
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        1989.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study area is the southwestern peripheral part of the KyoˇSngsang Basin. The maximum thickness of the Nakdong Formation is only 200m thick in this area and gradually thins toward the west. The Sindong Group is relatively coarse-grained here. The Chilgok Formation and the Silla Conglomerate Formation occur in the Changsoˇn Island, but they apparently entail toward the northwest and are no more so divisible in the northern vicinity of Namhae, where they are collectively called here $quot;Namhae Formation.$quot; The angular unconformity between the Yuchsoˇn Group and the low-lying formations is obvious in this area. The Changsoˇn Formation, the basal unit of the Yuchoˇn Group in this area, is composed mainly of andesitic rocks but contains in its upper part the Jijok Member composed of reddish tuffaceous sedimentary layers. Overlying the Changsbn Formation is a unique sedimentary facies of the Yuchoˇn Group. It is here called the Danghangri Formation, of more than 400m thick and composed mainly of pebbly and conglomeratic sandstones. The composition of the pebbles of the Danghangri Formation, i.e., gneiss, quartzite, andesite etc. connotes the dual provenances of the basement rocks and the penecontemporaneous volcanic rocks. The sandstones of the Sindong Group(38 samples) are mainly arkose or arkosic arenite and subordinately subgraywacke and subarkose. A sequential variation of composition is apparent from the Nakdong Formation dominated by subgraywacke to the Jinju Formation dominated by arkose.
        1989.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A secondary survey was conducted of 503 customers, to investigate eating out behaviours at five fast food restaurants of Youido apartment compound in Seoul, in April of 1988. The results are summarized as follows: The majority, 84% of customers, were aged 14 to 30, consisting of junior and senior high school children, college students and company employees. In contrast to the previous survey of 1986, in which no elderly customers were found, a small number of elderly customers were observed in this study. The reasons given by customers for patronizing fast food restaurants were the following, from most to least frequent: 'convenient', 'allows for companionship', 'the pleasant place to eat', 'dining equipment and tableware are hygienic', 'to be able to stay as long as I want', and 'foods rapidly served'. Only 24.2% of the customers purchased the fast foods for a full meal, 38.3% purchased the foods for snacking, and others purchased ice cream only or drink only. The majority of the customers ate the purchased foods at the fast food restaurants. However, a limited number of female customers preferred to take the packed fast foods to their homes. Taste preference was a major factor in food selection from available menu items, among the younger customers; whereas customers over 30 years old were concerned with nutritive balance. Fried chicken, pizza, rolled rice with laver, ice cream, and juice were high on the list of liked foods; in contrast, lower preference was for fish burger, doughnut, spaghetti, Chajang noodles and chili beans. The survey discovered that the preference for fried chicken, pizza, and salad had increased compared to the previous survey of 1986. Preference by food nationality was highest for Korean food, then Western food, Chinese food, and Japanese food, in that order. Customers offered suggestions for better fast food service, such as lowering the price; greater variety in the menu; developing fast foods from the traditional Korean foods; and increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits on the fast food menu. The customers, in particular, emphasized a need for the development of Korean traditional beverage of malt drink and persimmon punch, as well as mungbean pan cakes and sweet- spicy rice noodles (docbokki), as fast foods.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A simple analytic model has been made to describe the radio appearance of nonspherical stro¨mgren region(e. q. comet-shaped H II region), assuming that(1) ionizing photons are conserved to a given solid angle within which they are emitted, and (2) a supersonic motion of a surrounding medium creates a shocked region in front of the non-spherical Sro¨mgren region. On the basis of this calculation, a model for the cometary H II region G34. 