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        검색결과 52

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일반농산어촌개발사업의 사업내용 중 하나인 농촌중심지활성화사업으로 준공에 이른 농촌 커뮤니티 시설의 주민조직 직접 운영에 따른 운영성과와 농촌 커뮤니티 시설에 미치는 영향요인을 분석 하여 문제점을 도출하고 개선방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 또한 전라북도 농촌중심지활성화사 업으로 준공에 이른 농촌 커뮤니티 시설 중 주민조직에 의해 운영되고 예산이 비슷하며, 비교가 가능한 부안군 보안면, 김제시 금구면, 임실군 강진면을 대상으로 연구를 진행하였다. 설문지는 배포 후 회수하는 방법으로 수집하였으며, 일반현황과 독립변수의 측정지표에 근거한 리커트 7점 척도를 통해 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 설문결과는 설문에 대한 응답자의 일반현황, 빈도, 백분율 분석, 측정 문항의 신뢰 도 분석을 위해 크론바흐의 알파 값 계수법 분석, 세부 측정지표별 설문조사 분석, 연구가설 검증을 위한 다중회귀분석, 세부 운영성과의 차이를 분석하기 위한 일원배치 분산분석과 사후검정을 실시하였다. 연구가설과 리커트 7점 척도를 통한 연구의 결론은 측정문항의 신뢰성이 인정되었으며, 농촌 커뮤니티 시설의 주민조직 직접 운영은 시설의 운영성과에 영향을 미치고 있다. 성공적인 운영과 운영성과를 제 고 및 개선하기 위해서는 다양한 계층들의 이용에 있어 편리하도록 환경관리 및 시설의 설비에 최선의 노력을 기울여야 한다. 또한 시설 운영의 주체인 주민조직의 기능을 강화하여 지역의 공동체 교류공간 이 되도록 주민조직과 지역주민이 직접 관심을 가지고 참여하여 주민조직만의 공간을 확보하는 것이 중요하다. 이 연구를 통해 시설의 편리성과 개발의 유연성을 유지하여 다양한 계층의 주민들이 이용함 으로써 운영성과를 높일 수 있는 요인이 된다. 다양한 운영 주체 중 주민조직 직접 운영을 통한 주민들의 역량 강화 및 지역사회 발전과 공동체 의식을 공고히 할 수 있는 발판이 마련될 것이다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 과업은 핵심적인 농촌자원이자 경관생태자원인 마을숲 및 주변의 시설을 활용하여 지역 및 마을의 경관생태적 복원 및 공동체성 회복을 위한 경관계획적 대안을 제시하는 것을 그 목적으로 하고 있다. 대상지는 장수군 장수읍에 위치한 노하숲으로, 현재 이곳을 포함한 장수읍 일원은 2017년부터 농촌중심지 활성화사업 선도지구사업이 활발히 진행 중에 있다. 계획의 비전 및 방향을 “사람과 숲이 어우러진 행복공감 커뮤니티 숲 조성”로 설정하였으며, 훼손되어온 노하숲의 생태적 가치를 보전하면서도 주민 활용성을 극대화할 수 있도록 계획하였다. 장수군 노인/장애인복지관, 행복나눔센터(계획) 등 주변시설의 앞마당 공간을 제공하여 휴게, 놀이, 여가 등 다양한 활동을 수행할 수 있도록 하며, 동선계획의 경우 무장애 순환형 동선을 구축하여 다양한 계층의 이용 편의성을 향상시키며, 동선계획으로 주 진출입부와 단절된 내부동선을 연결하였으며, 인접한 시설들과의 접근성을 향상시켰다. 기본 구상으로 첫째, UNESCO MAB의 기준에 따라 핵심구역은 생태숲으로, 완충구역은 정원숲을 그리고 협력(전이)구역은 피크닉숲으로 조성 및 유지·관리하고자 한다. 둘째 남동, 북서측에 진입마당을 설치하여 개방감을 확보하고 진입인지성과 편의성을 증진한다. 셋째, 나무놀이터, 그늘쉼터를 조성하여 아이들과 젊은 엄마들의 휴게, 놀이 및 정보공유의 공간으로 활용하도록 한다. 기본구상에 따른 주요 공간은 진입마당, 정원쉼터, 건강쉼터, 숲학습장 및 피크닉숲 등으로 구성하였다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The manufacturing of apparel is the third-largest industry in the world, generating $700 billion annually (Jacobo, 2016). However, over the last 20 years, the US has lost 90% of its apparel manufacturing jobs (Bland, 2013). In response, the US Department of Commerce considers the importance of strengthening American manufacturing to be a key piece of economic recovery. They stated that large manufacturers needed to play a key role in, “cultivating the capabilities of small firms in their supply chains and spurring cross-pollination of expertise across firms” (Supply Chain Innovation: Strengthening Small Manufacturing, 2015, p. 3). This National Science Foundation funded research investigates the development of new, small US cut and sew firms as providing a potentially important link with larger, urban firms in the US apparel manufacturing supply chain. The objectives of this qualitative research are to: 1) ascertain social as well as economic challenges to establishing viable cut and sew firms in two rural US communities; and 2) examine the emerging issues in the apparel manufacturing supply chain; and 3) build propositions for research directions. Theoretical framework From an economic-sociological perspective, business, organizations, are embedded in larger institutional environments (DiMaggio & Powel, 1983, Granovetter, 1985, Meyer & Rowan, 1977, Meyer & Scott, 1983). The firm is seen as a part of a social-economic system with strong ties to others that can offer both business advantages (Di Maggio & Powel, 1983) or disadvantages (Uzzi, 1997). Institutional theory thus links social and cultural meaning systems or norms to the business environment (Handelman & Arnold, 1999). An Institutional theoretical framework proposes that in the economic environment, there are norms or rules that participants are expected to comply with if the organizations involved are to receive support and achieve legitimacy (Arnold, Handelman, & Tigert, 1996). Business owners or managers strive to legitimize