
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 179

        2012.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper proposes a syntactic account on interpretations of idioms, which vary depending on voice alternations in Korean. There exist asymmetries on whether an idiom maintains its idiomatic interpretation despite its voice alternation. This paper shows that the principle of idiomatic interpretations (Marantz 2008, Bruening 2010) directly accounts for the asymmetries of idiomatic interpretations, coupled with the syntactic structures of two types of passives and causatives proposed in this paper. The discussions in this paper support the theory of Distributed Morphology, which holds that idiomatic interpretations are post-syntactically added from the Encyclopedia.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to introduce and evaluate Rodney Stark’s Theories of Rational Choice in Religion. To this end, chapter I identifies some foundational issues related to the historiography of the writing of church history after Ranke, including the work of Max Weber, Ernst Troeltsch, and H. Richard Niebuhr. Chapter II describes the formation of the sociology of religion and surveys Stark’s attempt to combine sociology and church history. Stark emphasizes a sociological approach to church history over traditional approaches involving psychology or doctrinal interpretation. His approach uses sociological elements such as demography, in addition to social, political, and cultural interpretative models. Chapter III delineates Stark’s position with regard to Theories of Rational Choice in Religion. He first defines these theories by arguing that they suggest “people are as rational in making religious choices as in making secular decisions.” He further qualifies this, claiming that “within the limits of their information and understandings, restricted by available options, guided by their preferences and tastes, humans attempt to make rational choice.” In short, people usually attempt to pursue what they perceive to be the best option for achieving their goals in religion. The major content of such Rational Choice theories is that subjects adopt a cost-benefit assessment before adopting a new religious product such as a church or a denomination. These theories do not apply in the case of state churches but to free churches in the context of a religious economy. He defines this economy as “consist[ing] of all the religious activity going on in a society; a ‘market’ of current and potential adherents, a set of one or more organizations seeking to attract or maintain adherents, and the religious culture offered by the organization(s).” Thus, Stark proposes that religion is necessarily pluralistic in such a religious market. Chapter VI of the present study concludes with an emphasis on the a critical evaluation of Stark’s theory and the possibility of applying these doctrines to Korean churches. This paper also emphasizes the urgent necessity of dealing with new sects or churches in Korea.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 콤포지션에 의한 동적 이미지의 시각효과를 보다 다양하고 폭 넓게 활용하기 위한 연구의 일환으로, 기존의 동적 이미지 생성원리의 개념에 대한 검토와 함께 보완점의 모색에 중점을 두었다. 논고에 있어서는 기존의 동적 이미지 생성원리의 개념이 초기 게슈탈트 심리학 이론을 적극적으로 도입하여 조형이론에 접목하려 했던 아른하임(Rudolf Arnheim)이나 케페슈(Gyorgy Kepes) 등의 주장을 토대로 하고 있다는 것에 착목하여, 이들의 저서와 관련문헌에 대한 고찰을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 아른하임 등의 주장은, 동적 이미지는 화면의 특정 위치나 방향의 배치에 따라 파생되는 평형의 작용과 반작용이라고 하는 역동성에 의해 생성되며, 이것은 순수한 시각판단, 즉 직접지각에 의한 것이라는 생각을 토대로 하고 있다는 것이 확인되었다. 이러한 주장이 현재 동적 이미지의 다양한 표현 가능성을 크게 제한시키는 주된 원인으로 작용하고 있는데, 오늘날의 시각정보처리시스템모델의 관점에서 보면, 물리적 시간과 위치변화가 존재하지 않는 평면상에서의 동적 이미지 생성은, 직접지각이라는 프레임에서 벗어나 인지기억시스템의 작용을 고려한 보다 다각적이고 폭 넓은 관점의 분석이 필요하다는 보완점도 확인되었다. 이후 연구과제로서, 그 동안 특정이론에 편중되어 왔던 기존의 동적 이미지 생성원리의 미비점 보완을 위한 이론적 토대를 제공할 것으로 생각되는, 깁슨(Gibson, J. J)이나 곰브리치(Gombrich, E. H) 등의 이론체계를 적극적으로 도입하고 활용할 수 있는 방안을 다각적으로 검토해 가겠다.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 문헌탐구에 기초하여 학생들의 다양한 시행착오가 예상되는 교수․학습 소재로서 ‘요일 찾기’, ‘Fermat의 점 찾기’ 그리고 ‘사각형의 무게중심 찾기’를 선정하여 Lakatos의 증명과 반박의 원리에 따른 교수․학습에 적용한 후, 황혜정(2001)의 수학적 사고의 분류에 따라 분석해봄으로써 실제 고등학교 수학교육 현장으로 적용가능성을 모색해보고자 한다. 