3+0.2 has been constructed to obtain dynamical parameter of the surrounding medium(V=100㎞/tsec at a_0=1㎞/sec)with a value of n_u=103㎝^(-3). The theoretical radio appearance of the model reproduces both the emission maximum at' the head part and the dominant shell structure as the radio observation of G34.3+0.2 has displayed.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        치악산 국립공원 지역의 현존식생과 녹지자연도를 분석하기 위하여 식생상관을 조사하였으며, 이를 기초로 하여 녹지자연도 조사에 관한 사정기준에 따라 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 치악산의 현존식생은 농경지와 인공 조림지를 포함하여 모두 11개의 식생군으로 분류되었다. 이 중에서 소나무 군집이 36.83%로 가장 넓었으며, 신갈나무 군집이 22.35%. 소나무-신갈나무 군집이 7.37%의 순으로 나타났다. 소나무와 신갈난무의 순림 또는 이 수종에 의한 혼효림은 총 면적의 74.50%로 거의 주종을 이루고 있었다. 한편 치악산의 녹지 자연도 등급은 자연성이 높은 녹지 자연도 9가 전체의 35.9%로서 가장 넓은 면적을 차지하고 있으며, 녹지 자연도 8은 28.5%를 차지하여, 결과적으로 볼 때에 현재 치악산 국립공원 지역의 자연성은 매우 높은 것으로 사료되었다.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        치악산국립공원내 주 이용대상지인 구룡사-비로봉 일대 삼림군집의 구조를 분석하기 위하여 인간 간섭의 정도 및 환경조건을 고려하여 4개 조사지를 선정하고 총 45개 조사구를 설치하였다. 인간의 간섭이 심한 저지대 계곡부의 경우 비교적 천이단계가 낮은 소나무가 우점종이었으며(조사지 I ), 비교적 인간의 간섭이 심한 고지대 계곡부(조사지 II)와 근래에 입산금지가 된 계곡부(조사지 III )에서는 층층나무. 주등산로가 있는 고지대 능선부(조사지 IV)에서는 신갈나무가 우점종이었다. 종다양성은 조사지 III, II, I, IV의 순으로 높았는데, 이것은 능선부인 조사지 IV를 제외할 때, 인간 간섭의 정도와 역의 관계였다. 종상관성 분석결과 소나무는 타수종과 유의적인 부의 상관을 가지는 경우는 비교적 많았으나 정의 상관을 인정할 수 있는 경우는 나타나지 않음으로써 대체로 순림의 형태를 이루고 있었다. 치악산 구룡사 계곡의 DCA에 의한 ordination분석결과 표고 및 환경인자에 의해 3개의 군집으로 나눌 수 있었으며, stand ordination에 따라 소나무군집, 소나무-신갈나무, 소나무-갈참나무, 갈참나무-서어나무, 층층나무-까치박달나무, 층층나무 군집으로 구분되었다. 천이과정은 능선 및 중복부에서는 소나무→신갈나무 및 참나무류, 팥배나무→서어나무로, 계곡저지대에서는 소나무→참나무류→층층나무, 까치박달나무로 진행되는 과정이었다.
        1988.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        34 packaged meal (Dosirak) manufacturing establishments were assessed in terms of working environment, production and transportation practices. Questionnaires and facility check-lists were developed. Most establishments were small in business, and production personnel as well as production facilities were insufficient compared with production capacity of establishments. Mean production capacity for packaged meals in terms of optimum and maximum levels were 6,500 and 15,166 meals in large sized establishments; 2,662 and 8,301 in medium; and 2,112, and 4,733 in small respectively. Those figures indicate potentially hazardous practices in production especially in small and medium sized establishments. Most meals were produced to order. Transportation facility and kitchen space were assessed as insufficient.
        1988.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is aimed to survey the housewive's interest and understanding on the Korean traditional dishes in relation to the importance and the significance of those dishes in the Korean traditional folk ceremony. Questionnaires were distributed to and answered by 667 housewives ranging from the the mother of kindergarden children to the mother of seniors in the university. Some of the significant findings and speculations derived from the analysis of data are summarized as follows: 1. About 90% of subjects have taken the knowledge on cooking the traditional dishes from their mothers and their grandmothers. And they have had many opportunities to known about traditional dishes through the home life education. 2. The kinds of the Korean traditional dishes which are used often at the folk ceremony are Tto k(Korean rice cake), Shikhae (fermented rice fruits punch), Sujong Kwa (persimmon fruits punch), Whachae(flower, fruits punch) etc. 3. About two thirds of the subjects have a little knowledge about Korean traditional special menu for the Korean folk ceremony, however, most of them observe New York's Day, Chusuk (The Korean Tranks giving Day), Dongji (The winter solstice), and Deborum (The 15th of the January on lunar Calender). 4. About 74% of the subjects use Korean traditional foods when they have Korean traditional folk ceremony. But there is a tendency to use nontraditional dishes among young housewives. 5. More than 73% of the housewives agree to the idea that Korean traditional dishes have to be succeeded and developed. 6. Most of the housewives think the Korean traditional folk ceremony is important and they are willing to make Korean traditional foods on the occasions, but they also think the ceremony must be rather simplified.
