
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7,593

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, an effervescent atomizer capable of mixing and spraying vegetable oil and kerosene at the same time was proposed to examine the usefulness of vegetable oil and kerosene in terms of recycling of renewable energy and waste resources. The effect of nozzle exit diameter variation on the atomization characteristics such as spray angle, droplet size distribution, cumulative volume distribution, and SMD was investigated using LDPA. The results of this study showed that the spray angles decreased with increasing ALR at the same nozzle exit diameter and increased with increasing nozzle exit diameter under the same ALR condition. SMD was decreased with increasing ALR at all nozzle exit diameters, and SMD was decreased with decreasing nozzle exit diameter even under the same ALR conditions. Also, the droplet was more finely atomized when the nozzle exit diameter is reduced under the same ALR conditions and when the ALR is increased at the same nozzle exit diameter, but the uniformity of the droplets was lowered because the droplet with a larger diameter existed.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To fabricate the 5182 aluminum-polymer sandwich panels, the strength of 5182 aluminum panels, which are the skin sheets that constitutes the sandwich composite panels, is changed according to the degree of heat treatment after rolling, and the characteristics of sandwich panel are also changed. In addition, in the stress-strain curves of the sandwich panel, the serration behavior observed in the 5182 aluminum alloy sheet is also observed. This serration behavior causes surface roughness during sheet forming, which is a serious problem in application to automotive body sheet. In this study, the tensile properties of the 5182 aluminum sandwich panels at room and elevated temperature were carefully investigated by tensile test. It can be found that when the aluminum surface sheets having insufficient heat treatment time is applied, the serration behavior does not completely disappear from the temperature of the room temperature to 160℃.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to apply rotary atomizer to agricultural spraying system, the motor direct coupled rotary atomizer was proposed. The effect of operating conditions such as atomizing air flow rate, working fluid flow rate, and rotation speed of spinning cup on the atomization performance was investigated for the proposed direct coupled rotary atomizer. The motor speed was controlled in the range of 6,000 to 12,000 rpm using an alternating current transformer, and the atomizing air was supplied by the compressor. In this study, LDPA was used to analyze the spray characteristics of the rotary atomizer. The representative particle diameters of D10, SMD, MMD, D90, and DMax tended to decrease as the atomizing air flow rate and the motor speed increased, but increased as the working fluid flow rate increased. Also, SMD was found to be influenced by order of atomizing air flow rate> motor speed> working fluid flow rate, and DMax was influenced by order of operating fluid supply> motor speed> atomizing air flow rate.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recent focus on wastewater treatment includes energy-saving and renewable energy generation for energy-independence of water infrastructures. Aeration and pumping in biological wastewater removal processes account for nearly 30-60% of the total electricity cost in real wastewater treatment plants. In this study, the performance and microbial characteristics were investigated in sequencing batch reactor under typical oxygen and oxygen limited condition. Under typical DO (7.55±0.99 mg/L) and low DO (0.23±0.08 mg/L) conditions, COD removal was stable over 91 % during SBR operation. Ammonia removal efficiency was reduced from 95.6 % to 89.2 % when DO concentration was dropped sharply. Phosphorus removal efficiency also reached 77% at oxygen-limited condition. The results indicated that removal efficiency both ammonia and phosphorus was influenced by DO condition. Microbial analysis revealed that Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes at phylum level was dominant in typical DO and low DO conditions and DO concentration did not much affect phylum distribution. Population decrease of genera of nitrifying bacteria(Dokdonella) and Dechloromonas spp. affect removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus at low DO condition.