
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 69

        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kim Ha-soo, Ju Hyang-a, Son Hyun-jung, Kong Nah-yung. 2012. Geographic Information System(GIS) and sociolinguistic factors- study on the information of Korean language education. The sociolinguistic Journal of Korean 20(2). pp. 185-211. In sociolinguistic research, it has been found that linguistic phenomena are influenced more by extralinguistic factors than intralinguistic ones. In particular, issues such as language policy, language contact, langage extinction and language variation are strongly affected by geographical characteristics of the region where a language is being used and taught. In order to analyze linguistic phenomena and geographical characteristics synthetically, we introduce linguistic typological methods using Geographic Information System (GIS), an automated system for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of spacial data. Using GIS, we present some maps of the geographical distribution of foreigners living in Korea and the educational institutions of Korean language for foreigners in order to discuss the regional conditions for Korean language education in these areas. We also examine married immigrant women's accessibility to multi-cultural support centers with GIS.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze needs of bilingual education for children of multicultural families, specially the bilingual classes performed by multicultural family support centers in Korea. Following a brief overview of the meaning and goals of bilingual education, the present study provides the results of the survey that was conducted on 45 program managers, 55 teachers, and 114 mothers of multicultural children who take bilingual classes. The results indicate that the current status of the bilingual programs reflects that of multicultural families in Korea. For example, the number of Korean-Chinese bilingual programs is the biggest one as that of immigrant women through marriage from China. The findings from this research tell us that the programs play efficient roles for improving the bilingual abilities of multicultural children although there remain many problems in terms of systematized curricula, interesting materials, and teacher training. Most of respondents (managers and teachers) say that they need to have standard teachers' manuals and workbooks for better educational services. The results of the analysis also show that it is urgent and important to enrich the substance of teacher training programs for enhancement of bilingual teachers' qualification.
        2011.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 語彙敎育으로서의 漢字語敎育의 위상에 대한 고찰을 기반으로 언어 생활과 학문 영역에서 한자어 교육의 의미와 역할에 대해 논의함으로써 언어교육 지평의 확장을 모색하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 한자어 교육은 국어교육, 그 가운데에 어휘 교육의 일부이다. 문장이나 담화 가 운데 핵심 개념이 한자어인 경우가 대부분이며, 高級敎養, 專門分野로 갈수록 주요 개념이 한자어에 집약되어 있다. 국어 어휘 교육의 면에서 한자어는 다음과 같은 특징을 가진다. 첫째, 指示的의미가 분명하다. 둘째, 抽象的의미를 드러내 는 데 효과적이다. 한자어는 추상적인 개념을 명확하게 반영하고 이해하게 함으로 써 글의 의미가 모호해지거나 부정확하게 되는 것을 막아준다. 셋째, 한자어는 풍 부한 言語文化的환경을 함의하고 있으며, 특유의 사회문화적인 성격을 반영하고 표현하는 역할을 한다. 넷째, 인간의 고등 사고를 언어로 표현함에 있어서 생산이 용이한 기호 체계이다. 한자어 교육의 현황에 대해서는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 한글 전용 정책이 지속되면서 한자어의 한글 표기가 대세를 이루고 있다. 둘째, 한글 표기 한자어에 대해 각각 다른 방식의 접근이 이루어지고 있다. 국어교육 분야에서는 사전적․문맥적으로, 한문교육 분야에서는 의미해석적 방식이 주로 사용되고 있 다. 셋째, 공교육권의 한자어 교육이 방임상태에 놓이면서, 이것을 사교육권의 결 과 중심 교육이 대체하고 있다. 넷째, 한자어 교육에 관한 체계적 연구가 부족한 실정이다. 한자어 교육을 통해 다음과 같은 방면에서 언어교육 지평의 확장을 모색할 수 있다. 먼저 실제적 언어생활에 기여하는 한편 언어 사용의 質을 제고할 수 있을 것이다. 다음으로, 한자어 학습 과정이 곧 형태론적 정보의 축적 과정이라는 점에 서, 학습자의 어휘량을 증대하고 스키마를 확장시킬 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위해서 는 연속성·위계성을 고려한 교육 내용의 설계가 요구된다. 그리고 점차적으로 연 구 성과를 축적하며 활용 기반을 조성해야 한다. 이와 관련하여 어휘 교육 상황에 서 나타나는 다양한 오류 사례에 주목해야 하며, 한자어가 기반하고 있는 특유의 언어 문화적 전통, 사회 문화적 함의 및 관련 소양에 관한 연구가 필요하다. 아울 러 한자사용권 국가인 韓․中․日세 나라의 한자어에 대한 비교 연구에도 보다 깊은 관심을 가져야 할 것이다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses the tradition of migration in Germany and its historical background. In particular we critically review the diverse types of migrants and the current situations in Germany. In the second part of the paper the relations among the migration, education and language policy will be dealt with. It is argued that teaching both mother tongue and German as a second language is an integral part of the education system contributing to the integration of the migrant children in Germany.