their businesses, thus elevating investors’, suppliers’, and potential collaborators’ confidence in their competency to provide the specified products or services. This theory provides a foundation for examining the process through which small startup businesses, particularly rural apparel cut and sew firms, balance economic strategic actions and adherence to societal norms internally within their community and externally across a variety of apparel supply chain businesses located in non-adjacent urban communities. Current approach and preliminary results Using the Institutional theoretical perspective, we follow the initial stages of development for two apparel cut and sew centers in rural communities and their navigation of new businesses into the apparel manufacturing industry. Prior to outsourcing of apparel, many small agricultural-based communities across the state had manufacturing centers that provided income for local community members. Community leaders have long sought ideas for returning light manufacturing to their communities for local investment, job creation, and economic growth. Rural county economic development officers set up community interest meetings to see if there was interest in addressing the apparel industry need for quick speed-to-market and greater quality control through domestic manufacturing located closer to company headquarters within the state. Meetings in two communities, located in the northeastern part of the state, generated interest from local investors who have recently moved to open cut and sew centers. Four additional communities, located in the southeastern section of the state, await proof-of-concept prior to moving forward. Given the larger plan for the centers, the concept of specialization in manufacturing was determined for growth and expansion across the state; thus, one center was focused on woven apparel production and the other on knit apparel production. Cooperation and collaboration were important business values to prevent price competition and to potentially provide fulfillment of large scale orders. Longitudinal approach and research questions To address the objectives of this early stage work we used a case study approach to capture information. Data was collected from US Census Bureau and from interviews with investors, managers, workers, large manufacturing management, industry specialists in sourcing and equipment, as well as individuals connected to economic development and Extension. Please see Table 1. summarizing case study findings and emerging themes. In addition to these findings we employ a method frequently found in the analysis of an institutional theoretical perspective known as event history analysis. In time, this study will measure the temporal and sequential unfolding of unique events that transform the interpretation and meaning of social and economic structures (Steel, 2005; Thorton & Ocasio, 2008). This method will enable accommodation of data at multiple levels of analysis involving the individual (members of the cut and sew centers), organizational (cut and sew center firms), and environment (community and industry interactions). Event history is used to assess the five elementary concepts of – state (dependent variable, cut and sew center continuance), event (defines the transitions or experiences of the cut and sew centers), duration (length of time), risk period (potential for exposure to the particular event), censoring (not experiencing the event) (Vermunt, 2007). Thus far, we have initial case study data and documentation of events for two newly established cut and sew centers, but will continue to collect data as four additional cut and sew centers evolve. The following research questions address the five elementary concepts. We address the following research questions in meeting Objective 1 of this study: RQ 1. What are the social institutional centered events and consequences? RQ 2. How do different economic organizations contribute to