
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 930

        2012.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently buildings are constructed in larger and higher scales and becoming more complex. Every country in the world is competing to build high-rise buildings. Korea also has and is constructing high-rise buildings, like the 123story Jamsil Lotte Super Tower. However from small to large scale buildings and on construction sites there still are fire safety accidents that occur continuously. Therefore to improve fire safety plan, examining the actual fire safety management and understanding fire risk analysis Using Fire Modeling through Computer Simulation. Fire safety management plan related fire safety cases were collected an dan analyzed for the study. Also hazard analysis of High rise Buildings under fire compared with existing fire law sand regulations.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Proportion of falling from height accident at construction work accounts for more than 40%, and the number of injuries is getting increased. So without considering falling from height, we can say that it's hard to achieve our goal(accident prevention). Another critical point that we have to think about theses days is the fact that construction workers are getting older. To be specific, the number of workers who are above 50 years old accounts for 65.6% among the fatalities(2007~2011, KOSHA inspection). Accordingly, to effectively prevent construction accedents, especially falls from height, we need to focus on motion analysis of older construction workers and then make suitable measures for growing accident rates at construction work.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Risk Assessment to list possible safety disasters and their probability and severity is the starting point for effective safety management on construction project site. However, the safety managers in owners, construction supervisors, contractors, and sub-contractors still have difficulties in judging the priorities of safety activities and preparing responses to each potential safety disasters. Therefore, this study aimed to suggest a systematic method in assessing safety risk prior to commencement with the agreement of stakeholders. FMECA(failure mode effects and criticality analysis) was selected as a main assessment tool and it was modified according to the characteristics of construction projects and trades. Each risk is, firstly, evaluated with occurrence probability, possible loss and impacts to projects, and detections, and then risk priority number(RPN) is calculated. Subsequently, the managers of each stakeholder discuss the types, timing, and responsibilities of responses as a group decision-making process.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Construction companies with the highest proportion in death crash has been devoting much effort to prevent the crash accidents. In general, a crash-proof worker has been wearing a seatbelt. However, the G construction company had happened in industrial settings when workers fail to abide by the rules. The Carabiner, one of the composing of Safety Belt, must endure the Allowable Load. In this study, the Industrial accidents and cause of the crash analysis in G Construction company is performed by empirical research. And we have been studied the empirical research to setting up of the allowable limit for Carabiner.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As contemporary building construction type is getting higher and deeper, construction equipment usage is getting more, and related fatal accidents are on an increasing trend. Because of this, a method was drawn which could grasp the present state of construction equipment management and manage safety of the equipment more easily for accident prevention by choosing 2 kinds of Construction equipment which cause safety accident frequently among the equipment mainly used in construction site. This study suggested a method about construction equipment safety management using "smart phone" base which could be used in safety management for construction equipment by whomever in construction site. After attachment of QR code included safety checklist, It became possible that site managers could check more efficiently by scanning with their smart phone when they inspect equipment. Moreover, by the construction interested who didn't know what and how they have to inspect could point out unsafe condition in the early stage of equipment entering or take unsafe one out of the site by using new smart phone safety checking system is installed, it became possible that critical accident caused by construction equipment was prevented in advance.