
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang is a species of Liliaceae and its tuber is used as medicinal herbs. This medicinal plant is mainly cultivated in Cheongyang and Buyeo of Chungcheongnam-Do and Miryang of Gyeongsangnam-Do. It is necessary to establish a cultivation techniques for stable production to solve the problems that are found on farms. These farm surveys were carried out to obtain the basic data on soil environment and cultivation conditions at main producing areas of Chungnam-Do in Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. Methods and Results : The surveys were investigated from 37 farmers in Cheongyang and 32 farmers in Buyeo who cultivate Liriope platyphylla Wang et. Tang. There were slightly differences in the local characteristics between Cheongyang and Buyeo. The rate of successive cropping for more than 3 years were 19% at Cheongyang and 41% in Buyeo. The reason may be due to the a small-owned field. It has grown 28% at Cheongyang and 59% at Buyeo in paddy fields. The injury by successive cropping that farmers argued were the increasing pest/disease occurrence, degradation of tuber quality and yield reduction. Crops planted after the harvest of L. platyphylla were mostly Pepper or soybean in upland. It is necessary to reduce the injury of successive cropping. The results of 112 soil analysis data were classified by 8 soil series. There are many acidic soil, lack of organic matter, excess phosphate. However, it did not analyzed the influences on the growth and yield of the crop as affected by different soil conditions. Conclusion : From the above results, it is necessary to develop cultivation techniques on the reduction of injury of successive cropping, such as cropping system, seedling transplanting cultivation, cultivation methods for good agricultural practices(GAP) and soil improvement.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This survey was conducted in order to investigate the vascular plants of Mt. Goryeong and Gaemyeong in the DMZ area of Korea. The vascular plants were collected eight times from April 2014 to October 2014 and consisted a total of 450 taxa; 91 families, 279 genera, 391 species, 4 subspecies, 49 varieties and 6 forms. The observed rare plant species as designated by Korea Forest Service were 5 taxa including Tylophora floribunda Miq., Aristolochia contorta Bunge, Viola albida Palib., etc. Endemic plant species were 6 taxa containing Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai, Clematis brachyura Maxim., Clematis trichotoma Nakai, etc. 33 taxa were listed as specific plant species based on phytogeographical in the investigated area. 35 taxa were recorded as naturalized plants, and their naturalized rate and urban index were noted as 7.7%, and 10.9%, respectively. Of the 450 taxa listed; 186 were edible plants, 173 pasture plants, 149 medicinal plants, 51 omamental plants, 20 timber plants, 13 stain plants, 4 fiber plants, 4 industrial plants and 92 unknown resource plants.
        2016.04 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 제주 지역의 공립 유치원 방과후 과정 전반적인 운영 체계, 급·간식 및 안전 관리, 교직원 구성, 시설 및 행·재정 지원에 대한 교사의 인식을 조사하는데 목적이 있다. 연구에 참여한 교사는 제주도에 소재 하는 공립유치원에서 근무하는 방과후 과정 업무를 담당한 교사 89명이었다. 연구과정은 2015년 1월 5일 (월) ∼ 1월 23일(금)까지 3주간 실시하였다. 연구도구는 선행연구를 참고로 하여 연구자가 수정·보완하여 설문지를 사용하였다. 연구의 결과는 첫째, 특성화 프로그램을 가르치는 외부강사의 질 관리가 필요하다. 둘째, 급·간식 업무는 전문가의 영양(교)사가 담당해야 하며 보안시설이 완비되고 보안 담당자가 배치된 안 전관리가 필요하다. 셋째. 방과후 과정의 인력 배치가 확대 되어야 한다. 넷째, 방과후 과정의 예산이 확대 와 행정 실무 인력의 배치가 필요하다.. 이러한 연구 결과를 통해 유치원 교사의 방과후 과정 업무를 지원 하는 교육청의 행·재정 지원이 마련되어야 할 것이다.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate and assess the cold tolerance of 24 species broad-leaved evergreen trees in southern region, South Korea, and propose the selection for urban greening responsive to the climate change. The cold stressed impact of each species was measured and calculated by the electrolyte leakage (EL) method, and then the lethal temperature was predicted by the non-linear regression analysis. The scattered plots and fitted curves of most species tended to show sigmoidal response curve. On assessing the EL values and sigmoidal response curve pattern with different temperature, the differences were obviously showed among all the species. Also, among the species within the same family, the differences were obviously showed. The maximum temperature difference among the species was over 10℃. Between Ilex rutunda and Ilex integra within the same family, Aquifoliaceae, it was over 10℃. The results indicate that there are significant differences in cold tolerance among different species in the same region, which are not affected by any environmental factors but affected by any genetical factors. Thus it is valuable to assess the cold tolerance on most broad-leaved evergreen trees in southern region, South Korea. As a result, Euonymus japonicus, Trachelospermum asiaticum, Dendropanax morbiferus, Ilex integra, Machilus thunbergii, Ilex x wandoensis, Cinnamomum japonicum, Distylium racemosum, and Castanopsis sieboldii may have better cold tolerance and survive the region closer to middle region, South Korea compared to the others.