firm evolution? RQ 3. What risks are involved that could inhibit or enable firm development? To address Objective 2 of this study, we focus on the following research questions framed around emerging issues expected to shape the apparel industry: RQ 4. What are the local capabilities? RQ 5. What role does technology play in firm emergence and development? RQ 6. How does the speed to market capability evolve? RQ 7. What are the industry expectations for domestic apparel production? Implications Early analyses of the two cut and sew centers highlights commonalities that are central to Institutional theory. In partially addressing Research Questions 1 through 3, we have found that there are several emerging issues that stem from weak or delicate linkages of social and cultural meaning systems or norms to the business environment (Handelman & Arnold, 1999). Though the investors, managers, and workers desire to meet industry expectations, there is a gap between the localized perspective and industry perspectives with neither having a strong understanding as to how to return the production to a domestic process. Years of outsourcing have weakened linkages and knowledge has been lost. Training is needed in commercial sewing, creating connections to industry, sourcing trims, ownership of goods, and pricing the production. Thus, as proposed in an Institutional theoretical framework, there are norms or rules that participants are expected to comply with if the organizations involved are to receive support and achieve legitimacy; however in this business arena, the rules are no longer clearly established. Further, the embeddedness of the cut and sew firms in the communities, though appearing to be currently well supported, may be moved as the cut and sew firms gain linkages beyond the community. In addressing Research Questions 4 through 7, we have found that though the support from the local communities has been strong both socially and financially, the learning curve was steep for both of the cut and sew centers in working with clients and educating clients in the product development process of sample pattern to grading to marker making for production cutting as well as procuring thread, findings, labels, hangtags, and packaging for delivery to stores. The move from home sewing to commercial sewing has involved considerable training of the managers and workers. Training featured understanding of the different machines, threading, and tension issues to ensure quality standards for apparel construction. Collaboration was facilitated by a technical consultant’s interface with an industrial sewing supplier and equipment repair company. Training of one-piece flow manufacturing work improved timing efficiency and quality control. The technical consultant spent days on-site and sewing with the team to solve process flow problems and study quality control issues. Issues of timing and efficient production process revolved around changing thread and adjusting machine and stitch tension for various contracts. Issues also emerged in the supply chain of contract manufacturing. Many of the clients were not ready for production, either due to financial commitments or understanding of the process from designing sample lines to marketing apparel products to retail stores and consumers. This required a change in plans to market the cut and sew center directly to the industry. The industrial sewers were flexible with producing various knit or woven sewn products. Issues related to managing a domestic cut and sew facility involved ensuring that all components were received on time, planning time, and estimating the costs involved with fulfilling manufacturing contracts. Data collection continues as the two established centers advance and four additional centers launch in the next two years. From this initial data and to meet the third objective of this inductive research, we offer propositions that warrant further analyses as the cut and sew centers