
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        1992.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Cretaceous granitoids related to base metal mineralization in the studied area consist of hornblende - biotite granite, leucocratic granite and micrographic granite. The major - and trace element data from granitoids, when plotted on the Hacker diagram, average contents of Al₂O₃, CaO, Mg0 and Fe₂O₃ decrease while SiO₂ increases in granitoids from Dolsan toward Namhae and Kwangyang areas. Average content of Rb is higher in Kwangyang area while Ba and Sr decrease in granitoids from Dolsan toward Namhae and Kwangyang, and as shown in triangular diagram of RbBa-Sr, which indicates gradual differentiation of granitic magma from Dolsan toward Namhae and Kwangyang. And, studies of major element variation, calc-alkaline index(61.5) and AFM diagram of granitoids indicates that granitoids have been crystallized from a calc-alkaline magma generated by partial melting of the subducted Pacific Oceanic Crust(or Kula plate) at the compressional plate margin, that is, the volcanic arc. Na₂O/K₂O ratio and magnetic susceptibility of granitoids indicate that they belong to I-type and magnetite series. As shown in atoms against pressure diagram, variation to the number of cations Al^(4+) Al^(6+), (Al+Fe^(3+)^(6+), Si, (Mg+Fe^(2+)), and A-site (Na+K) in amphiboles are shown as functions of estimated crystallization pressure, which the amphibole in granitoids crystallized in the pressure range of 1.8 - 3.0 kbar. According to the two-feldspar geothermometry on granitoids of Kwangyang, Dolsan and Namhae areas, the temperature of cessation of exsolution in perthitic alkali feldspars are 476 - 607℃, 489 - 640℃ and 465 - 629℃, respectively, at assumed pressure of 3 kbar, which may be the result of rapid crystallization in the shallow crustal level(5 - 7.5 ㎞).
        1992.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A magnetic survey was carried out at the Barton Peninsula in King George Island, Antarctica. To analyze geological features in the study area, several filtering methods in 2-dimensional wavenumber domain were used. The Barton Horst associated with volcanic activities is well revealed on the low-pass filtered anomaly map. Possible existence of small volcanic plugs or, presumably, mineralized zones are apparent at northern parts and south-western part by reduction-to-the-pole and pseudo-gravity filtering. On the 1st vertical derivative and directional filtered anomaly maps, the geological boundaries on the surface are well identified, and fault strikes along E-W or NW-SE direction appeared to be mostly dominant throughout the study area. Density and susceptibility mapping were performed using the inversion method. The apparent densities of tuffaceous rocks distributed in the southern parts and those of quartz-diorite or crystal tuff in the northern parts were computed as values up to about 2.69 g/㎤ and 2.73 g/㎤, respectively, and the apparent susceptibilities of those rocks are appeared to be about 250 × 10^(-6) CGS and 1870 × 10^(-6) CGS, respectively. These results are in accordant with those of samples measured by Garrett(1990). Therefore, it is concluded that the studied area of the Barton peninsula has been influenced by crustal movement associated with active volcanism and the surface lithology is extended to the considerable depth.