Pavements have historically been used for mobility, but their usage in cities is steadily increasing owing to social and cultural development. Urban development is rapidly accelerating, primarily because of the concentration of the urban population. Additionally, the effects of the urban heat island are intensifying owing to global warming. One of the main factors contributing to this phenomenon is the increase in impermeable layers, such as asphalt and concrete pavements, in city centers. Various technological developments have been conducted to reduce the effects of urban heat islands. This study developed a moisture-retaining asphalt that absorbs moisture by incorporating a highly super-absorbent polymer (SAP) into a porous asphalt mixture, with the aim of alleviating the urban-heat-island effect. The porous asphalt mixture was designed accordingly. When the mixing design was completed, tests for the tensile strength ratio (TSR), asphalt wheel tracking, and indoor water permeability were conducted on the porous asphalt. Moreover, Hamburg wheel tracking and dynamic water acupuncture tests were performed to evaluate the compatibility of SAP moisture-retaining asphalt, and the results were as follows: Depending on the type and content of SAP, we confirmed that the TSR and permeability coefficient decreased as the amount of SAP increased, resulting in a decrease in durability. In addition, thermal characteristics and simulations showed that the SAP asphalt mixture would have a heat island reduction effect. In this paper, guidelines for the blending design of SAP moisture-retaining asphalt are presented with the aim of alleviating the urban heat island phenomenon by ensuring durability while simultaneously reducing surface temperatures.
이 논문은 커트 엘링의 스캣에서 사용하는 변칙리듬에 대해 연구하였다. 연구 목적은 난이도가 높은 리듬의 스캣을 연주하고자 하는 보컬이나 편곡자, 프로듀서에게 변칙리듬을 사용하여 일반 적이고 평범한 리듬에서 벗어나 독창적인 리듬을 적용할 수 있도록 하는 것이었다. 연구 방법은 변칙리듬을 활용하여 스캣을 가창하는 상징적 뮤지션인 커트 엘링의 앨범 『Super Blue』를 선정 하였으며 스캣 리듬을 그루핑 구조의 관점으로 분석하여 제시하였다. 연구 결과 16분음표로 이루 어진 트리플렛 리듬은 3개의 음표 중 가운데를 제외시키고 첫 번째 음과 세 번째 음의 간격을 조절 하여 그루브를 표현하는 방법을 사용하였다. 엘링의 변칙리듬이 만들어지는 방법에 중요한 공통 점은 4분의 4박자에서 4분음표와 8분음표가 융합된 한박 반 길이의 그루핑 구조 패턴을 주로 사용 한다는 것이며, 이 한박 반 길이에서 각 곡에 맞는 다른 리듬의 구조를 표현하여 변칙리듬을 완성 하고 있다는 결과를 도출하였다.
본 연구는 한국의 고령화 현황과 노인의 욕구 및 노인문제를 파악해 국가의 역할과 노인복지의 방향을 제안하고 있다. 이를 위해 인구변화와 고령화 추세에 대한 통계청 데이터, 보건복지부, 국가인권위원회의 자료 를 활용해 비교분석했다. 그 결과 한국의 고령화는 OECD국가의 평균 고 령화 속도보다 2-3배가 빠르다. 또한 2070년에 노년부양비는 100.6%로 증가하고, 노령화 지수는 620%로 급격하게 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 이 러한 현상으로 나타나는 노인빈곤 문제는 적극적인 소득보장정책의 추진 과 고령 친화적 주거환경 조성을 통해 해결해야 한다. 또한 노인차별과 고령자 학대를 예방하기 위한 홍보 및 학대행위에 대한 처벌의 강화가 필요하며, 신체적 노화를 보완할 수 있는 노인건강관리 지원이 필요하다. 마지막으로 노인 1인 가구에 대한 노인의료-돌봄의 연계망을 구축해야 한다.
