규제란 국가나 지방자치단체가 특정한 행정 목적을 실현하기 위하여 국민의 권리를 제한하거나 의무를 부과하는 것이다. 불필요하고 과도한 규제를 축소하기 위하여 입법안 또는 정책제안에 대한 규제영향분석(또는 영향평가)이 필요하다. 우리나라는 「행정규제기본법」에 의거 1998년 규제영향분석제도를 도입하였는데, 정부입법만 대상으로 하며, 의원입법은 제외된다. 2003년에 유럽연합(EU)은 기존의 부문별로 존재하던 영향평가를 통합하여 단일한 영향평가제도를 도입하였는데, 유럽연합의 영향평가는 입법안은 물론 정책제안도 대상으로 한다.
유럽연합에서는 영향평가 가이드라인에 따라 영향평가를 실시하는데, 동 가이드라인은 영향평가의 절차 및 각 평가요소를 상세히 규정하여 유럽위원회의 영향평가 담당자들이 영향평가를 준비하는데 도움을 주고 불필요한 규제 방지 및 최적의 입법·정책 제안을 결정하는데 기여하고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 규제영향분석 지침은 간략히 규정하고 있어 규제영향분석 담당자들이 세부적이고 정확한 규제영향분석을 하는데 미흡하다. 특히 유럽연합의 영향평가 가이드라인에서는 경제적·사회적·환경적 영향분석의 세부절차 및 분석요소를 규정함으로서 입법영향에 대한 면밀한 검토가 가능하도록 하고 있다. 과도한 규제를 방지하고 규제개혁을 실현하기 위해서는 유럽연합의 영향평가제도의 장점을 수용하는 것이 필요하다.
2005년 범죄피해자보호법을 시작으로 국가의 범죄대책의 중심이 피해자보호라는 패러다임의 전환이 되었다. 이에 따라 보호관찰소에서의 역할과 업무 또한 가해자와 피해자를 제한적 범위에서 적절히 서로 연결할 수 있도록 되어 있어, 보호관찰에서의 회복적 사법의 형태와 그 실천이 범죄인의 사회복귀와 피해자에게 큰 도움이 될 수 있다. 이를 위해서는 회복적 사법 지향적 처분에 보호관찰 프로그램을 적극 반영해야 한다. 이 프로그램에는 피해자 보호를 위한 일종의 강제처분도 포함되어야 회복적사법의 효과가 배가될 수 있다는 확장모델에 의한 논의는 인정되나 피해자의 입장에서 이를 원치 않을 경우 오히려 제2차 피해를 초래할 가능성이 있으므로 이러한 처분에는 신중을 기해야 한다. 회복적 사법을 실현하기 위하여 가해자에게 피해자의 피해 상황을 인식시키고 관계 개선을 위한 화해프로그램의 모든 범죄로의 확대가 필요하다. 이를 위한 보완적 입법이 필요하며 그 내용으로 보호관찰 대상자 및 피해자를 조사하거나 관련화해 후 보호관찰관에게 결정 처분을 할 수 있는 일정범위의 재량을 부여할 수 있도록 하는 입법화가 회복적 사법의 실현에 보다 효율적이라 할 수 있다. 보호관찰 업무를 담당하는 입장에서 피해자와 가해자 중간에서 피해자들의 정보욕구를 해소시키는 보호관찰 업무를 할 수 있도록 법적 근거와 보호관찰과 회복적사법이 결합된 프로그램의 다양성을 강구해야 한다.
This article aims to describe about filling the gaps in the system of combating human trafficking and forced labor in Poland on the basis of the NGO La Strada. This system has been built for many years. We can consider it as relatively effective at the operational level in aspects such as investigation and support for victims but it is far from sufficient at the general concept of prevention. Looking at institutional level, it is obvious that one of the law enforcement agencies existing in Poland, namely Border Guard, plays rather limited role in combating THB in comparison with its potentialities (the main actor is Police). The main causes of human trafficking in Europe, Asia or Africa are universal factors such as poverty, migration and globalization. Poland and Asian countries experienced Communism. For this reason I will try to present an example of identifying the victims of human trafficking.