        2016.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, various types of landslide occurs frequently in domestic and foreign. The purpose of this study is to evaluate dam safety due to landslide in dam area. In order to evaluate dam safety on overtopping which may be occur by landslide, the scales of landslide were calculated through empirical formula and results of field survey in valleys, and wave heights of impulse were computed through numerical simulation for each case. Dam safety assessment was performed by the numerical analysis.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ministry of Environment has been operating water quality monitoring network in order to obtain the basic data for the water environment policies and comprehensively understand the water quality status of public water bodies such as rivers and lakes. The observed water quality data is very important to analyze by applying statistical methods because there are seasonal fluctuations. Typically, monthly water quality data has to analyze that the transition comprise a periodicity since the change has the periodicity according to the change of seasons. In this study, trends, SOM and RDA analysis were performed at the Mulgeum station using water quality data for temperature, BOD, COD, pH, SS, T-N, T-P, Chl-a and Colon-bacterium observed from 1989 to 2013 in the Nakdong River. As a result of trends, SOM and RDA, the Mulgeum station was found that the water quality is improved, but caution is required in order to ensure safe water supply because concentrations in water quality were higher in the early spring(1~3 month) the most.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper considers a homogeneous multiple regression (HMR) model and a non-homogeneous multiple regression model, that is, ensemble model output statistics (EMOS), which are easy to implement postprocessing techniques to calibrate probabilistic forecasts that take the form of Gaussian probability density functions for continuous weather variables. The HMR and EMOS predictive means are biascorrected weighted averages of the ensemble member forecasts and the EMOS predictive variance is a linear function of the ensemble variance. We also consider the alternative implementations of HMR and EMOS which constrains the coefficients to be non-negative and we call these techniques as HMR+ and EMOS+, respectively. These techniques are applied to the forecasts of surface temperature over Pyeongchang area using 24-member Ensemble Prediction System for Global (EPSG). The performances are evaluated by rank histogram, residual quantile-quantile plot, means absolute error, root mean square error and continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). The results showed that HMR+ and EMOS+ models perform better than the raw ensemble mean, HMR and EMOS models. In the comparison of HMR+ and EMOS+ models, HMR+ performs slightly better than EMOS+ model in terms of CRPS, however they had a very similar CRPS and if there exists a ensemble spread-skill relationship, it is seen that EMOS is slightly better calibrated than the homogeneous multiple regression model.