
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 292

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate on the characteristics of the use of a fine dining restaurant using NVivo 11 qualitative analysis. As a result, customers using the fine dining restaurant were aware that the fine dining restaurant was a special and expensive restaurant, serving a variety of food with luxurious food, service and ingredients. The result of motivation for using the fine dining restaurant was food, specialty, atmosphere, luxury, service. Basically, it is natural to visit restaurant to eat, but it is special in using fine dining restaurant, we were able to find that it was to visit, to eat atmosphere and luxurious service and delicious food. The results of using the benefits of using a fine dinning restaurant show that the benefits of food, dining atmosphere, specialty, service, variety, and meals are high, specialty, service, variety of meals, price, delicious, newness, and timely benefits. The result of customers’ use loss when using the fine dining restaurant shows the loss of food, specialty, service, price, atmosphere, variety, and luxurious. In this regard, it is estimated that customers often see losses as a result of lower than expected customers when using fine dinning restaurants. Therefore, it is thought that this research will help the establishment of differentiated marketing information for the restaurant company through continuous research on the fine dining restaurant which is recognized by the users.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study derived the unit of industrial water usage reflecting the latest industry trends. Available for establishing plans such as the master plan for water supply system and analyzed changes in the basic unit by a comparison with the current basic unit values. This study analyzed 4,038 samples with a sampling error of less than 1.5 % at the 95 % confidence level after removing outliers according to a log-normal distribution. As a result, the unit of industrial water usage per site area in the whole manufacturing industry was 7.11 m3/1,000m2/d. The ten industrial categories (C10, C13, C20, C21, C22, C25, C27, C30, C32, C33) showed a similar unit value compared to before, and the four industrials categories (C11, C17, C22, C31) showed a more unit value than before. With regard to the nine industrial categories (C14, C15, C16, C18, C19, C24, C26, C28, C29), the unit value decreased. Cases that companies examined before were the same as the companies examined in this study were analyzed. The result that the changes in the unit industrial water usage were reasonable was obtained. However, in some industrial categories (C17, C14, C24, C29), the unit value was changed by a small number of companies with large-scale water use or unit value of sampling had a large deviation. It was considered necessary to survey them periodically. The unit of industrial water usage derived by the survey in this study reflects the current industrial trends in 2016. Water use in manufacturing companies has continuously changed by the development of manufacturing technologies and simplification of manufacturing processes. In order to deal with this, it is considered necessary to survey the usage of industrial water periodically from a long-term perspective.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the nutrition knowledge, dietary attitudes, dietary behaviors, smartphone usagerelated dietary habits, and health-related lifestyles of higher grade students in elementary school according to risk level of smartphone overdependence. Subjects were 286 fifth and sixth grade students of elementary school in the Siheung and Ansan areas. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS v. 20.0. Based on scores of S-scale (smartphone overdependence scale for adolescents), subjects who used smartphone were classified into an overdependence group (ODG, n=52) and a normal group (NG, n=234). The ODG showed a significantly longer usage time than NG on both weekdays and weekends (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in total scores of nutrition knowledge between the ODG and NG. Average total scores of dietary attitude and dietary behavior in the ODG were significantly lower than in the NG (p<0.001). There were higher risks of ODG for skipping meals (OR=8.3, 95% CI=4.027-17.099), changing eating speed (OR=4.4, 95% CI=2.209-8.822), and changing meal amount due to smartphone usage (OR=2.9 95% CI=1.233-6.623). Therefore, education programs are needed to ensure proper dietary behaviors and habits among smartphone overdependent elementary school students.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        함안 대송리 늪지식물은 천연기념물로 지정된 유일한 늪 지식물로서 이 지역에 분포하는 가시연꽃과 자라풀 등의 수생식물의 가치가 인정되어 1984년 천연기념물 346호로 지정되어 있다(한국환경생물학회, 1987). 특히 람사르 협약 가입(1997)을 기점으로 습지의 가치에 대한 인식이 변화하 기 시작했고, 습지보호지역 방문객 수도 해마다 늘어나고 있다. 