
한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집

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한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 (2024년 4월) 340

2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia, long from north to south, with temperate, subtropical, and tropical climates in different parts of the country. Based on the results of two years of insect surveys in the subtropical and tropical regions of Vietnam, we conducted a comparative analysis of the species diversity of the Noctuoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) in the two survey areas, Bach Ma National Park and Protected Forest in the Vạn Xuân region. In addition, the host flora of the identified moths were analysed to determine the differences in host communities.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea) is known as one of the largest families in Microlepidoptera, encompassing about 600 genera and more than 5,000 described species worldwide. However, the genus Altenia Sattler, 1960 has been poorly studied in Korea, with only one known species. Here we introduce a new species, Altenia parascriptella sp. nov., from Korea, providing photos of adults and genitalia for both sexes, along with diagnostic characteristics.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
전북특별자치도 수박(Citrullus lanatus (Thumb.) Matsum. et Nakai) 재배면적은 2,235ha이며, 익산과 정읍은 주요 수박 재배 지역이다. 본 연구는 수박에서 발생하는 해충 목록 작성을 위한 기초자료 구축 을 목적으로 최근 20년간 보고된 문헌자료를 조사하였다. 문헌조사에 따르면, 수박에서 발생하는 주요 해충은 총 7목, 11과, 22종으로 정리되었다. 이 중 점박이응애(Tetranychus urticae Koch), 목화진딧 물(Aphis gossypii Glover), 아메리카잎굴파리(Liriomyza trifolii Burgess) 등이 우점해충으로 다수의 문헌 을 통해 확인되었다. 그 외 파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua Hübner), 꽃노랑총채벌레(Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande), 목화바둑명나방(Diaphania indica Saunder)등의 해충들이 최근 연구로부터 추가되었다. 본 연구 결과를 기반으로 앞으로 수박 해충에 대한 현장 조사 계획을 수립하고, 적합한 방제 전략을 세우 고자 한다.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Pyralidae comprises over 6,000 species, and is composed of five subfamilies. Among those, the subfamily Phycitinae includes 3 genera, Addyme Walker, 1863, Calguia Walker, 1863, and Coleothrix Ragonot, 1888, with more than 3,300 species worldwide. However, several species of the genera have been erroneously stated and identified due to confusions caused by high morphological similarities. Therefore, we correct those errors through re-examinations of most of the type specimens, along with a diagnosis and table exhibiting the history of those genera. Additionally, we introduce two misidentified Korean pyralids belonging to the genus Addyme.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The Genus Greenidea includes 66 species worldwide. Only two species have been recorded in Korea: G.kuwanai and G.nipponica. We collected Greenidea nigra Maki, 1917 on Quercus glauca in Jeju. This species has been recorded in Japan and Taiwan. In this study, we report this species for the first time in South Korea, and describe morphological features of apterous viviparous females.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Hemipsocus chloroticus (Hagen, 1858) is a leaf litter barklice and has been recorded in Japan, China, Taiwan, South-East Asia, Sri Lanka, and North America. We collected H. chloroticus on Jinju-si, Sanchung-gun, Seoguipo-si, and Ulsan-si from 2022 to 2023. In this study, H. chloroticus is reported for the first time in Korea, and illustrations of diagonistic characters are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The genus Bembidion is a prominent terrestrial group found in various regions around the world, encompassing a large number of species. Species of this genus have a reduced apical palpomere, as do all members of the tribe Bembidiini. This study reviews four species belonging to the subgenus Plataphus, which is included within the genus Bembidion. Descriptions and photos of adults are provided.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Currently, 12 subspecies of Coptolabrus smaragdinus have been recorded in Korea, of which 7 subspecies are listed in South Korea. C. smaragdinus has limited movement due to degenerated hindwings, resulting in high intraspecific diversity due to geographic isolation. Previous studies have been mainly classified based on external characters or genitalia structure, but the differences between subspecies are very ambiguous. In this study, we aimed to more clearly distinguish at the subspecific classification level, by examining the male aedeagal and inflated endophallus. Additionally, we provide photos of adult, endophallus and the process of endophallus inflation.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The family Erebidae (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea) is known as one of the largest families in Lepidoptera, comprising about 1,760 genera and more than 24,569 described species worldwide. Within this family, the genus Plecoptera Guenée, 1852, belonging to the subfamily Anobinae, has been documented across the Palaearctic, Oriental, and Afrotropical regions. Here, we introduce the subfamily and genus for the first time in Korea, along with a new species. The diagnosis, description and photographs of adult and genitalia are provided here.