Background: The climate of Korean peninsula is characterized by four distinct seasons. In recent years, global warming has accelerated, and summers in Korea are typically hot and humid. However, the precise extent of climatic damage caused in Hanwoo farming has not yet been reported, by long raise periods. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of birth and slaughter season on economical carcass characteristics in Hanwoo cattle. Methods: Hanwoo steer carcass data was collected from the Korean Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation database for 2021-2022. Hanwoo birth and slaughter season was classified as spring (March-May), summer (June-August), fall (September-November), and winter (December-February). Results: The carcass mass and loin area were significantly higher in winter- and spring-born Hanwoo than in summer- and fall-born cattle. However, back fat thickness was significantly higher in winter- and spring-slaughtered steers than in summerslaughtered cattle. In addition, the marbling score was highest in summer-slaughtered steers, but meat yield grade differed between Hanwoo steers of different ages. Conclusions: Out results indicate that carcass mass and loin area were correlated with birth season, whereas back fat thickness and marbling score were related with slaughter season. These results will contribute to improving meat production quality in the Hanwoo industry.
The slaughter of livestock is inevitably required to obtain meat products from livestock. Since slaughter means pain and death for animals, reducing the pain and distress of animals during slaughter is very important from a perspective of animal welfare based on the principle of respect for life. Generally, two stunning methods, CO2 stunning and electrical stunning, are used for slaughter. When the carotid arteries of the lungs are cut off for bleeding, the bronchial tubes are also severed. To determine the degree of blood inflow into the lungs through the severed bronchial tubes, the prevalence rates of pulmonary diseases and pulmonary congestion in slaughtered pigs were analyzed. In this study, the prevalence of pneumonia was 24.9% in Slaughterhouse A using the gas method, but it was decreased by about 10% to 15.7% and 12.6%, respectively, in Slaughterhouses B and C using the electric method. On the other hand, the prevalence of pulmonary congestion in Slaughterhouses A, B, and C was 4.24%, 14.10% and 16.40%, respectively. In other words, the prevalence of pulmonary congestion was higher by about 10% in the groups of pigs slaughtered by the electric method (Slaughterhouses B and C) than in the group of pigs slaughtered by the gas method (Slaughterhouse A). These results indicate that blood inflow into the pulmonary alveoli led to a diagnosis of pulmonary congestion instead of pneumonia in some pigs with pneumonia. In short, it was found that about 10% of pigs stunned by the electric method were not in a state of complete unconsciousness but in a partially conscious state during slaughter. It is suggested that slaughterhouses should be equipped with gas stunning equipment instead of applying the electric method due to lower costs.
The present study was undertaken to investigate the quality characteristics of Korean Woori black pig (KWP) bellies and loins by different slaughter weight (SW) groups. The loin and belly samples collected from KWPs with different body weights (50, 75, 90, 105, and 120 kg) at 24 h post-mortem were used in the present investigation. The samples were analyzed for quality traits, fatty acid profiles, and volatile flavor compounds. Results showed that the fat content of the loin (8.64%) and belly samples (46.78%) was significantly higher in the 120 kg SW group compared to those of other SW groups (p<0.05). However, a lower protein content (12.20-12.67%) was found in the belly cuts of the heavier SW groups (105-120 kg) compared to those of the lighter SW groups (p<0.05). The lowest cooking loss (24.34%) was found in the loin cuts of the 120 kg SW group (p<0.05). Both the loin and belly cuts were observed to be redder in color with increasing SW (p<0.05). Higher oleic acid (C18:1, n9) and total monounsaturated fatty acid content and lower linolenic acid(C18:3, n3) and total polyunsaturated fatty acid content were observed in both cuts of the 120 kg SW group (p<0.05). Out of the flavor compounds identified, 11 and 17 compounds in the loin and belly, respectively, were associated with the SW. An increase in the SW resulted in increased concentrations of C18:1n9- and amino acid-derived flavor compounds. Overall, the meat samples of the heavier SW groups (120 kg) exhibited better quality and higher concentrations of volatile compounds associated with pleasant flavors. However, the meat of the 120 kg SW group also contained a much higher fat level (8.64 and 46.78% in the loin and belly, respectively) that may result in high trimming loss and hence a high rejection risk by consumers.