상법 제336조 제1항에서는 주식의 양도는 주권의 교부에 의한다고 규정하고 있다. 그러나 일정한 경우 주권의 발행 전에도 주식의 양도를 인정한다. 이때는 주권의 교부없이 주식의 양도가 이루어지므로 주식의 이중양도의 가능성이 있게 된다. 그런데 주식의 양도에 관하여 상법에서는 단지 명의개서를 하지 않으면 회사에 대하여 대항할 수 없다는 취지의 규정(상법 제337조 제1항)만을 두고 있다. 만일 동일 주식이 이중으로 양도되었다면 이중 양도인 상호간에 누구에게 우선권을 인정할 것인가 하는 문제와, 회사는 이 경우 누구를 주주로 인정할 것인가라는 문제가 발생하는 바, 상법 제337조 제1항의 문언은 이러한 문제에 대한 해법을 제시하기에는 부족하다. 결과적으로, 주권발행 전 주식양도시에 양도의 효력요건과 대항요건, 그리고 대항할 수 있다는 것의 구체적인 의미에 대해서는 학설과 판례에 맡겨져 있다. 이에 대하여 다수설·판례는 주권발행전의 주식양도에 대하여 민법상의 지명채권양도의 방법에 의하고, 그 대항력도 결정된다고 한다.
이 논문은 주권발행전의 주식의 이중양도가 문제된 대법원 판례를 중심으로 검토하고 있다. 이 사안에서 이중 양수인 모두 민법상의 제3자에 대한 대항요건을 갖추지 못하였다. 그러나 제2양수인이 명의개서를 하였음에도 제1양수인은 이를 하지 못하였고, 회사는 그러한 사유를 알고 있었다. 이에 대하여 고등법원 판결은 제1양수인이 주주로 취급되어야 한다고 판시함에 반하여 대법원에서는 이중양수인 모두 제3자에 대한 대항요건을 갖추지 못하였으므로, 어느 당사자도 다른 당사자에 대하여 우위에 있지 않으며, 회사로서는 주주명부상의 주주를 주주로 취급해야 할 의무를 가지고 있으므로 주주명부의 기재에 따라서 주주로서의 권리행사의 기회를 제공한 회사의 행위에 아무런 하자가 없다는 태도를 취하였다. 기본적으로 이 논문은 대법원의 태도가 타당하다는 입장에서 논리를 전개하였다.
According to Johan Huizinga (1949), as a Homo Ludens, man developed play (game) element in our culture during evolution. Roger Caillois (1961) categorized play into four groups: Agon (competition), Alea (probability), Mimicry(roleplaying), and Ilinx (altered perception). Current video/computer games are comprised of one or more of them combined. As these sociologists of game assert, game is one of the most basic and fundamental elements of our culture. However, some gamers become highly immersed in playing games, even to the degree of addiction. In 2013, National Assembly of Korea proposed a bill that would help alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts and video game addicts. This caused huge social debates among experts and lay people. While some experts say that gaming addiction is not a truly existing phenomenon, some people say that we need law to regulate gaming in order to help prevent the addicts. These issues have become a problem of technological governance. This article analyzes 80 researches or so that may help us to learn about the problems and answers of the internet addiction, gaming addiction, and internet game (online game) addiction, or computer games for the youth in general. In order to maintain a well performed technological governance, first we need to know the characteristics of the issue. The author hopes that this article may be a ground study to start the scholastic discussion about the gaming governance in Korea.
가석방은 1830년대 오스트렐리아의 노포크도의 감옥관리관인 알렉산더 매코노치가 처음 실시하였는데 그는 범죄자에 대한 형벌은 형기보다 수형자가 수형생활 중달성한 성적이 더욱 의미가 있다고 보았다. 물론 죄값을 묻지 말라는 것은 아니며 죄값을 묻되 그가 수형생활을 어떻게 보내고 있는지에 더욱 치중하라는 의미이다. 응징은 약간의 범죄자에게 겁을 먹게 하거나 범행을 다시 저지르지 않게 하는 효과가 있을지 모르지만 그것은 잠시 동안 시설에 억류하여 범행을 차단하는 의미이상은 아니다. 교정처우의 한 방법으로 가석방은 범행에 비례하며, 공정하고 효과적으로 처우를 하여 수형자로 하여금 바르게 살게 할 가능성을 높이는 것이다. 가석방의 형식은 나라마다 다양한데 소정의 기준에 부합하게 되면 당연히 가석방의 권리를 인정하는 형태에서부터 결정자가 광범위하게 재량권을 갖고 극히 개별적으로 판단하여 가석방을 실시하는 형태까지 다양하다. 가석방의 현실에서 가장 큰 어려움은 일반인, 피해자 또는 비전문가들의 가석방 불필요론일 것이다. 특히 범죄, 범죄자에 대한 맹목적인 증오를 극복해야 한다. 그간의 사례를 보면 가석방 대상자에 대하여 구체적인 프로그램으로 사회생활을 영위할 수 있는 기술교육이 이루어질 경우에 가장 사회적응이 잘되었고, 약물치료프로그램도 성과가 높았다. 그리고 가석방대상자를 중간처우시설에서 생활하게 하는 방식은 아주 좋은 평가를 얻고 있다.
