
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 29

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to evaluate the physicochemical properties of semi-dried jerky made from uncastrated (U) and castrated (C) deer meat. The jerky was manufactured by mixing the ground lean meat with spices followed by drying process, packed and stored aerobically at 25℃ for 20 days. The pH of uncastrated raw meat was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of castrated meat as well as the pH of the jerky. No effects were found on color, hardness and sensory scores of jerky. Castrated jerky had higher fat content than uncastrated jerky (p<0.05), after 20 days of storage, its TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) value was higher than uncastrated jerky (p<0.01). These results suggest that castration contributed to higher fat content and lipid oxidation of semi-dried venison jerky than the uncastrated, without any significant effects on texture and sensory attributes. However, proper packaging should be considered to inhibit lipid oxidation.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic and phenotypic parameters of litter size and birth weight traits in three Korean black goat lines (Dangjin, Jangsoo and Tongyung) raised at the Animal Genetic Resources Station (AGRS) of the National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS). A total of 1,861 records collected from 2001 to 2013 were used for analyses with single trait animal models. The average litter size of Dangjin line was the largest (1.72 kids) and the average birth weight of Jangsoo line was the heaviest (1.88 kg) among the three lines. Heritability estimates of litter size and birth weight were 0.07 and 0.26, respectively. The average breeding value of litter size and that of birth weight of Jangsoo line were the greatest of all three lines, 0.15 heads and 1.88 kg, respectively. The correlation coefficients between phenotypic values and breeding values of litter size in the lines of Dangjin, Jangsoo and Tongyung were 0.054, -0.031 and 0.131, respectively. The correlation coefficients between phenotypic values and breeding values of birth weight in the lines of Dangjin, Jangsoo and Tongyung were 0.570, 0.454 and 0.521, respectively. The phenotypic correlation and breeding value correlation between litter size and birth weight were 0.031 and 0.003 in Dangjin line, -0.038 and 0.094 in Jangsoo line, and 0.109 and 0.121 in Tongyung line, respectively. These data suggest that the genetic parameters estimated for litter size and birth weight in this study could be used to improve genetic potentials of Korean black goats in industrial level
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 염소의 개체식별에 있어서 효율적인 microsatellite (MS) marker set를 확립하는데 있다. 염소 10집단 455두를 대상으로 국제식량농업기구(FAO) 권고 및 미국 국립생물정보센터(NCBI)에서 수집한 30개 MS 마커에 대한 유전정보량을 확인한 후 대립유전자형 크기, 형광표지 종류, PCR 조건 등 을 고려하여 7개의 MS 마커(SRCRSP1, SRCRSP8, OarFCB048, OarFCB193, BOBT24, INRA063, DRBP1)를 선정하였다. 또한 분석 효율성을 극대화하기 위해 7개 마커에 대해서 multiplex PCR 기법을 적용하였다. 분석된 7개 MS 좌위에서 총 80개의 대립유전자형이 관찰되었고, 기대이형접합도(HExp) 및 다형정보지수(PIC)의 평균치는 0.710 및 0.674로 산출되었다. 7개 좌위의 다형성을 기반으로 무작위 교배집단, 반형매 교배집단 그리고 전형매 교배집단으로 가정하였을 때의 동일개체 출현확률은 각각 2.42×10-11, 1.70×10-8 및 2.22×10-4으로 산출되었다. 이상의 결과는 국내에서 사육되고 있는 염소의 개체수를 고려할 경우 동일개체 출현 가능성이 없는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 본 연구에 의해서 구축된 염소 개체식별 마커 세트 및 분석방법은 우리나라 염소의 개량 및 안전유통에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 육성기 흑염소에 있어서 조사료원이 볏짚 위 주일 때, 농후사료 급여 수준이 발육, 사료이용성 및 경제 성에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 실시하였다. 육성기 암 컷 흑염소 40두를 공시하여 농후사료 급여수준을 체중의 1.5% (T1), 1.8% (T2), 2.1% (T3) 및 자유채식구(T4)로 나누 어 급여 하였고 조사료원은 볏짚을 자유채식 하도록 하였 다. 그 결과, 일당 증체량은 T1 (1.5%), T2 (1.8%), T3 (2.1%) 및 T4(자유채식)구가 각각 50.23, 60.37, 71.46 및 98.90 g으로 농후사료의 급여 수준이 높아질수록 유의하게 높았으며(p<0.05), 조사료인 볏짚의 사료 섭취량은 농후사 료 급여수준이 증가 할수록 유의적으로 감소하는 결과를 보였다(p<0.05). 경제성 분석에 있어서 육성기 흑염소 경영 비는 농후사료를 1.5%, 1.8%, 2.1% 및 자유 채식하였을 때 각각 46,704원, 49,998원, 54,701원 및 74,613원으로 농후사 료의 급여수준이 증가할수록 경영비는 증가하였다. 이는 증체량에 있어서 T4(자유채식)구가 가장 많이 증가하였지 만 T3 (2.1%)구보다 사료비에 있어서 두당 19,912원 더 많 이 들었다. 