
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2021.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study investigated the variations in monthly PM2.5 concentrations and their characteristics at the sampling site (35.075°N, 129.080°E) around the Busan seaport area for six months (from August 2020 to January 2021). Monthly PM2.5 concentrations in the filtered samples ranged from 8.4 to 42.3 ㎍/m3 (average=19.6±8.2 ㎍/m3, n=50) and were generally high in August, December, and January, and low in September, October, and November. The variations of monthly PM2.5 concentrations showed similar patterns to those of the neighboring national air quality monitoring sites. The contents of Total Carbon (TC), Organic Carbon (OC), Elemental Carbon (EC), and OC/EC ratios in PM2.5 showed large variability during the study period. The OC/EC ratios ranged from 4.2 to 34.4, suggesting that the relative contributions of OC and EC to the PM2.5 concentrations changed temporally and might be related to their formation sources. Variations in the chemical components of and particle size distributions in PM2.5 showed that high PM2.5 concentrations were affected by various sources, such as sea salt and ship emission. The precursor gas concentrations were discussed in terms of monthly variations and their contributions to PM2.5 concentrations. However, further research is needed to understand the characteristics and behaviors of PM2.5 concentrations around the Busan seaport area.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to elucidate the spatio-temporal characteristics of ultrafine dust generation in East Asia and the synoptic climate patterns related to its dispersal which has its adverse effects on public health across East Asia. To achieve this purpose, Level 3 monthly Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data extracted from MODIS satellite imagery (MOD08_M3) representing particle matters less than 2.5 micrometer (PM2.5) and the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis I upper-level climatic data associated with the exacerbation of ultrafine dust problem are analyzed for the recent 20-year (2001-2020) period. Analyses of long-term average MOD08 data show that high AOD value exceeding 0.5 or more frequently occurred in populous cities in East Asia but mainly in the vicinity of densely populated large rivers and the eastern lowlands in China between mid-winter and mid-spring, which is attributable to the accumulation effects of continuous fossil fuel consumption for heating and manufacturing. Despite the overall decreasing trend of ultrafine dust across China in the 2010s, the weakened westerlies in the warmer climate as well as its continuous generation from the densely populated industrial regions of China provide a favorable synoptic climate condition for frequent severe ultrafine dust problems across East Asia including South Korea. These results indicate that ultrafine dust from China is a long-lasting transboundary environmental problem across East Asia, which needs long-term international cooperation in developing the sustainable policies.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We projected the temperature changes in the mid-21st century with Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP8.5 using the temperature data simulated by four regional climate models (RCMs: WRF, CCLM, MM5, RegCM4) in Korea. The simulation area and spatial resolution of RCMs were the CORDEXEA (COordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment-East Asia) area and 25 km, respectively. We defined the temperature change as the difference (ratio) between the average annual temperature (IAV: Interannual Variation) over the projected 25 years (2026-2050) and that over the present 25 years (1981-2005). The fact that the average annual temperature bias of the four RCMs is within ±2.5°C suggests that the RCM simulation level is reasonable in Korea. Across all RCMs, scenarios, and geographic locations, we observed increased temperatures (IAV) in the mid-21st century. In RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, 1.27°C and 1.57°C will be increased by 2050, respectively. The ensemble suggests that the temperature increase is higher in winter (RCP4.5: 1.36°C, RCP8.5: 1.75°C) than summer (RCP4.5: 1.25°C, RCP8.5: 1.49°C). Central Korea exhibited a higher temperature increase than southern Korea. A slightly larger IAV is expected in the southeastern region than in the Midwest of Korea. IAV is also expected to increase significantly in RCP4.5 (summer) than in RCP8.5 (winter).