본 논문은 이탈리아의 살아있는 법이론의 개괄적인 소개와 이 이론이 프랑스에 어떻게 수용되었는지를 살펴보는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 이탈리아의 살아있는 법이론은 심판대상 법률규정에 대한 법원의 견고한 해석이 존재하는 경우 헌법재판소는 이와 같은 법원의 해석을 우선적으로 고려해야 한다는 이론으로 헌법재판소의 일종의 자기제한을 전제조건으로 하는 이론이다. 이와 관련하여 프랑스 헌법재판소의 경우 파기원과 국사원의 판례에 대해서만 살아있는 법으로 인정하고 있으며, 이탈리아 헌법재판소와 달리 헌법재판소 자기 자신이 최고법원의 해석을 대체하는 한정적 해석을 하는 적극적인 모습을 보여주고 있는 것이 특징적이다.
Landscape and natural monuments protection policy in North Korea is rarely understood because of lack of information in scientific and legislative fields. Legislative system is very important to protect landscape and natural monuments, which are described at “Landscape and natural monuments protection law (LNMPL)” in North Korea. Cabinet of North Korea has authorities to lead the Central Agency for Landscape and Natural Monuments Protection (CALNMP). Designation and managements of landscape and natural monuments are regarded as CALNMP’s and local governments’ responsibilities. There are many differences between South and North Koreas’ landscape and natural monuments protection system. Especially legislation system has profound differences in its legal structure. North Korea’s Labor Party is superior to the Cabinet and Labor Party’s administrative order has at least the same authority to regulate and manage the national policy and means. With LNMPL, CALNMP organizes the national plan for landscape and natural monuments protection and regulate the activities of the Agencies for landscape and natural monuments protection in the aspects of action plan for each administrative agency, budget and other resources. For the reunification in the future and economic cooperation, legislative and administrative system of landscape and natural monuments protection in North Korea should be understood.
Beyond transnational litigation which seeks to hold corporations accountable for their misconduct overseas through judicial recourse, the risk of human rights abuses should be mitigated by embedding good practices locally through domestic laws and policies. The United Nations proposed Guiding Principles for transnational and other businesses for this purpose in 2011. It has been suggested that National Actions Plans should give effect, or at the very least policy coherence, to the international standards enshrined in the Guiding Principles. This article argues that, properly devised, such plans are invaluable, and can help to reinforce regional imperatives under international law. In Southeast Asia, particularly, the prospect of corporate accountability should be measured by existing or emergent regulatory norms in ASEAN, a regional bloc that aims to achieve parity of rules and regulations across the ten countries through economic integration.
Tokyo trial experienced a judgment circumscribed for a long period for publication during allied occupation years. This is Justice Pal’s dissenting judgment at the Tokyo trial; endeavored to seek Justice in a different way, justified ‘aggression’ not only considering subjective ends, rather extends beyond that. The present paper does not intend to justify the judgment which exceeds author’s competence, but also tries to extract the notion of aggression where Justice Radhabinod Pal is experimental. Where all acts are not act of aggression, the main concern is to segregate the concept of act of war and the act of aggression. Assertion becomes crucial when certain use of force can be legitimized under sovereign right of self-defense. This paper tends to clarify these ambiguities concerning the notion of aggression relying on Justice Pal’s opinion. Firstly, a progressive attempt has been made to identify the extent of use of force under sovereign right of self-defense, overriding that extent may tantamount to aggression. Then possible means have been drawn to limit the concept of aggression. Finally, the paper would shed brief light on the comparison of Justice Pal’s dissenting opinion with contemporaneous legal framework predominantly concerning the notion of aggression.
Maritime boundary issues have become a constraint in the relations between Indonesia and its neighboring countries, including Malaysia. One of the pending issues regarding the overlapping maritime boundary which is not yet to be resolved is the Ambalat area. The primary purpose of this research is to suggest possible senarioa to resolve the maritime delimitation dispute between Indonesia and Malaysia around Ambalt peacefully under international law. This article is prepared to explore all available ways for the peaceful settlement on Ambalat issue.The author will examine the diplomatic channel, ASEAN Way dispute settlement mechanism, adjudication process (litigation and arbitration), and dispute settlement under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. He will also epropose other innovative approach, such like Joint Development Zone. The result of such examination can be used as considerations for the way forward.
Malaysia has asserted sovereign rights over the ND6 and ND7 sea blocks, which partially overlap with the Ambalat and East Ambalat sea blocks. Indonesia has also asserted sovereign rights over there. This article argues the validity of Malaysia’s claim over the ND6 and ND7 sea blocks by virtue of the Pulau Ligitan dan Pulau Sipadan case in which the International Court of Justice found that the 4°10′ N parallel mentioned in the 1891 Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands Defining Boundaries in Borneo terminated on the east coast of Sebatik and did not extend seawards. This article finds that Malaysia may use the Sipadan and Ligitan Islands as a basis to assert sovereign rights over the ND6 and ND7 sea blocks. The authors also highlights several other documents including a 1954 British declaration and bilateral treaties between Malaysia and Indonesia.