본 연구는 개정된 소 도체 등급판정 세부기준이 개정 목표에 부합되는지를 평가하기 위해 실시되었다. 본 연구에서는 기초 데이터를 바탕으로 데이터의 분포를 도출하고, 도출된 분포를 바탕으로 미래 데이터를 추출하여 이를 분석하는 몬테카를로(Monte Carlo) 방법론을 활용하였다. 축산물품 질평가원의 2019년 1월 2일부터 2019년 5월 31일까지 등급판정을 받은 한우 거세 비육우의 도체정보(n=187,279)를 이용하여 각 도체성적의 분포와 상관관계를 도출하였다. @risk 소프트웨어를 이용하여 10만 개의 가상 도체 데이터를 Latin hypercube 방법으로 추출하여 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 실시하고, 각 변수들이 육량지수, 육량등급, 육질등급에 미치는 영향력을 평가하였다. 시뮬레이션 결과, 육량지수는 현행 등급판정 기준과 개정된 기준에서 모두 도체중량이 증가함에 따라 감소하는 것으로 나타났으며 각 변수들에 대한 민감도는 두 기준이 유사하였다. 개정된 기준에서는 도축월령이 증가함에 따라 그 정도는 미미하지만 육량지수 및 육량등급이 저하되는 것으로 나타났다(P < 0.001). 현행 등급판정 기준에서는 그 밖의 도체성적이 동일할 때, 육질등급은 배최장근단면적과 도축월령이 증가할수록 개선되고(P < 0.01), 등지방두께와 도체중량은 육질등급에 유의적인 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 개정된 등급판정 기준에서는 육질등급이 모든 도체성적 및 도축월령과 유의적인 관계를 갖는데(P < 0.01), 그 밖의 도체성적이 동일하다면, 도체중량이 클수록, 등지방두께가 얇을수록, 배최장근단면적이 적을수록, 도축월령이 적을수록 육질등급이 개선되는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 새로운 ‘소 도체 등급판정 세부기준’은 도체중량의 증가에 따라 육량등급을 증가시키는 것은 아니나, 현행 기준에 비해 한우의 사육기간을 단축시키는 효과는 클 것으로 기대된다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ionized calcium treatment on total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface in the slaughtering process. The growth of Escherichia coli was strongly inhibited in a medium prepared by using a 0.5% ionized calcium solution. The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface and the scalding water was significantly increased as the number of scalding was increased (p<0.05). The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface reached a plateau without a further increase as scalding was performed consecutively for 10 or more times. The total bacterial cross-contamination of the scalding water was significantly increased as the number of scalding was increased (p<0.05). The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface of the chickens raised on a floor type farm was significantly higher than that of the chickens raised in a battery cages (p<0.05). The total bacterial cross-contamination of chicken carcass surface of the chickens raised on a floor type farm was significantly lower in the 0.5% ionized calcium solution treatment group than in the control group (p<0.05).
