic, 2014; Hoffman & Novak, 2009). The purpose of this study is to examine the antecedents of flow and further investigate its influence on positive attitude and continuance intention among restaurant social media users. This study specifically examines restaurant customers who use social media through their smart phones in searching information and sharing experiences with others. A self-administered questionnaire was developed and a Structure equational modeling (SEM) was employed to test the proposed hypotheses. Study results support the hypotheses, indicating the importance of creating flow to increase customer engagement. Academically, this study contributes to the limited body of literature on flow experience and customer engagement in the hospitality context. Additionally, it provides practical insights for hospitality marketers on how to gain competitive advantages by strategically managing customer engagement on social media marketing through flow.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of food neophobia on restaurant image, customer satisfaction, and loyalty in ethnic restaurants. A self-administered survey for data collection 581 customers who visited an ethnic restaurant in August, 2015. Statistical analyses included descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA and regression analysis for SPSS 21.0. The finding of the study indicated that the differences of food neophobia score in demographic characteristics showed significant differences by age, occupation, dining-out frequency, and source of dining-out information, not by gender. The mean value of food neophilic group was significantly higher than food neophobic group in all items of restaurant image, overall satisfaction and customer loyalty. The regression analysis showed that tangible aspect, price aspect, and food aspect of restaurant image had positive effects on overall satisfaction and customer loyalty however employee service showed different result by groups. The finding of the study offer marketing strategies for ethnic restaurants to induce customer revisit.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to understand interrelationships among switching costs, customer satisfaction, and switching intent in a family restaurant. Based on a total of 427 customers obtained from empirical research, this study reviewed the reliability and fitness of the research model and verified a total of five hypotheses using the Amos program. The hypothesized relationships in the model were tested simultaneously by using a structural equation model (SEM). The proposed model provided an adequate fit to the data, χ2=137.881 (df=50); p〈 .001; CMIN/df 2.758; GFI= .947; AGFI= .919, NFI= .965; IFI= .978; TLI= .970; CFI= .978; RMR= .047; RMSEA= .064. The results showed that switching cost (β= .123) in a family restaurant had a positive (+) influence upon customer satisfaction. Further, switching cost had a significantly negative (-) effect on switching intent (β= -.414). In addition, there were moderating effects related to customer knowledge and variety seeking orientation in terms of the causal relationships between switching costs, customer satisfaction, and switching intent. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Restaurant managers seeking to maximize revenue should look carefully at how long their tables are occupied and how much the average diner spends. This study examined the effect of the customer's party size on restaurant revenue. The dining periods were divided into 2 types (lunch vs. dinner/weekdays vs. weekends), which were combined to show the average spending per minute (SPM), to determine if the dining periods have measurable effects on the dining duration and average bill. The results show that the dining duration for dinner was much longer than that for lunch and there was no significant difference in dining duration between weekdays and weekends. On the other hand, customers in larger parties at lunch time had a higher SPM than those in smaller parties. A larger customer party size was associated with a longer dining duration for dinner and on weekdays. During all operating periods (lunch, dinner, weekdays, weekends), the party size had a significantly positive effect on the mean spending per minute. For restaurant managers, these findings suggest opportunities to increase revenue and adopt revenue management strategies.