노후 구조물의 동적 특성 평가를 위해 대표적인 접촉식 센서인 LVDT와 가속도계를 활용한다. 전통 적인 센서의 데이터 신뢰성은 높지만, 작동 원리로 인하여 대상 구조물의 물리적 접근과 센서의 설치 가 필요하다. 조밀한 센서 설치를 위해선 많은 수의 센서와 데이터 수집장치도 추가적으로 필요하다. 이런 단점을 보완하고자 비접촉식 센서의 개발이 활발히 진행 중이며, 특히 비전센서를 활용한 동적 변위 측정에 관한 연구 및 개발에 많은 진척이 있다. 비전센서를 활용한 동적 변위 측정 시스템은 내 적 파라미터 및 외적 환경조건에 따라 측정 정확도가 크게 변화한다. 주된 내적 파라미터로 영상장비 의 공간분해능은 이미지 센서의 물리적 크리와 촬영거리의 증가 혹은 관심영역이 작아짐에 따라 영향 을 많이 받는다. 외적 환경조건으로 저조도 환경에서 타겟의 밝기차이가 줄어들어 이미지 프로세싱 과 정에서 불리한 조건이며, 이는 동적 변위 측정 정확도 저하로 이어진다. 본 연구에서 저조도 환경에서 비전센서의 운용거리 한계를 초해상화를 적용하여 극복하고자 하며, 인공적 및 자연적 타겟에 대한 동 적 변위 측정 성능을 비교 분석하였다. 동적 변위 측정 실내 실험을 위해 저조도 조건에서 3층 전단 구조물을 9Hz로 가진하였다. 동시에 Sony사의 DSC-100M7 카메라를 활용하여 조화진동으로 인해 발생되는 각층의 변위를 FHD화질 120FPS로 촬영하였고 측정 정확도 비교 분석을 각층의 LVDT 측 정값으로 진행하였다. 촬영거리를 10m를 기준으로 10m씩 증가하면서 최대 40m까지 변위 값을 측정 하였으며, 공간분해능 증가를 위해 GAN기반 초해상화 모델인 RealSR을 적용시켰다. 초해상화를 활용 하여 동적변위를 측정한 결과 저조도 환경에서도 비전센서의 운용 거리가 증가함을 확인할 수 있었으 며, 동시에 변위 측정 정확도도 함께 상승하는 것을 보여줬다.
To produce super sweet corn sikhye, substituted for sweetener, the ratio of rice and super sweet corn was adjusted and processed with complex enzymes during saccharification, and their physicochemical and sensory properties were analyzed. The soluble solid content of the control and Corn-5 showed significantly high content at 13.50 °Brix, and the reducing sugar content of Corn-5 showed the highest content at 9.45%. The control showed the lowest free sugar content among all the experimental groups, excluding maltose content. In the enzyme-treated corn sikhye group, as the amount of super sweet corn increased, the content of sucrose decreased and the contents of glucose and fructose increased. The content of ascorbic acid and polyphenol compounds increased as the amount of super sweet corn increased. DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities increased with increasing ratio of super sweet corn and enzyme treatment compared to the control. In the case of sensory evaluation, Corn-3, which substituted 30% of super sweet corn for rice and treated with enzymes, showed higher evaluations in taste, sweetness, and overall preference than those of the control.
How will machines affect humans, can humans be leading in machine problems, or can humans present new possibilities beyond human-machine confrontation? This study attempts to reflect on the relationship between the high-tech revolution and convergence by focusing on the 'care problem'. First of all, in order to proceed with this study, I would like to discuss how artificial intelligence robots based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution are revealing their effectiveness in caring problems. In the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence emotions, it is emphasized that the question of right and wrong as to whether the other person's emotions are properly understood is not important, and that more valid justification can be secured for humans and artificial intelligence robots to reconcile and establish a relationship through emotional exchange. If this is the case, rather than discussing whether artificial intelligence robots can interact with humans through empathy, it should be focused on the fact that caring patients who require physical and mental care through artificial intelligence robots can achieve quite effective treatment effects through artificial intelligence robots.
Energy storage for sustainable development and progress of power production industries is vitally important. The energy storage devices are under extensive research from last three decades to ensure the hand-on-hand coordination with power supply phenomenon and to reduce the energy loses in lines. The cost-effective materials are still highly demanding as an electrode material for energy storage devices. Biomass-derived carbon materials are best candidates due to their low cost, relatively high abundance, pollution-free nature. Here, we are reporting a facile two-step green approach to convert Himalayan horse chestnuts (HHCNs) into activated carbon materials. In first step, grinding and pyrolysis of the HHCNs were carried out, and then activation was performed using KOH to enhance the pore density and surface area. HHCNs-derived carbon was utilized as an electrode in electrical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) with 1 M H2SO4 as an electrolyte. The macroporous structure along with hierarchical porous network acts as an efficient source of transportation of charges across the electrode and separator. Cyclic voltammetry test was taken from 10 to 100 mV/s current and within a range of 0–1 V applied potential; approximately rectangular CV shown mirror response towards current and shown typical EDLCs properties. The proximate analysis confirms the presence of heteroatoms like sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen which act as carbon dopants. The wettability of HHCNs-derived carbon enhanced due to the various types of oxygen functionalities inherited from the lignin skeletal part. The nitrogen content is primarily responsible for the pseudo-capacitive behavior of HHCNs-codoped carbon. HHCNs-derived activated carbon materials has emerged as a promising electrode material for energy storage applications.