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The subgenus Oropeza Needham, 1908 (Diptera: Tipulidae: Dolichopeza) comprises 27 described species distributed across the Holarctic region. Certain Oropeza species have been reported in neighboring countries of the Korean Peninsula―6 species in Japan, 3 species in China, and 4 species in Russia. Some researchers, such as Byers (1961) and Savchenko (1983), suggested that the distribution of Oropeza cover the East-Palearctic regions, including the entirety of the Korean Peninsula. However, previous records of Oropeza from the Korean Peninsula have not been accepted because of the lack of comprehensive species-level investigations in this region. In this study, we present a new record of the species Dolichopeza (Oropeza) satsuma (Alexander, 1918) in South Korea, with redescription and photographs: general habitus, wing veins, and male genitalia. This finding marks the rediscovery of the subgenus Oropeza in the Korean Peninsula.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
This study reports the first records of four coleophorids, namely Coleophora kamchatica (Anikin, 1999), C. lativittella Erschoff, 1877, C. levantis Baldizzone & Oku, 1988, and C. citrarga Meyrick, 1934, in Korea. Additionally, the presence of two species, C. montaniella Oku & Kusunoki, 2018, and C. artemisicolella Bruand, 1855, in Korea has been overlooked in the previous checklist of the family Coleophoridae in Korea, despite there being evidence of their existence. Consequently, with these additions, the total number of known species in Korea has been confirmed to be 42, expanding from the previously identified 36 species. Diagnostic characteristics and photographs of adults and genitalia for the four newly recorded species are provided, along with evidence supporting the presence of the two overlooked species in Korea.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Drywood termite (Cryptotermes domesticus), native to South East Asia, is distributed in India, China, Taiwan, Australia and so on. In China, it is considered an economically important pest causing damage to wood. It lives in dry wood environments such as furniture, buildings, and structural timber. It is difficult to find drywood termite within a structure but it can be detected by the presence of alate flight and small egg-like pellets of excreta. It was found in a house in Seoul, Korea in July 2023 and was investigated joint by APQA, National Institute of Ecology, National Institute Biological Resources, National Institute of Forest Science, Cultural Heritage Administration and Gyeongsang National University. The COII barcode region was analized with PCR method and compared with the sequences of all C. domesticus registered in NCBI 557bp of base sequence. Genetic difference ranged from a minimum of 0.0072 to a maximum of 0.0557. Among these, the individual with the minimum genetic distance was from Guangdong Province, China.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Western drywood termite, Incisitermes minor, is distributed southwestern USA and northern Mexico. Invasions had been reported to Canada, China, Hawaii and Japan. Incisitermes minor may be introduced through wooden structures. In California and Arizona, it caused economic damage of about $250 million. In September 2023, it was discovered in a house in Changwon-city, Korea and a joint investigation was conducted by APQA and other government agencies. The 16S rRNA sequence was used in the molecular epidemiological investigation to trace the origin of the invasion. Five individuals found in Changwon and 18 foreign sequences collected by NCBI were compared. A total of 462bp of base sequences were compared, and the genetic distance was observed to range from a minimum of 0.000 to a maximum of 0.1791. They were most genetically similar to the California individual in the United States.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Subgenus Bothynoptera Schaum, 1863 of the genus Parena is mainly found in Oriental region. Despite this widespread distribution, species of the subgenus Bothynoptera are poorly known in Korea. While a total of 14 species have been recorded worldwide, only 3 species have been recorded in Korea. In this study, as a revisional work of Korean known species, a pictorial key and photographs of habitus and male genitalia for each species are provided, with a newly recorded species in Korea.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera: Ensifera), commonly known as cave crickets, are a wingless family and considered the most ancient lineage within Tettigoniidea. However, previous molecular phylogenetic studies and morphological hypotheses have shown inconsistencies. Although their fossils have been found in Baltic amber, their systematic placement remains unrevealed. This study reconstructed a comprehensive phylogeny integrating both extant and fossil lineages. Initially, we revealed relationships within extant lineages through molecular phylogenetics including all extant subfamilies for the first time. Subsequently, using a cladistic approach based on morphology, we confirmed the systematic position of fossil taxa †Protroglophilinae with a report of a new species. Integrating molecular and morphological phylogeney by total evidence tip-dating, we present the comprehensive phylogeny of Rhaphidophoridae considering both extant and fossil groups.