In stable continental regions, selecting appropriate ground motions for seismic design and dynamic response analysis presents significant challenges. This study evaluates the liquefaction potential of the Nakdonggang delta region, South Korea, by generating synthetic ground motion scenarios and applying a scenario-based liquefaction assessment approach. We utilized a hybrid broadband ground motion simulation method proposed by Graves and Pitarka (2010, 2015) to create bedrock ground motions for three hypothetical earthquakes (Mw 6.2 and 6.0) occurring along the Dongrae and Miryang faults. The generated synthetic ground motions were used as input for onedimensional nonlinear site response analyses, incorporating shear wave velocity profiles derived from surface wave inversion. The simulated ground motions demonstrated higher responses at short periods and relatively weaker responses at long periods compared to the Korean design spectra. This amplification of long-period components was attributed to the dynamic response of deep sedimentary layers, while high-frequency components were generally deamplified due to damping effects in shallow silty layers. Liquefaction susceptibility was assessed using surface ground motions derived from the site response analyses, following the SPT-based simplified method proposed by Idriss and Boulanger (2008). Results indicated high liquefaction potential across most sites for the Dongrae earthquake scenario, while liquefaction was unlikely for all sites under the Miryang-1 scenario. For the Miryang-2 scenario, liquefaction was predicted at some sites. Overall, liquefaction is expected at PGA values of approximately 0.13 g or higher, with sites exhibiting lower shear wave velocities being more vulnerable to liquefaction
최근 지구온난화를 동반한 기후변화가 가속화되고 있으며, RCP 8.5 시나리오에 따르면 21세기 말까지 연평균 기온은 4.8℃ 상승할 것으로 예상된다. 고온 환경은 식물체의 생장, 개화시기, 동화산물 함량에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려졌다. 본 연구는 고온 환경에서 감자의 생장과 대사산물 변화를 Soil-Plant-Atmosphere-Research (SPAR) 챔버와 온도구배하우스를 사용하여 2018년부터 2020년까지 조사하였다. 그 결과, 고온 조건의 SPAR 챔버 및 온도구배하우스에서 개화시기가 약 5∼9일 빨라지는 것을 확인하였다. 고온 조건은 감자 생장을 촉진하며 동화산물 함량에 영향을 줄 것으로 생각되어 개화 3일 전(Days Before Flowering 3, DBF 3)과 개화 21일 후(Days After Flowering 21, DAF 21)의 엽록소, 카로티노이드, 당 및 전분 함량을 분석하였다. 생육 초기인 DBF 3에 엽록소와 카로티노이드 함량은 감소하였고, 자당 및 전분 함량은 유의하게 증가하였다. 하지만 생육 후기인 DAF 21에는 자당 및 전분 함량이 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 개화와 관련 있는 유전자 발현을 qRT-PCR로 분석한 결과, 고온 조건에서 SP6A, PhyB, SP5G, COL1, COL2 유전자 발현이 증가한 것을 확인하였다. 결과적으로, 고온 환경은 개화 전 감자 잎의 자당 및 전분 함량과 개화 관련 유전자의 발현에 영향을 미쳐 감자의 개화시기를 앞당기는 것으로 판단된다.
기후 변화에 의해 해수면 온도 상승, 태풍의 최고 강도 북상, 태풍 강도 증가가 나타나고 있으며, 미래의 태풍 강도 변화가 더 심화될 것으로 예상하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기후 변화 시나리오에 의해서 발생할 수 있는 한반도 부근의 태풍 강도를 예측하기 위하여 딥러닝 기반 태풍 강도 예측 모델을 개발하였다. 기후 예측정보를 이용하여 미래 기후 변화 환경장 변화에 따른 태풍의 강도를 예측할 수 있도록 과거 환경장을 학습 자료로 사용하였다. 학습자료는 1980년에서 2022년까지의 태풍 발생 빈도가 높은 6~10월의 기상 및 해양 재분 석 월평균 자료와 Best Track 태풍 241개를 입력자료로 사용하였다. 환경장 변화에 따른 태풍 강도 예측을 위해 자료의 공간적인 특징과 시간적인 특징을 함께 고려하는 딥러닝 모델인 ConvLSTM 기반으로 모델을 개발하였다. 태풍 트랙 시퀀스의 각 이동 경로에 대한 월평균 환경장 자료를 모델에 학습하여 태풍의 중심 기압을 예측하였다. 태풍의 공간적 특성을 반영할 수 있도록 범위를 설정하여 입력자료로 학습하였으며, 5°⨉ 5°의 범위일 때 가장 좋은 결과를 보였다. 몬테카를로 방법을 이용한 민감도 실험을 통해 모델 예측에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변수는 SST로 확인되었다.