To improve usability of super sweet corn, extracts were prepared with hydrolytic enzyme and changes in physicochemical and antioxidant properties were analyzed. Soluble solids and reducing sugars contents were higher in all enzyme treatment groups than in the control. When enzyme treatment time increased, contents of soluble solids and reducing sugars were also increased. There was no significant difference in lightness between treatment groups, with redness showing the highest value in the control and yellowness showing the highest value in the invertase treatment group. Free sugar content in the control was the lowest. However free sugar content in the enzyme combination treatment group was increased by more than four times compared to that in the control. Contents of ascorbic acid, flavonoids and polyphenols were higher in the enzyme treatment group than in the control. In particular, the enzyme combination treatment group showed the highest content. DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities were significantly higher in all enzyme treatment groups than in the control. Radical scavenging abilities of cellulase treatment group and enzyme combination treatment group showed high activity. The activity increased when enzyme treatment time increased. The combined enzyme treatment method for super sweet corn was suitable for food processing.
Radioactive waste (hereinafter referred to as mixed waste) containing hazardous substances (heavy metals, organic and inorganic waste liquids, asbestos, etc.) has been continuously generated from domestic nuclear power plants, nuclear facilities, and other industrial facilities, and heavy metals were released during the dismantlement of Kori Unit 1 and Wolseong Unit 1. Lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic), asbestos, decontamination waste liquid (organic/inorganic waste liquid), etc. may be generated. Although hazardous waste related to the nuclear industry continues to be generated, only the regulation direction for hazardous substances is presented in the provisions related to hazardous substances in the delivery regulations for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste and the acceptance criteria for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal facilities. In particular, because there is no clear definition of “hazardousness” and specific standards such as concentration and characteristics for classification of hazardous substances, as well as hazard removal procedures when the hazardousness of radioactive waste is confirmed, no hazardous substances have been delivered in Korea to date and many mixed wastes are stored at each generation facility or at the NPP. As a plan to improve delivery standards related to mixed waste is being prepared recently, it is believed that if the acceptance standards are revised accordingly, it will be possible to confirm the suitability for disposal of drums produced after the establishment of the acceptance standards in 2015. However, it is believed that securing disposal suitability for waste that was packed in 200L drums and compressed under super high pressure in the absence of specific technical standards and regulatory guidelines for the disposal of radioactive waste containing hazardous substances would still remain a difficult problem. In this report overseas acceptance standards related to hazardous waste were reviewed and a plan to secure the disposal suitability of 200 L drums compressed with of super high pressure was proposed.
The microstructure and mechanical properties of the heat-affected zone welded using the GTAW process on SDSS material used in offshore structures were analyzed. The chemical composition of the specimen material was analyzed using XRF. The microstructure of the heat-affected zone where the plate was welded was examined by SEM, and the ferrite volume fraction was assessed using the point count method of ASTM E562. A lot of ferrite was formed in the overheated weldment region, and In the weld cap where the cooling rate was fast, ferrite was not converted back to austenite and the microstructure was not uniform. From the ferrite phase fraction, it was shown that it can be applied to the pitting resistance equivalent numbers through changes in mechanical properties according to welding conditions.
This study aimed to categorize consumers using super app functional characteristics to identify demographic differences, and analyze shopping orientations by consumer type. This data can be used by fashion and beauty companies for product planning and marketing strategies. To categorize super app consumers, data were analyzed with SPSS v.26.0 software using frequency, factor, reliability K-mean cluster, and distributed analyses, one-way-ANOVAs, and Scheffe verification. Cross-analysis was conducted to correlate super app consumer types with demographic characteristics. One-way-ANOVAs and Scheffe verification were used to analyze the differences in shopping preferences between super app consumer groups. As a result of our analyses, super app consumers were classified into four types: the ration type, the low-use type, the multifunction type, and the habit type. There were statistically significant differences between these types in age, occupation, marital status, average monthly household income, and shopping impact factors. Five super app user shopping orientations were identified: brand pursuit, pleasure pursuit, trend pursuit, risk perception, and economic orientation. The differences in the preferred orientation between super app consumer types were found to be statistically significant. The majority of respondents were multifunction type consumers. This group used the super app most frequently and effectively. They also demonstrated the highest scores for all five of the shopping orientations. The classification of consumer types in this study will allow the fashion and beauty industries to utilize super apps for more targeted product design and marketing.
