This study was performed to investigate immune changes by comparing the proportion and function of immune cells in the blood under high-temperature period and convalescence temperature period in Holstein dairy cows. The experiment was conducted using Holstein dairy cows of five animals per group (60 ± 20 months old, 175 ± 78 non-day) from the National Institute of Animal Science at high-temperature period (THI: 76 ± 1.2) and convalescence temperature period (THI: 66 ± 1.3). Complete blood count results showed no change in the number of immune cells between groups. In the analysis using Flow Cytometry of PBMCs, no significant differences were observed among B cells, Helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells, and γδ T cells between groups. However, there was an increase in Th17 cells producing IL-17a, while Th1 cells decreased during the convalescence temperature period. The results of gene expression analysis using qRT-PCR in PBMCs revealed an increase in IL-10 during the convalescence temperature period, while a decrease in HSP70 and HSP90 was observed. In conclusion, the increased expression of IL-10 and the decrease in HSP expression suggest the possibility of a weak recovery from heat stress. However, the lack of observed changes in B cells, T cells, and other immune cells indicates incomplete recovery from heat stress during the convalescence temperature period.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of amino acid complex additives, such as protected vitamin C (VC) or detoxified sulfur (DS), on the growth and metabolism of Hanwoo cattle under high-temperature conditions. Accordingly, farms in Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) regions ranging from 78 to 89 for over 100 days were selected. The experimental groups were control, T1 (lysine + methionine + VC, 50 g/head/day), and T2 (lysine + methionine + DS, 50 g/head/day) with 70, 77, and 71 animals each. The range of the THI for 115 days was 78-89, and this occurred in most of the experiment days. The results showed that there was no significant difference in rectal temperature among the groups. The body weight increased to 786.4 and 809.0kg in the T1 and T2 groups, respectively, compared to the control group (p<0.05). Linoleic acid showed a high result of 2.01% in the T1 group compared to the control group (p<0.05). Unsaturated fatty acids were higher at 55.70 and 56.54% in the T1 and T2 groups, respectively, compared to the control group (p<0.05), and the omega 6/3 ratio was reduced to 20.10% (p<0.05). These findings indicate that T1 has a positive impact on growth, meat quality, and fatty acid composition compared to the control group. In conclusion, amino acid complex with VC improved the body weight of Hanwoo steers and the unsaturated fatty acids and essential amino acids of their meat; however, further research is needed to clarify this impact on carcass performance.
The effects of exogenous sodium nitroprusside (SNP, nitric oxide donor) on the growth, yield, photosynthetic characteristics, and antioxidant enzyme activity of kimchi cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt) was studied under the low temperature conditions. Kimchi cabbages were treated with SNP of three concentrations (7.5, 15, 30 mg·L-1) for three times at four-day intervals and exposed to low temperature (16/7°C) stress for seven days. SNP treatment induced increases of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), intracellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and transpiration rate (Tr) under the stress condition with the highest level after the third treatment. The contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2 were significantly lower in the treatment of SNP compared to the non-treated control. The activity of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), increased in treated plants by up to 38, 187, 24 and 175%, respectively compared to the non-treated control. SNP-treated and untreated plants had similar growth characteristics. Compared to the control group, SNP-treatment increased fresh weight and leaf area by 5%. Overall, our findings suggest that the application of sodium nitroprusside to the leaves contributes to reducing physiological damage and enhancing the activities of antioxidant enzymes, thereby improving low temperature stress tolerance in kimchi cabbage.
Radiant tubes heat exchangers are critical components that facilitate the heat transfer process to steel in an annealing furnace, and it addresses several engineering problems, such as thermal stress and mechanical failure due to long-term thermal cycling, which can significantly affect the longevity of the tubes and maintenance requirements. In this study, we used commercial software (ANSYS) to simulate the thermal stress and deformation of radiant tubes subjected to extreme thermal conditions and pressure loads. We evaluated both thermally induced deformation and creep deformation, which is a time-dependent deformation under constant stress over the long term. The results showed that uneven temperature conditions and pressure loads lead to significant deformation and potential failures. To mitigate these engineering challenges, we also tested several designs that include supporting brackets. This study provides valuable insights for designing radiant tube heat exchangers in annealing furnaces to extend their lifespan and ensure system safety.
