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        검색결과 32

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The coda /s/ is the most extensively studied phonological segment in Hispanic dialectology and sociolinguistics. However, the coda /s/ in Peruvian Andean Spanish has received relatively little attention. This study examines the variation in syllables and word-final /s/ in the city of Cusco, Peru. The statistical analysis of 2400 tokens from 24 sociolinguistic interviews reveals that the Spanish of Cusco is located within the conservative dialects with the predominant use of the sibilant [s] and that coda /s/ weakening is conditioned by linguistic factors, such as word position and the following phonological context. Additionally, younger speakers and those who have higher levels of education weaken codal /s/ more frequently than older generations and speakers with lower levels of education.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article examines the variations found in the use of ‘eung’ and ‘eo’ in TV dramas and their scripts. Five series of TV drama televised during the 2010s were used as the data for this study, and 3,202 tokens of {eung} and {eo} were collected from the data. Statistical analyses were conducted using Goldvarb X and LVS (Language Variation Suite). Nine variants of {eung} and six variants of {eo} were observed in the data. Regression analyses showed that ‘discourse function’ of {eung} and {eo} was the primary constraint influencing the variation examined. Age was analyzed as another statistically significant factor: Older people used {eung} variants more often than younger people. This result may be taken to indicate either age grading or linguistic change in progress; further research based on careful methodology is in order for its accurate interpretation.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine how the Japanese word, ‘omakase’, is used in Korean newspaper articles and analyze its inflow and settlement in the sociolinguistic background. The word, ‘Omakase’, is frequently used in newspaper articles in the areas of culture, economy, international, and local. It is commonly used in the area of food and beverage, and in some cases, it extends to other areas, such as the economy. The cases of uses in the existing category are sushi omakase, sashimi omakase, and Japanese food omakase. The cases of extensive uses in the food and beverage category are Korean beef omakase, native chicken omakase, seafood omakase, homemade meal omakase, and lamb chops omakase. Examples of use in other categories or creating hybrid w ords include o makase e conomy, omakase n ail, imokase, and Haenyeo-kase. The use of omakase in newspaper articles has gradually increased since 2002, and it has been increasing dramatically since 2013. The reason of its extensive use is considered the influence of various social backgrounds, for instance, the opening of Japanese pop culture or the entryof Japanese franchises into Korea.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the usage of address terms for professors by undergraduate and graduate students by the sociolinguistic methodology. To this end, this paper applied an integrated approach that combines quantitative analysis based on the response results of multiple-choice questions in the survey and qualitative interpretation based on the response results of subjective questions in both the survey and the in-depth interview. First, through quantitative analysis of the variation in the use of address terms, it was confirmed that “professor” occupies an overwhelming proportion and that the academic field of the speaker is the most important factor. The higher the intimacy with professors, the more “teacher” was used. Next, through the qualitative interpretation of the reason and meaning of using their choice of address terms, the most basic and superficial reason was to follow the experiences and customs in the affiliated community. The use of “professor” had some reasons or meanings such as meeting courtesy and expectations, highlighting privileged status, and equal respect for all the faculty members, whereas “teacher” was used as an expression of intimacy.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is a follow-up of Lee (2018) providing a quantitative variationist analysis on the variation of English loanword expressions for ‘smartphone application’ in Korean: ayp, ephul, ayphullikheyisyen, and ephullikheyisyen. Two different data sets including search term frequency ratio from Naver Data Lab and sociolinguistic survey responses from 335 participants regarding the usage of the four loanword variants were examined to identify the usage pattern of the lexical variable. Both search term frequency data and survey responses confirmed that the usage of clipped variants, ayp and ephul, were clearly preferred to their full-formed variants. Logistic regression analyses on the survey data reported that survey takers with higher educational background and more experience in English speaking countries favored using ayp and ayphullikheyisyen. This study argues that Korean speakers with higher education background and more exposure to English favored ay- variants because they considered those variants as more appropriately generated loanwords than evariants.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines the variation of the intervocalic /b, d, g/ in the Spanish spoken in one of the Andean Spanish varieties. One of the regional phonological features that characterize the Andean Spanish is the use of occlusive [b, d, g] in intervocalic positions where other standard varieties would favor approximate variants [ß, ð, ɣ]. This research provides the first quantitative study on the linguistic and extra-linguistic factors influencing the use of [b, d, g] in Andean Spanish. A total of 4,080 tokens from 24 speakers in the Tupe district were analyzed via multivariate statistical analysis with Goldvarb X. The results show that the most important extra-linguistic factors are speakers’ gender and age, with old female speakers producing significantly more occlusive [b, d, g] than other speakers. The results also indicate that the speakers are standardizing their use of /b, d, g/ but its process is quite different between the male and female speakers.