        2021.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The physicochemical properties of soil and the yield and quality of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sailmi) were assessed using Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Kowinearly)-rice double cropping systems in the paddy fields at Goseong and Miryang in southern Korea. The average temperatures during the ripening period were approximately 1 °C higher than the optimal temperature for rice ripening and the sunshine duration was reduced by frequent rainfall. Consequently, it was slightly below the optimal conditions required for rice ripening. In the soil at Goseong, winter Italian ryegrass cropping increased the pH, electrical conductivity, and the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen (T-N), available P2O5, K, Ca, and Mg than winter fallowing. Particularly, the contents of T-N and available P2O5increased significantly. In the soil at Miryang, Italian ryegrass slightly increased the electrical conductivity and the T-N, Mg, and Na contents. Therefore, winter Italian ryegrass cropping improved the physicochemical properties of paddy soils; however, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping slightly reduced the culm length at both Goseong and Miryang, without markedly changing the panicle length or number compared to fallow-rice cropping. Furthermore, at Goseong, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping slightly decreased the spikelet number and milled rice yield, and increased the ripened grain rate; however, at Miryang, contrasting results were observed. In addition, fallow-rice cropping revealed no differences in the head rice or opaque rice rates. The protein content was slightly increased in Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping, without significant changes in the amylose content or Toyo value, compared to that in fallow-rice cropping. The peak and breakdown viscosities were slightly decreased. These results indicate that winter Italian ryegrass cropping might alter rice taste but may not exhibit remarkable negative effects on rice cultivation. Therefore, Italian ryegrass-rice double cropping system is recommended for paddy fields in southern Korea. Nevertheless, to increase the rice yield and quality, fertilization standards for rice cropping that consider the changes in the T-N and organic matter contents in paddy fields caused by winter Italian ryegrass cropping need to be established.
        2021.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To analyze the effects of PM10 and PM2.5 on daily mortality cases, the relations of death counts from natural causes, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases with PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were applied to the generalized additive model (GAM) in this study. From the coefficients of the GAM model, the excessive mortality risks due to an increase of 10 μg/m3 in daily mean PM10 and PM2.5 for each cause were calculated. The excessive risks of deaths from natural causes, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases were 0.64%, 1.69%, and 1.16%, respectively, owing to PM10 increase and 0.42%, 2.80%, and 0.91%, respectively, owing to PM2.5 increase. Our result showed that particulate matter posed a greater risk of death from respiratory diseases and is consistent with the cases in Europe and China. The regional distribution of excessive risk of death is 0.24%–0.81%, 0.34%–2.6%, and 0.62%–1.94% from natural causes, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases, respectively, owing to PM10 increase, and 0.14%–1.02%, 1.07%–3.92%, and 0.22%–1.73% from natural causes, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases, respectively, owing to PM2.5 increase. Our results represented a different aspect from the regional concentration distributions. Thus, we saw that the concentration distributions of air pollutants differ from the affected areas and identified the need for a policy to reduce damage rather than reduce concentrations.