살리실산은 식물의 생장 및 발달, 항산화 방어기작, 광합성 작용 그리고 생물적 및 비생물적 스트레스 조건에서 다양한 생리적 기능을 조절하는 물질로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 고온・건조 스트레스 조건에서 살리실산 경엽처리가 고추의 생육, 광합성 특성 및 항산화효소 활성에 미치는 영향을 구명 하고자 하였다. 광합성 특성 측정결과 광합성 속도, 기공전도 도 및 증산 속도가 증가하였고, 3회차 처리에서 가장 높았다. 세포내 MDA와 H2O2 함량은 살리실산 3회차 처리에서 현저 하게 감소하는 경향을 보였다. APX, CAT, POD 및 SOD 활 성이 현저하게 증가하였으며, 무처리 대비 최대 247, 318, 55 및 54% 증가하였다. 고추의 생육 특성은 무처리구와 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았으나, 상품 수량은 15% 정도 증가하였다. 이러한 결과들을 종합해 볼 때, 살리실산의 경엽처리는 고추 의 광합성 특성과 항산화효소 활성을 증진시켜 고온・건조 스트 레스에 의한 피해 경감에 긍정적 효과를 유발함을 확인하였다
In this analysis, the analytical model was verified through the normal mode analysis of the piston for the 2.9 liter IDI (indirect injection) engine. Heat transfer analysis was carried out by selecting two cases of applied temperature using the validated model. The first case was a condition of 350℃ on the piston upper surface and 100℃ on the piston body and inner wall. In the second case, the conditions were set to give a temperature of 400℃ on the upper surface of the piston and 100℃ on the piston body and the inner wall. In addition, the temperature distribution due to heat transfer was obtained for the pistons with boundary conditions of two cases, and then the thermal stress distribution due to thermal expansion was obtained using the input. Using this analysis result, the thermal stress caused by thermal expansion due to the thermal conduction of the piston is examined and used as the basic data for design.
본 연구는 적외선 열 영상 장치를 이용하여 2년생 ‘유미’ 복숭아나무의 토양수분 수준에 따른 엽온 및 CWSI를 분석하여 수분스트레스 측정 가능성을 검토하였다. 엽온은 대기온도와 유사한 일변화를 보이며 낮 시간대에는 대기온도보다 높은 양상을 보였다. 엽온은 전일(24시간) 기준으로 대기온도(r2 = 0.95), 일사량(r2 = 0.74), 상대습도(r2 = -0.88)와 모두 높은 상관계수를 나타났다. 또한 토양수분장력은 낮 시간대(11~16시)에 엽온(r2 = -0.57), 엽-대기온도차(r2 = -0.71), CWSI(r2 = -0.72)와 높은 부의상관을 나타냈다. CWSI와 엽온, 엽-대기온도차의 상관계수는 24시간 기준으로 매우 높았고(r2 = 0.90, r2 = 0.92), CWSI와 토양수분장력의 상관분석에서 24시간 기준으로는 상관관계가 낮았으나(r2 = -0.27), 낮 시간대(11~16시)에는 상관관계가 매우 높았다(r2 = -0.72). CWSI (y)와 토양수분장력(x)의 상관관계 결정계수(r2)는 11~12시간대에 가장 높았으며(r2 = 0.68), 이때 회귀식은 y = -0.0087x + 0.14로 조사되었다. 일반적인 토양수분스트레스 시점인 -50 kPa에 해당되는 CWSI는 0.575로 계산된다. 따라서 적외선 열 영상 장치를 이용한 엽온 및 CWSI는 토양수분장력에 대해 높은 상관계수를 나타낸 것으로 보아 복숭아나무의 수분스트레스 진단에 유용하게 활용할 수 있을 것으로 예상된다.
Biogeochemical processes play an important role in ocean environments and can affect the entire Earth’s climate system. Using an ocean-biogeochemistry model (NEMO-TOPAZ), we investigated the effects of changes in albedo and wind stress caused by phytoplankton in the equatorial Pacific. The simulated ocean temperature showed a slight decrease when the solar reflectance of the regions where phytoplankton were present increased. Phytoplankton also decreased the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) amplitude by decreasing the influence of trade winds due to their biological enhancement of upper-ocean turbulent viscosity. Consequently, the cold sea surface temperature bias in the equatorial Pacific and overestimation of the ENSO amplitude were slightly reduced in our model simulations. Further sensitivity tests suggested the necessity of improving the phytoplankton-related equation and optimal coefficients. Our results highlight the effects of altered albedo and wind stress due to phytoplankton on the climate system.