Most advanced countries that are members of the World Physiotherapy have established a 4-year education system or specialized graduate school system for physical therapists based on national standards. They have also expanded their laws and systems to provide physical therapists with the autonomy and independence to offer services in their clinics. However, compared with developed countries in North America and Europe, there are issues with the autonomy and independence of physical therapists in Korea related to national regulations. Social status and recognition of the profession are also lagging. Korea is expected to become a super-aged society by 2025. To reduce the financial burden of healthcare and welfare on the government, it is necessary to extend the time spent by older adults on independent activities and minimize their time spent using medical services. To achieve this goal and maximize the active life of older adults, a plan to efficiently use licensed physical therapists in the country should be prepared. Korea should increase the license utilization rate of physical therapists to reduce waste at the national level and increase the professional hope of the younger generations of physical therapists. To create a healthcare policy focusing on the use of physical therapy personnel, similar to that in advanced countries, it is necessary to unify educational systems and produce excellent physical therapists. Providing professional autonomy can help physical therapists develop a sense of job satisfaction. Outstanding talent will choose physical therapy as a profession if they can see hope for their future careers, and if physical therapy services in Korea are similar to those delivered in advanced countries, physical therapy in Korea can develop into a healthcare service that people desire.
국제 중국어 교재에 초과 한자와 초과 어휘가 존재한다는 것은 객관적인 사실이다. 이는 학생 이 텍스트를 이해하는데 영향을 주며, 교사가 수업을 진행하는데 있어서도 피하기 힘든 문제이 다. 본고는 《국제 중국어 교육 중국어 수준 등급 표준》를 기준으로, 『發展漢語』 고급 종합 교재에 포함되어 있는 초과 한자와 초과 어휘를 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 코퍼스 기술을 바탕으로 빠른 식별과 태깅을 진행하여, 『發展漢語』 고급 종합 단계 교재에 나타난 초과 한자와 초과 어휘 현황을 분석하였다. 또한, 초과 한자를 기준으로 真性과 假性으로 구분하고 글자 단위의 의미와 어휘 단위의 의미의 연관성을 근거로 교육 방법을 제안하였다. 한자와 연결되는 동사를 함께 가르치고, 한자와 어휘를 연결하여 학습시키는 방안은 학생의 중국어 학습 능력을 향상시킬 것이다.
We present a new method which constructs an Hi super-profile of a galaxy which is based on profile decomposition analysis. The decomposed velocity profiles of an Hi data cube with an optimal number of Gaussian components are co-added after being aligned in velocity with respect to their centroid velocities. This is compared to the previous approach where no prior profile decomposition is made for the velocity profiles being stacked. The S/N improved super-profile is useful for deriving the galaxy’s global Hi properties like velocity dispersion and mass from observations which do not provide sufficient surface brightness sensitivity for the galaxy. As a practical test, we apply our new method to 64 high-resolution Hi data cubes of nearby galaxies in the local Universe which are taken from THINGS and LITTLE THINGS. In addition, we also construct two additional Hi super-profiles of the sample galaxies using symmetric and all velocity profiles of the cubes whose centroid velocities are determined from Hermite h3 polynomial fitting, respectively. We find that the Hi super-profiles constructed using the new method have narrower cores and broader wings in shape than the other two super-profiles. This is mainly due to the effect of either asymmetric velocity profiles’ central velocity bias or the removal of asymmetric velocity profiles in the previous methods on the resulting Hi super-profiles. We discuss how the shapes (σn/σb, An/Ab, and An/Atot) of the new Hi super-profiles which are measured from a double Gaussian fit are correlated with star formation rates of the sample galaxies and are compared with those of the other two super-profiles.
Recently, considerable attention has been given to nickel-based superalloys used in additive manufacturing. However, additive manufacturing is limited by a slow build rate in obtaining optimal densities. In this study, optimal volumetric energy density (VED) was calculated using optimal process parameters of IN718 provided by additive manufacturing of laser powder-bed fusion. The laser power and scan speed were controlled using the same ratio to maintain the optimal VED and achieve a fast build rate. Cube samples were manufactured using seven process parameters, including an optimal process parameter. Analysis was conducted based on changes in density and melt-pool morphology. At a low laser power and scan speed, the energy applied to the powder bed was proportional to and not . At a high laser power and scan speed, a curved track was formed due to Plateau-Rayleigh instability. However, a wide melt-pool shape and continuous track were formed, which did not significantly affect the density. We were able to verify the validity of the VED formula and succeeded in achieving a 75% higher build rate than that of the optimal parameter, with a slight decrease in density and hardness.