        2021.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the bathymetric data acquired from 2018 to 2020 and the precipitation and suspended sediment data were analyzed for changes in bathymetry owing to the discharge from the Nakdong River barrier and environmental factors, especially the torrential rain in 2020. Sediment erosion and deposition processes are repeated because of complex environmental factors such as discharge from the Nakdong River barrier and the influence of waves generated from the external sea. In the first half of the year after the dry season, bathymetric data showed relative erosion trends, whereas in the second half after the flood season, deposition trends were identified owing to the increase in sediment transport. However, the data from the second half of 2020 showed a large amount of erosion, resulting in tendencies different to those of erosion in the first half and deposition in the second half of the year. This result is judged to be influenced by the weather in the summer of 2020. The torrential rain in the summer of 2020 resulted in a higher force of erosion than that of deposition. In summary, the tendency for erosion is more significant than that of sedimentation, especially in the main channel area of the Nakdong River.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research investigated the characteristics of fine particles during cold front passage in Busan, on March 19, 2020. The cold front speed was 17.4 m/s (about 63k km/hr), moving from the northwest to the southeast, and with a width of about 64 km. The backward trajectory analysis showed that a southern sea air parcel flowed into Busan before the cold front passage, carrying continental materials from China transported into Busan after cold front passage. The PM10 concentration in Busan showed a rapid increase after passing through the cold front, with PM2.5 showing a high concentration during cold front passage. The PM2.5/PM10 ratio was 0.10 - 0.30. When the cold front passed, SO4 2-, NO3 -, Ca2+, NH4 +, Na+, and K+ in PM2.5 showed a rapid increase, with SO4 2- showing the most significant increase. These results indicated that understanding the characteristics of fine particles during cold front passage in Busan could provide insight into establishing a strategy to control urban air quality.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This research investigated the characteristics of fine particle concentration and ionic elements of PM2.5 during sea breeze occurrences during summertime in Busan. The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations of summertime sea breeze occurrence days in Busan were 46.5 ㎍/㎥ and 34.9 ㎍/㎥, respectively. The PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations of summertime non-sea breeze occurrence days in Busan were 25.3 ㎍/㎥ and 14.3 ㎍/㎥, respectively. The PM2.5/PM10 ratios of sea breeze occurrence days and non-sea breeze occurrence days were 0.74 and 0.55, respectively. The SO4 2-, NH4 +, and NO3 - concentrations in PM2.5 of sea breeze occurrence days were 9.20 ㎍/㎥, 4.26 ㎍/㎥, and 3.18 ㎍/㎥ respectively. The sulfur oxidation ratio (SOR) and nitrogen oxidation ratio (NOR) of sea breeze occurrence days were 0.33 and 0.05, respectively. These results indicated that understanding the fine particle concentration and ionic elements of PM2.5 during sea breeze summertime conditions can provide insights useful for establishing a control strategy of urban air quality.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구는 거문도·초도 사람들의 울릉도·독도 도항과 활동 관련 지역민들의 구술증언을 토대로 이들이 울릉도·독도로 건너간 이유와 도항 방법, 생업활동 등을 밝힘으로써, 결과적으로 독도를 실질적으로 이용·관리해왔음을 제시하고자 한다. 19세기 말 이전 울릉도·독도를 왕래하며 어렵이나 미역채취, 선박건조 활동을 해 온 거문도·초도 사람들은 이미 수백 년 동안 그 곳 울릉도·독도를 기반으로 생업활동을 해오고 있었다. 거문도·초도를 비롯한 전라도 남해 연안민들의 울릉도·독도 관련 도항과 생활상은 비록 문자로 기록되지 않았지만, 「거문도 뱃노래」와 같은 노동요나 구전자료로, 가옥이나 건축물 등 유형·무형의 생활자료로 전승되어 왔다. 이것은 이들이 수백 년 동안 울릉도·독도 어장을 경영해온 살아 있는 증거이며, 독도를 삶의 터전으로 이용해왔음을 입증할 수 있는 가장 확실한 증거자료로 활용 될 수 있을 것이다. 이처럼 19세기말 이전에 이미 동남해 연안민들, 특히 거문도·초도 사람들이 울릉도·독도 어장을 관리하며 수백 년간 영속적·실질적으로 경영해 왔음을 알 수 있다. 이들의 이러한 활동이 있었기에 1882년 울릉도개척령과 1900년 대한제국칙령 41호로 이어지는 조선정부의 울릉 도·독도에 대한 행정적 관리가 가능할 수 있었으며, 결과적으로 현재까지 대한민국의 독도영 유권 주장의 근거가 될 수 있었다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        몽골 남부 구르반사이한 호상 열도 지형 내 족도르 지역의 함동 석영맥에 대한 유체포유물 연구 결과를 보고한다. 