수온의 변화는 어류의 거의 모든 생리학적 부분에 영향을 미친다. 기후 변화로 인한 수온의 상 승은 어류에게 물리적 피해를 줄 수 있다. 이 연구는 최적의 수온(15°C)보다 높은 수온(20°C)에 서의 대서양 연어의 건강상태를 평가하기 위해 수행하였다. 간 조직은 열 적응에 중요한 대사 기능을 발휘하기에 본 연구에 간 조직을 사용하였다. 생체지표유전자의 개발을 위한 분석 방법 으로는 NGS RNAseq 방법을 사용하였고, 생체지표유전자의 발현 양상을 관찰하기 위한 분석 방 법으로는 RT-qPCR을 사용하였다. NGS RNAseq 분석을 통해 1,366개의 차별적 발현 유전자를 확인하였으며, 그 중에서 880개의 증가하는 유전자와 486개의 감소하는 유전자를 확인하였다. 생체지표유전자로는 heat shock protein 90 alpha (Hsp90α), heat shock protein 90 beta (Hsp90β) 및 cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A)을 선정하였는데 이들 유전자는 NGS RNAseq 분석에서 수온의 변화에 민감하게 반응하는 유전자들이었다. 이들 유전자의 RT-qPCR을 통한 발현 양상은 NGS RNAseq 분석과 유사하게 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과는 다른 어종에도 적용할 수 있으며, 산업 적으로도 유용하다고 생각된다.
Environmental stresses caused by climate change, such as high temperature, drought and salinity severely impact plant growth and productivity. Among these factors, high temperature stress will become more severe during summer. In this study, we examined physiological and molecular responses of maize plants to high temperature stress during summer. Highest level of H2O2 was observed in maize leaves collected July 26 compared with June 25 and July 12. Results indicated that high temperature stress triggers production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in maize leaves. In addition, photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) sharply decreased in leaves with increasing air temperatures during the day in the field. RT-PCR analysis of maize plants exposed to high temperatures of during the day in field revealed increased accumulation of mitochondrial and chloroplastic small heat shock protein (HSP) transcripts. Results demonstrate that Fv/Fm values and organelle-localized small HSP gene could be used as physiological and molecular indicators of plants impacted by environmental stresses.
기후 변화로 인한 수온의 상승은 어류 서식지에 영향을 미친다. 수온의 변화는 어류 생리 거의 모든 부분에 영향을 미치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 기후 변화에 따른 수온의 상승은 산소 용해도의 감소 및 산소 운반 헤모글로빈의 결합 능 력의 감소로 인해 저산소증을 초래할 수 있다. 본 연구는 대서양 연어 (Salmo salar) 치어 성장의 최적수온 (15°C)보다 고 수온 (20°C)에 사육 시, 대서양 연어 치어의 건강상태를 평가 하기 위해 수행되었다. 평가 방법은 NGS RNAseq 분석방법을 이용하여 생체지표유전자를 개발하고, RT-qPCR 분석을 이용하여 생체지표유전자의 발현양상을 조사하는 것이다. 개발한 생체지표유전자로는 interferon alpha-inducible protein 27-like protein 2A transcript variant X3, protein L-Myc- 1b-like, placenta growth factor-like transcript variant X1, fibroblast growth factor receptor-like 1 transcript variant X1, transferrin, intelectin, thioredoxin-like, c-type lectin lectoxin-Thr1- like, ladderlectin-like 및 calponin-1 등이다. 선택된 생체지표 유전자는 NGS RNAseq 분석을 통해 수온변화에 민감하게 발현한 유전자들이며, RT-qPCR 분석을 통한 이들 유전자의 발현 양상은 NGS RNAseq 분석을 통한 발현 양상과 매우 유사하게 나타났다.
Physiological responses and activities of antioxidative enzymes were investigated in pepper(Capsicum annuum) seedlings subjected to low temperature stress. The seedlings were exposed to 7℃, 11℃, or 15℃ for 4 h during the early seedling stage of pepper plants. The results showed that plant height and chlorophyll content were unaffected by the treatments. Polyphenol content in seedlings exposed to 7℃ was higher than that at 11℃ and 15℃ for 2 h. After 3 h of treatment, the flavonoid content was higher in pepper seedlings exposed to 7℃ than 11℃ and 15℃, which was slightly higher than that detected in the control. The H2O2 content increased remarkably with increasing exposure time to low temperature(i.e., 7℃) as compared to that at 11℃ and 15℃. The levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase(CAT), ascorbate peroxidase(APX), and peroxidase(POD) fluctuated. These results provide basic information that can be utilized to maintain efficient temperature in greenhouses for sustainable growth of pepper under severe low temperature conditions.
