
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3,028

        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The environmental changes related to hypoxic water mass were investigated at Gamak bay in summer times, June, July and August 2006. The hypoxic water mass was found, in first, at the northern area of Gamak bay on 27 June. This water mass has been sustained until the end of August and disappear on 13 September. In Gamak bay, the hypoxic water mass was closely related to geography. During the formation of oxygen deficiency, changes in dissolved nutrients was studied and found that on surface layer and lower layer, DIN were 0.80 μM~19.8 μM(6.03 μM) and 1.13 μM~60.83 μM(10.66 μM), and DIP were 0.01 μM~0.92 μM(0.24 μM), and 0.01 μM~3.57 μM(0.49 μM), respectively, far higher distribution on lower layer of the water where hypoxic water mass was occurred. The configuration of phosphorus was analyzed to figure out the possibility of release of phosphorus from sediments. It was found that the Labile-Phosphorus, which is capable of easy move to water layer by following environmental change was found more than 70%. Therefore, in Gamak bay, it was found that the possibility of large amount of release of soluble P into the water, while hypoxic water mass was occurred in deep layer was higher. It is suggested that DIP in the northern sea of Gamak bay mainly sourced from the soluble P from lower layer of the waters where hypoxic water mass was created more than that from basin. However, existence form of phosphorus in sediments during normal times, not during creation of hypoxic water mass, needs further study.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In dieser Studie geht es um Jakob Böhmes Gedanken im Werk 『Der Weg zu Christo』, das er zwischen 1622 und 1627 geschrieben hat. Dieses Werk besteht aus gesamt 9 Traktaten. Im Besonder konzentriet meine Untersuchung auf 4 Traktaten-“Von wahrer Buße”, “Vom wahrer Gelassenheit”, “Vom übersinnlichen Leben”, “Von göttlicher Beschaulichkeit”-, die 1622 erschienen geworden ist. Ihr Ziel ist es, Böhmes Gedanke synthetisch und theologisch zu verstehen. In den heutigen Studien herrschen zwei Forschungsrichtungen: einerseits historisch-theologisch, anderseits historischphilosophisch. Dabei steht seine gedankliche “Innerlichkeit” im Zentrum der geitigen Studie. Deshalb fehlt es daran, wie die Innewendigkeit im realen Leben praktisiert wird. So findet sich in der Forschung zu Böhmes Denken die theologisch-philosophische Spekulation, obwohl seine Gedanken teilweise praktisch sind. Meine Forschungsfrage ist es, wie die gedankliche Innerlichkeit zur Praktisierung im Leben verändert wird. Daraus ergibt sich: 1. Vom Bleiben des Sprechen zur tätigen Entscheidung. 2. Von der inneren Gelassenheit zur äußerlichen Praktisierung. 3. Vom Zurückkehren in den übersinnlichen Grund zur Realität. 4. Keine Verflucht der Welt, sondern Suchen nach dem Leben der gegenseitigen Bindung zwischen Irdischen und Himmelischen. Um Böhmes Theologie richtig zu verstehen, sollten diese Pünkte nicht übersehen werden. Für die Analse zu dieser Werk 『Der Weg zu Christo』gilt es, dass seine Gedanken sehr viel nicht philosophisiert werden dürfen, weil die theologischen Thesen hier im geistigen Zentrum stehen. Wer Böhmes Gedanke weiter aufforschen möchte, überprüft, welche Entwickelung der reformatischen Spritulität im Verhältnis Böhme zu Luther gemacht wird. Mit dieser Frage kann die Fortschritt zum Verständnis seines Geistes gemacht werden.