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        검색결과 1,677

        2011.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the high temperature oxidation behavior of Ni-22.4%Fe-22%Cr-6%Al (wt.%) porous metal. Two types of open porous metals with different pore sizes of 30 PPI and 40 PPI (pore per inch) were used. A 24-hour TGA test was conducted at three different temperatures of , and . The results of the BET analysis revealed that the specific surface area increased as the pore size decreased from 30 PPI to 40 PPI. The oxidation resistance of porous metal decreased with decreasing pore size. As the temperature increased, the oxidation weight gain of the porous metal also increased. Porous metals mainly created oxides such as , , , and . In the 40 PPI porous metal with small pore size and larger specific surface area, the depletion of stabilizing elements such as Al and Cr occurred more quickly during oxidation compared to the 30 PPI porous metal. Ni-Fe-Cr-Al porous metal's high-temperature oxidation micro-mechanism was also discussed.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ultra-thin aluminum (Al) and tin (Sn) films were grown by dc magnetron sputtering on a glass substrate. The electrical resistance R of films was measured in-situ method during the film growth. Also transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study was carried out to observe the microstructure of the films. In the ultra-thin film study, an exact determination of a coalescence thickness and a continuous film thickness is very important. Therefore, we tried to measure the minimum thickness for continuous film (dmin) by means of a graphical method using a number of different y-values as a function of film thickness. The raw date obtained in this study provides a graph of in-situ resistance of metal film as a function of film thickness. For the Al film, there occurs a maximum value in a graph of in-situ electrical resistance versus film thickness. Using the results in this study, we could define clearly the minimum thickness for continuous film where the position of minimum values in the graph when we put the value of Rd3 to y-axis and the film thickness to x-axis. The measured values for the minimum thickness for continuous film are 21 nm and 16 nm for sputtered Al and Sn films, respectively. The new method for defining the minimum thickness for continuous film in this study can be utilized in a basic data when we design an ultra-thin film for the metallization application in nano-scale devices.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the C-V diagrams and metal surface related to the electrochemistry characterization of metal(nickel, SUS-304). We determined electrochemical measurement by using cyclic voltammetry with a three-electrode system. A measuring range was reduced from initial potential to -1350mV, continuously oxidized to 1650 mV and measured to the initial point. The scan rate were 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mV/s. As a result, the C-V characterization of metal using N,N-dimethylacetamide and N,N-dimethylformamide inhibitors appeared irreversible process caused by the oxidation current from the cyclic voltammogram. After adding organic corrosion inhibitors, adsorption film constituted, and the passive phenomena happened. According to the results by cyclic voltammetry method, it was revealed that the addition of inhibitors containing amide functional group enhances the corrosion resistance properties.
        2011.03 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study assessed the health risk of trace elements in indoor children-facilities by multi-pathway measurements (Air, Dust, Wipe, Hand washing). The samples of indoor place were collected at various children's facilities (40 day-care houses, 42 child-care centers, 44 kindergartens, and 42 indoor playgrounds) in summer (Jul~Sep, 2007) and winter (Jan~Feb, 2008) periods, and analyzed by ICP-MS. The lifetime Excess Cancer Risks (ECRs) were estimated for carcinogen trace elements such as As, Cd, Cr and Ni. For carcinogens, the Excess Cancer Risk (ECR) was calculated by considering the process of deciding Cancer Potency Factor (CPF) and Age Dependent Adjust Factor (ADAF) of the data of adults. Both Hazard Quotients (HQs) and Hazard Index (HI) were estimated for the non-carcinogens and children sensitivity trace elements like Cd, Cu, and Cr. The average ECRs for young children were 1×10-10~1×10-6 (50%th percentile) level in all facilities. Non-carcinogens and Children's sensitivity materials did not exceed 1.0 (HQs, HI) for all subjects in all facilities. For trace elements their detection rates through multi-pathways were not high and their risk based on health risk assessment was also observed to be acceptable. In addition, through education on the risk of multi-pathway exposure of trace elements for managers of facilities as well as for users the risk control of exposure of children.