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A survey was made, from May to June 1991, to reveal the current situation of the meal management of the homemakers in Jeonbuk area. The results obtained from 464 homemakers were summerized as follows. The meal expenses were planned and managed mostly by the homemakers (93.3%). The 31.1% homemakers expended 200,000-300,000 Won a month for meals and the average expenditure was 294,106 Won. Among the homemakers who responded, the 34.0% managed their account books for meal expenses. With decreasing age(p<0.05), increasing education level (p<0.001), and increasing the income(p<0.01), the number of those who managed the account book tended to be higher. Usually they bought their foods at the market place (52.1%) and they did every other days(33.2%). The 46.9% planned what to buy and chose the best ones among the foods they planned to buy at the market. The percentage of those who prepared their menus planned in advance was only 5.5%. The most homemakers cooked for themselves (96.8%). On cooking and buying foods, the 48.2% considered their husbands first and the 64.4% regarded the tastes and needs of their families as the most important thing. The majority (66.2%) regarded the dinner as the most important among those three times of meals. The 39.6% prepared Kimchi twice a month. The foods they prepared for each meal were usually 4-5 kinds (43.2%). Mostly they prepared meals three times a day (49.1%). The average times spent in preparing and cleaning the tables for lunch and breakfast were 41.6, 96.2 minutes respectively. The homemakers who had jobs tended to spend less time in preparing and clearing the tables than those who had not (p<0.01, p<0.001). The 58.0% had complaints in that the food prices were too high and their moneys for meal preparation were insufficient and the 16.6% had difficulty in satisfying the tastes of their families.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed by 192 male and 238 female eating-out behaviours about western food in Seoul. The results were summarized as follows : The recognition degree about the western food was 14.2% in 「Know well」, 54.8% in 「Know somewhat」, 25.3% in 「Not know」 and was observed significance by sex, food expenses and dine-out expenses. The recognition degree about western food was observed more highly than expected and would be further more highly with westernized dietary culture. The information of concern and knowledge about western food was taken by mass-communication, book, school education, etc. and the answer marked significance by sex, age, school career. The majority of subjects had chosen Korean restaurants in dining-out and the western restaurants were favorable to twenties(20∼29) and thirties(30∼39). The frequency of western restaurants visits was 46% in 「1∼3times/month」, 39% in 「several times/year」 and the answer of frequency had significance by age, food expenses, and dine-out expenses. The choice of western A la carte menu restaurants was chicken restaurant(28%), cutlet restaurant(24%), hamburger R. (13%), pizza R. (19%), Spaghetti R. (9%). Hamburger restaurants were favorable to twenties and the majority of pizza restaurant chosen were high level by monthly income. Content to be improved in western food was 68% in 「proper taste in Korean」. Western cook should be improved properly in Korean tasting.