The damage to structures during an earthquake can be varied depending on the frequency characteristics of seismic waves and the geological properties of the ground. Therefore, considering such attributes in the design ground motions is crucial. The Korean seismic design standard (KDS 17 10 00) provides design response spectra for various ground classifications. If required for time-domain analysis, ground motion time series can be either selected and adjusted from motions recorded at rock sites in intraplate regions or artificially synthesized. Ground motion time series at soil sites should be obtained from site response analysis. However, in practice, selecting suitable ground motion records is challenging due to the overall lack of large earthquakes in intraplate regions, and artificially synthesized time series often leads to unrealistic responses of structures. As an alternative approach, this study provides a case study of generating ground motion time series based on the hybrid broadband ground motion simulation of selected scenario earthquakes at sites in the Nakdonggang delta region. This research is significant as it provides a novel method for generating ground motion time series that can be used in seismic design and response analysis. For large-magnitude earthquake scenarios close to the epicenter, the simulated response spectra surpassed the 1000-year design response spectra in some specific frequency ranges. Subsequently, the acceleration time series at each location were used as input motions to perform nonlinear 1D site response analysis through the PySeismoSoil Package to account for the site response characteristics at each location. The results of the study revealed a tendency to amplify ground motion in the mid to long-period range in most places within the study area. Additionally, significant amplification in the short-period range was observed in some locations characterized by a thin soil layer and relatively high shear wave velocity soil near the upper bedrock.
승선 인원이 많은 실습선은 화재가 발생하는 경우 대형 인명피해로 확장될 수 있으며 이에 따라 선원법 및 Safety Life At Sea(SOLAS)에서는 퇴선 훈련에 대한 중요성을 강조해 왔다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 승선 인원이 많은 국립목포해양대학교의 세계로호를 대상선박으로 선정하여 preliminary hazard analysis(PHA) 정성적 위험성 평가 기법을 통해 각 deck의 화재 사고 위험빈도와 심각성에 대하여 예측하였다. 또한 위험성이 높은 구역에서의 화재를 가정 한 뒤, 그 위험성을 정량적으로 예측하기 위하여 대피 시간 및 인구 밀도에 대 한 시뮬레이션을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 총 대피시간이 인구 분포가 한 구역에 집중되어 있던 식사 시간을 가정한 시나리오에서 501초로 가장 길게 예측되었으며 시나리오에 따라 일부 deck에서 1.4pers/㎡ 이상의 상대적으로 높은 인구밀도를 나타내며 대피 인원이 정체되는 현상을 보였다. 본 연구 결과는 다양한 피난 시나리오에 따른 대피시간 및 인구밀도를 정량화하여 실습선의 상황에 맞는 훈련 시나리오 를 개발하기 위한 기초자료로서 사용될 것으로 보이며 추후 수학적 모델과 실험값의 비교를 통하여 연구를 확장할 수 있을 것으로 예상 된다.
The moth species and bugs are highly polyphagous that feed on a wide range of field and vegetables crops, including soybean in Korea. The monitoring study was conducted in soybean fields in Southern area Miryang from 2021-2023. Commercial funnel and rocket traps housing species-specific baiting with pheromone were used for monitoring of moth species (Spodoptera frugiperda, Spodoptera litura, Agrotis ipsilon, Helicoverpa armigera, Ostrinia furncalis, Spodoptera exigua, and Mythimna separata) and bean bugs (Riptortus pedestris), respectively. The higher number of Spodoptera species (S. litura and S. exigua) were captured in August to September with several seasonal population peaks. The higher number of R. pedestris was captured in July to September. Climatic components were found as critical and influential factors in the population dynamics of moth species and bean bug. The population information of this study can be used to understand the spring emergence along with number of generations, and integrated into management programs of moths and bugs.