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mono- and few-layer graphenes were grown on Ni thin films by rapid-thermal pulse chemical vapor deposition technique. In the growth steps, the exposure step for 60 s in H2 (a flow rate of 10 sccm (standard cubic centimeters per minute)) atmosphere after graphene growth was specially established to improve the quality of the graphenes. The graphene films grown by exposure alone without H2 showed an intensity ratio of IG/I2D = 0.47, compared with a value of 0.38 in the films grown by exposure in H2 ambient. The quality of the graphenes can be improved by exposure for 60 s in H2 ambient after the growth of the graphene films. The physical properties of the graphene films were investigated for the graphene films grown on various Ni film thicknesses and on 260-nm thick Ni films annealed at 500 and 700˚C. The graphene films grown on 260-nm thick Ni films at 900˚C showed the lowest IG/I2D ratio, resulting in the fewest layers. The graphene films grown on Ni films annealed at 700˚C for 2 h showed a decrease of the number of layers. The graphene films were dependent on the thickness and the grain size of the Ni films.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        TiO2 nanowires were self-catalytically synthesized on bare Si(100) substrates using metallorganic chemical vapor deposition. The nanowire formation was critically affected by growth temperature. The TiO2 nanowires were grown at a high density on Si(100) at 510˚C, which is near the complete decomposition temperature (527˚C) of the Ti precursor (Ti(O-iPr)2(dpm)2). At 470˚C, only very thin (< 0.1μm) TiO2 film was formed because the Ti precursor was not completely decomposed. When growth temperature was increased to 550˚C and 670˚C, the nanowire formation was also significantly suppressed. A vaporsolid (V-S) growth mechanism excluding a liquid phase appeared to control the nanowire formation. The TiO2 nanowire growth seemed to be activated by carbon, which was supplied by decomposition of the Ti precursor. The TiO2 nanowire density was increased with increased growth pressure in the range of 1.2 to 10 torr. In addition, the nanowire formation was enhanced by using Au and Pt catalysts, which seem to act as catalysts for oxidation. The nanowires consisted of well-aligned ~20-30 nm size rutile and anatase nanocrystallines. This MOCVD synthesis technique is unique and efficient to self-catalytically grow TiO2 nanowires, which hold significant promise for various photocatalysis and solar cell applications.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was conducted to estimate the contents of heavy metal in commercial herbal medicines (1047 samples of 132 species) which were collected from markets in Seoul and to analyze the contents of heavy metals of herbal medicines by classifying them by parts. The samples were digested using microwave method. The contents of heavy metal (Pb, Cd, and As) and Hg were determined using Inductively coupled plasma-Mass spectrometer (ICP/MS). And the contents of Hg were obtained by Mercury analyzer. The average values of heavy metal in herbal medicines were as follows [mean (minimum-maximum), mg/kg]; Pb 0.870 (ND-69.200), As 0.148 (ND-2.965), Cd 0.092(ND-2.010), and Hg 0.007 (ND-0.137). And the average values of heavy metal by parts in herbal medicines were as follows [mean (minimum-maximum), mg/kg]; Ramulus 2.046 (0.065-4.474), Herba 1.886 (0.048-10.404), Flos 1.874(0.052-5.393), Cortex 1.377 (0.011-4.837), Radix 1.165 (0.012-70.111), Rhizoma 1.116 (0.016-5.490, Fructus 0.838(0.017-4.527), Perithecium 0.729 (0.013-4.953), Semen 0.646 (0.006-4.416). The average values of heavy metal of imported herbal medicines except Radix were higher than domestic ones. By decoction of herbal medicines exceeding the tolerances, average intake rates of Pb, As, Cd and Hg were obtained as 6.1%, 40.3%, 4.7%, and 2.2%, respectively.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The relationship between the addition of metallic additives and the geometry of gas metal arc weld deposit were studied by using Φ1.6mm flux-cored wire designed for hypo-eutectic Fe-Cr-C-Si hardfacing. It was found that the addition of metallic additives, such as Mn, Ti, Al and Si, by less than 0.5wt.% of the overall wire weight affected the dilution of weld deposit by changing the metal transfer mode during welding. The lowest dilution for each additives could be obtained at the transition point between spray and short circuit modes. The bead width was considered to be affected by the increase of arc length due to the oxidizing effect and by the molten pool flow behavior due to the Marangoni effect. Among additives, Mn and Al are considered to be effective in increasing bead width by decreasing the sulfur level and by inducing Marangoni flow directly at the molten pool, respectively.