        1991.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study has tried to illuminate a shocking phenomenon, the import liberalization of agricultural products in the aspect of Consumer consciousness. It has been applied that Table Analysis by using computer programming for instance-MINITAB, and Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis, things like that. The results of this study are as follows; 1. Comparing domestic and imported stuffs, Comsumers came to awareness that domestic products superior to foreign's in the cases of the degree of freshness, taste and pollution damage, in the meanwhile, inferior to the cases of price and wrapping. Food self-supplyment is considered as one of the most important things of all, moreover, by most comsumers and health food and conventional food are favored by high class people. 2. Bying imported stuffs could clearly be fatal blow to our agriculture is fully recognized among consumers, what is more, there would only be doomed to our agriculture, too. 3. The most mass-purchasing imported stuffs by consumers illustrates in order; Beef, Banana, Coffee and Tabacco etc. The most significant elements why consumers buy foreign product is that the prices of them are relatively lower than those of ours. Besides, the next causes lies to non-producing stuffs and curiosity. 4. It must've been generally conceived by most consumers that Open-the-market-policy has been progressed for USA's repression and our monopolistic capital. Therefore, they demand that our market should be contained against unadviciable wave, moreover, keep paying attention to the policy how it will work to protect Korean agriculture. 5. Consumer attitude toward buying imported agricultural products is double-faced, Never-buy occupied only 24.4 % among respondents, but overwhelming respondents say non-producing stuffs can be obtained selectively. In this case, however, never-buy-movement would be backed by consumers in proportion to their educational background. 6. Various consumer minds surrounding Open-the-market-situation, in the end, has been analized econometrics through eleven variables to approach accurate fulfillments.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지리산 반야봉지역을 중심으로 분포하고 있는 구상나무의 생육현황과 구상나무림의 구조를 정확히 파악하고자, 구상나무가 생육하고 있는 지역에 37개의 방형구(10×10m)를 설치하여 식생을 조사하였다. 고사한 구상나무는 상층수관의 큰 나무들에서 발견되었으며, 개체수의 비율로는 12.81% 이었다. 유묘의 개체수도 매우 적은 수였다. Cluster 분석한 결과 세 개의 집단으로 분류되었다. 수종간의 상관성은 구상나무와 털진달래가 비교적 높은 정의 상관관계를 구상나무와 쇠물푸레, 까치박달, 조릿대 및 층층나무 등의 수종들과는 높은 부의 상관을 보였다. 본 조사지의 종다양도(H')는 1.9796-2.7509로 매우 높게 나타났다. 본 조사지의 구상나무림을 보존하기 위해서는 쇠퇴원인의 구명과 이에 대한 처방이 필요하며 신갈나무, 당단풍, 쇠물푸레, 까치박달, 층층나무, 조릿대 등을 제거해야 한다.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지리산 국립공원의 화엄사입구에서 노고단 정상에 이르는 화엄사 계곡 및 성삼재에서 노고단에 이르는 등산로 주변에 출현하는 관속식물을 파악하고자, 1991년 5월 5일-7일, 7월 10일-13일 및 9월 28일-30일 사이에 본 조사를 수행한 바, 2강 31목 83과 175속, 216종, 24변종 및 7품종으로 조사되었다.
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1991.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        청주지역(淸州地域)의 세시풍속일(歲時風俗日)과 세시음식(歲時飮食)에 관하여 동국세시기(東國歲時記), 열양세시기(洌陽歲時記) 경도잡지(京都雜誌) 등의 문헌(文獻)과 강원지역(江原地域)의 연구(硏究) 결과(結果)를 통하여 비교(比較) 고찰(考察)하였다. 현재 지키고 있는 세시풍속일(歲時風俗日) 중(中) 설날과 추석은 어느 가정(家庭)이든 지키고 있었으며, 정월, 대보름, 동지, 삼복, 초파일 순(順)으로 많이 지키고 있었으나 그 외 세시퐁속일(歲時風俗日)은 잊혀져가고 있으며 주오하절, 중원, 남향은 지키고 있지 않았다. 또한 세시음식(歲時飮食)은 설날과 추석에 해 먹고 있는 음식(飮食)의 종류가 다양했으며, 설날의 떡국과 만두, 정월대보름의 오곡밥, 묵은 나물과 부럼, 추석의 송편, 동지의 팥죽은 대다수의 가정(家庭)에서 해 먹고 있는 것으로 나타났으나 그 외 세시음식(歲時飮食)은 해 먹은 율(率)이 낮거나 거의 잊혀져가고 있다. 일제하의 강압과 해방 후의 서구화(西歐化)에 너무 치우쳐 전통문화(傳統文化)는 소멸되어왔지만, 공업화(工業化)가 가속되어도 우리의 농경문화(農耕文化)나 세시풍속((歲時風俗)들 그리고 우리의 전통문화(傳統文化)는 견재해가면서 국제화(國際化)에 대처해 나가야 할 것이다. 또한 국제화(國際化)와 전통문화(傳統文化)는 결코 언제나 상반된 것이 아니므로 오히려 세계적(世界的)으로 국제화(國際化)는 가속되는 속에서 우리의 전통문화(傳統文化)를 자랑스럽게 여기며, 내세우고 관광자료(觀光資料)로 활용하는 것도 좋은 방안이라 생각된다. 앞으로 각 지역별로 세시음식(歲時飮食)에 관한 조사연구(調査硏究)가 이루어져 비교해볼 수 있어야 하겠다.