의도적(purposive) 표본선정 방법으로 4명의 연구 대상자를 선정하여 정성적 사례연구를 실시한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. Lakatos의 증명과 반박의 원리를 활용한 교수․학습은 학생들이 다양한 추측을 제기하고 추측에 대한 반례를 찾으며 반례를 분석하여 이전보다 세련되고 확장된 추측의 개선을 경험함으로써 수학적 지식이 발전하는 과정의 본질적 측면을 학생들이 체험할 수 있고 그러한 과정에서 다양한 수학적 사고가 발현된다는 측면에서 교육적 가치가 있다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        지구상에 사는 모든 생물은 자연환경에 공생하면서 적응을 해야 한다. 자연의 공생 밸런스 (homeostasis)가 깨어질 때 엄청난 재난이 발생한다. 기후변화는 지금까지 문제되지 않았던 병·충해가 발생하고 기주 동식물 (인간포함)에 끝없이 도전을 가한다. 구름이 많이 끼는 2010년의 봄철 기후변화, 저온, 과습, 눈이 많이 오는 환경은 비닐하우스 재배 농작물에 큰 피해를 입힌다. 이러한 환경에 적응 못한 이유 중에 하나는 인공환경하 에서 농약의 과다 사용으로 작물의 견디는 힘(tolerability)을 떨어지게 하였기 때문이다. 생물의 저항력은 아주 강력한 힘을 가진 단인자 저항성(single gene controlled high resistance)과 양적유전을 하면서 공생하는 두 가지 종류로 크게 구분이 된다. 대한민국의 농작물 육종은 아직까지도 전자에 의한 육종이 대부분이고, 자연진화 때문에 발생하는 생육초기의 병충해 침범 흔적을 무조건 방제하고자 하는 아주 잘못된 이론과 생각 때문이다. 생산된 농작물은 깨끗해야 된다는 생각을 바꾸어야 한다. 주저자는 한국에서 옥수수 매문병, 미국에서 옥수수 호마엽고병, 통일벼 도열병 대 발생을 보고, 양적유전자들에 의해 조정되는 공생원리가 자연진화의 원리라는 것을 깨닫게 되었다. 개발한 품종이 30년간 안전하게 자라는 것도 공생원리에 의한 육종이기 때문이다. 예, 수원19호 하이브리드(1976 농진청 육종)가 북한에서, IITA 왕슈퍼1호와 2호(1983, 1984년 육종)가 나이지리아 에서 재배되었다.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        On November 15, 2008 the Korean Supreme Court made a landmark decision to exclude illegally obtained physical evidence. It also adopted the “fruit of poisonous tree" doctrine, which excludes the derivative evidence obtained through the first tainted evidence. This Article reviews the Supreme Court's two decisions that applied the “fruit of poisonous tree" doctrine. First, the Decision of March 12, 2009 provides more specific standards to decide whether to exclude “tainted fruits." It requests comprehensive evaluation of all the circumstances regarding the collection of the first tainted evidence: the reasons and degree of process violation, the possibility of avoiding the violation, the causation between process violation and evidence collection, and the willfulness or negligence of law enforcement officers. Then, it does not exclude the physical evidence obtained without warning the suspect of the right to silence. This Article argues that the right to silence is the most crucial legal instrument to protect a suspect, particularly when the suspect is under interrogation without his/her counsel; it is a grave violation for a police officer not to warn a suspect of the right; in this case, exceptions of the “fruit of poisonous tree" doctrine are not applicable; so the physical evidence obtained without warning a suspect of the right to silence should be excluded. In the Decision of October 23, 2008 the Supreme Court held that the fingerprints on the illegally seized bottles and cups are admissible even if the seizure of the bottles and cups is illegal. This Article argues that such a view may weaken the constitutional request for warrant for search-and-seizure; the illegal seizure of the bottles and cups contaminates the evidentiary power of the fingerprints. In this case, however, the consent of the victim who is the owner of the bottles and cups is reasonably inferred, so the seized bottles and cups are admissible and the fingerprints on them are also admissible.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 글에서는 학습독자의 서사 읽기에 관여하는 담론적 장치로서 알레고리에 주목하여, 알레고리의 구현 원리와 효과를 밝혔다. 또한 이러한 알레고리 읽기가 서사교육에 갖는 의의를 논의하였다. 알레고리가 학습독자에게 작용하는 원리는 첫째, 말해진 것을 통해 말해진 것이 전부 혹은 진실이 아니라는 것을 인식하게 하여, 말해지지 않은 부분을 추론할 수 있게 한다. 둘째, 말해지지 않은 것의 의미를 해석하고 자기화는 과정을 통해 학습독자가 자신을 성찰하는 메타적 인식을 할 수 있게 한다. 학습독자의 알레고리 읽기 과정은 알레고리의 구현 양상을 탐색하고, 그 의미를 이해하는 발견적 읽기에서 시작된다. 그리고 학습독자의 알레고리 읽기는 자신의 가치와 세계관을 성찰하고 재구성하며, 텍스트에 대한 새로운 이해를 생산하는 비평적 읽기를 지향한다. 또한 학습독자는 알레고리에 대한 이해와 해석을 통해 말해진 것이 아닌 말해지지 않은 삶의 비밀과 다성성을 탐색하여, 자신의 삶을 성찰하고 새로운 삶을 설계하는 구성적 읽기를 수행한다. 학습독자의 알레고리 읽기 체험이 서사교육에 갖는 의의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 담론적 장치로서 알레고리는 서사 텍스트를 보다 다층적으로 이해할 수 있게 한다. 둘째, 알레고리는 숨겨진, 말해지지 않은 삶의 보편적 진실에 대한 심화된 이해를 가능하게 한다. 셋째, 알레고리에 의해 구현된 말해지지 않은 진실을 이해하기 위해 학습독자는 알레고리의 환유적 구현 원리를 인식하게 된다. 넷째, 알레고리는 학습독자가 말해진 것을 통해 말해지지 않은 것을 비판할 수 있게 한다. 다섯째, 담론적 장치로서 알레고리에 대한 이해는 학습독자의 문학 읽기 경험을 확장해준다.