Salmonella are widespread in humans and animals worldwide and are public health concern as causative pathogens of food poisoning. The aim of this study was to survey the level of Salmonella contamination in a chicken slaughter plant and to analyze the characterization of Salmonella isolates by serotype, antimicrobial resistance and phage type. Among 170 feces of transport box from 17 farms and 100 carcasses originated 20 farms, Salmonella were identified in 54 feces (13 farms) and 29 carcasses (11 farms). A total of 150 Salmonella isolates from feces and 73 isolates from carcasses were analyzed. One hundred and forty five isolates (96.7%) from feces and 68 isolates (93.2%) from carcasses were Salmonella enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) and 3 isolates and 2 isolates from feces were S. isangi and S. blockley, respectively. Three isolates from carcasses were S. blockley, and S. isangi was not detected at carcasses. The most common phage type (PT) of S. Enteritidis was PT 1, followed by PT 1c, PT 21, PT 24var, PT 6a, and PT 7. Antimicrobial resistance testing was performed by disk diffusion method using 19 antibiotics. The highest percentage of antimicrobial resistance of isolates from feces and carcasses were found to the following antibiotics: trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Sxt, 83.3% and 93.2%), tetracycline (Te, 40.0% and 15.1%) and ampicillin (Am, 16.0% and 20.5%). Also, the most frequent multiresistance pattern of isolates from feces and carcasses were Te-Sxt (34.0%) and Am-Sxt (19.2%), respectively.
For the screening of Brucella antibodies in pig, 2,140 pig serum samples were collected from six slaughter house in Korea between 2006 and 2007. The Rose Bengal test (RBT) and serum agglutination test (SAT) were used for initial screening for specific antibodies to Brucella, and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (C-ELISA) was used for confirmation of presence of serum antibody for Brucella. Overall, 575 (26.9%) samples resulted in seropositive in RBT. In SAT, 50 (2.3%) and 10 (0.5%) samples showed suspicious positive and positive reaction, respectively, however, all sera tested in this study showed a negative reaction in C-ELISA. SAT and C-ELISA might be applicable as a tool for screening of swine brucellosis.
한우의 혈액성분과 도체형질간의 상관관계를 구명하여 도체 품질을 예측하고 예견되는 능력에 따른 사양관리로 도체품질을 향상시키고자 한우에서 도축 2개월 전과 수송전 그리고 도살시 혈청성분 농도와 도체 형질간의 표현형 상관을 분석한 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 거세우의 도살 2개월 전 혈청 성분 농도와 도체 형질간의 상관에서 육량지수는 total protein (0.23), albumin(0.26), calcium(0.31)과 정의상관이나 BUN (-0.30)
Slaughter of cattle, pigs, and chickens has increased continuously. In particular, slaughter of chickens has been grown up about 150% in 2010 than that in 2003, that is approximately 120,000 tons. All of them are underwent consigned treatment even though those can be used as a resource and an energy source. With this regards, THR (Thermal Hydrolysis Reaction) leads to reduce water content drastically (<30% in sludge cakes). In addition, Dehydrated solid would be re-used as solid fuels (SRF) as well. In this study, We have applied THR to a plant (10 ton/day) on the basis of our lab and pilot results. Water content of sludge cakes showed with a ranges of 30 to 40% after solid-liquid separation. Dairy SRF produced 1.5 ton/day and its heat capacity for SRF has 6,500 kcal/kg. This gave the steam produced about 12 ton/day throughout the plant operation, suggesting that THR system would expect energy savings.
In this study, we attempted to solubilize protein in slaughter blood (SB) using ultrasonic technology. The application of ultrasonic technology can make enzymatic degradation of SB more effective, which has no comparable alternative for treatment. The SB was homogenized by grinding it for 10 minutes at 10,000 rpm as a pretreatment for preventing its clotting, and then ultrasonic treatment was attempted to solubilize protein in SB. To maximize the efficiency of ultrasonic treatment for SB, the optimum condition of ultrasonic frequency (UF) was determined to be 20 kHz. To optimize the operation conditions of ultrasonification with 20 kHz of frequency, we used response surface methodology (RSM) based on ultrasonic density (UD) and ultrasonification time (UT). The solubilization rate (SR) of protein (%) was calculated to be 101.304 - 19.4205 X1 + 0.0398X2 + 7.9411X12 + 0.0001X22 + 0.0455X1X2. From the results of the RSM study, the optimum conditions of UD and UT were determined at 0.5 W/mL and 22 minutes, respectively, and SB treated under these conditions was estimated to have a 95% SR. Also, experimentally, a 95.53% SR was observed under same conditions, accurately reflecting the theoretical prediction of 95%.