more through various phases of development. Data will be collected to address propositions. P1 The greater the agreement in norms or rules that guide the apparel supply chain process, the stronger the business relationships among contractors, manufacturers, and cut and sew centers. P2 Legitimization of rural community cut and sew centers among the more urban supply chain members will build collaboration and reduce perceived risk in competency to provide specified products or services. P3 Increased collaboration among rural cut and sew centers in terms of shared knowledge and resources will increase perceived economic benefits to the individual centers and to the rural communities.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농촌 논과 밭 경작지 및 야산지역에 분포하는 나비군집 변화가 지난 10년 동안 어떻게 변화했는가를 알아보기 위하여 2001년부터 2002년에 이루어진 자료와 2014년 자료를 비교, 분석하였다. 나비 조사는 선 조사법을 통하여 동일한 지점에서 이루어졌다. 조사 결과 나비의 종 수와 개체수는 10년 전과 비교하였을 때 줄어드는 양상을 나타내었는데 2001년과 2002년에 비하여 2014년에는 종 수와 개체수 모두 감소하였다. 조사지역의 출현 종 수가 그들의 생태학적 특성인 서식지, 서식지 범위, 먹이식물, 먹이식물 범위, 세대수 및 겨울나기 유형 등에 변화가 있는 가를 조사한 결과 종 수는 차이가 나타나지 않았으나 개체수에서는 겨울나기 유형을 제외하고 차이가 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과는 지난 10년간 지역적으로 나비 군집에 많은 변화가 있었다는 것을 나타내고 있으며 주 원인은 조사지역의 서식지 변화가 주요 요인이었을 것으로 추측한다. 조사 지역에서 나비 군집의 변화를 일으키는 원인을 알기 위해서는 앞으로 지역적 수준에서 종 변화 및 이 변화의 원인을 알기 위해서는 지속적인 모니터링이 필요할 것으로 생각한다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 농촌 활성화를 위한 국가 지원 사업 중 농촌 마을 종합 개발 사업을 대상으로 하였다. 기본계획 수립을 통해 실행되고 있는 권역의 사업내용에 대한 지역별, 연도별 분류를 통해 사업 내용을 분석함으로써 진행된 사업의 내용 및 자원현황을 파악하고 사업내용에 따른 어메니티 자원 활용 정도에 대한 연구를 실시하였다. 농촌마을종합개발사업의 어메니티 자원 활용도 분석을 위하여 7년간(2005~2011) 229개 권역의 사업특성과 자원현황에 대한 내용분석(Contents Analysis)을 실시하였다. 전체 사업은 Excel로 권역명과 사업유형, 세부사업 등 229개 권역의 전수조사를 통해 코딩하는 과정을 거쳤다. 이러한 과정을 거쳐 7개년도의 사업내용과 지역별 사업내용 등 보다 세부적인 분류를 시도하였다. 연구 결과, 전체적인 권역의 시설물자원이 가장 많이 활용되고 있지만 전체적으로 환경관리와 관련된 자원의 활용도는 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 연도별 사업을 통한 어메니티 자원 활용에 대한 변화 추이를 살펴보면 환경관리 자원, 동식물 자원, 수자원을 활용한 사업은 지속적으로 감소하고 있는 것으로 나타나고 있었다. 지역별 사업을 통한 어메니티 자원 활용에 대한 변화 추이를 살펴보면 전라북도와 경상북도에서 가장 높은 비율을 나타내고 있었다. 이러한 결과를 통해 특정한 자원에 집중되어 활용되고 있는 어메니티 자원에 대한 다양한 활용의 필요성이 나타나고 있었고 특히 농촌의 지속가능한 개발을 위한 환경관리에 대한 자원 활용이 요구되어야 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 ‘한국 농촌에서 통전적 선교를 성공적으로 수행하는 농촌교회들이 있는가? 있다면 그들의 동기, 목적, 특징, 및 당면 과제들은 무엇인가? 그들이 가지고 있는 공통점들로부터 얻을 수 있는 선교적 통찰은 무엇이며, 그것은 어떻게 한국 농촌교회에 보편적인 원리로 적용될 수 있을까?’라는 질문으로부터 시작되었다. 이 질문들에 답하기 위해서 연구자는 먼저 통전적 선교의 신학적 근거가 되는 통전적 선교신학, 선교적 교회론, 웨슬리의 통전적 선교실천을 간략하게 서술한다. 그리고 실제로 오늘 한국 농촌에서 통전적 선교를 성공적으로 수행하는 여섯 개의 농촌교회들을 사례연구하고, 그들이 가지고 있는 공통점들로부터 농촌교회의 통전적 선교를 위한 필수 요소들을 정리한다. 그것은 (1) 정주목회자(定住牧會者); (2) 선교적 교회론(선교적 자기정체성); (3) 지역사회의 필요에 대한 이해; (4) 성육신적 선교의 실천; (5) 통전적 선교의 수행; (6) 교회 안팎 사역의 균형; (7) 도시교회, 농촌교회, 교단본부, 신학교 간의 유기적 연대이다. 오늘 한국의 농촌은 절망과 희망, 위기와 기회, 쇠퇴와 가능성이 함께 공존하는 선교현장이다. 농촌사회의 고령화와 공동화로 농촌교회의 양적 성장이 한계를 드러내고 미자립 농촌 교회들이 산재해 있는 것은 농촌교회의 어두운 현실이지만, 귀농.귀촌 인구의 증가, 친환경 농산물의 생산과 소비증가, 다인종.다문화의 확산, 정주목회자들의 증가는 농촌교회와 농촌사회에 새로운 가능성과 희망을 제시하고 있다. 이런 선교현장에서 더 많은 정주목회자들이 선교적 교회론과 지역사회의 필요에 대한 분명한 이해를 가지고, 성육신적 선교와 통전적 선교를 수행하면서, 도시교회, 교단본부, 신학교와 유기적인 연대를 이루어간다면 농촌사회의 총체적인 변화와 복음화는 더 효과적으로 이루어질 것이다.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article aims to draw up suggestions on conditions for participatory rural development in Korea. Rural development policies since 2000 have emphasized local community participation. However obstacles are identifed such as the troubled circumstances in which local communities face and the lack of governments’ understanding over locality in implementing participatory rural development. Endogenous self-organizations, local participation, capacitation and empowerment, local governance through partnership are important conditions to be met during the participatory development projects. These are realized not just by the aggregation of separate individuals but by linking them together and interdependent.