
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 411

        1998 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        If a system has a large boundary and complexity, forecast's accuracy will be very low when consider the system's substance as black box. Thus, it is necessary that analysis by structure model. To examine competition in Northeast Asia Ports, it has assumed that the form of structure model, For which the System Dynamics method is adapted in this paper. Northeast Asia Ports Model includes five ports - Pusan, Kobe, Yokohama, Kaoshiung, Keelung, - which are adjacent to each other by geographically and has a competition relation. The Northeast Asia Ports Model has several sub-systems which consists of each unit port models. And, each unit port model found by quantitive, qualititive factors and their feedback loops. All effects which components of one port have influence to components of the rest ports must be surveyed in order to construct Northeast Asia Ports Model, but it may be impossible currently. In this paper Northeast Asia Ports Model was simplified by HFP-Hierarchical Fuzzy Process Method -adapted to integration of level variables of unit port model. Container cargo volumes in Northeast Ports Model is distributed by results of HFP method. And, distributed container cargo volumes effected to unit port model. Developed model can estimate change of container cargo volumes in competitive relation by alternation of simple parameter, and reflects dynamics characteristics which are included in model.
        1995.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The intensification of the competition among container terminals has led to important affect such as, decision making or aggressive intervention of customers for terminal operation. Therefore, in case of developed ports, the large transition of port operation is composed of the press of terminal customer than decision making of terminal manager. Overall port tariffs for using terminal is made out by the conference of terminal customers than the supreme headquarters of terminal operation, and the related investment of terminal has been made according to requisition or proposal of customers. Therefore, among decision making problems that shippers, shipping companies, and freight forwarder among decision making problems that shippers, shipping companies, and freight forwarder face, the choice of the container terminal is one of the most important problems. So, the decision making of the users seems to have a significant impact on the competitive power of container terminals. The main objective of this study is to design port marketing strategy for strengthening the competitive power of container terminals. The results of this study were found as follows: Firstly, port authority should establish user-oriented operation policy of terminal as the means of activating the opinion window, using terminal monitoring system(TMS). Secondly, terminal planning and development of government should be made to minimize the lead time, to induce the civil capital and to utilize the economies of scale. Thirdly, port authority needs to endeavor to analyze the information of competing foreign terminals as well to promote the concentrated marketing for the terminal on the users, to train the expert and to develop the new port charge system. Fourthly, to improve the competitive power of the container terminal, Port Authority should optimize the subsystems related to port marketing, far more these systems should be joined organically to work effectively. Finally, port authority system should be introduced, Namely, port should have the enterprise inclination as well s the public inclination.
        1995.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The development of Korean shipping industry is maybe defined into three development stages-industry fixing stage, industry coordinating stage, industry development stage-. The development of shipping industry has been depended on the geovernment/authority role such as shipping policy, system, law, rules and regulations. In 1983, Korean shipping industry reorganization and coordination by shipping authority have made our shipping industry on the stable condition together with each company's efforts. Today's world economic environment such WTO/UR negotiation results get this government role limited. According to the being reduced government role, each company's competitive advantage power becomes more important. Besides, korean shipping industry is exposed into the entire and bitter world competition. In order to win and prevent the world shipping competition, it is necessary to look out the competitive advantage power of Korean shipping industry. The first purpose of this study is the situation analysis for competitive advantage power of Korean shipping industry. The second is to compare with our shipping policies with foreign ones concerned with ship, cargo, crew, tax and others. But in order to compare with foreign shipping, this study need their shipping statistics data, this study has some limit of the foreign data. This study has been carried on the basis of the following items. 1. Shipping environment, 2. Ships and ship acquirement(shipbuilding/purchasing), 3. Oceangoing cargo and ship's stowage rate, 4. Human factor in shipping-crew, 5. The incomes and costs in finacial statements. We have some conclusions as following through the this study. First, Korean shipping industry environment-competitive disadvantage situation- has changed rapidly due to the shipping market opening, free market entering of foreign shipping. Second, Korean shipping is disadvantageous due to the high tax rate and financing conditions in connection with ship acquirement. In order to improve the competitive advantage power, the shipping tax system and ship financing conditions should be reviewed to profitable for owners. Third, but both world and Korean oceangoing cargoes quantity have been increased annualy, Korean ship's cargo stowage rate is being decreased. This is serious situation but Korean shipping take well use of foreign vessel with hire. It is recommended to take use of owner's vessel and hired ones in the long range view, considering the world shipping management. But the number of crew has been decreased by 2, 000~3, 000 annualy, it is desirable that the long sea-experienced crew have been increased. Almost of owners usauly complain the crew cost is the main obstacles to competitive advantage power. Human factor is the most important firm's asset. All owners should pay attention to this though, and invest the proper budget to training, education, welfare as much as possible. In the long run this effects could be feedback to owners. Fifth, We must improve the financial statements structure, that is, the first step is to increase income, the second is to decrease cost, the third is to increase income on the same cost, the fourth is to decrease cost on the same income. It is essential to find out what the urgent investment is and what unnecessary cost is. At last, in order to competite world shipping race, each shipping firm must try for himself to retain the power. The government/authority is no longer dependable. I believe that each firm's power will be the industry's power, the industry's power will be the nations's power.