이상의 시험 결과를 종합하여 고려할 때, 육성 기 흑염소에 있어서 조사료 원이 볏짚 단용일 경우에는 농 후사료를 2.1% 수준으로 급여하는 것이 가장 바람직할 것 으로 사료 된다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        돼지의 육질과 관련하여 지방침착의 중요도가 높아짐에 따라 지방대사 또는 지방축적과 관련한 후보유전자 발굴 을 위해 등지방 조직 유래의 cDNA microarray를 이용하여 품종별 지방함량관련 조직의 유전자 발현 양상을 분석하 였다. 그 결과 재래돼지의 등지방 조직에서 SCD (stearoyl-CoA desaturase)와 ELOVL6 (elongation of very long chain fatty acid 6)가 높은 발현을 보였고, 간에서 FMO1 (hepatic flavin-containing mono oxygenase)이 높은 발현을 보였으며, 요크셔는 간에서 FGG (fibrinogen gamma polypeptide)와 C3d (com- plement component c3d), 등지방에서 COL3A1 (type Ⅲ collagen alpha 1)이 높은 발현을 보이는 것을 확인하였다. Real-time PCR을 통해 microarray data의 validation과 품종간 유전자 발현량을 비교하여, 위의 유전자들 중 지방함량에 따른 차등발현 유전자로 SCD, ELOVL6 그리고 FGG를 선정하였다. 선정된 유전자 SCD, ELOVL6, FGG는 지방대사에 관여하며 근내지방 함량에도 영향을 미쳐 향후 육질개선에 유용한 후보유전자로 서 활용가능성을 제시하였다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Preservation, distribution and share of regional genetic resources are one of the hot topics of international debates. Korean government under National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS) supervision made a law that initiated national management system of livestock genetic resources in agriculture and fishery (July, 2012). NIAS preserve domestic livestock genetic sources of Chikso (Korean brindle cattle), Heugu (Korea black cattle), native pig and native chicken under the strategies of multiple place guardians to keep these minor animals from getting extinct through various reasons. A total of around 3,300 animals are under protection currently. Around 70,000 germ cells of Chikso, Heugu, native goat, etc, are stored by cryopreservation method. Moreover,around 30,000 samples of whole blood and DNA are stored in deep freezers. NIAS also constructed Animal Genetic Resource Information Management System (AGRIMS) and stored information including the phenotypes and genotypes of livestock genetic resources. We also have built companionships with nine provincial livestock institutes and two universities regarding rare livestock animal management since 2008. These companion organizations have around 16,000 animals of 11 breeds in their custody. Internationally, we keep on registering these breeds on FAO and Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS) database systems. Recently we updated registration of 24 breeds of six species such as Chikso, Chookjin Chamdon, Ginkkoridak, Jindo, etc.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to development paternal selection indices for improvement of meat production ability in Korean Native Pigs which were raised at the swine farm. Records on 1,053 Korean native pigs for average daily gain (ADG), age at 70 kg (D70 kg) and backfat thickness (BF) made between 2001 and 2010 in herds on National Institutes of Animal Science in Korea were used to estimate genetic parameters. The data was analyzed by the MTDF-REML (Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood) program of Boldman using a multi-trait animal model. The results to estimatethe genetic parameters were as follows. Heritabilities were 0.26, 0.09, and 0.29 for ADG, D70 kg and BF, respectively. The phenotypic correlations of ADG with D70 kg and BF were -0.89 and 0.15. The phenotypic correlation of D70 kg with BF was -0.16. The genetic correlations of ADG with D70 kg and BF were -0.28, 0.93, respectively. The genetic correlation of D70 kg with BF was -0.34. Selection indices were calculated as follows using genetic parameters and economic values estimated in this study. I1=100+9.72(ADG–)–1.33(BF–), I2=100–0.14(D70 kg–)–1.16(BF–), where ADG is individual average daily gain, is average daily gain of contemporary group, BF is individual backfat thickness, is backfat thickness of contemporary group, D70 kg is individual days to 70 kg and is days to 70 kg of contemporary group