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Despite having enabled insects to become the most abundant and successful group on Earth, wings have been lost in numerous insect lineages, including Orthoptera. Melanoplinae, a subfamily that includes over 100 genera and more than 800 species in Acrididae, exhibits various wing-types and dispersal abilities. Some species possess extensive flight capabilities with long wings, while many groups that inhabit alpine environments tend to reduce their wings and dispersal ability. In order to infer the evolutionary history of Melanoplinae and their wings, we conducted molecular phylogenetic research. We established the phylogeny using seven mitochondrial (Cox1, Cox2, CytB, Nad2, Nad5, 12S and 16S) and two nuclear genes (H3 and Wg) for 139 taxa. By investigating the wing types in Melanoplinae, we estimated the ancestral state of the wings and traced their evolutionary history. Our results present that loss and recovery of wings occurred multiple times within Melanoplinae, showing distinct histories across inner taxa within the subfamily.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Vespa binghami (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) is one of the 10 species in the genus Vespa distributed in South Korea and is the only nocturnal wasp. In this study, we sequenced complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the species using the Sanger method and using Vespa-specific 30 primer sets. The length of V. binghami was 15,957 bp and the total A/T content was 80.6%. The A+T-rich region of V. binghami was 152 bp, and other Vespa species ranged from 39 bp (V. velutina) to 2,230 bp (V. v. auraria). Compared to the majority of insects, the gene arrangement of V. binghami had differences as followings: trnY-trnI-trnM-trnQ, trnN-trnE-trnS1-trnF, and trnS2-trnL1. However, all species in the genus Vespa registered in GenBank to date were composed of the same arrangement. Phylogenetic analysis using 13 PCGs and 2 rRNA genes showed the sister relationship between V. binghami and V. orientalis with the higher nodal supports.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Tropilaelaps mercedesae Anderson and Morgan, 2007 (Acari: Laelapidae) is a serious ectoparasite of the brood of several honey bee species. Among the four recognized species of Tropilaelaps, Korean population was renamed as T. mercedesae from T. clareae on the basis of morphological evidences and genetic data. In this study, we report the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence of T. mercedesae. The 15,119-bp long mitogenome has an identical gene arrangement to that of Chinese sample reported previously. Comparison of two geographic samples showed COII, ND5, ND4, ND6, CytB, and ND1 to have higher number of variable sites than COI, which is often used for population-level study, suggesting these genes to have potential usefulness for population genetic study. The mitogenome sequence of T. mercedesae from Korea could be useful for species identification for geographic samples, trace of the origin of local populations, and illustration of evolutionary distinction among Tropilaelaps species either using part of or whole genome.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Fall armyworm (FAW, Spodoptera frugiperda) is a major pest worldwide, and since its first domestic invasion was confirmed in 2019, its damage has been steadily increasing in crops such as corn until recently. In order to provide basic data for the management of FAW, we conducted a comparison of host preference and nutritional composition analysis of corn varieties. A total of 12 varieties of corn were selected for the experiment. To investigate the preference among the varieties, we examined the host preferences at the population level and the individual level, and found no statistically significant differences. In the population-level experiment, the highest damage rate was observed for Saekso 4 and the lowest for Heukgeom 2. In the individual-level experiment, the highest damage rate was found for Kangilok and the lowest for Oryun 2 when using leaves, and the highest for Saekso 1 and the lowest for Dreamok when using stems. As a result, the population-level and individual-level results were not consistent, suggesting that FAW's corn variety preference is not clear and may vary depending on various conditions such as corn tissue. Composition analysis of the 12 varieties showed no correlation between composition and FAW preference among the varieties, and considering the feeding behavior of FAW, which are highly polyphagous, it is recommended to control FAW as early as possible to improve control effectiveness.
2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
본 연구는 검거세미밤나방(Agrotis ipsilon) 성페로몬 트랩에 혼재하여 유살되는 은무늬밤나방아과 형태적 분류와 동정법 수립을 위해, 날개 무늬의 형태계측학 분석을 실시하였다. 은무늬밤나방아과 개체는 2023년 11월 부터 12월까지 제주도 애월읍 일대에서 채집되었으며, 콩 해충으로 알려진 콩은무늬밤나방(Ctenoplusia agnata) 을 비롯하여, 다양한 농작물을 가해하는 것으로 알려진 붉은금무늬밤나방(Chrysodeixis eriosoma)의 수컷 성충이 포획되었다. 앞날개의 형태 및 무늬를 가지고 현장에서 쉽게 동정할 수 있는 형태적 특징을 도출하기 위하여, 각 성충 개체의 앞날개를 잘라 현미경 카메라로 촬영하고, 앞날개의 내횡선, 아외연선, 반점 크기 등 15개의 형질 을 측정하였다. 또한 각 형질 간의 상관관계를 분석하였으며 빈도분포를 통하여 두 종간 분리되는 형질을 파악하 였다. 최종적으로 다변량 분석법을 적용하여 두 집단이 어떻게 군집을 이루는지 분석하고, 날개형태만으로 붉은 금무늬밤나방과 콩은무늬밤나방을 구분할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.