
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식품첨가물로 사용되는 알긴산나트륨은 알긴산염류로서 안정제, 증점제, 유화제 등의 기능을 한다. 알긴산나트륨의 정량법은 전처리가 복잡하고 분석시간이 많이 소요되어 상대적으로 간편하고 보편적인 분석법 연구가 요구되고 있 다. 분석장비로는 HPLC-UVD 및 Unison US-Phenyl 컬럼을 사용하였으며, 전처리 조건으로 진탕기를 이용하여 실온에서 150 rpm으로 180분간 추출하였다. 알긴산나트륨의 표준 용액을 5개 농도 범위에서 검량선을 작성한 결과 직선성(R2)은 평균 0.9999로 측정되었으며 검출한계(LOD) 및 정량한계(LOQ)는 각각 3.96 mg/kg, 12.0 mg/kg이었다. 또한, 천사채를 이용해 얻은 일내 및 일간 평균 회수율과 정밀도는 각각 98.47-103.74%, 1.69-3.08 RSD%이고, 빙과류에 대한 일 내 및 일간 평균 회수율과 정밀도는 각각 99.95-105.76%, 0.59-3.63 RSD%이다. 상대불확도%는 CODEX의 기준에 적합한 1.5-7.9%의 결과를 나타냈다. 본 연구에서 확립한 방법의 적용성 검토를 위해 총 103개 품목에 대한 알긴산나트륨의 함량을 정량한 결과 당면, 유탕면, 당류가공품 유형 순으로 높은 검출율을 보였다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sparassis latifolia is a fungus abundant in β-glucan and amino acids and is highly valued as a medicinal mushroom. Among amino acids, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a free amino acid and has biological effects, such as increase/decrease of hypertension, improvement of cerebral blood flow, and prevention of dementia. In this study, biological elicitors were used to increase bioactive substances as a biofortification method. Sodium alginate extracted from seaweed (Sargassum horneri, Sargassum fulvellum, Sargassum fusiforme) were used as the elicitor. The levels of β-glucan and GABA in the mycelium and fruiting body grown by adding the elicitor to the medium were investigated. Addition of sodium alginate positively affected GABA production and negatively affected the β-glucan production in these fungi. Sodium alginates extracted from S. fulvellum induced the highest increase in GABA in the mycelium and fruiting bodies. Moreover, we investigated the effects of the extracts from mycelium and fruiting bodies on dendrite development in primary cortical neurons. We found that the extract from the fruiting bodies of sodium alginate treated fungi with increased levels of GABA inhibited the dendrite outgrowth of excitatory neurons, but not inhibitory neurons.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Resveratrol was incorporated into various combinations of single- and double-layer nanoemulsions, prepared by selfassembly emulsification and complex coacervation with chitosan, alginate, and β-cyclodextrin, respectively. Resveratrol nanoemulsions were composed of medium-chain trigacylglycerols (MCTs), Tween ® 80, water, chitosan, alginate, and β-cyclodextrin. The corresponding mixtures were formulated for the purpose of being used as a nutraceutical delivery system. Resveratrol nanoemulsions were obtained with particle sizes of 10-800 nm, with the size variation dependent on the emulsification parameters including the ratio of aqueous phase and surfactant ratio. Resveratrol nanoemulsions were characterized by evaluating particle size, zeta-potential value, stability, and release rate. There were no significant changes in particle size and zeta-potential value of resveratrol nanoemulsions during storage for 28 days at 25°C. The stability of resveratrol in the double-layer nanoemulsions complexed with chitosan or β-cyclodextrin was higher, compared with the single-layer nanoemulsions.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alginate lyase from Streptomyces violaceoruber was purified by DEAE sephacel chromatography and SP sepharose chromatography. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 14.6 units/mg protein, representing a 40.6-fold purification of the crude extract. The final preparation thus obtained showed a single band on Tricine-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis whose molecular weight was determined to be 23.3 kDa. The polyMG block of sodium alginate was hydrolyzed by the purified alginate lyase and then separated by activated carbon column chromatography and bio gel P-2 gel filtration. The main hydrolysates were composed of hetero type M/G-oligosaccharides with the degrees of polymerization (D.P.) being 6 and 8. To investigate the effects of hetero type M/Goligosaccharides from the sodium alginate on the growth of some intestinal bacteria, cells were cultivated individually on the modified-MRS medium containing D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides. B. longumgrew 4.25-fold and 6.44-fold more effectively by the treatment of D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides compared with those of standard MRS medium. In addition, B. bifidumgrew 3.3-fold and 5.4-fold more effectively by the treatment of D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides. In conclusion, D.P. 8 was more effective than D.P. 6 hetero M/G-oligosaccharides as regards the growth of Bifidobacteriumspp. and Lactobacillus spp