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Dynamic simulator can be a helpful tool for understanding underwater robotic system's dynamics. However, due to difficulties in modeling dynamics of vehicle/manipulator and interaction between them, dynamic simulation is not easy. This is true even when fluid dynamics are not considered during the simulation. In this paper, two schemes are introduced for dynamic simulation of underwater robotic systems. One is principle of dynamical balance, which is an easy and powerful tool for formulating dynamic equations of composite systems such as underwater vehicle- manipulator system. In the dynamic modeling, this principle gives us the closed-form of dynamic equations on matrix Lie group. The other is geometric integration algorithm, called 4-th order explicit Munthe-Kaas method. By this method, the derived differential equations can be integrated preserving geometric structure. Adopting these two schemes, dynamic simulation of underwater vehicle- manipulator system can be conducted more easily and more reliably.
        2006.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 이상홍수로 인한 인명과 재산피해가 급격히 증가하여 홍수피해를 경감시키기 위한 치수사업의 필요성은 인식하고 있으나, 사업타당성을 정확하고 객관적으로 분석할 수 있는 경제성분석 방법이 미진한 실정이다. 본 연구는 기존의 치수경제성분석을 개선하기 위한 것으로 현행 국내에서 사용중인 치수경제성분석의 문제점을 파악하고 외국의 사례와 비교 분석하여 개선방향을 도출하고 이를 바탕으로 다차원 홍수피해산정방법(MD-FDA Multi-Dimensional Flood
        2005.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This article explores the nature of locality principle. In particular, we compare two recent conceptions of locality, which are Chomsky`s (2001a, 2001b) phase-based implementation of locality and Hiraiwa`s (2003) version of cyclic derivational locality. We present a new piece of empirical arguments against Hiraiwa (2003) from locality circumvention effects observed in passivization of applicative structures. We show that the locality circumvention phenomenon induced by wh-movement of a higher internal argument when a lower internal argument undergoes passivizing A-movement past it in low applicative structures cannot be explained under Hiraiwa`s cyclic locality computation, whereas it can be well accounted for under Chomsky`s phase-based evaluation view, which is a partly representational version of locality principle.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        T. S. Eliot has woven into the fabric of Four Quartets themes and symbols from a variety of Christian and non-Christian mystical sources. One of the powerful mystical elements is derived from the 16th century Spanish mystic, St. John of the Cross, whose spiritual exercises stand for the Negative Way. In the Western theology, there are two distinctive ways in which Christian saints or poets can perceive the Divine Reality. They are the Affirmative Way and the Negative Way. The Affirmative Way is the same idea with the doctrine or poetry of immanence, and the Negative Way with the doctrine or poetry of transcendence. T. S. Eliot's poetry is influenced by the tradition of the Negative Way or the poetry of transcendence. This thesis intends to study what characteristics the Affirmative Way or the Negative Way respectively has, and what is the theory of St. John's dark night of the soul. Also it wishes to trace which elements Eliot took from St. John and which elements he refused to take. Finally, in his masterpiece Four Quartets, this study will observe how St. John's negative theology is crystallized into the inner structure of the poem. Also this thesis wishes to reveal in what sense Eliot's poetry can be named the poetry of transcendence. Hopkins perceives the unity of nature, a poet and God, therefore he depicts the nature like "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." But Eliot is not eager to perceive the immanent presence of God in the power and beauty of nature. Instead, the poet is evoked with partial ecstasy and partial dread and goes through purgation process and afterwards reaches self-oblivion or union with God. In Eliot's idiom, he wishes to "go by a way wherein there is no ecstasy." In "Burnt Norton" III and "East Coker" III Eliot gives powerful expression to St. John's Negative Way. In these parts Eliot tries to apply St. John's theory, which was, originally, individual way of spiritual exercises, to diagnosing the collective spiritual darkness of modern London. Eliot seems to declare such a modern society must pass through the painful self-negation and complete deprivation, as shown in St. John's Negative Way. According to John X. Cooper, such idea of Eliot's is possibly true, because if the individual purification cannot bring us back from the abyss, the mere social world can hold absolutely no hope. We can hear Eliot's prophetic voice saying that after descending to the bottom and confronting the absolute solitude and abyss, the soul can arise from the dark night of purgation towards the world of light. Four Quartets, however, remains first and foremost a poem not a poetic version of mystical theology. Although Eliot alludes to and even paraphrases St. John's dark night of the soul, St. John's negative theology can be only one of the powerful threads in Eliot's poetical fabric.