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        HANARO(High Flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor) design was started from 1985 and was constructed in 1995 by KAERI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). The document control book was written by hand and hard-copy was kept at that time. JRTR(Jordan Research and Training Reactor) was contracted for export to Jordan March 2010 by KAERI Consortium. This contract is a matter for congratulation of export of first made-in-Korea nuclear system. NRR(New Research Reactor) officially launched in April 2012. The document control system is controlled by PPM (Project Procedure Manual) and QAP(Quality Assurance Procedure) and ANSIM(KAERI Advanced Nuclear Safety Information Management) was built for JRTR. ANSIM system consists of the document management holder, document container holder and organization management holder. This system was registered about 2,000 design output like DDA(Document Distribution for Agreement), design documents, design drawings and project manger memorandum. The system design for JRTR was smoothly performed using ANSIM. NRR set to separated exclusive system that was based on JRTR ANSIM. Folder of nuclear laws, codes and standards was added to that system and those will be useful during designing. The project and quality assurance plans and procedures has been managed from design documents separately. Above all things, independent review and ALARA(As Low As Reasonably Achievable) review were operated for nuclear safety at ANSIM. And cover and body of design document were combined and backup system was established. After then, system upgrade and operation pursue the effect analysis by design change for accomplishment of the research reactor project.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        보현산 다목적 댐 건설지역은 경상북도 영천시 화북면에 위치하며, 2009년 12월 7일부터 건설 시작되었다. 본 조사는 댐 건설로 인한 이 지역의 곤충상 변화를 알아보고자 실시하였으며, 댐 건설의 진행에 따른 주요종, 고유종 또는 특이종들의 변화과정과 종 구성 변화에 대해서도 알아보고자 하였다. 보현산 다목적 댐 건설지역 을 총 3구역 7개 정점조사구를 설정하여 2010년 10월 2일 부터 2012년 3월 17일까지 매년 4회 분기를 나누어 총 7회 현지조사를 실시하였다. 조사는 주간조사를 실시 하였으며 조사방법으로는 쓸어잡기법(sweeping), 털어잡기법(beating), 채어잡기법(brandishing), 흡충관 이용, 예상 서식지 조사 및 돌 들추기 등의 임의 채집법 등을 중심으로 조사지역 내의 여러 장소에서 실시하고, 서식 환경에 따라서 적절한 조사방법을 이용하여 가급적 다양한 분류군이 확인되도록 하였다. 그리고 현장에서 쓸어잡기법으로 조사된 채집물은 80% 이상 알코올 액침 또는 지퍼팩에 임시 보관하여 실험실에서 sorting, 실체현미경에서 동정, 분류하였다. 동정시 확인하는데 시일이 걸리는 미소종은 제외하였다. 조사결과 2010년 3분기 8목 26과 44속 47종, 2011년 1분기 6목 12과 24종, 2011년 2분기 9목 59과 149종, 2011년 3분기 10목 50과 121종, 2011년 4분기 10목 35과 84종, 2012년 1분기 5목 17과 33종이 출현하였으며 전체 조사결과는 총 13목 95과 306종으로 조사되었다.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        중국에서 토지소유권은 제도적 차원의 의미만 갖고 있으며 사법영역에서 그 존재에 어떠한 의미를 부여하기는 어렵다. 2007년에 물권법이 제정됨에 따라 도시에서 건설용지사용권이 토지사용권을 갈음하여 사용되게 되었다. 본고에서는 우선 건설용지사용권의 취득과 관련하여 양도와 무상양도에 의한 취득을 설명하였고 이어서 건설용지사용권의 소멸사유를 소개하였다. 건설용지사용권의 취득과 소멸에 관한 소개를 전제로 현재 건설용지사용권에서 주로 문제되고 있는 건설용지사용권의 저당권설정과 건설용지사용권의 기한이 만료된 후에 발생되는 여러 문제를 다루었다. 환언하면 주로 물권법 제149조와 제200조에 관련된 문제이다. 제149조는 건설용지사용권의 기한이 만료되었을 경우에 주택건설용지사용권은 자동으로 연장되며 비 주택건설용지사용권은 법률의 규정에 따른다고 규정하였다. 이 규정은 기존에 존재하는 문제를 회피한 규정이다. 이에 관하여 기존의 규정과 물권법의 규정의 관계를 분석하였으며 해석을 통하여 그 한계에 봉착한 경우에는 과감히 현재의 법 규정을 개정할 필요가 있다는 결론에 이르렀다. 물권법 제200조는 “저당권을 설정한 후 그 토지위에 건물을 신축한 경우에, 그 건물은 저당재산에 포함되지 않는다. 다만 저당권자가 건설용지사용권위에 설정된 저당권을 실현할 경우, 그 신축된 건물을 일괄경매해야 하며 저당권자는 건물의 대가에 관해서는 우선변제를 받을 수 없다.”고 규정하였다. 이 규정에 관해서 저당권설정 후에 신축된 건물의 일괄경매에 관한 문제점을 분석하였다. 결론적으로 본다면 이러한 문제의 핵심에는 중국에서 일관적으로 주장하여 오던 토지와 건물의 관계문제가 자리 잡고 있다. 그러므로 문제해결의 관건은 토지와 건물의 관계에 관한 현재의 법 규정을 어떻게 해석하는가에 있으며 해석을 통한 해결이 어렵기 때문에 입법론적으로 접근해야 할 것으로 생각한다.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As contemporary building construction type is getting higher and deeper,construction equipment usage is getting more, and related fatal accidents are on an increasing trend. In these days, due to the deteriorating construction business circumstance, job finding problem of equipment operator, and dumping contract, equipment lease suppliers are putin jeopardy. In high-rise building construction, especially tower crane, mobile elevated work platform and other High place operation cars among construction equipment cause many critical accidents because of drop supply of construction biding bringing out dumping contract could cause unsafe and poor construction management. Because of this, a method was drawn which could grasp the present state of construction equipment management and manage safety of the equipment more easily for accident prevention by choosing 2 kinds of Construction equipment which cause safety accident frequently among the equipment mainly used in construction site. This study suggested a method about construction equipment safety management using ‘‘smart phone’ base which could be used in safety management for construction equipment by whomever in construction site. After attachment of QR code included safety checklist, It became possible that site managers could check more efficiently by scanning with their smart phone when they inspect equipment. Moreover, by the construction interested who didn’t know what and how they have to inspect could point out unsafe condition in the early stage of equipment entering or take unsafe one out of the site by using new smart phone safety checking system is installed, it became possible that critical accident caused by construction equipment was prevented in advance.