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of customer perceptions of control within the dining experience on customer satisfaction. Customer perceptions of the resulting pace of the service encounter negatively impacted their satisfaction ratings during the stages of ordering, production, and payment in a restaurant. The moderating influence of perceived service pace satisfaction during service stages in a restaurant on the relationship between perceived service pace and customer satisfaction was also examined. Perceived service pace satisfaction was examined using expectancy disconfirmation theory. The effect of perceived pace on customer satisfaction was moderated by perceived service pace satisfaction during the production stage with a greater tolerance to a faster pace during the ordering stage. The management needs to consider the negative effect of service encounter pace on customer satisfaction. Perceived service pace satisfaction during the service stages in a restaurant should also be factored into strategy development for duration control.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 레스토랑의 실내 색채와 배경 음악 및 레스토랑 분위기의 일치성이 고객의 감정적 반응 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 서울 및 경인 지역 20~30대 400명을 대상으로 웹 서베이를 실시하였다. 색채와 음악의 앙상블 효과를 확인하기 위해 3D studio MAX를 활용하여 high-stimulus(exciting) 자극물과 low-stimulus(calm) 자극물을 제작하여 3D 가상현실 레스토랑 시뮬레이션 자극물로 활용하였다. 통계 분석은 SPSS/WIN 18.0을 사용하였고, 신뢰도 분석, 요인 분석, 회귀 분석 등을 실시하였다. 요인 분석 결과 감정적 반응은 긍정적 감정, 부정적 감정의 2개 요인으로 분석되었다. 만족도와 충성도는 1개 요인으로 분석되었다. 크론바하 알파값이 조사 도구의 신뢰도 분석을 위해 사용되었으며, 0.7 이상을 나타내어 적합하게 나타났다. 색채와 음악이 레스토랑 분위기와 어울리는 정도는 긍정적, 부정적 감정에 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 긍정적 감정과 부정적 감정은 만족도에 유의한 영향을 보였으며, 만족도는 충성도에 유의한 영향을 나타내었다. 배경음악의 어울림이 실내 색채의 어울림보다 긍정적 감정에 더 큰 영향을 미쳤으며, 실내 색채의 어울림이 배경음악의 어울림보다 부정적 감정에 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 레스토랑 분위기와 색채, 음악의 조화에 대한 연구의 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to establish basic data to improve the service quality of the Korean food service industry by evaluating the experience that Chinese tourists have at Korean restaurants. To accomplish this, we analyzed the common dining out style of Chinese tourists and how their expectations were influenced by the Korean culture and movies and dramas. We then compared the customer satisfaction of Chinese tourists before and after visiting Korean restaurants. The results of this study suggest that advertising of the Korean culture and movies and dramas to Chinese who dine out on a regular basis should be accelerated. In addition, the Korean food industry must develop distinct marketing strategies and improve the food menu and service to satisfy Chinese tourists who visit Korea often.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of additional marketing mix on overall satisfaction of customers at family restaurants in Seoul and Kyongki-province. In this research frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, multiple-regression analysis were employed to analyze the data. Additional marketing mix were divided into 3 factors. Employee(β=0.352, t(p)=7.221(0.000) had the most positive impact on overall satisfaction. And physical evidence(0.160, t(p)=3.271(0.001) and process(β=0.114, t(p)=2.338(0.020) influenced positively(+) in order. As a result, all factors of additional marketing mix influenced significantly overall satisfaction of customers. These additional marketing mix are regarded as effective marketing tactic to reduce intangibility of food-service business. Therefore restaurant company needs to manage additional marketing mix sufficiently to maintain of customers' satisfaction at family restaurants.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to analyse the eating out behaviors of customers who visit a Koran restaurant especially focused on CNR(cold noodle: naengmyun restaurant) and to find out the marketing promotion points. Through the snowball sampling, 423 customers data were surveyed in summer and winter as respects of seasonal variation. The collecting data were analysed descriptive data and statistical different using the Statistical Package for the Social Science(SPSS version 10.0). The results were as follows; The participants of the study were composed of 209 man(49.4%) and 204 woman(50.6%). Most customers were 30's(36.2%), office worker(27.5%) and spend 5,000~10,000 won(46.3%) for eating out. The consumer more preferred a specialty restaurant, the reason was to expect better taste(37.1%). In visiting CNR, the customer frequently ordered complement