이러한 국민적 요구도에 발맞춰 우포늪, 순천만 습지 등 국내 주요 늪지의 경우 활용 및 이용에 관한 다양한 연구 들이 이루어져 왔다. 반면, 늪지식물로 유일하게 천연기념 물로 지정된 함안 대송리 늪지식물의 경우 환경부 멸종위기 야생생물Ⅱ급인 가시연꽃과 산림청 희귀식물인 자라풀(약 관심종)의 자생지로서 학술적 가치가 높고 광주안씨문중이 보존하여 온 역사적 유래가 깊은 자연유산에 해당한다. 하 지만 대상지는 지자체에 의해 최소한의 관리만 이루어져 왔으며 지역 내 인지도와 활용도도 매우 낮은 실정으로 지 속가능한 보존 측면에서 보존과 활용을 도모할 수 있는 관 리정책 및 활용 방안 마련이 필요한 시점이다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 천연기념물 활용정책 수립의 일차적 인 연구로 천연기념물 제346호 함안 대송리 늪지식물을 대 상으로 방문객의 전반적인 인식현황과 활용 및 관리에 대한 요구도 등을 분석하여 향후 활용 및 관리정책 수립의 시사 점을 제공하고자 한다. 우선 ‘대상지가 천연기념물임을 알고 있었는지’에 대하 여 지역주민 외 일반 방문객의 경우 약 81%가 모르는 것으 로 나타났고, ‘대상지에 대한 인식수준(지식정도)’은 ‘이름 은 들어봤다’가 48.7%로 가장 많았고 다음으로 ‘생소하다’ 라는 응답이 22.7%로 높았다. ‘대상 천연기념물의 문화재 적 가치’와 관련하여 ‘가치가 높다(40.7%)’와 ‘매우 높다 (14.0%)’로 응답자의 과반수가 문화재적 가치를 높게 평가 하는 것을 알 수 있다. 함안 대송리 늪지식물의 가치 중 중요하다고 생각하는 항목에 대한 질문으로 ‘야생동·식물 서식처(4.25)’와 ‘우수한 자연경관(4.24)’가 가장 높은 점수 를 받았고, ‘학술적 가치(4.13)’, ‘전통적 생활터전(4.11)’이 높았고 ‘소득창출(3.17)’이 가장 낮았다. 이는 소득 보다 생 태계로서의 가치와 전통적으로 이어져오는 자연적 가치를 중요한 항목으로 인식한다는 특성을 나타내는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 방문객의 천연기념물 인식수준에 따라 방문동기에 차이가 있는지 알아보기 위해 t-검정을 실시한 결과 천연기 념물임을 알고 있고 상대적으로 대상지에 대한 지식수준이 높다고 인지한 집단의 경우 문화재로 지정되었거나 늪지식 물에 관심이 있어서 방문한 점수가 높았다. 방문동기 요인 분석을 실시한 결과 “자연체험 및 교육(3.52)”, “휴양 및 여가(3.41)”, “문화자원 체험(2.87)” 순으로 방문동기가 강 한 것으로 나타났다. 인식에 따른 방문동기의 차이를 살펴 보면 사전에 천연기념물이라는 것을 알고 있거나, 이름을 알고 있던 사람들은 ‘전통문화 체험’을 위해 방문하는 경향 이 있었다. 문화재의 가치가 높다고 생각한 사람 역시 ‘경관 및 체험’, ‘전통문화 및 역사’의 방문동기를 가지고 있었다. 이는 문화재에 대한 인지 수준을 높이고, 문화재적 가치를 높이는 것은 방문동기에 대해 인과관계가 있다는 것을 알 수 있는 결과이다. 대상지의 활용에 대한 요구도 조사 결과 위치표시판이나 안내판 보완 등 기본시설에 대한 요구와 전통문화와 늪지식물을 연계한 체험 등에 대한 요구도가 높았다. 대상지 관리의 문제점으로는 체계적인 관리정책 부 재와 오염물질유입이 가장 중요하고 향후 관리방향 선정 시 보존과 활용의 조화를 이루고 정책의 전 과정에 지역주 민의 참여가 필요하다고 생각하는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 함안 대송리 늪지식물의 활용 및 적절한 관리를 위 해서는 천연기념물의 인지를 높이는 것이 중요한 방문동기 이므로 지속적 홍보를 통해 문화재의 정보에 대해 알리는 것이 중요하다. 이외 주변의 알려진 문화자원과 연계한 홍 보도 한 방법으로 보인다. 보존과 활용 측면에서, 지역주민 과 이해관계자가 협력하여 관리하여야 하며, 동선과 휴게공 간, 표지판의 보수가 필요하다 할 수 있겠다. 마지막으로 인근 학교와 연계하여 전통문화자원을 발굴한 체험활동 프 로그램을 개설하여 생태학습장으로의 이용을 고려하여 지 역 내에서부터 천연기념물 식물의 가치 확산이 필요할 것으 로 생각된다.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES :This study was initiated to estimate the utilities of usage attributes of BRT and Bimodal Trams using a conjoint analysis method in order to identify the important features pertaining to the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams.METHODS :For this purpose, important attributes and those level in the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams in the city of Sejong were identified. Next, a profile questionnaire pertaining to BRT and Bimodal Trams was designed for the conjoint analysis, and a survey was conducted in the city of Sejong. Using SPSS software, conjoint analysis was performed to identify the important attributes vis`-a-vis the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams in the city of Sejong. Finally, the utilities for individual attributes were calculated based on the models estimated by the conjoint analysis.RESULTS :The results of the conjoint analysis were used to identify the important attributes. With regard to the usage of BRT, users indicated that fare was the most important attribute with the highest utility. In the case of Bimodal Trams, the users indicated that the number of seats and internal environment were the most important attributes with the highest utilities.CONCLUSIONS :Based on the results of the conjoint analysis, the important attributes pertaining to the use of BRT and Bimodal Trams in the city of Sejong were identified. Our study indicates that BRT in the city of Sejong needs to be upgraded to improve the utilities of the important attributes. Currently, Bimodal Trams has not been introduced completely in the city of Sejong. However, in the future, when the introduction of Bimodal Trams is completed, the important attributes should be emphasized in order to improve the quality of its service.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effects of dual coding elucidation on raising learners’ awareness of L2 lexical errors and correct usage. Participants included 135 Korean EFL middle school students assigned to either a single-coding or dual-coding group. The single-coding group studied the incorrect and correct usage of target lexical items under a verbal-code-only condition. The dual-coding group studied the incorrect and correct usage under a verbal-plus-visual-code condition. Participants completed posttests at two intervals: immediately after studying the materials and four weeks later. Analyses revealed that dual coding elucidation had significant positive effects on facilitating learners’ awareness of lexical errors and correct usage; these effects remained over time. The results also indicated no significant correlations between learning style and the effectiveness of visuals. Qualitative data demonstrated that students perceived visuals as being helpful in improving accurate lexical use and their engagement in learning vocabulary. The article concludes by discussing the facilitative role of visual encoding in L2 lexical knowledge development, thus expanding on the dual coding theory.