Background: Reproductive management practices play crucial roles to maximize the reproductive performance of cows, and thus contribute to farm profitability. We aimed to assess the reproductive management of cows currently practiced in the dairy farms in an urban farming system. Methods: A total of 62 dairy farms were randomly selected considering all size of farms such as small (1-5 cattle), medium (6-20 cattle) and large farms (> 20 cattle) from selected areas of Dhaka city in Bangladesh. The reproductive managementrelated parameters viz. estrus detection, breeding method, pregnancy diagnosis, dry cow and parturition management, vaccination and treatment of reproductive problems etc. were obtained in a pre-defined questionnaire during the farm visit. Results: The visual observation method was only used (100.0%; 62/62) for estrus detection irrespective of size of the farms; while farmers observed cows for estrus 4-5 times a day, but only for 20-60 seconds each time. Regardless of farm size, 89.0% (55/62) farms used artificial insemination (AI) for breeding the cows. Intriguingly, all farms (100.0%) routinely checked the cows for pregnancy at 35-40 days post-breeding using rectal palpation technique by registered veterinarian. However, only 6.5% (4/62) farms practiced dry cow management. Notably, all farms (100.0%) provided nutritional supplements (Vit D, Ca and P) during late gestation. However, proper hygiene and cleanliness during parturition was not practiced in 77.4% (48/62) farms; even though 96.7% (60/62) farms treated cows by registered veterinarian for parturition-related problems. Conclusions: While farmers used AI service for breeding and timely check their cows for pregnancy; however, they need to increase observation time (30 minutes/ observation, twice in a day: early morning and early night) for estrus detection, consider dry cow management and ensure hygienic parturition for maximizing production.
In South Korea, the replacement of steam generators began with Kori Unit 1 in 1995, and to date, 20 steam generators have been replaced and are currently stored in intermediate storage facilities. In the future, additional decommissioned steam generators may arise due to measures like the extension of the lifespan of nuclear power plants. In Korea, technological development for dismantling steam generators is underway, and there is no track record of actual dismantling. Although the replaced decommissioned steam generators are stored in intermediate facilities, for site recycling purposes, steam generators, which have relatively lower radiation doses compared to reactor heads and other primary equipment, should be prioritized for dismantling. While there are various specifications for steam generators, those dismantled and stored domestically are of the Recirculation Type. They can be classified into three types: the Westinghouse type WH-51 used in Kori Unit 1, the Fra-51B used in Han-ul Units 1 and 2, and the OPR-1000 used in Han-ul Units 3 and 4. The quantity of U-Tubes varies depending on the specification, but the radiation is concentrated in the primary side components, the U-Tube and Chamber. Since the parts related to the secondary side are not contaminated, they can be disposed of independently after classification. To dismantle a steam generator, it is of utmost importance to first create a scenario regarding where and how the dismantling will take place. Through the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each scenario, the optimal timing, location, and cutting method for dismantling should be researched. Furthermore, based on those findings, the best scenario should be derived through an analysis of worker radiation exposure and dismantling costs. To achieve this, a 3D simulation software developed by Cyclelife Digital Solutions under the French EDF was utilized to conduct simulations based on different dismantling schedules and methods. As a result, the optimal scenario for dismantling the steam generator was derived.
Advanced countries in the field of nuclear research and technology are currently examining the feasibility of deep geological disposal as the most appropriate method for the permanent management of high-level radioactive waste, with no intention of future retrieval. Deep geological disposal involves the placement of such waste deep underground within a stable geological formation, ensuring its permanent isolation from the human environment. To guarantee the enduring isolation and retardation of radionuclides with half-lives spanning tens of thousands to millions of years from the broader ecosystem, it is imperative to comprehend the long-term evolution of deep disposal systems, especially the role of natural barriers. These natural barriers, typically consisting of bedrock, encase the repository and undergo long-term evolutions due to tectonic movements and climate variations. For the effective disposal of high-level radioactive waste, a thorough assessment of the site’s long-term geological stability is essential. This necessitates a comprehensive understanding of its tectonic evolution and development characteristics, including susceptibility to seismic and magmatic events like earthquakes and intrusions. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of alterations in the hydrogeological and geochemical environment resulting from tectonic movements over extended time frames is required to assess the potential for the migration of radionuclides. In this paper, we have examined international evaluation methodologies employed to elucidate the predictive long-term evolution of natural barriers within disposal systems. We have extracted relevant methods from international case studies and applied a preliminary scenario illustrating the long-term evolution of the geological environment at the KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) site. Nevertheless, unlike international instances, the scarcity of quantitative data limits the depth of our interpretation. To present a dependable scenario in the future, it is imperative to develop predictive technologies aimed at comprehensively studying the geological evolution processes in the Korean peninsula, particularly within the context of radioactive waste disposal.