        1995.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        What is the national competitive power\ulcorner What are the determinants of national competitive advantage\ulcorner In order to find these problems, this study was initiated theoretically through the international trade theory and international managerial strategic theory. The flow of studies, in connection with these competitive advantage, come into industries competitive advantage from national competitive advantage. It is understood that the flow of studies is based on the change of paradigm about the international industry environment. Today, the international industry environment has been changed into vigorous situation with the new trade system such as globalization, UR negotiation, WTO system instead of GATT. Among these environments, all enterprises in any industries should try to enhance their benefit, income profits and develop their management strategy, because it is essential for them to keep and make a profit in order to be competitive against all other rivaling enterprises. According to researchers and the ages of history, the concept and determinants of competitive advantage have been dissimiliar as followings. 1) Theory of absolute advantage : Absolute Product Cost. 2) Theory of comparative advantage : Comparative Product Cost. 3) Theory of reciprocal demand : the Reciprocal Demand Structure. 4) Theory of Hechsher-Ohlin : Factor Endowment. 5) Paradox of Leontief : the Quality of Factor Endowment. 6) Theory of technological gap : R & D. 7) Technological gap model : The Technological Gap. 8) Theory of the product life cycle : Product Life Cycle. 9) Christensen's study : Firm's character & manager's character. 10) Monopolistic Advantage Theories : Monopolistic Advantage 11) Electic theory : Ownership, location and internalization specific advantages. 12) Theory of value chain : Cost advantage, Differentiation, Focus. However all these theories have the limit of illustration regarding today's competitive situation, the Porter's theory shows well the determinants of competitive advantage with competitive strategy. Therefore, the analysis of the competitive advantage for maritime industry should be studied by the determinants of competitive advantage of nations
        1994.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Technological and organisational changes in transport system have introduced new dimension into port system development and inter-port competition. The quality of service now required by the customer is costly and not easily provided by small shipping companies and small ports. It has been suggested that in the future container shipping may be concentrated by space-sharing arrangements or actual mergers into the hands of a few mega-operators with the investment potential to provide total logistics networks. In order to compete effectively, high load factors will be essential and port concentration inevitable. A fa-voured few ports will become the load centres and other ports will assume a secondary feeder role. In this study, three questions are raised and attempts are made to answer them : (a) what is the new role of ports today ; (b) why should ports be engaged in this new role ; and (c) how can ports play this new role. In short, a modern port should be a service centre and a logistic platform for international trade and transport-a third generation port. Ports, in particular, have to make every effort to be competitive in the cost and quality of services and to make the port a transport and distribution service centre. For most ports, this is not an option but a must ; an essential requirement for survival in this win or lose situation. The best way to win is to maintain a close contact with port users, listen to them, discuss with them, help them and satisfy them. That is port marketing. Starting from the findings of port marketing, it is es-sential to work out appropriate development plans and marketing targets and to improve port competitive-ness. As an alternative method, a port competitiveness model is suggested, which may help port managers to make appropriate improvements.
        1992.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 경쟁결과와 성별이 원인지각에 미치는 영향을 검증하는 것이다. 연구를 위한 검사도구는 McAuley등이 1989년에 개발한 원인차원척도 질문지를 우리 설정에 맞게 번안한 후 타당성과 신뢰도를 검증하여 사용하였다. 연구 대상은 중학교 3학년에 재학중인 남자 28명과, 여자 20명으로 총 48명이다. 피험자들은 체육수업의 마지막 단계에서 체육교사에 의하여 배드민턴 기능 평가를 받았으며 성적편차 4점을 기준으로 능력별 대진표를 작성하였다. 작성된 대진표에 따라 피험자들은 서울대학교 체육관에서 배드민턴 경기를 하였고, 경기가 끝나는 즉시 승자와 패자로 분류하여 질문지에 반응하도록 하였다. 자료분석은 이원변량 분석의 통게기법으로 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경쟁결과에 따라 내재성, 안정성, 외적 통제가능성, 내적 통제가능성의 원인지각 차원에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉, 승자는 패자에 비하여 자신의 결과를 내적이고 안정적인 것으로 원인지각 하였다. 그리고 외적 통제가능하고 내적 통제가능한 것으로 원인지각 하였다. 둘째, 성별에 따라 외적 통제가능성, 내적 통제가능성의 원인지각 차원에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 즉, 남자는 여자에 비하여 자신의 결과를 외적 통제불가능하고, 내적 통제가능한 것으로 원인지각 하였다. 셋째, 경쟁결과와 성별에 따라 외적 통제가능성의 원인지각 차원에서 상호작용 효과가 유의한 것으로 나타났다.