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Zinc soap and Zn/Ba mixed metal soap were synthesized and PVC plastisol with mixed metal soap and various costabilizers were also synthesized with good structures and characterized by IR and 1H-NMR. The IR spectrums and 1H-NMR spectrums of the synthesized soaps were in very good accordance with the structures proposed by earlier workers. In using phosphite as a costabilizer, TIDP phosphite was shown to be the excellent thermal stabilization effect at the low temperature and TNPP phosphite was shown to be the excellent thermal stabilization effect at the high temperature. In case of antioxidant, it was revealed that antioxidant was not effective in the low temperature thermal stabilization effect while highly effective in the high temperature thermal stability. NaClO4 solution with sorbitol solvent had the best thermal stabilization effect among NaClO4 solution series at low and high temperature.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Elution effect was studied by the reactions between Electric arc furnace(EAF)dust and conc. or dil. sulfuric acid for the purpose of recoverying of the useful metals afterwards. The methods of mixing with acids and EAF dust for the elutions were depend on the ratios of acid/EAF dust. Experimental results showed that increased the ratios of sulfuric acids, decreased the elution effects are on the Zn, Fe and Mn, and conc. sulfuric acid showed higher elution effects than dil. sulfuric acids for the all metals. But in case of Pb, dil. sulfuric acid showed higher elution effects than conc. sulfuric acids conversely. Furthermore, the reason of the extreamly low quantities of eluted Pb is caused by the low solubilities by sulfuric acids compared to the other metals, as the results of the insoluble Pb is removed by the process of filtering.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To prepare very stable acrylic type emulsion having a visible ray absorption property, in-situ preparation technique of CuxS nanoparticle was adopted. Firstly, the acylic emulsions of methyl methacrylate(MMA), butyl acrylate(BA), and acrylonitrile(AN) were synthesized by pre-emulsion polymerization at 60℃ in the presence of anionic surfactant. Secondly, CuxS nanocomposited emulsions were directly prepared in the prepolymerized acrylic emulsion with CuSO4 at 50℃. The presnce of CuxS nanoparticle in emulsion was confirmed by SEM and EDS. The final CuxS nanocomposited emulsion showed an olive-green colour and good emulsion stability up to 1 month. In addition the PET films coated with our CuxS nanocomposited emulsion absorbed effectively the visible ray.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nickel-based and iron-based alloys have been developed and commercialized for a wide range of high performance applications at severely corrosive and high temperature environment. This alloy foam has an outstanding performance which is predestinated for diesel particulate filters, heat exchangers, and catalyst support, noise absorbers, battery, fuel cell, and flame distributers in burners in chemical and automotive industry. Production of alloy foam starts from high-tech coating technology and heat treatment of transient liquid-phase sintering in the high temperature. These technology allow for preparation of a wide variety of foam compositions such as Ni, Cr, Al, Fe on various pore size of pure nickel foam or iron foam in order for tailoring material properties to a specific application.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여, 중금속이 오염된 토양에 토마토를 심고, 뿌리 혹선충의 알을 접종한 후 토마토의 생육상과 뿌리혹선충의 밀도를 조사하였다. 실 험에 사용된 토양은 Cd은 3.0~10.6(mg/kg), Pb은 128.6~339.0(mg/kg), Zn은 123.7~262.19(mg/kg)이 농축되어 있으며, 농경지의 중금속 기준 농축량 높았다. 중금속이 오염된 토마토 지상부의 평균 높이와 무게는 각각 19.5cm와 3.6g 이었으 며, 중금속이 오염되지 않은 토양에서 자란 토마토의 평균 키와 무게는 51.9cm와 12.5g이었다. 토마토의 키는 신뢰한계 99%에서 통계적으로 유의성을 보였으나, 무게는 편차가 커서 유의성을 보이지 않았다. 중금속이 오염된 토양에서 자란 토 마토 뿌리의 평균 길이와 무게는 각각 5.9cm와 4.3g이었으며, 오염되지 않은 토양 에서 자란 토마토 뿌리의 평균 길이와 무게는 각각 15.0cm와 8.1g이었다. 뿌리의 길이는 99% 신뢰수준에서 통계적으로 유의성을 보였으나, 무게는 유의성이 없었 다. 뿌리혹선충에 의한 토마토 뿌리의 gall index는 오염토양이 1.3이었으며, 오염 되지 않은 토양의 gall index는 4.3으로 오염되지 않은 토양에서 자란 토마토가 뿌 리혹선충의 혹이 더욱 많았으며, 통계적으로 차이를 보였다. 선충의 밀도는 유의 성이 없었다. 중금속이 토양내에서 농도가 높을 수록 토마토의 생육과는 음의 상 관관계를 보이며, 특히 Pb은 상관계수가 -0.62로 높았다. 또한 식물기생선충인 뿌 리혹선충(Meloidogyne incognita)에 의한 혹형성과 토양내 중금속의 농도에 대한 상관계수도 -0.62로 높았다. 중금속이 토양내 고농도로 축적되어 있으면, 토마토 의 생육에 영향을 주고, 생육중 시들음 증상이 증가하며, 식물기생선충인 뿌리혹 선충의 활동에도 영향을 주는 것으로 조사되었다.