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        검색결과 24

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has facilities that are operated for the purpose of treating radioactive wastes and storing drums before sending them to a disposal site. Domestic regulations related to nuclear facility require radiological dose assessment resulting from release of gaseous radioactive effluent of nuclear facilities. In this study, ICRP-60-based dose conversion factors were applied to evaluate the radiation dose to residents in the event of operation and accident for the radioactive waste management facilities in KAERI. The radioactive gaseous effluent generated from each facility diffuse outside the exclusion area boundary (EAB), causing radiation exposure to residents. To evaluate the external exposure dose, the exposure pathways of cloudshine and radioactive contaminated soil were analyzed. The internal exposure dose was estimated by considering the exposure from respiration and ingestion of agricultural and livestock products. The maximum individual exposure dose was evaluated to be 1.71% compared to the dose limit. The assumed situation used for accidental scenarios are as follows; A fire inside the facility and falling of radioactive waste drum. It was a fire accident that caused the maximum exposure dose to individual and population living within an 80 km radius of the site. At the outer boundary of the low population zone (LPZ), the maximum effective dose and thyroid equivalent dose were estimated as 8.92 E-06% and 5.29 E-06%, respectively, compared to the dose limit. As a result of evaluating the radiological exposure dose from gaseous emissions, the radioactive waste treatment facilities and its supplementary facilities meet the regulations related to nuclear facility, and are operated safely in terms of radiological environmental impact assessment.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As part of the third ATM Challenge, we performed a series of atmospheric dispersion simulations for routine releases of Xe-133 from ordinarily operating nuclear facilities such as Medical Isotope Production Facilities (MIPFs), Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), and Research Reactors (RRs) in the Northern Hemisphere using our ATM, Lagrangian Atmospheric Dose Assessment System (LADAS), with Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) data produced by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). The simulation time period is 6 months, from June to November in 2014, and we used the stack emission data except for CNL (Canada) and IRE (Belgium) in accordance with the scenario of the third ATM Challenge 2019. In addition, the simulations were done individually for all MIPFs, NPPs, and RRs. We utilized 3-hourly KMA’s Unified Model Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (UM-GDAPS) data with 0.35°×0.23° horizontal resolution as input meteorological fields and extracted hourly time series results for Xe-133 activity concentrations with few different resolutions such as 0.5°×0.5°, 0.35°×0.23°, and 0.1°×0.1° at several IMS stations in the Northern Hemisphere which were in normal operation in 2014. Considering previously reported values of daily Xe-133 release amounts for CNL and IRE, measured signals at some IMS stations (such as CAX17, DEX33, SEX63, and USX75) were well reproduced from the simulation results.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This prospective, observational study of acute stroke survivors was completed to report our clinical application of the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS), an 8-point multidimensional assessment, used in conjunction with the Video Fluoroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS). In addition, we were interested in determining the association of PAS scores at admission, demographics and clinical characteristics with functional recovery (measured by the Functional Independence Measure [FIM]) at discharge from an inpatient rehabilitation hospital. There were thirty-five