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to examine the community structure of ground beetles between coniferous and deciduous forest in rural landscapes along latitudinal gradient, such as Miryang-si, Yeongdong-gun, Icheon-si, and Cheolwon-gun from April to October in 2009. A total of 19 species belonging to 15 genera of 9 subfamilies were identified from 6,253 collected ground beetles. Between forest stands, 14 species belonging to 10 genera of 7 subfamilies were identified from 2,874 ground beetles in coniferous forests and 14 species belonging to 11 genera of 7 subfamilies were identified from 3,379 ground beetles in deciduous forests. Dominant species from 4 regions were Synuchus nitidus (59.4% of total) and Synuchus cyloderus (28.5%) respectively. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed no difference between forest stands, but it was significantly different among regions. Non-metric multidimensional scaling showed that 8 study sites were divergence to 2 major groups between Miryang-si and the others. Overall, community structure of ground beetles showed no difference between forest stands. In conclusion, rural forests is being discussed about important role in biodiversity conservation such as refuge from human activity, and thus, studies on the community structure of ground beetles in the rural forests will be important to manage the biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, because ground beetles are well known for general predator groups in the ecosystems.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Falling is a serious problem associated with aging. Unintentional injury, which most often results from falling, is one of the leading causes of death in elderly people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the risk factors of falls and to compare characteristics of people who fall with that of non-fallers among the rural community-dwelling elderly of Korea. A sample of 201 people, living in the community, aged 60 years and over was taken from the members of a center for seniors located in Jecheon city. The mean age of the participants was 70.5 years of age. The participants are comprised of 151 women and 50 men. Eighty four of the 201 participants (41.8%) fell during the previous year. Twenty two of the fallers (26.2%) fell down more than two times. It was found that fallers had poorer eyesight, multiple chronic diseases and a more difficult time walking than non-fallers. In the logistic regression analysis of falls, only the difficulty of walking one kilometer (OR=2.4) and chronic diseases (OR=2.5) have shown an increased risk of falls. The risk of recurrent falls is, in addition, influenced by the difficulty of walking one kilometer. The result of our study shows that the impairment of mobility was the strongest risk factor of recurrent falling.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the availability of home care rehabilitation services have been greatly increased since community-based rehabilitation was introduced to Korea, there is still a dearth of studies investigating the performance level of ADL (activities of daily living) for the physically disabled in the rural areas. The purposes of this study were to investigate the ADL performance level of disabled persons living at home in the rural areas of Wonju city, Korea, using FIM (functional independence measure) and to identify the specific areas of the ADL to be trained or evaluated by physical therapists or occupational therapists. 298 disabled people were interviewed by 10 physical therapy students. Analysis of the interviews indicated: 1) Forty seven point seven percent of the respondents were elderly-disabled persons whose ages were 61 years old or above, and 69.5% of respondents has the history of chronic disability period of 5 years or more. 2) FIM score of bathing, and stairs climbing showed severe dependent trend 3) FIM scores of self-feeding, urination, defecation, and comprehension ability were mildly dependent. These results revealed that functional evaluation/treatment for discharging from hospitals to the rural areas should be emphasized on the specific ADL performance areas such as bathing, and stairs climbing.