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the term ‘agassi’ by analyzing the pattern of actual language use of it in the aspect of sociolinguistic perspective. Through this work, it will be possible to figure out the change of meaning of the ‘agassi’, and the causes of conflict situations of using it in modern society. In chapter 2, the difference between ‘agassi’ as an address term and as a reference term is represented. Chapter 3 shows the chronicle change in the use of ‘agassi’ being originated from its etymology, ‘agissi’. It turns out that the use of ‘agassi’ has evolved for in the order of Honorific form, kinship and Non-Honorific form. Chapter 4 investigates the tendency and its cause of the negative interpretation of ‘agassi’ in modern society. The reason why the address term ‘agassi’ causes social displeasure is because it is regarded as ‘sexual objectification’. It can be subdivided into three categories: ‘agassi’ is (1) the expression that emphasis sex in social life, (2) associated with specific occupational groups which is socially unacceptable, and (3) used often in the situation of sexual harassment.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the research on “media language” published in ≪Social Linguistics≫ from the first issue to Volume 27(4) in the viewpoint of research history. First, the media's language was divided into ‘newspaper language’, ‘broadcasting language’ and ‘communication language’ and the published papers were classified by period. Then each paper's achievements were analyzed over time. After analyzing detailed research topics and approaches for each media language and their main flow, individual papers' contents were reviewed. According to analysis results, the communication language research was most actively carried out during the same period. In the media language studies, he discussions were largely concerned with discourse analysis. discourse analysis. The communication language has also changed its aspect according to the change of the hardware and platform on which the communication is based. Media language research so far has focused on individual characteristics according to the unique properties of each medium. However recently, as 3 media such as newspapers, broadcasting and the Internet have been integrated into one, the media language research needs to be discussed from the viewpoint of “language integration.”
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Terms of address and honorifics have been dealt with importantly in the sociolinguistic studies in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to examine the results of sociolinguistic research focusing on the Korean address forms. We look at the main flows and characteristics of the studies, and then review the representative research dividing them into several subtypes. Based on these discussions, we present the direction for the sociolinguistic study of address forms. The sociolinguistic study of address forms in Korea has been in full swing since the 1990s. Recently, there have been increasing attempts to study the use of address form independently from honorifics, and the social awareness of the importance of address forms in Korean use has increased. While early sociolinguistic studies of address forms focused on family titles, there have been many studies on status titles, address forms in internet space, and comparisons between Korean and other languages’ address forms. By studying the address forms from a sociolinguistic point of view and method, we could achieve the qualitative development more clearly than the previous studies that were carried out by identifying and structuring the list of titles. This article reveals the various usages of titles in the social context, and grasp the speaker's intentions, strategies, and conflicts related to the use of them. However, there have been some issues that need to be paid attention to or resolved in future research.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper's main purpose is to review research articles on language education with sociolinguistic approach, which have been published in The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea since 1993. It synthesizes the current trends of language education research with the approach that paves the way for future academic sociolinguistic accomplishments. The journal's research studies of language education have mostly focused on Korean and English education along with a handful of other languages. Approximately 150 research studies are categorized and reviewed with emphasis on themes, goals, and their pedagogical implications. As this review is primarily of the articles published in The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, the conclusion suggests that a number of scholars have consistently and persistently conducted meaningful research on language education over the past several decades with a variety of research questions, yielding significant academic achievements. This paper is limited in that it does not represent the whole of research trends of language education studies with sociolinguistic approaches in Korea. However, this synthetical review does provide a general perspective of the overall flow of language education studies from a sociolinguistic perspective.