patients that met inclusion and consented. Out of the 35, 34 (97%) were successfully assessed with the PAS with VFSS. Multivariate regression model revealed that the PAS scores, sex, length of stay, and admission FIM scores were significantly associated with functional recovery at hospital discharge (all p values < .05). We conclude that the PAS was feasible to administer with VFSS and implement in our inpatient setting. The PAS provided information about the depth of the airway invasion, material remaining after the swallow, and the response to aspiration, which were not reported in a standardized way prior to this study. The association between the PAS and functional recovery at discharge suggests that stroke survivors with swallowing impairment have less functional improvement noted at discharge than those with better swallowing scores. Therefore, people with dysphagia may need additional services and care. Future research should determine if using the PAS can improve clinical practice and ensure consistency across care transitions (expansion), as those with dysphagia may need additional services and care.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Epidemiological research to investigate the spatial characteristics of poultry farms confirmed with avian influenza (AI) infection can help increase the efficacy of AI surveillance as well as AI control strategies. The spatial characteristics of poultry farms confirmed with AI infection can provide insights on effective AI-surveillance and AI-control strategies to policymakers by providing a visualization of the geographical pattern of AI distribution. The goal of the current study was to investigate the spatial characteristics of the risk of a farm being AI-positive by using data from routine AI-surveillance performed during the period 2014–2015. To achieve this goal, we applied a spatial model because it improves the estimation of the relative risk by taking into account spatial dependence between epidemiological units. The results revealed there was a lack of dependency between districts in the risk of a farm being AI-positive. The estimates for the spatial autocorrelation coefficient in the spatial model for chicken farms were 0.006 in 2014 (p = 0.9496) and -0.064 in 2015 (p = 0.6052) and for duck farms were -0.066 in 2014 (p = 0.4380) and 0.047 in 2015. Likewise, Moran’s I statistic estimates for chicken farms were 0.0243 in 2014 (p = 0.3183) and -0.0174 in 2015 (p = 0.5657) and for duck farms were -0.0342 in 2014 (p = 0.6678) and -0.0230 in 2015.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 일상의 삶에서 나타나는 다양한 권력들이 어떻게 대중들에게 행하여지고 있으며, 어떻게 일상의 삶을 지배하는 지를 살펴보았다. 최근 10년 동안 중국 대중들에게 이슈화 되었거나 인기를 끌었던 TV드라마를 통하여 그들의 일상에서 나타나는 권력들을 분석하고 이들의 문제점들이 무엇이며 어떻게 중국을 바라볼 것인가를 살펴보았다. 본 논문은 푸코가 주장한 권력 담론을 방법적 틀로 삼아 일상에서 일어나고 있는 권력의 형태를 분석하고, 권력이 어떻게 대중의 삶을 지배하고 있는지를 이해하려 하였으며, 특히 감시, 규율, 생체(몸)의 권력으로 나누어 드라마 속에 어떻게 이들이 작동하는 지를 살펴보았다.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Main cause of accidents is just not always bad luck. Literature on safety has emphasised on the facts that accident finally leads to unfortunate consequence. The first step of risk assessment is to identify the hazards that are present. The Routine Ship Towage, also called harbour towage, is potentially a hazardous operation. The main objective of this research is to identify and quantify the important factors impacting on the safety of routine ship towage operations in Indian coast. In doing so, initially, the existing literature on factors influencing safety of harbour towage operation was analysed to design questionnaire. Rest necessary data was collected through questionnaires. Finally, the factor analysis (Principal Component analysis) was applied to find grouped dimensions from identified hazard variables from literature and subsequently the critical analysis of incident type frequency, cause and consequences to get a clear picture of critical safety risk factors. As a result, the research found 20 criteria in 6 dimensions safety risk factors such as Crew Incompetency, Rough Weather, Poor Work Process, Suitability of Tug Type, Poor Safety Management System, and Poor Navigational Risk Assessment.