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to find out candidate genes associated with litter size trait in pigs of inbred Large Yorkshire and Landrace populations. 86 sows were screened for candidate genotypes along with litter size data recordings. Association of litter size with genotypes of candidate genes were investigated to verify the usefulness of each gene's genotypes as markers for the trait. For the lines of Large Yorkshire, PRLR3 and RBP4 genes were genotyped. Frequency distribution of PRLR3 with genotypes AA, AB and BB were each 0.14, 0.44 and 0.42. And the average litter size by PRLR3 genotypes were 8.83, 10.81 and 10.70 piglets per litter, the average estimated breeding values of which were 0.243, 0.332, 0.365, respectively for AA, AB and BB genotypes. Genotypic frequencies of RBP4 by AA, AB and BB genotypes were 0.10, 0.44 and 0.46. The average litter size by genotypes of RBP4 were 10.40, 10.57 and 10.35 piglets per litter and their corresponding average estimated breeding values were 0.451, 0.353 and 0.261, respectively for genotypes AA, AB and BB. Significance in differences among genotypes were not observed, but B allele of RBP4 seems to be associated with litter size. In Landrace lines, frequencies of RBP4 genotypes, AA, AB and BB were 0.29, 0.55 and 0.16. And the average litter size of these genotypes were 10.50, 11.08 and 11.00 piglets per litter. The corresponding averages of estimated breeding values of each genotypes were 0.172, 0.135 and 0.104. In Landrace lines, allele A was more likely to be associated with litter size, even if differences among average litter size were not significant. We conclude that genotyping of two candidate genes is a helpful tool to identify genetic potentials of litter size in pigs.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine the effect of semen extenders on the motility, viability and fertility in vitro of spermatozoa during storage of fresh boar semen diluted in different commercial extenders used for pig artificial insemination (AI). In this experiment, semen were diluted in Androhep plus, Beltsville Thawing Solution (BTS), Modena, Seminark and Vitasem LD. Five ejaculates were collected from three Duroc boars and sub-samples were diluted (30×106 spermatozoa/ml) in different extenders. Semen was stored at 17℃ for 10 days. Sperm motility and viability was assessed using Computer-Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA) and flow-cytometry on 1, 3, 5 and 10 day post collection. The motility of spermatozoa stored in different extenders was gradually decreased by increasing the duration of storage of semen. However, there was not significantly different in the sperm motility and viability among other extenders. On the other hand, the in vitro-matured oocytes were fertilized and cultured in vitro to assess the fertility of boar spermatozoa stored for 3 and 10 days in different extenders. The percentage of morula and blastocyst were taken as indicators of fertility in vitro of spermatozoa. Therefore, there were no differences in the rate of embryos developed to the molular and blastocyst stage. There were no differences in the motility and fertility in vitro among 5 kinds of commercial boar semen extenders.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The relationship of several candidate genes polymorphisms with breeding values of economic traits were investigated in Korean Native Pigs. Record (2001-2006) of 546 Korean native pigs were obtained from National Institute of Animal Science, Korea having data on average daily gain (ADG), age at 70 kg (D70 kg) and backfat thickness (BF). The data's obtained were analyzed by the DF-REML (Derivative-Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood) program of Boldman using a single-trait animal model to analyse the genetic parameters. The analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) was conducted on 68 Korean native pigs (KNP) using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). Different genotype frequencies of 5 candidate genes such as MC4R, PRKAG3, FABP3, ESR and PRLR3 were observed in KNP. Significant relationship of AA and AB genotype between MC4R polymorphic site and breeding value for average daily gain (ADG, p<0.05) was observed. PRKAG3 polymorphic sites were also found to be significantly related to breeding values for ADG, AA, AB genotype (p<0.05) and also, for Backfat thickness (BF), days to 70 kg and BB genotype (p<0.05). In conclusion, selection method would be more effective if it encompasses significant genotype for performance traits and that would further aid in the selection of seed stock in KNP.