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Global warming affects climate change and has an overall impact on all aspects of life. On the other hand, community behavior and disaster aspects also have an important role in people’s lives. This will also have an impact on regional development. This study aims to find the effect of climate, disaster, and social community on rural development. This study uses data on the potential of rural development from PODES 2014, and 2018 data collection on climate conditions and regional status is sourced from relevant ministries. This research uses Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Regression Analysis method, then continued with CHAID analysis to find the segmentation of the role of climate, disaster, and social factors on rural development. The results of this study found that all research regressor variables significantly influence the Rural Development Index (IPD2018), with an R-squared value of 32.9 percent. Efforts need to be taken in order to implement policies that are targeted, effective, and efficient. The results of this study can be a reference for the government in determining policies by focusing on rural development that have high duration of sunshine, cultivating natural disaster warnings, especially in areas prone to natural disasters, and need to focus on underdeveloped areas.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper is to compare two villages in Songak-myeon, Asan, Cnungnam Province in Korea. It tries to show how the joint village project, which began with the support of the same external organization, produces different results depending on the internal conditions and circumstances of the village. From the end of the 1990s, Pyeongchon-ri and Sugok-ri started developing villages under the influence of the environmentally friendly farming movement. And subsequent supports were provided by local organizations for the development of the village. However, the village project in Sugok-ri, which focused on economic performance, later turned out to be a failure, and the residents changed to pursue activities for their own economic interests individually. On the other hand, In Pyeongchon-ri, the cooperation among villagers was strengthened in implementing support projects by similar external agencies. In addition, community ties and identity have been strengthened as problems have been solved through cooperation among residents in the process of promoting the village project. Nevertheless, projects undertaken in Pyeongchon-ri for the purpose of increasing economic performance was all failed. Through these findings, the paper asserts that the neo-endogenous development approach utilizing external support on the basis of internal cooperative network among villagers must be a very useful method for rural development in contemporary societies.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To analyze main factors of size planning of community facilities that were created as part of development of a rural area, the present condition of factors deciding size of community facilities was analyzed, factors that influence size planning by the type of community facility were drawn with Delphi anaysis. The results of analyzing the present condition of size planning factors of community facilities show that facilities have been generally planned as multi-purpose and multi-functional facilities. And on the basis of the purpose of facilities, their functions and organization, and their operation programs, facilities are classified into community-centered, agritourism-centered, and combined ones. Using Delphi analysis, major factors that could affect size planning of community facilities were drawn on 26 community-centered, 28 agritourism-centered, and 30 combined. And the factors tended not to be applied well for size planning of community facilities.