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to categorize research achievements about language contact based on the papers in the Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea for the last thirty years into five sections, which include bilingualism and diglossia, pidgin and creole, various decision making under language contact situations, loan-words, and dialect contact. This study concludes by offering further research questions that need to be answered in the field of language contact. Early years of sociolinguistics has remained at a level of introducing language contact problems of Europe and Africa, Pacific and Atlantic equator region to the domestic academic circles. However, these achievements have turned out to be the foundation of research related to overseas Koreans bilingualism problem and various domestic language contact problems between Korean and foreign language. Until now, Korean sociolinguistics has mostly handled problems of bilingualism. However, since the early 21st century, the population of international marriage immigrants and foreign laborers has increased at a rapid rate, generating various language contact phenomena. Furthermore, with a recent globalization wave, many foreign languages are more widely used in Korea. In such a flow, it is evident that the Korean society will go through various language contact between Korean and foreign languages. Therefore, systematic and aggressive research on multi-culture family bilingualism, code-switching of Korean speakers, loan-words situation, and the problem of contact between standard language and dialect is needed in the Korean sociolinguistic field.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper focuses on the construction of authentic rapper identities among Korean rappers throughout the history of rap in Korea. The first part of this study describes the historical development of linguistic practices and available linguistic resources that were commonly exercised and exploited by Korean rappers over time, while the latter part demonstrates how those practices and resources become components constituting and constructing various rapper identities through Eckert's (2008) framework of “indexical field.” The exploration of the Korean rappers' linguistic practices reported that Korean rappers have developed a number of creative and innovative practices throughout the history of Korean rap and hip-hop. The second part revealed that Korean rappers' innovations and creative practices have become more and more complicated over time for more sophisticated rapper identity construction and projection.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the naming of coloanal treatment hospitals and clinics, examining their name types and the etymological origins of their names. The research data were collected from the Permanent Members Directory of the Korean Society of Coloproctology published in 2015. The major findings of the research are as follows: 1) The names of the hospitals and clinics were mostly composed of one or two component names. 2) Specialty treatment names and suggestive names were used much more often than location names, owners' names, and owners' college names, which were traditionally regularly used in the past. 3) Clipping transformations, letter transformations, and transformations to metaphoric/ambiguous expressions were often observed in the data in order not to violate the medical law which prohibits the use of body part names in the naming of hospitals and clinics. 4) Much more Chinese-Korean names were used than native Korean and foreign names. 5) Strong socioeconomic motivations are observed in the naming of coloanal treatment hospitals and clinics.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the sociolinguistics of the abusive language used by NAVER news commentators. The results are as follows. First, it can be seen that there are many comments on political articles, and criticizing the government's policies or accusing the former and present presidents. Those who wrote those comments were usually in their forties, and the commentators who add profane comments were in their fifties. Moreover, the percentage of males who comment using profanity is quite high. In the case of commentaries on political articles, the ratio of male authorship was overwhelmingly high, however, in the case of social/cultural articles, the proportion of women who wrote commentaries was higher. The most frequent type of profanity was of the “mental deficiency type”, followed by the “sexual phenotype.” People commenting on news articles used abusive words, but they change their forms in various ways, this tactic is derived from the response to blocking profanity. Second, according to the analysis of the survey results, the respondents stated that they occasionally wrote comments on internet news but did not use profanity in the internet space. The most common reason for using profanity on the internet was “habitual”, followed by “trying to relieve stress”. The reaction to such profanity was intensive and ambivalent at the same time. The reason for using profanity was mainly attributed to positive and insensitive reactions. However, the result of a regarding how to cope with the abusive use language in internet comments showed that the respondents should mostly refrain from using it or should not use it. Also, the respondents thought that it was necessary for the manager to adopt measures to change the forced conversation on the internet site. Due to the high rate of responses to “striking out”, “strong regulation”, and “abusive deletion programs” in an effort to prevent the abusive language use in the internet space, the respondents generally did not seem to have any objection to these regulations.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates how sociolinguistic factors such as gender and language proficiency affect speech rhythm by examining the spoken data of 40 Korean learners of English. Prosodic rhythm, which has been perceived to differentiate various regional varieties of English from General American English, is applied to L2 speech. By using the Normalized Vocalic Pairwise Variability Index (nPVI-V; Low, Grabe & Nolan 2000), L2 speech rhythm is quantified and results indicate that nPVI-V scores are higher for advanced learners of English (indicating more stress-timed speech) than for non-advanced speakers. The effect of gender on rhythm metrics is also tested. Results show that L2 male speakers are more likely to be syllable-timed, whereas L2 female speakers more stress-timed. This may reflect an aspect of gender paradox: women are more apt to adopt the new language than men. Overall, the results of the present study disclose how sociolinguistic factors such as gender and language proficiency interact with rhythm metrics in L2 speech.