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Risk Assessment, a basis of health and safety management system, is an calamity prevention activity which regularly measure the level of a risk to passively improve potential hazard. A problem, the assessment not being improved to be applied to the construction work site where requires diversity and complexity, causes the assessment to be inefficient to bring quality results. A study on the investigates and compares the surveyed degree of recognitions of workers who works in companies executing the risk assessment By the investigation and comparison, it is expected to bring the better solution for early and efficient application for those companies which are not taking the risk assessment.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        몽골은 석탄 매장량이 매우 풍부하고 석유연료를 전적으로 수입에 의존하기 때문에, 석탄액화플랜트 건설에 필요한 충분한 여건을 갖추고 있다. 본 연구에서는 몽골에 하루 10,000배럴의 석유연료를 생산할 수 있는 석탄액화플랜트를 건설할 경우에 대한 경제성분석을 수행한다. 먼저 기존에 있는 산업계의 석탄액화플랜트 프로젝트 데이터와 학계의 연구결과를 토대로 몽골 석탄액화플랜트 건설에 필요한 비용과 기대수명, 그리고 예상 수명기간 동안 운영했을 때 발생하는 운영
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, carelessness on safety management in construction sites has caused a sharper upward trend in accidents and disasters, compared to the past. Therefore, this study analyzes the causes of accidents that occurred on construction sites in the year of 2007, and proposes preventive measures. The construction industry had a heavy death rate with 279 out of 418 deaths from falls in all industrial sites, accounting for 66.7%. And the causation analysis found a particularly high incidence of temporary structure-related accidents, with falling off scaffolding as the most common cause of accidents. According to the causation analysis of fall-down accident cases, accidents induced by protrusion on construction sites are a big contributor resulting in the deaths of 312, accounting for 74.8%, which is deemed to be due to site disorderliness. And to remove floor protrusions and to secure workers' traffic line and safety, neat and thorough site arrangement is necessary. Against collision, efforts must be made to prevent equipment-pedestrian crashes on site, which necessarily requires emergency lamps, alarm bells, and safety poles and blocks to be installed, lighting systems to be improved, obstacles to be removed, site supervisors to be assigned to construction equipment works, and workers to be more intensely trained and supervised.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        아산만 인근해역은 최근 20여년 넘게 실시된 각종 방조제 공사가 저서동물의 군집구조에 영향을 주는 것으로 알려지고 있지만, 이에 대한 연구는 충분치 않다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 화옹방조제 건설 이후 아산만 대형저서동물의 군집구조에 영향을 주는 환경요인을 분석하였다. 대형저서동물 채집은 2007년 8월과 2008년 2월에 아산만 주변 해역 22개의 정점에서, 스미스 맥킨타이어 그랩(Smith McIntyre Grab, 표면 면적: 0.1m2)을 이
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Project of Jordan Research and Training Reactor (JRTR) officially launched in Aug. 2010. JRTR is the first made-in-Korea nuclear system to be built abroad by year 2015, and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is responsible for the design o
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea enacted the occupational safety and health law in order to prevent industrial accidents in 1981. Led by ministry of labor, occupational safety and health support services policy has been built through government-affiliated organizations, research institutions and academic research. Korea's accident rate has remained at 0.7% for last 10 years despite continuous efforts over the last 30 years. These results means that the occupational safety and health support services policy conducted by the government have reached their limits. Therefore, the necessity of assessment about occupational safety and health support services policy is proposed. The main objective of this study, through the IPA analysis, is to grasp the point of worker's needs about occupational safety and health support services policy and to help formulate the efficient policy.