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to research on the observing state of Korean traditional holidays and the traditional foods related to those days through the questionnaires completed by 578 housewives who live in Kangreung, Daejeon, Jeonju, and Daegu area. For data processing, SAS program was employed, and all data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, and 2-square. The results are as follows; 1. In observing the traditional holidays, more than 90% of housewives who answered the inquiry keep up SEOLNAL, DAEBOREUM, and CHUSEOK, whithout regarding regions. There are larger number of people who keep up IPCHUN, JUNGWHAJEAL, and DANOH in Kangreung and SAMBOK in Daegu than that of other regions (p〈.001). Compared to general circumstances, CHOPAIL is more commonly celebrated by older class as well as lower educated class (p〈.001) Also, the consequence shows that Buddhists observe IPCHUN, SAMJITANL, CHOPAIL, DANOH, SAMBOK, and DONGJI more commonly compared with other classes (p〈.001), IPCHUN, SAMJITNAL, (p〈.01). DAEBOREUM, YUDU, SAMBOK, JUNGYANGJEOL, OHIL, and DONGJI (p〈.001) are celebrated more generally among extended. 2. On inheritance of the traditional holidays, most of the housewives answered that the SEOLNAL, DAEBOREUM, CHUSSEOK, and DONGJI are to be inherited. Compared to general circumstance CHOPAIL is suggested to be inherited by older people (p〈.001). The IPCHUN, CHOPAIL, SAMBOK (p〈.001), and DANCH (p〈.01) are suggested by Buddhists that YUDU and SAMBOK are by nuclear. 3. In preparaing festive foods, DEOKGUK on SEOLNAL, OHKOKBAP and MUKEUNNAMUL on DAEBOREUM, SONGPYEON and GATEUNNAMUL on CHUSEOK, and PATJUK on DONGJI are being made very generally. KANGJEONG on SEOLNAL, BUREUM on DAEBOREUM, KALGUKSU and SAMGYAETANG on SAMBOK, DARKJIM on CHUSEOK, SUJEONGGWA and DONGCHIMI on DONGJI appeared comparatively high rated of making. 4. In normal times, DEOKGUK, MANDU, INJEOLMI, SIKHYAE, SUJEEONGGWA, PYEONYUK, JEONYUEO, SIRUDDEOK, BOKSSAM, MUKEUNNAMUL, SONGPYUN, MINARINAMUL, YUKGAEJANGGUK, KALGUKSU, SAMGYAETANG, HOBAKJIJIM, TORANTANG, GATEUNNAMUL, NUREUMJEOK, DAKJIM, KALBIJIM, PATJJUK, and DONGCHIMI is usully made. 5. The source to learn about traditional foods is mostly by her mother and the rest orders are husband's mother, cooking books, mass media (including T.V), school education, and cooking instituse, etc.
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        옥수수의 흑조위축병 발생이 심한 경화 경산에서, 흑조위축병 내병성이 다른 사일리지용 옥수수 2품종과 생육기간이 다른 사일리지용 수수 2품종을 6개 파종기(4월 l일, 4월 15일, 4월 29일, 5월 13일, 5월 27일,6월 10일)에 재배하여 옥수수는 황숙기에 1회, 수수는 유숙기에 1차 수확하고, 재생한 것은 10월 1일에 2차 수확하여 건물생산성 비교한 결과는 다음과 같다 1.입묘솔은 옥수수가 수수보다 높았다 옥수수는 품종간 및 파종기간에 입묘솔
        1991.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted a comprehensive sarvey of 39 elementary schools operating school lunch program in Seoul area. The purpose of this study was to investigate the realities of school lunch program. This method of this research was based on the interview survey with dietitian working at each school with prepared questionaire. The survey was conducted for 16 days from Dec. 5 to Dec. 20., 1990. The results of this study were as follows ; (1) The average numbers of children supplied with food were 1, 244 for each school. It was about 44.3% of the students enrolled in the school. The average feeding cost was 738 won per a child for a day. (2) Only one school was operating nutritional education as a regular educational program, and others were operating nutritional education off and on. (3) All nutrient intake except energy were higher than the RDA for school lunch program. (4) The ratio of animal food was 46.2%, and that of vegetable food was 53.8%. (5) The ratio of schools without sterilizer cabinet came to 56.4%, and that of schools without warmer was 97.4%. (6) The facilities for drainage, lighting, ventilation, anti-rat of a cookery were comparatively good.