The Svalbard Treaty, one of the few inter-governmental treaties in the Arctic area, has drawn global attention. Currently, the dispute focuses mainly on its scope of applicability. Different interpretations of the issue, directly affect each contracting party’s interests in Svalbard, intensifying its debate. China signed the Svalbard Treaty on July 1, 1925, becoming one of its first contracting parties. China has attached great importance to non-discriminatory rights under the treaty, such as scientific research, resource exploitation, fishing, hunting and commercial activities, etc. Therefore, the final determination of the treaty’s applicable scope has a profoundly direct impact on China’s interests in the Arctic area. This research is to analyze the Chinese position on the Svalbard Treaty and to demonstrate the legitimacy of China’s viewpoint from a treaty interpretation perspective.
The primary purpose of this research is to analyze the formation of international custom of medieval East Asia under the system of the Great Ming Code. It focuses on Korea’s policies regarding Japanese crimes in the fifteenth century. This study particularly investigates how the Great Ming Code affected the East Asian system of order. We find that Confucianism, which was the basis for the Great Ming Code, had a great influence on the formation of customs in East Asia in such areas as the establishment of patriarchal authority, filial piety, and the five punishments system. This study also investigates how etiquette, which served as a foundation for diplomatic regulations, affected Korea-Japan relations during the fifteenth century. It also analyzes Joseon (Korea)’s control policies against illegal acts committed by the Japanese, who tried to enter Joseon for economic gain, from the perspective of the Great Ming Code.
Self-defence has long been understood as an inherent right of a State when it is militarily attacked by another State. After September 11 attacks, however, there have been attempts to reinterpret the meaning of ‘armed attack’ under Article 51 of the UN Charter to include attacks by terrorists - non-State actors. This paper critically examines the legal and policy considerations that promote a right of self-defence against terrorists by means of thoroughly analyzing the text of the UN Charter, State practice and the jurisprudence of the ICJ. The paper finds that a terrorist attack as such may not be an armed attack within the meaning of Article 51 of the Charter unless it is an act of a State or directly imputable to a State and is on a large scale with substantial effects. The paper concludes that unilateral use of force against a State in the name of self-defence is not the correct way of combating terrorism and that there are effective alternatives such as addressing the root causes of terrorism, resorting to law enforcement mechanisms or coercive countermeasures, and strengthening multilateralism.
The great career of Global South-South Coalition has just entered its fifties, if we take the establishment of Group 77 in 1964 as its origin. For the past five decades, the course of SSC has seen its ups and downs. Confucian philosophy of China advocates for a comprehensive self-reflection every decade, so as to comb past experience for the sake of future self-improvement. At this historical turning point, it is of necessity to retrospect, while bearing contemporary international economic circumstances in mind, the SSC’s past accomplishments and difficulties, in order to re-affirm people’s confidence of this long-term strategy, and to avoid tactical short-sightedness. In this way, the career of Global SSC could hopefully get ready to sail out once again for new accomplishments. For Chinese scholars, it is also their responsibility to review the New China’s self-positioning on the course of SSC, and to make the world academia hear a voice from China.
The Impact of transnational corporations’ activities on local communities and populations can result in violations of human rights. There are compelling reasons to hold TNCs liable for human rights violations. The regulation of TNCs has become a global public good, and joint forces are needed to hold TNCs more accountable for their violations of human rights. Bilateral Investment Treaties, as a main component of international investment law regulating international investment activities, require urgent reform in this area. This article examines why and how BITs could be drafted or amended in order to enhance TNCs’ human rights accountability. After taking stock of existing legal institutions regulating TNCs, this article analyzes the difficulties and hurdles in subjecting TNCs to human rights liability. Finally, this article probes into potential advisable proposals on how BITs should be reformed, both in substance and procedure, to better respect human rights.
The nature of the UN Global Compact has been studied from the perspective of three frameworks. The first is the theory of norm. The UNGC involves the creation of a network beyond transnational advocacy, as a transnational norm. The network of the UNGC is a public space for dialogue among participants. The second is the theory of subject. In the process of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives, ownership of various stakeholders and actors including companies are discussed. Furthermore, it attempts to draw the sense of ownership and commitment from those who cannot recognize their ownership. The third is the theory of responsibility. In the age of globalization, in association with increasing multilateral actors, the concept of ‘responsibility’ should be multilayered. The concept of ‘responsibility’ should be interpreted stereoscopically and it will be necessary to understand and conceptualize many related concepts concerning ‘accountability’ such as ‘responsibility,’ ‘charge’ and ‘commitment,’ with gradations.