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yun Seong-won. 2012. "YOUR MAMA" Routine among Preadolescent Korean Boys in America. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 20(2). pp. 313-341. This study explores the use of the “your mama” routine by four preadolescent Korean boys in order to understand how this discursive practice contributes to their construction of social identities. The boys’ interactions in a Korean community in America had been videotaped for two years and transcribed to analyze what it means for them to code-switch between English and Korean during the play. The findings indicate that code-switching signals the processes of meaning construction and indexes multiple socio-cultural meanings, functions, stances, and identities. First, by breaking the primary code preference, Korean and switching to English, the Korean boys are appropriating and subverting a tough African American voice and they extend their Korean masculinity; however, they maintain a strong Korean identity through their preferred code choice, Korean, which is shared and powerful in the Korean community. Second, in the micro-level, the code-switching between English and Korean creates multilayered indexical social meanings: a) footing to create different stances, b) contextualization cues to construct different contexts by breaking a frame, and c) metapragmatics (discussion about language in use). To conclude, the social meanings of code-switching can be (re)constructed depending on the relationships between local contexts and multiple intentional meanings of different people.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study intended to provide empirical information for improving athletes’ performance level in tennis by figuring out how prolific a set of serve routine practice was to first-serve success rate and serve accuracy. For this study, five male juni
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the following study golf putting routine will be examined to see how it affects individual middle school students. The research will be conducted using qualitative techniques demonstrate how serve routine training affects the performance of middle scho
        2005.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        삼중수소의 환경방출에 따른 주민선량의 규제이행을 위해 개발된 NEWTRIT모델, AIRDOS-EPA 모델, NRC 모델의 평가 방법을 고찰하고, 활용 가능한 국내 특성자료를 사용하여 예측결과를 비교하였다. 이들 모델 중에서 가장 최근에 개발된 NEWTRIT 모델만이 tritiated water (HTO) 방출에 따른 organically bounded tritium (OBT)의 영향을 고려한다. 평가결과 삼중수소의 환경방출로 인해 모든 가능한 경로로부터 받게 되는 총 피폭선량은 AIRDOS-EPA 모델의 예측결과가 NEWTRIT모델과 NRC모델에 비해 각각 1.03배, 2.46배 높은 결과를 나타냈다. 이러한 결과로부터 NRC모델로 예측되는 피폭선량이 실제 주변주민이 받을 수 있는 피폭선량을 과소평가할수 있다고 이해해서는 안될 것이다. 왜냐하면 삼중수소의 환경내 거동에 대한 불확실성은 매우 크기 때문에 규제이행을 위한 수학적 모델과 관련 변수 값은 극히 보수적 가정에 근거하기 때문이다. NEWIRIT 모델로 예측된 식품섭취에 의한 피폭선량에서 우리나라의 주식인 곡류의 상대적으로 많은 섭취로 OBT는 HTO와 거의 대둥한 수준의 영향을 나타내었다. 삼중수소의 환경방출에 따른 총 피폭선량에서 NRETRIT 모델은 AIRDOS-EPA 모델과 유사한 예측결과를 나타내지만, NEWTRIT 모델은 식품섭취에 따른 OBT의 영향을 고려함으로써 환경으로 방출된 HTO 거동의 현상적 이해 둥에 있어서 보다 의미가 있다고 판단된다.
        2004.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The aim of this study was to devleop and apply training program for serve routine of tennis player in an attempt to improve serve sucess rate. Methods: Female collegiate tennis player who have been involved in this sport for more than 12 years of experience as a tennis player in either amateur or backup national players were recruited as subjects in this study. In order to analyze psychological problem of subjects in this study, in-depth interview and questionnaire were applied to them, and any results raised from the interview was used to set up for goal setting based on any factors the subjects required. Routine program for serve success rate improvement developed in expert consultation was applied to the subject once a week for 8 weeks to investigate factors to affect serve accuracy rate and subsequently serve routine program was developed. Selection of subjects, pilot study, routine application, post-analysis and statistical analysis were progressed in the order. Results: As a result of applying serve routine program to improve were success rate, positive imaginery, grid plate and self-talk could be a good stratedgy to transfter negative to positive way of thinking and this may lead to reducing anxiety, improving concentration and slef-confidence for first and second serve success rate. Conclusion: Serve routine program developed in this study may be positively effective to increase serve sucess rate.