족도르 지역에는 후기 백악기 퇴적층 내에 정치된 화강섬록 반암 내에 구조적으로 제어되는 동 광화작용이 나타난다. 이러한 화강섬록 반암 내에 동 광물 함유 석영맥은 프로필리틱 변질대의 석영-녹렴 석-자철석 및 석영-자철석을 포함하는 열수 변질 양상을 보인다. 석영맥은 광물 조합에 따라 두 가지 유형으 로 분류되며 주로 황동석과 함께 산출되고 드물게는 반동석, 자철석, 황철석과 함께 산출된다. 석영-자철석± 황동석 및 석영-녹렴석-자철석 조합의 석영맥 내 유체포유물은 기포 크기 5-30 vol.%, 염농도 2-13 wt.% NaCl, 균질화 온도 107-270°C인 2상의 수성 포유물이다. 관찰된 석영맥의 광물 조합과 모암의 지구화학적 특성 및 변질 양상 등으로 판단했을 때, 유체포유물 자료는 연구 지역이 반암동 관련 광화작용의 프로필리틱 변질 영역에 해당함을 보여준다.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        디오클레티아누스 황제는 로마의 국경선을 298년에 국경선을 시네로 철수하였고, 메로에 왕조가 4세기 중반 이후 붕괴하자, 트리아콘타스코이노스에서 정치적인 공백이 발생하였다. 이 무렵에 이 지역에서 블레미스인들과 노바데스인들이 등장하여 충돌하였다. 먼저 블레미스인들이 394년에 탈 미스를 점령하였고 5세기 전반기에는 도데카스코이노스와 함께 동부 사막 지대의 에메랄드 광산을 개발하였다. 동부 사막지대에 거주하던 이들은 정치적인 공백이 발생하자 매장지와 목초지를 구하여 도데카스코이노스지역으로 이주하여 정치적으로 지배하면서 에메랄드를 중심으로 중개무역을 하였다. 5세기에 제2폭포 지역을 중심으로 노바데스인들이 등장하여 노바디아 왕조를 세웠다. 이 왕조의 실코 왕은 5세기 중엽에 부족연합국가를 형성하여 블레미스인들을 물리치고 도데카스코이네스 지역을 차지하였고 6세기에 접어들어 중앙집권화된 왕국으로 발전하였다. 이렇게 부족연합국가 단계를 넘어 중앙집권화된 왕국으로 발전하는 과정에서 실코 왕은 다른 전통 종교들과 함께 기독교도 하나의 종교로 인정하였다. 그러한 증거로 블란나 지역의 무덤들에서 기독교의 표지를 가진 유물들이 출토되고 있고, 사람들을 함께 매장하던 풍습이 사라지다가 500년경에는 큰 무덤을 만드는 매장 풍습이 사라졌다. 동로마제국에서 선교사를 파송하여 나라가 543년에 정식으로 기독교를 수용하는데, 이것은 5세기 후반부터 기독교가 점진적으로 확산되는 과정의 정점으로 보인다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The assessment of wind resources must be carried out to choose wind farm sites adequately. Additionally, input data on surface roughness maps and topographic maps are required to evaluate wind resources, where input data accuracy determines the accuracy of their overall analysis. To estimate this accuracy, we used met-mast data in Jeju and produced the ground roughness value for the Jeju region. To determine these values, an unsupervised classification method using SPOT-5 images was carried out for image classification. The wind resources of the northeastern part of Jeju were predicted, and the ground roughness map of the region was calculated by the WindPRO software. The wind speed of the Pyeongdae region of Jeju from the ground roughness map was calculated using WindPRO as 8.51 m/s. The wind speed calculated using the remote sensing technology presented in this study was 8.69 m/s. To assess the accuracy of the measured WindPro and the remote sensing technology values, we compared these results to the observed values in the Pyeongdae region using met-mast. This comparison shows that remote sensing data are more accurate than the WindPro data. We also found that the ground roughness map calculated in this study is useful for generating an accurate wind resource map of Jeju Island.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fog can have severe impacts on human life (e.g., accidents in transportation systems) because it causes low visibility. Areas prone to fog near the sea or a river require accurate fog forecasts. In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of fog occurrence around Gumi Reservoir, a part of the inland Nakdong River. We also simulated and predicted visibility using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Visibility was estimated using several point measurements and several different methods: Stoelinga and Warner (SW99), Rapid Update Cycle (RUC), the Forecast System Laboratory (FSL), Decision Tree (DT), revised visibility (RVIS) and Gultepe_06 methods. The DT method showed a pattern similar to the observed fog occurrences. In this study, the Gulteppe_06 method produced the best performance under the lowest visibility situation, although there is some discrepancy in microphysics' simulated results, followed by DT and RUC.