In Korea, most temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel are nearing saturation. As an alternative to this, the 2nd basic plan for high-level radioactive waste management specified the operation plan of dry interim storage facility. Meanwhile, the NSSC No. 2021-19 stipulates that it is necessary to evaluate the possibility and potential effect of accident before operating interim storage facility. Therefore, this study analyzed the categories of accident scenarios that may occur in dry storage facility as part of prior research on this. We investigated the case of categorization of dry storage facility accident scenarios of IAEA, NRC, KAREI, and KINS. The IAEA presented accident scenarios that could occur in on-site dry storage facility operated with silo and cask method. NRC has classified accident scenarios in dry storage facility and estimated the probability of accidents for each. KAERI and KINS selected major accident scenarios and analyzed the processes for each, in preparation for the introduction of dry storage facility in Korea in the future. Overall, a total of 10 accident scenarios were considered, and the scenarios considered by each institution were different. Among 10 scenarios, cask drop and aircraft collision were included in the categorization of most institutions. The results of this study can be used as basic data for cataloging accidents subject to safety evaluation when introducing dry interim storage facility in Korea in the future.
Nuclear Material Accountancy (NMA) system quantitatively evaluates whether nuclear material is diverted or not. Material balance is evaluated based on nuclear material measurements based on this system and these processes are based on statistical techniques. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate the performance based on modeling and simulation technique from the development stage. In the performance evaluation, several diversion scenarios are established, nuclear material diversion is attempted in a virtual simulation environment according to these scenarios, and the detection probability is evaluated. Therefore, one of the important things is to derive vulnerable diversion scenario in advance. However, in actual facilities, it is not easy to manually derive weak scenario because there are numerous factors that affect detection performance. In this study, reinforcement learning has been applied to automatically derive vulnerable diversion scenarios from virtual NMA system. Reinforcement learning trains agents to take optimal actions in a virtual environment, and based on this, it is possible to develop an agent that attempt to divert nuclear materials according to optimal weak scenario in the NMA system. A somewhat simple NMA system model has been considered to confirm the applicability of reinforcement learning in this study. The simple model performs 10 consecutive material balance evaluations per year and has the characteristic of increasing MUF uncertainty according to balance period. The expected vulnerable diversion scenario is a case where the amount of diverted nuclear material increases in proportion to the size of the MUF uncertainty, and total amount of diverted nuclear material was assumed to be 8 kg, which corresponds to one significant quantity of plutonium. Virtual NMA system model (environment) and a divertor (agent) attempting to divert nuclear material were modeled to apply reinforcement learning. The agent is designed to receive a negative reward if an action attempting to divert is detected by the NMA system. Reinforcement learning automatically trains the agent to receive the maximum reward, and through this, the weakest diversion scenario can be derived. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the agent was trained to attempt to divert nuclear material in a direction with a low detection probability in this system model. Through these results, it is found that it was possible to sufficiently derive weak scenarios based on reinforcement learning. This technique considered in this study can suggest methods to derive and supplement weak diversion scenarios in NMA system in advance. However, in order to apply this technology smoothly, there are still issues to be solved, and further research will be needed in the future.
Due to the aging of a building, 38.8% (about 2.82 million buildings) of the total buildings are old for more than 30 years after completion and are located in a blind spot for an inspection, except for buildings subject to regular legal inspection (about 3%). Such existing buildings require users to self-inspect themselves and make efforts to take preemptive risks. The scope of this study was defined as the general public's visual self-inspection of buildings and was limited to structural members that affect the structural stability of old buildings. This study categorized possible damage to reinforced concrete to check the structural safety of buildings and proposed a checklist to prevent the damage. A damage assessment methodology was presented during the inspection, and a self-inspection scenario was tested through a chatbot connection. It is believed that it can increase the accessibility and convenience of non-experts and induce equalized results when performing inspections, according to the chatbot guide.