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper deals with the relation between filling the Spec position and the Extended Projection Principle(EPP). In Chomsky (1995), the EPP is a strong feature of a functional head causing the relevant feature and the residual constituent to raise. On the other hand, in the sense of Chomsky (2000), the EPP is the requirement that some functional heads must have a specifier. However, Bo kovi (2002) argues that the EPP should be eliminated. According to him, the "final EPP" follows from Case theory, and the "intermediate EPP" is filled as a result of the requirement of successive cyclicity (i.e., locality). In addition, Bo kovi (2002) claims that successive cyclicity should be required by a property of the movement itself, not by a property of intermediate heads. In this paper, we discuss whether those arguments against the EPP can be maintained or not in expletive constructions.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Dong-Whee Yang. 2003. Optionality, Output effects and the EPP. Studies in Modern Grammar 32, 43-68. This paper claims that optionality is part of the `optimal design` for natural language in the sense that it is bound to induce some `effect on outcome` which should also be some necessary part of natural language. Specifically, it is argued that the optionality in the Korean Case system, an `imperfection` in the minimalist sense, is justified as an `apparent imperfection` in terms of output effects, or Int effects (Chomsky 2000), which are shown to be two types: A-type and B-type. The A-type Int effects are `week` like specificity, definiteness, thematicity, etc., being interpreted at the canonical Specs, whereas the B-type Int effects are `strong` like focus, specialized semantic function. etc., being interpreted at the non-canonical Specs. The A-type Int effects are claimed to be due to lexically-posited EPP-features whereas the B-type Int effects are claimed to be due to derivationally-introduced EPP-features. Lexically-posited EPP-features are either obligatory or optional whereas derivationally-introduced EPP-features are only optional. It is shown that the interface strategy in terms of output Int effects is superior to Hiraiwa`s (2002) ф-over-ф generalization in the accounts for obligatoriness of the EPP-feature.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Jong-Bok Kim. 2003. Focus Projections in English, Korean, and Greek and Their Topological Implications. Studies in Modern Grammar 32, 1-23. One of the important issues in information packaging theory is how to capture the projection of focus at sentence level. This paper shows that in three typological different languages (English: SVO, Korean: SOV, Greek: VSO), the order in argument structure (rather than linear order) plays an important role in determining various possibilities of inheritance of focus. This paper proposes that what is relevant for determining the possibility of VP focus in such cases is the argument structure ordered not in terms of theta-roles but in terms of grammatical relations. The need for such a level of argument structure gets strong motivations from phenomena such as binding, control, relativization, and so forth. Following this line, we assume that the argument structure with grammatical functions is ordered as SUBJ-OBJ-OBJ2-OBLIQUE in which if A precedes B in the argument-structure, A has a higher rank than (i. e. outranks) B. This comparative study among three typologically different languages reveals that the variations in the ordering of grammatical functions induce the differences in focus projections. In addition, the focus projections in the three languages support the view that the argument structure hierarchy is the locus of focus projection.
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