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thepurposeofthisstudy isto examinetheproblemsofmiscommunication in military organizationsand to suggest some ways in educating military personnel for better communication.Indoingthis,thepresenceofthebarrierandobstaclesin the military communication was closely examined and diagnosed in various ways: how the communicative obstacles affect the flow of information in the military and how each dimension of obstacles is associated with various identities of military personnelsuch as rank, gender,and age.The results reveal three factors in communication problems:first,thebarriersofinformationflow incommunicationprocess; second,the conflictdue to the complex identities ofmilitary members; third,the changes in attitude ofthe communication participants.Along with these findings, suggestions for some directions of effective communication education in military organization arealsodiscussed.The communicationeducationpolicymustconsidertheaspectsofmilitary job specificationsandpriorityofmiddle-gradeoffices,Itshouldbenotedthat continuing education is also important to deliver correctness, appropriateness,andeffectivenessofcommunication
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Quand on apprend une languε 하rangère , il est reconnu que le système de la languε matεmεIIε constitue toujours pour l'apprεnant de langue étrangère un P이ot de repère fondamental. Cela signifie que 10rs de 1’εnsεignement d’une languε étrangère, iI faut tenir compte de cε qui existe déjà chez 1’ appren때t, à savoir la langue matemelle, et y 5Upεrposer une nouvεIIε pratique et connaissances. Aussi, compte tεnu dε l’importance de la langue maκmelle , cette étudε consiste à proposer l'enseignεmεot de la grammaire française pour des apprenants coréens portant sur la contrastivité métalinguistiquε entre le français εt Iε coréen. Pour ce faire, notrε intérêt est centré sur les tεrmεs grammaticaux qUi ne constituent qu’une partie du rnétalangagε gramrnatical. En particulier, nous prεnons ici pour exernplε le complémζnt d’objet indirect qui est trζs révélateur de cεttε différence ζntre la terrninologiε grammaticale coréenne et cε11ε française. Ce qui va montrer la nécessité de tenir compte des différences métalinguistiques commençant par la terminologie grammaticale pour renouveler les descriptions grammaticales d헤 à existantes.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 초등학교에 재학중인 7~11세 자폐성 장애 아동 3명을 대상으로 구조화접근을 통한 부모교육이 아동의 문제행동 및 언어발달에 미치는 효과를 살펴보기 위하여 실시되었다. 연구방법 : 대상아동은 떼쓰기, 자해행동, 반향어 등을 보이는 전형적인 자폐성 장애 아동으로서 실험설계는 대상자간 복식기초선 설계(multiful-baseline across subjects)에 의하여 이루어졌다. 제공된 프로그램으로는 음악, 미술, 여가용 자료 사용 등의 가정에서 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 활동이 고안되었다. 종속변인은 문제행동 및 어휘 사용 빈도였다. 결과 : 문제행동의 경우 대상 아동 1은 기초선 평균 15.3회가 중재에서 12.5회로 감소되었고 15.5회로 유지되었다. 아동 2의 경우 기초선 평균 6.3회가 중재 평균 7.1회를 보였으며 유지 기간에는 6.5회로 나타났다. 아동 3의 경우 기초선 6.6회, 중재 7회, 유지기간에는 7.3회를 보였다. 언어발달에서의 결과로 아동 1의 경우 기초선 평균 26회였던 어휘수가 중재에는 40.5회로 증가하였으며 유지기간에는 44.3회로 나타났다. 아동 2의 경우 기초선 기간 동안 34회의 어휘수가 중재 기간 에는 17회로 나타났으며 유지기간에는 10.2회로 나타났다. 아동 3의 경우 기초선 34회, 중재기간 50.6회, 유지기간에는 81.5회로 높게 나타났다. 따라서 대상 아동 들은 문제행동상의 감소는 적게 나타났으나 언어발달에는 매우 높은 중재효과를 보였으며 유지 또한 높게 나타났음을 알 수 있었다. 결론 : 본 실험을 통하여 구조화접근을 통한 부모교육은 아동의 중재에 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The first part of this paper examines foreign language enrollment statistics from 1960 to 2002 in United States institutions of higher education. Spanish has been the most widely taught language for more than 35 years, and it counts for more than half (54.3%) of all enrollments in 2002. The second part of this paper reviews United States language policy history and its main debate focusing on two different policies: Bilingual Education and English Only Movement, and it reviews also their different points of view about the national identity of U.S.A. and their perspectives on foreign languages. The last part of this paper recommends that foreign languages be considered as precious resources for Korean future, not only several but more various foreign languages be taught in Korean middle and high schools, and bilingual education system or immersion program be introduced and implemented in special purpose institutions at least from middle school level.