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본고는 영조대의 하동 안계 마을의 학자 하대관의 가문계승의식과 향촌사회활동을 알아 본 것이다. 시기는 1748년부터 1758년까지 10년에 걸친 기간이다. 하대관의 글이 오로지 이 시기에 걸쳐 남아 있기도 하지만, 이 시기의 그의 활동이 1759년 가을부터 전개되는 종천서원 시비의 배경을 이루고 있기 때문이다. 문집의 분석을 통해 볼 때, 하대관은 부친으로부터의 가학을 통해 자랑스러운 선조들의 업적을 알게 되어, 그의 학문은 선조들의 전통과 남명학을 이어가는 것을 목표로 하였다. 이에 그의 학문은 향당에서 충절과 효행, 경의를 중시하는 성격을 갖는다. 그는 영남남인 외에도 기호 남인과의 교류를 강화하여 자신의 가문과 진주 사족들의 위상을 높이려고 했다. 『겸재집』 간행, 족보편찬, 교육과 교화활동, 부당한 조세징수 반대, 『진양지』 간행 등은 모두 이러한 그의 사상을 반영한다고 할 것이다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Rural development policy has changed from hardware based development to community revitalization. The purpose of this study is to analyze social network of collaborative activity among rural organizations as fundamental of community. The material used in this study is a record of collaborative activites in the community newsletter of Hong-Dong area. 161 of collaborative activities (links) and 75 of organizations (nodes) are investigated in network. 6 collaborative activity type (‘Education’, ‘Socializing’, ‘Meeting’, ‘Culture’, ‘Event’ and ‘Labor’) is classified. ‘Socializing’ is inclusive of approximately half of whole network (50.67%). Closeness centraization, degree centralization and betweenness centralization are measured on top in ‘Education’, ‘Meeting’ and ‘Event’ type. Scatter plot analysis using degree and betweenness centrality index, ‘Maeul Revitalization Center’, ‘Balmak Library’, ‘Woori-Maeul Medical Co-op’, ‘Support Center for Female Farmers’, ‘Hongdong Middle School’ and ‘Mundang Sustainable Agriculture Education Center’ are resulted as the core organization in network. Geographical distribution of collaborative activity is not only concentated in Hong-Dong Myeon but also networked with adjacent administrative district. This study finds its purpose in the detailed analysis of network characteristics of collaborative activity within Hong-Dong area which is representative developed rural community in Korea
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구는 농촌 다문화가족 한국인 남편의 문화적응 스트레스와 생활 갈등이 어떤 관계 가 있는지 탐색하고, 그 관계를 사회적 지지의 매개효과를 통해 검증하였다. 빈도분석, Pearson의 적률상관분석과 중다회귀분석으로 처리한 결과, 농촌 다문화가족 한국인 남편의 문화적응 스트레스와 사회적 지지는 유의한 부적 상관을 보였고, 문화적응 스트레스와 생 활 갈등은 유의한 정적 상관을 나타냈다. 문화적응 스트레스는 사회적 지지와 생활 갈등에 영향력이 있는 변인으로 나타났다. Baron과 Kenny(1986)의 위계적 회귀분석에 따른 매개효과를 검증한 결과, 문화적응 스트레스가 생활 갈등에 미치는 영향에서 사회적 지지가 부분 매개를 하는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 다문화가족 한국인 남편의 문화적응 스트레스는 생활 갈 등과 긴밀한 관계를 나타냈고, 남편의 문화적응 스트레스와 생활 갈등 사이에 사회적 지지 의 매개효과를 확인하였으며, 따라서 농촌 다문화가족 한국인 남편의 생활 갈등을 줄이기 위해 한국인 남편을 위한 다양한 사회적 지지를 확보하는 일이 필요하다고 보았다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Land price can be affected by convenience or psychological repulsion like PIMFY (Please In My Front Yard) or NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) for various facilities. Services related to public establishment, welfare, medical attention, and amenities in rural areas are comparatively poorer than those in urban areas. The purpose of this study is to estimate the implications of the accessibility to community facilities in rural areas for land prices using a hedonic price model. The accessibility to facilities is estimated by real road distances and the land prices are applied for four types of land usages: field, rice paddy, building lots, and village halls. Community facilities are classified from public and community services view: education, safety, culture, transport, environment, health care, and finance. The results show that the accessibility to health care and transport can positively affect land prices and the accessibility to environment (waste facilities and junkyard) and unpleasant services (funeral hall and charnel house) can negatively affect land prices. Especially, the accessibility to hospital is the most positive influential factor for all types of land usages.
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