The ability of plants to endure environmental stress factors, which are going to be more severe due to global warming, is important especially for forest plants. Because obtain trait of resistance to temperature using conventional breeding for woody plants is a time consuming way. In this study, chloroplast-localized OsHSP26 gene was overexpressed in Populus alba L. to breed tolerant transgenic poplar to temperature stress. The plantlets of OsHSP26-overexpressed transgenic poplar showed more heathy phenotypic response than wild-type plants under both prolonged low- and high-temperature stress. While the SPAD value, which refers chlorophyll content, in wild-type plants decreased depending on the exposure time to the temperature stress, higher SPAD value were shown in the transgenic plants. The contents of total phenolic compounds in the transgenic plants were lower than those of the wild-type plants, and not significantly changed except in the treatment of prolonged low-temperature. However, the total flavonoids contents of the transgenic plants were dramatically increased under prolonged temperature stress. The DPPH scavenging activities of the transgenic plants were higher than those of the wild-type plants under temperature stress. Consequently, it was revealed that overexpressing OsHSP26 allow for P. alba to be tolerant to temperature stress.
급격한 수온의 변화는 어류의 생리학적인 측면에서 스트레스를 유발한다. 본 연구에서는 넙치 (Paralichthys olivaceus)로부터 각 수온별(9, 12, 15, 18 및 21℃) 조건에 따라 24 및 48시간 동 안 노출시킨 후에, 혈액생리학적 분석, 스트레스 단백질로 알려진 Hsp70 mRNA 발현 및 산소 소비량을 조사하였다. 혈액학적 분석에서 hematocrit (Ht) 및 hemoglobin (Hb), 혈장 코티졸 및 글루코스의 변화, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 및 alanine aminotransferase (ALT), NH3, 삼 투질농도(osmolality) 및 총단백질(total protein, TP)은 9℃ 및 12℃에서 다른 수온별 실험구에 비 해 대부분의 항목에서 유의적인 차이를 보였다. Hsp70 mRNA 발현은 9℃ 및 12℃에서 다른 실험구에 비해 높은 발현량을 확인하였고, 산소소비량은 9℃ 및 12℃에서 21℃에 비해 낮았다. 이러한 결과는 넙치 종자의 장거리 수송을 위한 수온자료로 활용할 수 있다
콘크리트 포장의 파손 중의 하나인 스폴링은 도로를 주행하는 운전자의 승차감을 저해하는 요인 중의 하나로 다양한 원인들에 의해서 발생한다. 본 연구에서는 스폴링 발생 가능성의 많은 원인 중의 하나로 균열부의 닫힘현상과 Zero Stress Temperature의 상관성을 3가지의 콘크리트 포장에서의 계측 결과를 바탕으로 검토하였다. 콘크리트 시공시 대기 및 콘크리트 온도에 의해 결정되는 ZST는 기존 문헌에서처 럼 콘크리트 포장의 횡방향 균열부 거동과 상관성이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 철근이 삽입된 연속철근 콘크리트 포장에서는 시공 초기 및 장기 공용 후에도 철근이 균열부의 과도한 벌어짐을 구속하는 효과가 있어 ZST 이하에서는 온도에서는 균열 닫힘현상이 나타나지 않았으나, 그 이상에서는 발생하였다. 이로 인해 횡방향 균열부에 압축응력이 크게 발생하여 스폴링 발생 가능성이 있었다. 반면, 줄눈이 설치되어 있는 Whitetopping의 경우는 ZST에 상관없이 균열 닫힘현상은 발생하지 않았다. 따라서, 콘크리트 포장 의 초기 온도관리를 한다면 공용성 향상 및 수명 연장 효과를 기대할 수 있을 것이다.
The purpose of the study was to investigate an effect of water temperature on a non-specific immune response and mortality of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, following a bacterial infection. Seventy five tilapia acclimated to 25℃ were then transferred at 16 and 36℃, and examined for non-specific immune responses over 12-96 h. Respiratory burst activity was reduced significantly in the group of fish cultured at 16 and 36℃ over 24-96 h, whereas phagocytic activity decreased significantly in the group of fish reared at a low temperature (16℃) over 12 and 24 h and high temperatures (36℃) over 12-96 h. Lysozyme activity diminished significantly in the group of fish transferred to 16℃ over 12-48 h, but increased significantly in the group of fish at 36℃ over 48 and 96 h. Alternative complement pathway (ACH50) decreased significantly when transferred to 16℃ after 12 h, but increased significantly when transferred to 36℃ after 24 h. In a challenging test, 30 tilapia reared at 25℃ were injected intraperitoneally with Streptococcus iniae at a dose of 2x107 cfu/fish, and then reared onward at water temperatures of 15, 25 (control), and 36℃. Over 12-96 h, the cumulative mortality of S. iniae-injected fish held in 16 and 36℃ was significantly higher than that of injected-fish held in 25℃ In conclusion, transfer of tilapia from 25℃ to low temperature (16℃) after 12 h, and transfer of fish from 25℃ to high temperature (35℃) reduced their immune capability. Furthermore, tilapia under temperature stress at 16 and 36℃ from 25℃ decreased its resistance against S. iniae