        2009.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Prostaglandin () can facilitate release of epinephrine from the adrenal gland. The objective was to extend these findings and determine the effects of on sexual activity and semen collection training in sexually inexperienced boars. Boars (n=32; days of age) were moved individually once weekly to a semen collection room equipped with an artificial sow. Before entering the semen collection room, boar received i.m. treatments of at doses of 5 (n=8), 10 (n=8), or 20 (n=8), and control boar (n=8) were not treated. Reaction time (elapsed time after entering collection pen until the start of mounting) for boars receiving 5mg (), 10mg () was shorter (p<0.05) than for controls (). Duration of ejaculation (min) per session was longer (p<0.05) for (10 mg, 20 mg)-treated boars (, ), compared to control (). The number of training session per boars was less (p=0.056) for 10mg-treated boars (), compared to control (). Semen characteristic such as volume, concentration, the number of total ejaculated sperm, were similar for -treated and controls. There was no apparent difference on sperm movement characteristics (Mot: motility, VCL : curve linear velocity, VSL : straight line velocity, VAP : average path velocity, LIN : linearity) after semen preservation by collected with or without treatment. In summary, administration of in boars increased the sexual activity and facilitated the training boars to mount an artificial sow for semen collection, but did not affect semen characteristic.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to provide information of genetic variants for Haptoglobin (Hp) gene, which may be related to weight traits in pig, a total of 235 animals from National Institute of Animal Science (NIAS) were screened with 3 primers. The primer sequences were selected using the porcine cDNA sequences based on NM_214000, and the exon boundaries were estimated. Genetic variants were observed using direct sequencing analysis, and there were 9 SNPs detected at nucleotide positions 503 (A/G), 509 (A/G), 709 (C/T), 734 (C/A), 742 (G/A), 769 (A/G), 840 (C/T), 876 (C/T) and 882 (C/A). All the SNPs were located in coding regions, and mutations caused amino acid changes at nucleotide positions 503, 509, 734, 742 and 769. Allele frequencies of SNPs were estimated for all segments. The SNPs at nucleotide position 509 (p<0.0001) and 734 (p<0.05) were significantly associated with average daily gain, but no significance was observed with other SNPs. From the results, the identified SNPs may be a useful candidate marker for the porcine weight gain traits.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        DNA methylation is one of the reasons for poor survival of clone animals. The OCT-4 gene is essential for maintaining pluripotency of embryonic stem (ES) cells and early embryos. We previously reported that the 5'-promoter region of Oct-4 gene was a target of DNA methylation and the methylation status was changed variously during embryonic development in bovine. The study conducted to examine the expression and methylation pattern of tissue-dependent differentially methylated region (T-DMR) of Oct-4 gene in bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) blastocysts. The Oct-4 gene expression was evaluated by RT-PCR and fluorescence immunocytochemistry. The methylation pattern of T-DMR was analyzed using restriction mapping and bisulfite sequencing methods. The Oct-4 transcripts were highly expressed in IVF, while they were not expressed in SCNT. The Oct-4 protein was not detected or expressed at very low level in SCNT, the intensity of Oct-4 protein, however, was strong in IVF. On the other hand, the T-DMR of Oct-4 gene was hypermethylated in SCNT compared to that of IVF. These results suggested that expression and the failure of demethylation of Oct-4 gene was closely associated with incomplete development of SCNT embryos.
        2008.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 체세포 복제 한우 송아지의 생산에서 생시체중과 생존성과의 관계에 대하여 살펴보고자 실시하였다. 293두의 한우 대리모에 580개의 복제란을 이식하였다. 복제란의 임신율은 이식 후 50일까지 72.3%로 높았으나, 이후 급격하게 감소하였다. 평균 임신 기간은 복제 송아지에서 287일(279~295일)이었으며, 인공수정 송아지도 287일(255~293일)로 각각 나타났다. 복제 송아지의 생시체중(30.3kg)은 인공수정 송아지(23.7kg)에 비하여 유의하게 높은 것으로 나타났다(p<0.05). 자연분만(n=17, 29.9kg)과 제왕절개(n=14, 32.3kg)로 태어난 복제 송아지의 생시체중은 차이가 없었다. 하지만, 생후 175일 이전에 사망한 복제 송아지(n=18, 32.8kg)의 생시체중이 175일 이상 생존한 복제 송아지(n=11, 28.3kg)보다 유의적으로 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 흥미로운 점은 생시체중이 15kg 이하(n=5) 또는 35kg 이상(n=9)인 복제 송아지들은 모두 생후 175일 이전에 폐사하였다. 생후 175일 이전에 폐사한 복제 송아지들(n=20)의 사망 원인은 미성숙 개체 2두(10.0%), 폐와 간 이상 2두(10.0%), 폐의 원인 4두(20.0%), 기형 4두(20.0%), 출생 후 급사(sudden death syndrome) 4두(20.0%) 및 기타 원인불명이 4두(20.0%) 등으로 분류되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여보면, 복제 송아지의 정상 생시체중이 6개월 이상을 생존하는데 가장 중요한 요소들 중의 한 가지임을 확인하였다.
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