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses the grammatical categories of tense-aspect expressions at a discourse level and how discourse dimensions should be connected with discourse functions. Among many tense-aspect expressions, the paper focuses on the forms ‘-ess-’ and ‘-essess-’, which are complex in a sense that they depict both tense and aspect. The results show that ‘-ess-’ has a total of five discourse functions: ‘statement of past situation,’ ‘reminiscence of past situation,’ ‘objectification of present situation,’ ‘present validation of default result’ and ‘realization of hypothetical result.’ Moreover, ‘-essess-’ represents ‘order of past situations’ and ‘present invalidation of default results.’ Also these discourse functions are related to the discourse elements of ‘topic, information, and speaker.’ The findings of this study explain the characteristics of the discourse function relevant to discourse elements. Ultimately, discourse research on tense-aspect expressions in Korean language education enables understanding of the utterance intention of Korean speakers using tense-aspect grammar. And it provides learners with the basis of using Korean correctly and appropriately.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        One of the challenges facing precision manufacturers is the increasing feature complexity of tight tolerance parts. All engineering drawings must account for the size, form, orientation, and location of all features to ensure manufacturability, measurability, and design intent. Geometric controls per ASME Y14.5 are typically applied to specify dimensional tolerances on engineering drawings and define size, form, orientation, and location of features. Many engineering drawings lack the necessary geometric dimensioning and tolerancing to allow for timely and accurate inspection and verification. Plus-minus tolerancing is typically ambiguous and requires extra time by engineering, programming, machining, and inspection functions to debate and agree on a single conclusion. Complex geometry can result in long inspection and verification times and put even the most sophisticated measurement equipment and processes to the test. In addition, design, manufacturing and quality engineers are often frustrated by communication errors over these features. However, an approach called profile tolerancing offers optimal definition of design intent by explicitly defining uniform boundaries around the physical geometry. It is an efficient and effective method for measurement and quality control. There are several advantages for product designers who use position and profile tolerancing instead of linear dimensioning. When design intent is conveyed unambiguously, manufacturers don’t have to field multiple question from suppliers as they design and build a process for manufacturing and inspection. Profile tolerancing, when it is applied correctly, provides manufacturing and inspection functions with unambiguously defined tolerancing. Those data are manufacturable and measurable. Customers can see cost and lead time reductions with parts that consistently meet the design intent. Components can function properly-eliminating costly rework, redesign, and missed market opportunities. However a supplier that is poised to embrace profile tolerancing will no doubt run into resistance from those who would prefer the way things have always been done. It is not just internal naysayers, but also suppliers that might fight the change. In addition, the investment for suppliers can be steep in terms of training, equipment, and software.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Even though the red pepper is one of the most important seasoning vegetables in Korea, the volume of usage of domestic red pepper has shrunk due to decrease in consumption. Thus, researchers and government officers need to seek for solutions to extend usage of domestic red pepper of food processing industry which consumes considerable amount of it. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors of the usage of domestic red pepper in food processing companies using cross-tabulation analysis and multiple regression model and to find the implications for promoting the usage of domestic red pepper. The results of studies present that specific characteristics of food processing companies affect the usage of domestic red pepper, including size of sales, shape of company, food product processed by company, human organization for purchase of food material, registered trademark, and support of government. This study also suggests that government needs to offer more supporting programs to sauce industry and improve the system of program to promote the usage of domestic red pepper.