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper examines the effects of the partial solar eclipse of 22 July 2009 across the Korean peninsular on surface temperature and ozone concentrations in over the Busan metropolitan region (BMR). The observed data in the BMR demonstrated that the solar eclipse phenomenon clearly affects the surface ozone concentration as well as the air temperature. The decrease in temperature ranging from 1.2 to 5.4℃ was observed at 11 meteorological sites during the eclipse as a consequence of the solar radiation decrease. A large temperature drop exceeding 4℃ was observed at most area (8 sites) of the BMR. Significant ozone drop (18∼29 ppb) was also observed during the eclipse mainly due to the decreased efficiency of the photochemical ozone formation. The ozone concentration started to decrease at approximately 1 to 2 hours after the event and reached its minimum value for a half hour to 2 hours after maximum eclipse. The rate of ozone fall ranged between 0.18 and 0.49 ppb/min. The comparison between ozone measurements and the expected values derived from the fitted curve analysis showed that the maximum drop in ozone concentrations occurred at noon or 1 PM and was pronounced at industrial areas.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects on meteorological variables in Seoul, Busan and Jeju during the partial solar eclipse event of 22 July 2009 in Korea. Solar irradiance decreased 16 and 19 minutes after eclipse in Seoul and Busan, and 6 minutes before eclipse in Jeju. Minimum solar irradiance occurred 7 and 3 minutes after maximum eclipse in Seoul and Busan, respectively, and 8 minutes before maximum eclipse in Jeju. Solar irradiance began to increase after maximum eclipse in Seoul and Busan, and recovered to the original state as eclipse ended. On the other hand, recovery of solar irradiance after maximum eclipse in Jeju was slower than those of two cities. Temperature drop due to partial solar eclipse were 0.7℃, 4.0℃, 1.5℃ in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, respectively, and time needed to arrive minimum temperature from maximum eclipse were each 12, 32, 30 minutes, respectively. Change of relative humidity during partial solar eclipse were 2.6%, 17.4%, 12.3% in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju, respectively. Temperature drop turned out to be sharper as altitude increases. Wind speed decreased by each about 1.1 ㎧, 3.4 ㎧, 1.4 ㎧ due to partial solar eclipse in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju. Soil temperature of 5 ㎝ equally decreased by 0.2℃ in Seoul and Busan, soil temperature of 10 cm maintained almost constant, and soil temperature of 20 cm was hardly affected by eclipse.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        벼를 상온에서 이듬해 여름까지 저장 후 밥맛에 관여하는 주요 형질들을 분석한 결과는 밥맛에 관련된 주요 요인에서 품종간 차이를 나타내었다. 특히, '영호진미'는 동일한 수분조건에서 완전미율이 높고 싸라기 비율이 낮았으며, 단백질 함량이 낮고 밥의 윤기치도 높았다. 밥의 물리적 특성면에서 경도는 낮고 찰기가 높았다. 또한 보온밥솥에서 보관 후 황색도가 낮고, 갈변화가 적은 품종이었다. 식미 관능검정에서도 다른 품종보다 밥맛이 우수한 품종이었다.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        방사선 치료에서 일정한 호흡주기의 유지가 필요한 흉부 및 복부를 치료할 때 환자의 자세와 belly board device의 사용 여부에 따라 다르게 나타나는 호흡신호의 차이를 통계적으로 분석하여 임상적용에 관한 유용성을 검정하였다. 호 흡주기유지는 supine 자세에서 비교적 양호하게 나타났으며, prone 자세에서 호흡주기 유지가 양호하지 않은 경우에 belly board를 적용하여 85%가 유의하게 다른 패턴의 호흡주기를 보였고, 57%는 호흡주기 유지가 양호하게 변화한 것으로 나타났다. 각 피험자의 비만도와 체중에 따른 호흡주기유지 안정성의 차이는 보이지 않았으며, 안정성의 상대 적 비교지수로 분석한 시간의 흐름에 따른 호흡의 안정성 유지는 supine 자세에서 비교적 안정적이었으며, 호흡주기 유지의 검정통계결과와 일치하였다(p=0.044, kappa=0.607). 흉부 및 복부 심지어 골반의 방사선치료에서도 호흡에 의한 환자의 움직임은 중요한 고려사항 중 하나이다. 환자의 치료부위와 target의 위치, 예상되는 plan의 beam arrangement에 따라, 환자의 자세 및 device의 여부가 결정되지만, 본 연구와 같이 호흡신호의 통계적 분석과 이의 적 용을 통해, 호흡유지에 최적의 자세, belly board와 같은 device 사용여부를 결정하여, 호흡주기의 유지 및 호흡의 안정 도 유지에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 입체적 분포를 형성한 시각신경계에 대하여 MRI 시스템의 경사자기장으로써 하나의 스캔 대상단면을 3 차원 형태의 여러 방향으로 향하게 하는 다중사위 스캔각도의 변화에 관하여 실험하였고 기존의 단순각도 사방향 검사 방법과 비교 고찰 하였다. 입체적 분포를 이루는 뇌의 시각신경계에 대하여 MR 시스템의 경사자기장으로써 국내 정상 성인을 대상으로 시각신경의 사위영상화를 위한 기존의 사위(시상-관상단면) 스캔방법과 다중사위(시상-관상-횡단 면) 스캔각도의 변화를 실험하였다. 그 결과 다중각도를 이용한 사위스캔 방법이 기존의 스캔방법에 비해 더 넓은 영 역의 해부학적 정보를 나타내는 것을 영상으로 확인하였다. 또한 시각신경을 명료하게 나타내기 위해서는 영상단면두 께와 펄스시퀀스의 선택도 고려되어야할 것으로 확인 되었다.