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses ways to understand and cope with the issues of holism, generalizability, and representativity in qualitative research. More specifically, the article argues that critical sociolinguistic ethnography can serve as a useful methodological tool to uncover complicated processes and consequences of linguistic practice in social life in an increasingly globalized world. Drawing on Heller’s (2011) framework of critical sociolinguistic ethnography, the analysis underscores how critical sociolinguistics focuses on the analysis of the processes by which social actors access and mobilize valuable linguistic resources across time and space. The paper illustrates the situated research processes of doing critical sociolinguistic ethnography through two research projects on South Korean transnational English learners conducted by the authors. The article concludes with a discussion of how critical sociolinguistic ethnography may contribute to broadening research agenda in sociolinguistics in the era of globalization.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jeon, Hye-Young & Oh, Seon-Hye. 2017. “A Sociolinguistic Perspective on the Language of Journalism”. The sociolinguistics Jouranl of Korea 25(3). 231~258. This research aims to collect the social dialects used in the press society, to describe its meaning, and to analyze the morphemes of lexical forms and phrases. As a result of this work, we can document unrecorded lexical forms and phrases from a linguistic point of view, and answer the question on characteristics of journalism language. Most prior research on social disalects focused on the language of hierarchies, generations and races. However further research should be conducted on lexical forms and phrases per the occupation. We collected data by conducting personal interviews from November 2016 to March 2017. We had one hours interviews with 10 respondents who were working as reporters at Chosun Biz, Joongang Ilbo, Hankook Ilbo, JTBC, MBC, and Yonhap News. The collected variants were divided into three categories according to the usage method and described lexical meaning. Then, later we found lexical and pragmatic peculiarities of a social dialect such as abbreviations, loan words, compounds, duplicity, metaphoric expression and high context. This information will likely impact linguistics and journalism. It will be possible to purify Korean language and to unify the meanings of commonly used terms.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kang, Hyeon-Seok. 2016. “Current Research Trends in Overseas Sociolinguistics: An Analysis Based on Recent Sociolinguistic Journal Articles and Conferences”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 1~35. This paper is an attempt to analyze the current trends in sociolinguistic research overseas, focusing on sociolinguistic studies in the US and Britain. Three main analyses are performed in this research, i.e., analyses of the Journal of Sociolinguistics articles published in 2010~2015 years, of the sociolinguistic conferences held in 2015, and of the sociolinguistic session titles of the LSA meetings held in 2010~2015 years. The results of the analyses suggest that anthropological linguistics, language variation, discourse analysis, and language contact still remain as the most influential subfields of sociolinguistics, while research fields of sociophonetics, social media studies, language landscape, and documentary linguistics have been establishing themselves as new research areas since 1990s.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cho Yong‐joon・Ha Ji‐hee. 2016. “On the sociolinguistic variation of Korean mirative markers ‘‐kuna’, ‘‐ney’ and ‘‐ta’”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(1). 241~269. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the sociolingustic variation of Korean mirative markers ‐kwuna, -ney and ‐ta, through an experimental method. A 7‐point Likert scale task was adopted for this purpose. The participant’s age was the significant social factor of the observed linguistic variation, but gender does not play any significant role. Particularly, the elderly generation prefers ‐kwuna for a mirative marker, but this tendency declines for young generation. ‐ta seldom functions as a mirative marker for elderly generation, but it gets an independent status as the mirative marker for young generation. The negative semantico‐pragmatic properties of ‐kwuna affects this change.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Park Eun-hee & Yang Jin-suk. 2015. “A Sociolinguistic Analysis of a Commercial District in Seoul: A Linguistic Landscape Approach”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(2). 37~63. This paper investigates current sociolinguistic status of English and Korean by analyzing public signs at a shopping-centered district in Seoul, Korea. It is grounded on the idea that looking into a linguistic landscape (LL) of shopping districts in Seoul can address differential social values and meanings upon which the languages hinge in contemporary Korean society. For this study, a total of 140 public signs were analyzed according to language choice, linguistic features of English signs, and the relationship between language choice and commercial domain. The results indicate that 1) English signs outnumbered those of Korean, Chinese, and French, 2) English signs were mainly produced through juxtaposition, meaning that English (or Anglicized) words were displayed in parallel, and 3) while youth-populated domains such as coffee shops and cosmetic stores mobilized English to index a sense of modernity, language choice diverged in the food industry diverged depending on the types of food. This study shows how public signs on the street can be a useful analytical tool to investigate contemporary language ideologies in the society. (174)
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