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 20-kHz ultrasonic irradiation was applied to investigate bacterial inactivation and antibiotic susceptibility changes over time. Applied intensities of ultrasound power were varied at 27.7 W and 39.1 W by changing the amplitude 20 to 40 to three bacteria species (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus). By 15-min irradiation, E. coli, a gram-negative bacterium, showed 1.2- to 1.6-log removals, while the gram-positive bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus aureus, showed below 0.5-log removal efficiencies. Antibiotic susceptibility of penicillin-family showed a dramatic increase at E. coli, but for other antibiotic families showed no significant changes in susceptibility. Gram-positive bacteria showed no significant differences in their antibiotic susceptibilities after ultrasound irradiation. Bacterial re-survival and antibiotic susceptibility changes were measured by incubating the ultrasound-irradiated samples. After 24-hour incubation, it was found that all of three bacteria were repropagated to the 2- to 3-log greater than the initial points, and antibiotic inhibition zones were reduced compared to ones of the initial points, meaning that antibiotic resistances were also recovered. Pearson correlations between bacterial inactivation and antibiotic susceptibility showed negative relation for gram-negative bacteria, E. coli., and no significant relations between bacterial re-survival and its inhibition zone. As a preliminary study, further researches are necessary to find practical and effective conditions to achieve bacteria inactivation.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인산염 농도 변화에 따른 Hizikia fusiforme의 무기비소 축적량 및 생장률을 분석하였다. 무기비소에 14일간 노출 하였을 때, 2 mg L-1의 높은 인산염 농도에서 무기비소 축적량이 증가하지 않았다. 하지만 인산염 농도가 0.02 mgL-1로 낮은 경우에 무기비소 축적량이 3배 이상 증가하였다. 또한 H. fusiforme는 인산염 농도가 낮은 경우 생장률이 14.5%, 무기비소 (10 μg L-1)에 노출되었을 경우 생장률이 대조구 대비 30% 감소하였다. H. fusiforme는 인산염과 무기비소를 구분하지 못하여 인산염의 농도가 낮은 경우 무기비소 축적량이 증가하게 되고, 축적된 무기비소는 광합성 저해 및 세포분열을 방해하여 생장률을 억제한다. 특히 우리나라의 대표적인 양식생물인 H. fusiforme는 다른 해조류에 비해 상대적으로 무기비소 축적량이 높다고 알려져 있기 때문에, H. fusiforme의 식품안전성을 확보하기 위해 다양한 연구가 필요하다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서 바이오플락 환경에서 적정 밀도 구간 산정을 위한 실험을 진행했으며, 본 실험의 결과 밀도 구간 Group 1 (40마리 m-2)과 Group 2 (60마리 m-2)에서는 수질 안정을 통해 생리적 변화 없이 13주간 실험이 이루어졌지만, 밀도 구간 Group 3 (80마리 m-2)과 Group 4 (100마리 m-2)에서는 아질산염 안정화 실패, 혈액성상 및 혈장성분의 변화를 나타내었다. 물론, 유수를 하지 않는 바이오플락 시스템 특성상 고밀도 구간에 따른 밀도 스트레스뿐만 아 니라, 고밀도 구간의 수질불안정에 따른 높은 암모니아 및 아질산 농도에 따른 영향도 복합적으로 고려해야 할 것이다. 본 실험의 결과 밀도 60마리 m-2까지의 밀도 구간에서 수질안정과 함께 혈액학적 성분의 유의적 변화 없이 100 g 크기의 넙치 사육양성에 적합할 것으로 보인다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Despite the extensive research on second language learning motivation, very little research has been conducted with Chinese learning motivation and the focus of the research has been limited mainly to identifying types of motivation. Considering the popularity of Chinese as a second language and the lack of research on Chinese learning motivation, the study aims to illustrate the process of motivational changes in learning Chinese from the sociocultual perspective. The data were collected from the researcher’s own autobiographic diary written while she was learning Chinese. Using the framework of an Activity Theory, the data were analyzed to find factors affecting the participant’s motivatonal changes. The findings indicate that the participant’s motivation was affected by dynamic interaction of mediational tools, relationships within the community, and different roles of the learner. The findings imply that the level of motivation is affected by how the learner resolves the tensions among those factors to move forward to the goal of becoming a multilingual speaker. The study may provide a methodological insight into L2 motivation research by analyzing and describing a longitudinal Chinese learning experience from a first-person point of view.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A two-year study was conducted from 2017 to 2018 by the establishment of a test field at Chungju-si and Cheongyang-gun. Plant height, number of leaves, insects and diseases, and fresh and dry matter yields for corn hybrid(‘Kwangpyeongok’) were investigated. Daily average, maximum, and minimum temperature, monthly average temperature, daily precipitation, and sunshine duration during the growing season were investigated. We selected climate-critical factors to corn productivity and conducted an evaluation of vulnerability to climate change from 1999 to 2018 for both regions. In 2018, the dry matter yield of forage corn was 6,475 and 7,511 kg/ha in Chungju and Cheongyang, respectively, which was half of that in 2017. The high temperature and drought phenomenon in the 2018 summer caused the corn yield to be low. As well as temperature, precipitation is an important climatic factor in corn production. As a result of climate impact vulnerability assessment, the vulnerability has increased recently compared to the past. It is anticipated that if the high temperature phenomenon and drought caused by climate change continues, a damage in corn production will occur.