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The poem “Marina” of T. S. Eliot technically takes the play Pericles of Shakespeare in terms of two voices: the surface pattern based on a dramatic story of Pericles, prince of Tyre, and the deep pattern based on a ultra-dramatic feature of solemn music. Shakespeare is regarded as a dramatist and poet in his later works, such as Pericles, in which he uses a system of related allusions in dramatic situations to reflect implicitly on drama and its program in a unity of poetry and music. Eliot technically steals it in a different way, called his own program, where he secures a solemnity by virtue of a gaiety of content, and a gaiety by virtue of a solemnity of content. His poem thus is poetry which uses the order in which Pericles is written and his technical relations to the play in conversational language and dramatic situations on the surface and in ultra-dramatic aspects in depth. In the ultra-dramatic presentation, musical pattern, and liturgical treatment of characters’ emotions proceed to comment on the recognition scene (V, i) of the play. In the poem, the ultra-dramatic aspects refer to “Eliot’s perspective on life that is as if from beyond life.” The hidden music from the recognition scene (V, i) of the play seems supernatural, as if we are taking part in a ritual. Finally in terms of synchronicity, Hercules, a stoical character in Seneca, is taken for Pericles in Shakespeare; and Senecan Shakespeare is almost certain to be produced in Eliot’s poem “Marina.” We can see this synchronicities value in Eliot’s view of stoical life, taken from Seneca and Shakespeare as well.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This studies were conducted to investigate the growth responses and yields of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge which were grown with organic cultivation using two organic fertilizers and two green manure crops of hairy vetch and rye in 2008 and 2009. The lengths of stems and roots were not clearly different between organic and conventional cultivations. The root diameters and the branch numbers were slightly thicker and more in all treatments of organic cultivation than that of conventional cultivation in 2008, although they were not significantly different between two cultivating methods in 2009. The dry weights of shoot and root were heavier on organic cultivation than those on conventional cultivation. The T/R ratios were commonly higher in organic culture, showing more clearly in 2008 than 2009. The yields were generally higher in organic cultivation than those in conventional cultivation in 2008 although the effect did not clear on yield in 2009. The organic cultivation using of organic fertilizers and green manure crops would be new method to have safety and qualitative products. The techniques of organic cultivation for Astragalus membranaceus Bunge would be studied more on utilizing the natural organic resources.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        경부 CT검사 시 선속경화인공물(Beam Hardening Artifact)에 의해 제 6번 7번 경추 및 추간판 등의 질환 및 그밖 에 해부학적 구조를 정확히 구분하기에 어려움이 있다. 경부 CT검사를 시행할 경우 자세의 변화방법을 적용한 견관절 의 방향과 위치에 따른 영상평가 및 커널값의 변화에 따른 영상평가를 통하여 선속경화 인공물의 원인을 알아보고 가 장 적절한 검사자세 및 Kernel값을 실험을 통하여 알아보고자 하였다. 경부 CT검사를 위해 내원한 환자 30명(2010년 7월1일 ~ 2010년 12월31일까지 내원한 환자)을 대상으로 Somatom Sensation 16(Siemens, Enlarge, Germany)장비 를 이용하였고, workstation은 AW 4.4 version(GE, USA)을 이용하였다.. 환자 자세는 견관절의 방향과 위치에 따라 세가지 자세로 변화를 주었으며 양쪽 팔을 편안하게 위치시킨 바로 누운 자세(group N), 왼쪽 팔을 거상 시킨 자세 (group S) 그리고 양손을 외 선위(eversion)시켜 최대한 아래로 내리는 자세(group P)로 견관절의 방향을 변화를 주 어 스캔을 시행하였고, 두 번째로 영상 재구성 방법을 이용하여 스캔 데이터에 커널값을 B10(very smooth), B20(smooth), B30(medium smooth), B40(medium), B50(medium sharp), B60(sharp), B70(very sharp)로 변화를 주어 재구성 하였다. 검사자세의 변화와 Kernel값의 변화를 주어 얻어진 영상 데이터를 이용하여 각 각의 노이즈 값 측정과 영상평가를 통하여 분석해보았다. 경부 CT검사 시 검사자세는 양손을 외선위(eversion)시켜 최대한 아래로 내 리는 자세(group P)로 하며, 커널 값은 B40(medium)또는 B50(medium sharp)으로 재구성할 경우 가장 적절한 자세 와 커널값으로 분석되어 임상에 적용 시 매우 유용할 것으로 사료된다.