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alginate lyase from Streptomyces violaceoruber was purified by DEAE sephacel chromatography and SP sepharose chromatography. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 14.6 units/mg protein, representing a 40.6-fold purification of the crude extract. The final preparation thus obtained showed a single band on Tricine-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis whose molecular weight was determined to be 23.3 kDa. The polyMG block of sodium alginate was hydrolyzed by the purified alginate lyase and then separated by activated carbon column chromatography and bio gel P-2 gel filtration. The main hydrolysates were composed of hetero type M/G-oligosaccharides with the degrees of polymerization (D.P.) being 6 and 8. To investigate the effects of hetero type M/Goligosaccharides from the sodium alginate on the growth of some intestinal bacteria, cells were cultivated individually on the modified-MRS medium containing D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides. B. longumgrew 4.25-fold and 6.44-fold more effectively by the treatment of D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides compared with those of standard MRS medium. In addition, B. bifidumgrew 3.3-fold and 5.4-fold more effectively by the treatment of D.P. 6 and 8 M/G-oligosaccharides. In conclusion, D.P. 8 was more effective than D.P. 6 hetero M/G-oligosaccharides as regards the growth of Bifidobacteriumspp. and Lactobacillus spp. Key words: hetero M/G-oligosaccharides, Streptomyces violaceoruber
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Protein and polysaccharide are used as many food function including emulsifying and stabilizing agent. Some food emulsions are in low pH such as sorbet ice cream, soft drink, salad dressing etc. According to our previous study was found that fish gelatin (FG) and sodium alginate (AL) mixture provide the information to be a new food emulsifier including at low pH condition (pH 3.5). In addition the study of interfacial rheology has been interested to interpret the formation and stabilization of food emulsion. Then the objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between emulsifying characteristics and interfacial shear rheology of acidified emulsion which was stabilized by FG and AL mixture, compared with a commercial gum arabic (GA). The mixtures of FG and AL were separately prepared with phosphate-citrate buffer at pH 3.5 and 1 %w/v of total concentration. The ratio of FG:AL was 100:0, 80:20, 50:50, 80:20, and 0:100 by weight. They were mixed at 24±2 oC for 90 minutes and kept at the same temperature for 24 hours to reach equilibrium. The emulsion was prepared by adding 1.5 g of olive oil in 100 ml of mixture and homogenized by high speed homogenizer at 10,000 rpm for 10 min at 24±2 oC. The emulsion stabilized with 20:80 showed the best stability after 14 days. The result could be supported by low interfacial tension, high bulk viscosity, and electrostatic repulsion (minus value of electrophoretic mobility). For interfacial shear rheology (storage modulus, G' and loss modulus, G''), G' of 20:80 seem wider liner viscoelastic region which mean more resistance to fracture at interface. While the magnitude of G' and different value of G' and G'' were not difference. In addition, the interfacial shear viscosity of 20:80 also showed high resistance to flow at low shear rate (0.001 - 0.1 s-1). Keywords: Fish gelatin, Sodium alginate, Emulsion, Interfacial shear rheology
        2016.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        고염도 용액에서 sodium alginate 파울링을 가압식 전량여과 조건에서 관찰하였다. NaCl 및 CaCl2를 이용하여 이온 강도를 0.6 M로 제조한 용액에 sodium alginate를 2, 20 그리고 50 mg/L 투여한 후 공극크기 0.1 μm의 친수 성 PVDF 멤브레인을 통해 0.2 bar의 정압 조건에서 여과하였다. Na 혹은 Ca에 의한 이온강도가 높은 경우 파울링은 감소하였으나, Na와 Ca가 모두 존재하는 경우 여과 초기 파울링이 급격히 증가하는 경향을 나타내으며, 이온 강도가 높 은 경우 sodium alginate 농도에 따른 파울링속도에는 큰 차이가 없었다.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to evaluate effects of agar, sodium alginate and carrageenan on quality of Yugwa(Busuge) base. In the base preparation agar, sodium alginate and carrageenan were added 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0%(w/w), respectively. Volume, shape, hardness, color(L, a and b value), crude lipid content and sensory evaluation(taste and crispness) of the Yugwa base was measured. Volume of the base was higher than control in case of 0.1-0.5%(w/w) agar, sodium alginate and carrageenan, of which sodium alginate was the highest. Shapes were similar to control. Hardness and crude lipid content was decreased proportional to amount of addition of the three seesweed polysaccharides, the whiteness(L-value) was increased but the yellowness(a-value) and the redness(b-value) decreased. Taste and crispness were increased in the case of 0.1-1.0%(w/w) of sodium alginate, but agar and carrageenan decreased.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        갈조류 유래 alginate 성분은 간이식술에 있어서 cell microencapsulation시키는 matrix로써 임상적인 응용이 시도되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 alginate의 간세포에 대한 안전성을 평가하기 위하여, 간세포를 자극하는 NO, iNOS, TGF-β1, IL-1β의 분비 및 발현량을 측정하였으며, 실험 결과 모두 증가시켰다. Alginate가 간세포를 자극하여 이러한 요소들을 증가시키는 것은 간염 및 간섬유화 등의 간질환을 일으킬 수 있다는 가능성을 제시하고 있으며, 이러한 결과는 간에 적용하는 alginate를 사용시에는 안전성이 요구되는 농도 조절 및 alginate의 자극 효과를 억제할 수 있는 새로운 재료의 첨가 등에 대한 고려를 제시할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.