        1988.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was surveyed the preference for the regional food and food choices according to Region, Age, Sex. The subjects were 943 residing in Seoul and Cheon Nam region. The summarized result are as follows; The survey about the preference for the regional food showed that subjects in Cheon Nam has higher preference for the Cheon Nam food and subjects in Seoul for the Seoul food respectively. The most subjects marked very high preference scores about familiar food. The preference for the regional food and food choices were effected by main growth region. Subjects brought up in Cheon Nam like Cheon Nam food especially fresh raw fishes(WHOI) and fermented fishes(CHOT GAL) more than those brought up in Seoul, although both of them reside in Seoul now. But they were brought up in Cheon Nam, subjects residing in Cheon Nam or Seoul now showed no difference in preference for Cheon Nam food. Subjects in Cheon Nam showed higher preperence for fresh raw fishes(WHOI), fermented fishes(CHOT GAL), especially in older men.
        1988.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The survey was carried out to obtain some fundmental data to improve the dietary life and to establish the nutritonal education and policy on inhabitants lived in isle area near by demilitarized zone in Korea. For this, 33 families in the area of Kyodong island located at Kanghwa-Gun, Kyungki province were randomly selected. Trained surveyors visited each house to survey the food and nutritional status in summer during 3 days in August, 1987. The results are summarized as follows; The number of foods they were taking totalled 17 categories and 134 kinds of which 104 kinds were vegetable foods. The average amount of food intake was 1465.3g per person per day, animal food occupied 9.6% only. The intake amount of fruit among vegetable foods, and fishes, shells, milk and eggs among animal foods was lower than the national average. Each proportion of carbohydrate, fat and protein to the total energy intake was 70.4%, 9.7% and 19.9%. The foods they used to take a lot were rice, potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage KIMCHIE and YULMOO KIMCHIE in order of their intake amount. The energy intake was 3064㎉ which is higher than nutritional requirements, and the energy ratio of cereals to the total energy in take is 76%. If the amount of fat intake is fixed to 20% of total energy intake, the amount of fat intake is 68g, but the actual amount of fat intake was only 33g. With an increase of total energy intake, supply of calcium and vitamin A should be increased much more.
        1987.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The physical properties of sedimentary rocks in the coal fields were studied. Sandstones and shales are major samples among the core samples from Samchuck and Boeun coal fields. The measured properties were seismic velocities (P and S-wave), electrical resistivity, density and porosity. The relationships between physical properties were analyzed by using the cross plots. Summarized results are as follows : 1. Compressional wave velocity is approximately linearly related to shear wave velocity and the velocity ratio Vp/Vs of shales has slightly larger value than that of sandstone. And with increasing Vp, the velocity ratio Vp/Vs decreases because the effect of porosity and clay content on Vs is larger than on Vp. 2. In the case of sandstones, as porosity increases, P-wave velocity decreases slowly, but effect on the density is not apparent. In the case of shales, as porosity increases, both P-wave velocity and density decrease. 3. The values and variation range of density of sandstones are relatively small as compared to those of shales. But the range of elastic wave velocities of both rocks are appeared to be similar. 4. Seismic velocity is power-functionally related to electrical resistivity, and the value of the power is appeared to be larger for sandstones than for shales. 5. Because samples from Boeun field are slightly metamorphosed, the values of electrical resistivity are larger than those of samples from Samchuk field.
        1987.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cretaceous plutonic rocks distributed in Yuga and Seongsan.myeon are of quartz monzodiorite,granodiorite and monzogranite(granite B) in rock types. The modal composition changes systematically and each plutons are divided into the two rock types convenienly, ie. intermediate and acidic rock types:The intermediate rock is composed of quartz monzodiorite mainly and granodiorite, whereas the acidic rock is composed of monzogranite mainly and quartz monzonite. Zirocons are prominently included in plagioclase of the rock forming minerals in the intermediate rock, whereas in the acidic rock, in hornblende and biotite of the rock forming minerals prominently, The amounts of the included zircons are related to the relative amounts of plagioclase or hornblende and biotite in the two rock types. In the ratio of the included zircons of the main rock forming minerals, those of plagioclase are narrowly constant, whereas those of hornblende and biotite are broadly change in the two rock types and the latters in the acidic rock are higher than those in the intermediate rock. The size of zircon grains gradationally decrease from the intermediate rock parts to the acidic rock. From the frequency distribution of lenghth and breadth, those of the intermediate rock are bimodal or polymodal, and those of the acidic rock are unimodal shape. From these fact, it is suggested that the two rock types are comagmatic origin, but zircon concentrates of each rock type may have been crystallized under some different magmatic environment in the physico-chemical condition.