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Soil temperature (SoT) is one of the important climate elements for the land-atmosphere interactions. In this study, the climatic characteristics and trends of SoT were analyzed at nine locations for the period of 1966 to 2020. In addition, effect of precipitation on the interannual variations of SoT was also addressed. The monthly average of the SoT shows seasonal and interannual variations regardless of location. While there are some differences depending on the location and depth, the interannual variations of SoT occur more strongly at the shallow layer during summer comparatively other seasons. The strong negative correlation between SoT and precipitation of summer shows that the large interannual variations of SoT in summer is closely related to the strong interannual variations of precipitation of same season. According to the depth the range of SoT is larger in winter and summer and smaller in spring and autumn. Generally, air temperature and SoTs are increasing due to global warming. However, the increasing trend varies and depends on the location and depth of the study area. Most of investigation stations are revealed a strong increasing trend, particularly, at the shallow layer during summer season.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to explore spatio-temporal patterns of extreme low human-sensible temperature (HST) across Mt Halla (1,950m), Korea. To do this, decadal (2011/12-2020/21) averages of daily or hourly windchill index (WCI), which quantifies HST considering the combined effects of low temperature and strong wind, are calculated for 24 weather stations in Mt Halla. Time series of decadal average daily mean show that extreme low HST events with moderate risk level (-27~-10°C) occur in mid-winter (mid-January~early February) around the high mountainous areas of Mt Halla, while such risk does not exist in the low-elevated coastal regions of Jeju Island under subtropical climate. Strong wind around the subalpine climate belt lowers HST by 5°C than air temperature in mid-winter. In extreme cases when the advection of northerly cold wind is intensified by the west high-east low pressure pattern in East Asia, the HST around the peak of Mt Halla can be lowered to high risk level (-39~-28°C) in the early morning times of mid-winter days. These information about mountain bioclimate may help establish mountain extreme climate warning systems, which are needed to protect mountaineers from potential life-threatening accidents caused by extreme low HST events over high mountains such as Mt Halla.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ① 미세균열의 길이(N=230), ② 미세균열의 간격(N=150) 및 ③ 압열인장강도(N=30)를 이용하여 쥬라기의 합천화강암에서 발달된 여섯 결(R1~H2)의 특성을 분석하였다. 여섯 결에 평행한 방향으로 측정한 이 들 세 인자에 대한 18개의 누적그래프를 상호 대비하였다. 분석한 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 9개 계급구간으로 구분한 압열인장강도값(kg/cm2)의 분포율(%)은 60~70(3.3) < 140~150(6.7) < 100~110ㆍ 110~120(10.0) < 90~100(13.3) < 80~90(16.7) < 120~130ㆍ130~140(20.0)의 순으로 증가한다. 각 계급구간의 빈도수에 따른 강도의 분포곡선은 이봉 분포를 보여 준다. 둘째, 길이, 간격 및 인장강도에 대한 그래프를 H2 < H1 < G2 < G1 < R2 < R1의 순으로 배열하였다. 간격과 길이에 대한 두 그래프 사이의 지수차(λS-λL, Δλ) 는 H2(-1.59) < H1(-0.02) < G2(0.25) < G1(0.63) < R2(1.59) < R1(1.96)(2 < 1)의 순으로 증가한다. 관련 도면으로부터, 상기한 지수차의 증가와 함께 인장강도에 대한 여섯 그래프는 점차 좌측 방향으로 이동한다. 조직의 균일도를 지시하는 인장강도에 대한 그래프의 음의 기울기(a)는 3번 결((H1+H2)/2, 0.116) < 2번 결 ((G1+G2)/2, 0.125) < 1번 결((R1+R2)/2, 0.191)의 순으로 증가한다. 셋째, 각 결(R1ㆍR2(1번 결), G1ㆍG2 (2번 결), H1ㆍH2(3번 결))을 구성하는 두 방향에 대한 그래프 사이의 배열순을 비교하였다. 길이와 간격에 대한 두 그래프의 배열순은 상호 역순이다. 간격과 인장강도에 대한 두 그래프는 배열순에서 서로 일관성이 있다. 길이와 간격에 대한 지수차(ΔλL 및 ΔλS)는 1번 결(R, -0.08) < 2번 결(G, 0.14) < 3번 결(H, 0.75) 및 3번 결(H, 0.16) < 2번 결(G, 0.23) < 1번 결(R, 0.45)의 순으로 각각 증가한다. 넷째, 미세균열의 길이, 미세 균열의 간격 및 인장강도의 분포 특성을 보여 주는 여섯 그래프에 대한 종합도를 작성하였다. 길이의 범위에 따라, 여섯 그래프는 G2 < H2 < H1 < R2 < G1 < R1(<7mm) 및 G2 < H1 < H2 < R2 < G1 < R1(≤2.38 mm)의 순을 보여 준다. 간격에 대한 여섯 그래프는 누적 빈도수 12 및 간격 0.53mm에 해당하는 지점 부근에서 병목구간을 형성하여 서로 교차한다. 다섯째, 여섯 결을 대변하는 각 파라미터의 여섯 값을 증 가 및 감소하는 순으로 배열하였다. 길이와 관련된 8개 파라미터 중에서, 총 길이(Lt) 및 그래프(≤2.38 mm)는 배열순에서 상호 부합한다. 간격과 관련된 7개 파라미터 중에서, 간격의 빈도수(N), 평균 간격(Sm) 및 그래프 (≤5 mm)는 배열순에서 상호 일관성이 있다. 배열순의 측면에서, 간격에 대한 상기 세 파라미터의 값은 그룹 E에 속하는 최대인장강도와 일관성이 있다. 표 8에서와 같이, 이들 파라미터 값의 배열순은 여섯 결 및 세 채석면에 대한 사전 인식에 유용하다.
        2021.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 강소성 해외직접투자가 지역기술혁신에 미치는 영향을 실증분석을 하였다. 그랜저 인과관계 분석한 결과 해외직접투자가 모국의 기술혁신에 대한 촉진효과를 나타내고 모국의 기술력상승이 해외직접투자에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것을 입증하였다. 벡터오차수정(VEC)모형을 통한 분석결과는 양자가 장기적인 정(+)의 관계의 갖고 있는 것으로 나타났으며 단기적으로 보면 전년도 기술력상승은 해외직접투자에 대한 촉진효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 실증분석 결과를 토대로 향후 강소성의 해외직접투자 활성화 방안도 제안하였다.