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to analyze beverage usage motives according to selection attributes of beverage shops. Questionnaires were completed by 509 persons living in the Seoul, Gyeonggido area. The results show significant differences by gender, age, and monthly income. Female customers stayed longer and spent more money than males. Younger customers (20’s, 30’s) stayed longer and visited beverage shops to meet friends. Those with higher incomes stayed shorter and visited beverage shop with company staff. In the factor analysis of selection attributes of beverage shops, there were four factors: ‘physical environment’, ‘economic benefit’, ‘specialized service’, and ‘approach convenience’. Two clusters, derived from selected attributes of beverage shops, were ‘highly involved group’ and ‘low involved group’. The ‘highly involved group’ was high income and highly educated, whereas the ‘low involved group’ was low income and low educated. ‘The highly involved group’ drank beverages in the office and school while the ‘low involved group’ drank beverages at home. The ‘highly involved group’ cited safety, comfort, pleasure, and happiness more than the ‘low involved group’ at beverage shops. Beverage shops should develop health beverages such as caffeine or sugar-controlled beverage for ‘the highly involved group’. Discounts for take-out beverages and promotional coupons should be used for the ‘low involved group’.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research was to identify how students used social media during their experience with study abroad programs that focus on social and environmental sustainability. Key research questions included: Did students and program faculty directors perceive social media as beneficial or challenging to program goal? How did social media contribute to the overall learning process? How can this knowledge inform the design and implementation of future study abroad experiences? Surveys were conducted with students participating in three study abroad programs in three countries with varying levels of internet access. We found that most students used social media as a familiar support system to help acclimate to a foreign land, through the formation of cohesive peer groups and establishment of communication channels with family and friends. However, both students and program directors acknowledged the challenges of social media dependency. We conclude that judicious use of social media, when coupled with conscious immersion into the local environment and culture can enhance study abroad programs; and offer suggestions for future program planning.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES:The purpose of this paper is to evaluate interface performance while using various tack coat materials for asphalt overlay.METHODS:The evaluation was conducted with tracking test, permeability, and interface bond strength. Tracking test was conducted using an image processing technique, to investigate the susceptibility of the tack coat materials. BBS and pull-off test were conducted to evaluate bond strength. The permeability test was conducted to evaluate the effect of tack coat materials.RESULTS :Results reveal that the trackless tack coat material demonstrates less tracking compared to other materials. Moreover, both BBS and pull-off tests can effectively evaluate the bond strength at the interface. RSC-4 was measured less bond strength. Moreover, tack coat prevents water penetration through the surface and aids the extension of the surface life of asphalt pavement.CONCLUSIONS :Trackless tack coat demonstrated a high and consistent bond strength performance. The tack coat types demonstrate marginally different performance as function of curing times. Field applicability was tested based on visual observation. Therefore, these should be considered when trackless tack coat is slightly enhanced the pavement performance based on limited this study results. Finally, it is necessary to allow reasonable time for the tack coat to completely cure.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to investigate the influences of channel assessments on the usage of multi-channels by product types, and the differences in the usage of multi-channels among product types in buying decision making process for fashion products. Data were collected from 510 consumers in their 20s to 50s with purchasing experiences through multi-channel distribution system and living in Seoul and Kyunggi province; 491 were analyzed after deleting incomplete questionnaires. Factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and one-way ANOVA were used for statistical analysis by using SPSS 18.0. The results were as follows: 5 factors were extracted for channel assessment: utility, accuracy, risk, price benefit and sharing information. Price