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Communication, culture and language cannot be separated from teaching the foreign language. In other words, the successful communication between different cultures required not only linguistic fluency but also cultural competence. Nonverbal expression involved deeply with the cultural dimension of language is rarely taught in language class because it has largely focused on the expression as the language form for a long time. As a result of this fact, it demands to the educational necessity of them. It is needed to be aware of the cultural nonverbal pattern for the effective communication. This study is an attempt to explore the nonverbal expression that has not been much interesting so far in the process of communicating. Therefore, it examines the pattern of the nonverbal expression, the other studies related with this, and Korean textbook represented the nonlinguistic utterance for the purpose of this study. Finally, as based on this research, this study suggests the necessity to teach the nonverbal utterance and the educational plan about them.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed English words that are used in the middle school English text books of the 6th and the 7th National Curriculum in Korea. For this analysis, an English corpus of a total of 1,230,023 nodes was built out of 63 English textbooks of the 6th and the 7th National Curriculum. The study specifically investigated the following items for analysis: 1) tokens and types of words used in the middle school textbooks, 2) frequency of the words, and the numbers of new words introduced in each school-year, 3) high-frequency words in the textbooks with reference to those in large-scale general English corpora, 4) parts of speech of the words and their frequencies, and 5) the comparison of the words used in reading parts and listening parts. Analysis of the corpus revealed the following results. Regarding the average number of tokens and types, the textbooks based on the 7th Curriculum contain more than those based on the 6th Curriculum. As for the frequency of the repetition of words, the 6th curriculum textbooks are more than the 7th curriculum textbooks. Comparison of vocabularies used in the text corpus and in general large-scale English corpus shows that there are more similarities than differences.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aimed to investigate some differences in journal article abstracts written in English by Korean researchers and international scholars and to provide Korean researchers with guidelines for writing accurate, self-contained, informative and coherent abstracts. To this end, intra- and inter-lingual analyses of English abstracts were carried out in terms of rhetorical structures, linguistic features, and disciplinary areas. The results reveal that (1) international and Korean researchers show some differences of rhetorical and discourse features in their English abstracts and (2) some types of errors in terms of grammatical-syntactic and lexico-semantic aspects are frequently committed by Korean researchers. The results of this investigation suggest that Korean researchers should be aware of common rhetorical structures and linguistic features of English abstracts and graduate students should be provided with EAP courses to practice writing English abstracts relevant to their major areas.
        2003.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the status and change of qualitative research in TEFL and applied linguistics in an effort to project the direction of TEFL research in Korea. This paper first reviews a first and a second coming of age of the research in TESOL and applied linguistics, focusing on qualitative research methodology. For the study, the issues on a definition of qualitative research are raised, and three exemplars such as case study, conversation analysis, and ethnography are discussed in terms of assumptions, methods, data analysis and interpretation, and evaluative criteria. The importance and directions of qualitative research studies in TEFL in Korea are also suggested.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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