        2021.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed the status of climate-change indicator plants native to the main islands of the Korean peninsula, while elucidating their distribution characteristics. Information on flora from over 129 island locations, comprising more than 100 species of native plants, was collected, compiled into a database, and utilized as raw data. The distribution of 193 climate-change indicator plants was confirmed. The distribution area of broadleaf evergreen trees and ferns, including Mallotus japonicus and Cyrtomium falcatum, was relatively wide. In contrast, the distribution of common northern plants such as Corydalis turtschaninovii and Malus baccata was limited. If global warming persists, northern plant distribution is expected to decrease rapidly in the Korean Peninsula island region, while the northern limit line of the southern plants is expected to migrate further northward. During this process, it is likely that the plant congregation structure and species diversity within the island region will change dynamically. In this study, comparative analyses between species and regions were conducted by assessing the relative frequency of their occurrence, and six types of botanical geographic distribution patterns were noted.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        백두산 북동쪽으로 약 25 km 떨어져있는 지역의 마이오세 현무암(황송푸 현무암, 20 Ma)에 대한 주 성분원소와 미량원소, Sr-Nd 동위원소 조성에 대한 연구가 수행되었다. 황송푸 현무암은 비현정질 암석으로 Na2O+K2O=3.5~4.7 wt.%, MgO=9.9~11.1 wt.%을 보인다. Mg 성분이 풍부한 감람석(Mg#=75~86)과 단사휘석 (Mg#=72~85), Ca성분이 풍부한 사장석 미반정을 함유하고 있다. 이 현무암은 경희토류원소 부화가 나타나는 해양도현무암과 유사한 미량원소 패턴을 보이고, 높은 Cr(394~479 ppm)과 Ni(389~519 ppm) 성분, Nb-Ta 부화 이상치, Rb과 Ba을 포함하는 LILE가 부화되어 있는 특징을 보인다. 이러한 조직과 주성분원소/미량원소 조성 데이터는 황송푸 현무암이 알칼리 마그마 계열에 속하는 원시적인 마그마임을 나타낸다. 황송푸 마그마는 상승하는 도중에 분별결정작용, 지각오염, 마그마혼합과 같은 분화작용을 거의 경험하지 않은 액상선 환경 에서 고화된 암석으로 이는 황송푸 현무암이 부분용융이 일어났던 맨틀에서의 특성을 지니고 있음을 반영한다. 황송푸 현무암의 높은 (Gd/Yb)sample/(Gd/Yb)PM 비율(2.8~3.5)은 황송푸 현무암이 판내부 환경에서 형성된 마그마로써 석류석이 존재하는 맨틀에서 페리도타이트의 낮은 부분용융(3~5%)으로 형성되었다. BSE보다 모두 높은 143Nd/144Nd와 87Sr/86Sr 성분을 보이는 황송푸 현무암은 이 지역 아래 부화된 맨틀영역이 존재한다는 것을 의미한다. 황송포 현무암은 과거(ancient)의 태평양판 섭입대에 의해 공급되어 재활용된 해양지각 혹은 대륙지각으로 교대작용을 경험한 맨틀에서 부분용융에 의해 형성되었다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, a high-resolution daily data set of surface weather were obtained from PRIDE(PRISMbased Dynamic downscaling Error correction) model for the period of 2000 to 2017 over South Korea. The simulation data of five RCM(Regional Climate Model) were also used which are forced by the CMIP6 participating model UK-ESM as the boundary condition under historical period (2000-2014) and SSP 5-8.5 period (2015- 2017). Here we compared the RCM data and the PRIDE data with MK-PRISM data in terms of ensemble mean and ensemble spread. Results show that the PRIDE model effectively eliminates systematic error in the RCM up to 63.0% for daily average temperature, 72.2% for daily maximum temperature, 68.2% for daily minimum temperature, and 28.7% for daily precipitation when evaluated from the RMSE perspective. Overall, the ensemble spread of the PRIDE model is significantly decreased from 1.46°C to 0.36°C for daily temperature and from 2.0 mm/day to 0.72 mm/day for daily precipitation compared to the RCM ensemble spread, indicating that the largest systematic error of the RCMs is effectively removed in the PRIDE model.