benefits, utility and sharing information for online channel tended to influence positively on the usage of online channel and online+offline channels. Accuracy and low perceived risk of offline influenced positively on offline and on+offline channel usages. The usage levels of on-line and off-line channels for cosmetics were significantly lower than the usage levels for clothes and accessories on information search, evaluation of alternatives, and purchase stages. Significant differences were also found in the usage levels of multi-channels (on+off-line) on information search and evaluation of alternatives stages. The usage levels of the multi-channels for clothes were the highest followed by those of accessories and cosmetics in order.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) has been recognized as a core technology of smart water grid, and the relevant market is growing constantly. In this study, we developed all-in-one smart water meter of the AMI system, which was installed on the test-bed to verify both effectiveness and field applicability in office building water usage. Developed 15 mm-diameter smart water meter is a magneto-resistive digital meter, and measures flow rate and water quality parameters (temperature, conductivity) simultaneously. As a result of the water usage analysis by installing six smart water meters on various purposes in office building water usage, the water usage in shower room showed the highest values as the 1,870 L/day and 26.6 liter per capita day (LPCD). But, the water usage in laboratory was irregular, depending on the many variables. From the analysis of the water usage based on day of the week, the water usage on Monday showed the highest value, and tended to decrease toward the weekend. According to the PCA results and multivariate statistical approaches, the shower room (Group 3) and 2 floor man’s restroom sink (Group 1-3) have been classified as a separate group, and the others did not show a significant difference in both water use and water quality aspects. From the analysis of water usage measured in this study, the leak or water quality accident did not occur. Consequently, all-in-one smart water meter developed in this study can measure flow rate and water quality parameters (temperature, conductivity) simultaneously with effective field applicability in office building water usage.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Qiu, Lina. 2016. “The Loanwords Usage of Chinese Students”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 37~63. The purpose of this article is to statistically sort out the usage of Korean loanwords usage from Chinese students, and to examine the causes. Standing in the position of Chinese students, revealing their loanwords' actual applications not only can help them to recognize their mistakes in loanwords, but also can support them to correct the mistakes. From the standpoint of academic research, we should find out the reason why their frequent mistakes, which is very helpful to loanwords teaching, too. This paper focuses on the real situation, designed to pass the actual investigation to observe the use of loanwords by Chinese students. And also try to clarify the reasons for their use. To this end, this paper conducted a number of written investigations and interviews. Especially, when I try to use a variety of ways in the interviews which I will introduced in chapter 2. Survey data show that their use of loanwords are more complex than we think. However, the reasons can be traceable. In this study is to try to explore the causes just like influence of Chinese-Style English, influence from China's loanwords pronunciation, the pronunciation problems of loanwords, psychological factors.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since China announced the “Chinese Character Simplification Scheme” in 1956, two sides of the straits have had different usage of Chinese characters, which is Traditional or Simplified. This situation has been there for 60 years and we have noticed that, although simplified characters make it easy to remember and write, some original concepts of the characters, such as Chinese culture or how the character was created, have been lost. As Chinese characters consist of “format”, “sound”, and “meaning”, which are closely connected with one another, simplified Chinese have made it inconsistent with the original Chinese characters as they have become simple lines and symbols. When people are learning Chinese, they are not able to understand the close relationship between the format and the meaning or the rich Chinese culture carried by the character. The research motive is from the trend in the survey of university students about their concepts of the usage of traditional and simplified characters. The research will further explain how the format and the meaning of ancient Chinese characters were closely connected.