        1991.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to establish coach`s role and develop the coach`s leadership scale based on the competing values concept of whole and dynamic leader` s role. Quinn` s Competing Values Instrument (Extended Version) which is composed of 32 items was translated and extended to 64 items in order to represent sport situation. Data were collected for 194 coaches and 210 athletes from 8 sport events. In order to extract the factors with coach` s role, factor analysis was performed based on 64 items. From the analysis, six factors of coach` s role are creator, broker, goal setting and director, coordinator, monitor, and support and mentor` s role. 23 items validity were performed by item-to-total correlation and Cronbach`s alpha was computed to verify the reliability. Coach` s competing values leadership scale composed of 6 role factors and 23 items was developed and criteria for constructing coach` s leadership profile.
        1989.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수도 주요 품종별 주내 및 주간경쟁반응과 주내에서 주요 형질의 경간 변이 정도를 구분하고 주요 반응 태상별 재식밀도 반응을 구명하여 다수확 재배기술 개선을 위한 기초자료로 이용하고자 시험을 실시하였던 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 주내 및 주간경쟁지수가 다같이 낮은 품종은 팔공벼, 밀양 83호, 밀양 90호, 상풍벼였고, 주내 및 주간경쟁지수가 다같이 큰 품종은 풍산벼, 삼강벼, 원풍벼, 태백벼, 동진벼 등이었다. 2. 주내 가 경간 주요 형질의 병이는 형질에 따라 품종별 반응이 약간 달랐으나, 대체로 각 형질의 변이계수 상호간에는 정상관관계가 있었으며, 경쟁지수가 높은 품종이 주내에서 주요 형질의 경간 변이계수가 낮은 경향이었다. 3. 경쟁지수와 수량과의 관계에서 주내 경쟁지수가 증가하면 일본형 품종들과, 통일형 품종중에서 소얼성인 밀양 83호 는 수량이 증가하였으나, 풍산벼와 남영벼는 일정한 형향이 없었다. 그러나 전품종 다같이 주간 및 전체 경쟁지수가 증가하면 쌀수량이 증가하였다. 4. 경쟁지수 증가에 따른 쌀수량의 증가 정도는 경쟁지수가 낮았던 팔공벼, 밀양 83호 등에서 크게 나타났다.
        1985.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수도 주요 형질의 재식밀도 반응을 구명하여 다수확 재배기술 개선을 위한 기초자료로 이용하고자 다수형 품종(인도형/일본형)인 삼강벼와 일본형 품종인 낙동벼를 공시하여 재식거리를 10 10cm, 20 20cm, 30 30cm, 40 40cm로 하고, 각 재식거리별 주당본수를 1, 3, 5, 7본으로 하여 시험을 실시하였던 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출수기는 밀식할 수록, 주당본수가 많을수록 빨랐는데 재식거리 10 10cm에 주당본수 7본은 40 40cm 1본보다 삼강벼는 5일, 낙동벼는 4일이 빨랐다. 2. m2 당 수수 및 영화수, 총건물중, 수량은 일반적으로 밀식할 수록, 주당본수가 많을 수록 높은 경향이었으나, 총건물중은 낙동벼의 경우 재식거리 10 10cm, 주당본수 3본에서 최대에 달하여 그 이상에서는 증가되지 않았다. 3. 수확지수는 밀식보다 소식이 높았고, 주당본수별로는 밀식에서는 본수가 많은 쪽이, 소식에서는 주당본수간 차이가 없었다. 4. 광합성 효율은 낙동벼보다 삼강벼가 높았고, 재식거리별로는 20 20cm에서 높았다. 재식거리별 주당본수에 따른 영향은 삼측벼의 경우 10 10cm에서는 5본, 20 20cm에서는 7본에서 각각 높았고, 그 이상 재식거리에서는 주당본수간 차이가 없었다. 낙동벼는 재식거리 10 10cm에서는 주당본수 1본에서 높았으나, 그 이상 재식거리에서는 주당본수가 증가할 수록 높은 경향이었다. 5. 재식밀도에 따른 전체 경쟁반응은 낙동벼보다삼강벼가, 밀식이 소식보다. 주당본수가 증가할 수록 높았고, 주내 및 주간 경쟁반응의 상호관계는 삼강벼의 경우 재식거리 30 30cm에 주당본수 3본까지, 낙동벼는 재식거리 20 20cm까지는 주간 경쟁반응이 높았으나 그 이상에서는 오히려 주내 경쟁반응이 높았다. 6. 경쟁지수와 수량과의 상관관계는 두품종 다같이 종합 경쟁지수와는 정의 유의상관이 있었으나, 주간경쟁지수와는 삼강벼는 직선적인 관계식이, 낙동벼와는 지수곡선적인 관계가 성립하였고, 주내 경쟁지수와는 낙동벼만 유의상관이 있었고, 삼강벼는 유의상관이 인정되지 않았다. 7. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때 삼강벼와 낙동벼는 경합지수가 2.1~2.3정도까지 증가할수록 수량은 직선적으로 증가하는 경향이었으며, 경쟁지수 증가면에 있어서는 삼강벼는 주간거리에 의해, 낙동벼는 주간거리와 주당본수에 의한 조절이 바람직 하였다.