menu(90.1%) with cold noodle, complement menu should be developed periodically. The important factor to visiting CNR was the accessing convenience for the shop and desirable taking time was within 15 minutes. The buckwheat noodle in broth(mulnaengmyun) was the most favorite selecting menu. And the noodle texture was key evaluation factor in all types of cold noodle and the other factor was different according to the types of cold noodle. The visiting frequencies of CNR were not significantly different according to seasonal variation and sociodemographic variable. Above the half of customers visited at CNR with his/her family. This study find out the suggestion that consumer eating concepts about CNR was family eating therefore the cold noodle. specialty restaurant should be create more delight atmosphere and developed menu for families' eating out place.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a group of predictor variables which constitute four determinants of dining satisfaction do exert a significant influence on messures of dining satisfaction in family restaurant. Canonical correlation analysis is used to achieve the purpose of this study. This technique enables the researcher to test for the effects of a set of predictor variables upon a multidimensional measure of dining satisfaction in family restaurant. Results suggest that multiple determinants are important in determining dining satisfaction in family restaurant. No one determinant can fully explain its complexities. The four determinants also appear to vary in terms of importance. Individual variables within four determinants also appear to vary in terms of importance. Finally, the results of the study provide some insight into the types of marketing strategies that can be successfully used by operators who manage family restaurants.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 부페식당 이용자의 식생활 태도를 알아보기 위해 설문조사를 실시하였는데 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 조사대상자의 일반환경 조사대상자의 연령은 6세부터 70세까지로 20대, 30대, 40대가 주를 이루었고, 여자가 65.1%로 여성들이 많이 찾는 조사대상 부페식당의 특색을 보였다. 직업은 가정주부가 27.2%, 사무직이 19.3%, 전문직이 17.3%였고, 학생이 30.3%였다. 2) 평소 부페음식에 대한 견해에 관한 조사 평소 부페식당 이용이 '한 주에 1~2회'가 1.6%, '한 달에 1~2회'가 13.7%, '서너달에 1~2회'가 43.9%, '일년에 1~2회'가 36.9%, '처음'이 2.7%였다. 대상자들은 부페음식에 대해 음식의 가지수가 많고 마음대로 선택할 수 있고 음식의 모양, 진열 및 정갈함, 많이 먹을 수 있는 점 등에 대해서는 좋다고 생각하는 반면, 음식을 가지러 왔다 갔다 하는 점, 가격 등에 대해서는 부정적인 반응을 보였다. 3) 부페식당에서의 식사행동 부페식당에 온 이유는 '가족파티'가 31.3%였고, 동행인은 평균 9.3±4.3명이며 주로 가족 및 친척, 직장 동료였다. 식사에 소요된 시간은 1시간 32분±26분이었고, 음식을 가져온 첫수는 평균 3.7±1.2회였으며, 최고 10회가 있었다. 만복감 후 식사첫수는 평균 1.2±0.8회였다. 부페식사시 가장 먼저 먹은 음식은 스프 23.9%, 샐러드 23.9%였는데, 여자는 스프, 샐러드의 비율이 높은 반면, 남자는 육류, 어패류의 비율이 높았으며, 음식 선택시 기준은 '내가 좋아하는 음식'이 70.7%로 가장 높게 나타나 부페식당 이용자들이 바람직한 식사순서 및 음식선택에 대한 인식이 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 부페식당에서 가장 좋아하는 음식의 국적은 54.4%가 한국음식으로 나타났다. 부페식사에서 '약간' 또는 ‘대단히 과식했다'고 응답한 경우가 64.0%로 많은 대상자들이 과식하는 것으로 나타났는데 이로 인한 건강 및 영양문제에 대한 교육이 필요하고 운영면에서는 이러한 일종의 음식의 낭비를 줄일 수 있는 방안에 대한 연구가 필요하다고 사료되었다. 5) 향후 부페식당의 발전방향에 대한 의견 부페식당의 발전방향에 대해 '가지수를 줄여서라도 가격을 짜게 하자'는 의견이 82.9%로 대부분 조사 대상자들이 현재 부페가격에 대해 부정적인 반응을 보였다. '한국음식을 더 많이 해서 전통음식과 친밀한 장소로 발전시키자', '계절식품을 이용하고 비슷한 종류의 음식은 빼서 가격을 낮추자', '연령에 따라서, 또, 성인에서는 성별에 따라 가격 차이를 두자'는 의견 등이 있었다.
        2016.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of word of mouth on customer perceived value for restaurants in Malaysia. The objectives of this research include determining how word of mouth (WoM) factors - frequency of word of mouth messages, reputation of word of mouth messenger, richness of word of mouth message, dispersion of word of mouth conversations and manner of word of mouth delivery impact customer perceived value in Malaysian restaurant industry. Research Design, Data, and Methodology – The research follows causal / explanatory research method based on quantitative data. A sample of 150 restaurant customers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was selected using convenience sampling technique. Likert scale questionnaire is used to collect data and data is analysed using regression analysis through SPSS 22. Results – The statistical analysis revealed that independent variable ‘manner of delivery’ significantly and positively impacts c ustomer perceived value for restaurants in Malaysia. Conclusions – To build strong positive customer perception, Malaysian restaurants can enhance word of mouth campaigns’ ‘manner of delivery’ by making them passionate, exciting and with high emotional appeal.