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: Post-shot routine means cognitive and behavioral procedures executed as usual just after a shot in golf. The post-shot routine through references showed compliment in playing well, or emotion control, deep breath, finding problems and focusing the next play. Researches and bibliographies have been reported internationally, but there was no research yet in Korea. The purpose of the research is to investigate the examples of the post-shot routine used practically in golf. The practical instances of the post-shot routine were examined by a depth interview with eight(8) Korean male and female professional golf players by the inductive analysis of contents. Results: As the result, it showed to compliment, to express self-confidence, and to focus motion in playing well. On the other hand, it showed rage, or changes in action performance as negative post-shot routines. Most of the players who involved in the depth interview recognized the needs of the post-shot. Conclusion: As the research result, the professional golf players can enhance the performance capability by using practically, and developing the post-shot routine.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 글은 바흐의 세속칸타타를 담론의 중심으로 끌어들이려는 노력의 일환으로 기획된 것 이다. 이를 위해 이 글은 1733년을 주목한다. 바흐담론에서 1733년은 바흐의 《1733년 미 사》가 작곡되고 이것이 드레스덴 궁정에 헌정된 해로 기억되고 있다. 그러나 바흐담론은 이 시기 바흐가 모두 5곡의 세속칸타타를 작곡하였고, 이들 역시 드레스덴 궁정에 헌정되었다 는 사실을 과소평가하고 있다. 이 글이 시도하는 것이 이러한 기존의 시각에서 종교와 세속 의 날선 구분을 잠시 내려놓은 채 이것을 넘어선 바흐의 일상을 재구성하는 일이다. 이는 바 흐의 세속칸타타(또는 그의 《1733년 미사》)를 작곡가의 ‘특별한 과외 활동’으로 간주하지 않고, 그의 음악활동의 일상으로 이해하려는 노력이며 또한, 이것은 드레스덴을 향한 바흐의 동경, 또는 야심이 그의 대표작인 《1733년 미사》뿐 아니라 이 시기 작곡된 그의 세속칸타 타들을 통해서도 일관되게 구현되었다는 것을 말하려는 시도이기도 하다.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 이상기온 및 지구온난화에 따른 집중호우에 의해 발생하는 다양한 자연재해 중 산지가 많은 우리나라는 산사태 및 토석류와 같은 토사재해 발생 빈도가 점점 높아지고 있고, 지속적인 도시화·산업화로 인하여 주거지 및 산업단지가 급경사지에 인접하게 되어 토사재해에 의한 도심지 피해는 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 하지만 현재 국내에는 급경사지 및 인공사면의 붕괴 위험을 사전에 파악하기 위한 조사점검 기준은 각 해당 부처별로 활용되고 있지만, 도심지 토사재해 위험구역에서 토사재해 발생을 사전에 예측하기 위한 조사점검 활용 기준은 없다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 도심지에서 활용되는 토사재해 위험구역 조사점검 기준 가이드(안) 제안을 위해 최근 국내의 토사재해 피해 사례를 조사 분석하여 주요 발생원인 및 중점조사 항목을 파악하고, 국내외 사면조사 평가항목 중 적용빈도가 높은 항목과 서울시 및 국내 각 해당부처별 조사점검 항목들을 분석하여 관리 주체 담당자가 도심지 토사재해 위험구역에서 육안조사 수준의 일상조사점검을 수행할 수 있는 조사점검 항목들을 도출하였다. 이러한 연구결과는 추후 전문가들에 의해 수행되는 보다 상세한 상위 수준의 정밀조사점검 기준 작성을 위해 활용되고 도심지에서 토사재해 위험구역의 조사점검 기준 가이드(안) 제안을 위한 기초자료로 활용코자 한다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The present study examined whether golf mindfulness routine (GMR) enhances golf performance (objective and subjective), taking into consideration the effects of dispositional mindfulness. Methods: Five male high-level golfers participated in the study. Basic procedures of GMR were consisted with three phases: a) awareness of environmental conditions, b) focusing on body-mind conditions c) monitoring and accepting emotions in present. A single-subject design (changing conditions design) was used to determine the effects of GMR over three sessions (pre, post, follow up). Results: The results were provided for the effectiveness of GMR on golf performance in all golfers. GMR also fostered dispositional mindfulness of golfers over intervention sessions. Conclusion: The theoretical significance of the results is assessed and the application of GMR in golf performance enhancement is discussed.
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