Slaughter of cattle, pigs, and chickens is continuously increasing. Slaughter of chickens has especially increased by approximately 50% from 2003. The quantity of poultry slaughter waste is currently approximately 120,000 tons/year, and undergoes consigned treatment. Via this process, the waste must be used as a resource and an energy source. For this purpose, the waste volume can be reduced and solid fuel can be obtained from the THR (Thermal Hydrolysis Reaction) that consumes a small amount of energy. In this study, The test was conducted at a reaction temperature of 170-220oC and for 1h at the final temperature. According to the CST (Capillary Suction Time) and TTF (Time to Filter) evaluation, the dehydrating efficiency was good after the temperature reached 190oC, and did not significantly differ at the 190oC and higher reaction temperatures. The heating value of the dehydrated solid product was 7,000-7,700 kcal/kg, and its yield rate decreased from approximately 80% to 60% with the increase in the reaction temperature. The results of the BMP test also showed that the anaerobic digestion efficiency decreased at the reaction temperatures of 200oC and higher. From the overall evaluation of the dehydrating efficiency, solid fuel quality, and anaerobic digestion efficiency during the thermal hydrolysis of poultry slaughter waste, it is concluded that the optimal operating temperature is 190oC.
As increasing incidents of FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease) in recent years, the country has struggled with huge economic losses and environmental problems. Because of relying only on the burial method according to domestic condition, it needs to consider the alternative measure such as the incineration with being no secondary environmental pollution. In addition, such FMD and AI (Avian Influenza) as classifying in the first-class malignant diseases are very important to be ready with rapidly initial response because of the fact being quickly spreaded with high infection speed. Accordingly, a favorable initial response by the introduction of mobile incinerators has been forced to consider. In this study, it analyzed and compared the existing disposal regulations and methods of carcasses to establish the reasonableness about introducing an incineration technology. In addition, domestic and international disposal status was compared as investigating regulations or disposal law, guidelines of livestock in major developed countries. To introduce the mobile incineration facilities in domestic, it is surveyed international examples and related regulations of using and developing mobile incinerators. The results of study could be used as basic information to design and utilize a mobile incineration process for slaughter animals by deceases.
This study was carried out to check changes of components in the slaughter waste by the bacteria isolated from slaughter wastes from Gyungnam Province from May to June 2000, and to find useful organism for treatment of the waste. Bacteria used in this study were Aeromonas hydrophila, as the dominant of the waste. Optimum conditions for bacterial culture were obtained as the temperature of 35℃, pH 6.5, and shaking of 120 rpm in nutrient broth. The mean values of dissolved oxygen was 4.14 ㎎/l; biochemical oxygen demand, 1731.21 ㎎/l; ratio of BOD/COD, 0.53-0.64; ratio of T-P/T-N, 1.0-1.41; and viable counts of the waste, 5.47×107 CFU.
Little change in total nitrogen observed by 36 hr of the culture. The largest amount of increasing NH4+-N was observed in the sample that 10% of the waste added in nutrient broth with A. hydrophila showing the value of 29.19 ㎎/l at the beginning to 570.36 ㎎/l by 36 hr of culture. However, the highest increasing ratio between initial amount and finals at 36 hr of culture showed as 41.6 times when 3% of the waste added. NO3--N was decreased showing the value of 71.27 ㎎/l to 32.14 ㎎/l by 24 hr of culture with the organism when 10% of the waste added in nutrient broth. Total phosphorus was decreased showing the value from 188.74 ㎎/l to 101.41 ㎎/l after 12 hr of culture with the organism when 5% of the waste added in nutrient broth, while T-P was decreased gradually by 24 hr of culture from 193.8 to 101.4 ㎎/l when 10% of the waste added.