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we analyzed the performance of calibrated probabilistic forecasts of surface temperature over Pyeongchang area in Gangwon province by using Bayeisan Model Averaging (BMA). BMA has been proposed as a statistical post-processing method and a way of correcting bias and underdispersion in ensemble forecasts. The BMA technique provides probabilistic forecast that take the form of a weighted average of Gaussian predictive probability density function centered on the bias-corrected forecast for continuous weather variables. The results of BMA to calibrate surface temperature forecast from 24-member Ensemble Prediction System for Global (EPSG) are obtained and compared with those of multiple regression. The forecast performances such as reliability and accuracy are evaluated by Rank Histogram (RH), Residual Quantile-Quantile (R-Q-Q) plot, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS). The results showed that BMA improves the calibration of the equal weighted ensemble and deterministic-style BMA forecasts performs better than that of the deterministic forecast using the single best member.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        조선시대의 고지도는 당시의 자연인식, 문화와 경제, 정치‧행정과 국방, 지명 및 지리정보 등을 총체적으로 재현하고 있는 경관텍스트이다. 이 글은 남해안 및 진주를 사례로 조선후기의 지도상에 재현된 지역경관에 관해 역사지리적인 관점으로 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 고지도를 지리정보의 사실적 표현 및 시간단 면의 누적이라는 차원을 넘어 사회관계의 재현물이자 해석적 텍스트로 까지 포 괄적인 스케일로 접근했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 관이 주도하여 제작한 조선 시대의 고지도는 왕조의 권위와 권력을 표현하는 것으로서, 왕조의 정치사회적 통치 질서를 구현, 강화하는 목적과 기능을 띠고 있다. 조선시대의 남해안 지도 에는 지정학적인 중요성과 사회경제적인 비중이 시대적으로 달리 반영되어 있 다. 임진왜란을 겪은 후 남해안이 갖는 군사요충지로서의 중요성과 경제적인 비중의 증대로 지도 표현이 정밀해지는 변화가 일어난 것은 국토공간적 중요성 에 대한 조선왕조의 정치사회적인 인식이 달라진데 연유한 것이다. 조선후기의 진주 지도에는 위계적 산수체계의 인식, 중앙집권적 통치체계의 구현, 행정중 심지적 도로체계의 형태, 이데올로기적 교육종교경관이 재현되어 있다. 현존하 는 진주의 고지도는 대체로 18세기와 19세기에 제작되었는데, 특히 진주성도 및 군현지도첩의 지도는 지역경관의 복원 자료로 충분히 활용할 수 있다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Land price can be affected by convenience or psychological repulsion like PIMFY (Please In My Front Yard) or NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) for various facilities. Services related to public establishment, welfare, medical attention, and amenities in rural areas are comparatively poorer than those in urban areas. The purpose of this study is to estimate the implications of the accessibility to community facilities in rural areas for land prices using a hedonic price model. The accessibility to facilities is estimated by real road distances and the land prices are applied for four types of land usages: field, rice paddy, building lots, and village halls. Community facilities are classified from public and community services view: education, safety, culture, transport, environment, health care, and finance. The results show that the accessibility to health care and transport can positively affect land prices and the accessibility to environment (waste facilities and junkyard) and unpleasant services (funeral hall and charnel house) can negatively affect land prices. Especially, the accessibility to hospital is the most positive influential factor for all types of land usages.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        반암동 광화작용이 수반된 관입암체로 이루어진 촉트체치 지역은 몽골 남부 중앙아시아 조산 대의 구르반사이한 호상열도 지형에 위치한다. 이러한 촉트체치 지역에서 예비조사를 수행하였다. 촉 트체치 지역의 동 광화작용은 페름기에 관입한 알칼리 화강암과 관련된 반암동 광상이다. 공작석이 산출되는 알칼리 화강암 지역에서 프로필리틱 변질대가 넓게 분포한다. 편광현미경에서 확인된 광석 광물은 자철석, 황철석, 반동석이다. 프로필리틱 변질대 시료에서는 석영, 견운모, 녹니석, 녹렴석 등 이 관찰되었다. XRD와 SEM-EDS 분석 결과 동 광물은 주로 공작석과 적동석으로 이루어진다. 공작 석 산출지에서 채취한 시료의 평균 동 함량은 759 ppm이고 최대 동 함량은 6190 ppm이다. 촉트체치 지역의 광화작용 특성은 촉트체치 지역으로부터 남쪽으로 56 km 떨어진 오유 톨고이 동-금(-몰리브 덴) 광상 및 북동쪽으로 120 km 떨어진 차간 수바르가 동-몰리브덴 광상과 유사하다. 조사지역의 지 질, 지구조 환경, 암상, 광물, 변질 등이 다른 반암동 광상과 유사한 특성을 갖는다. 따라서 촉트체치 동 광화 지역에 대해 지하 광체 확인을 위한 IP 탐사를 포함한 추가 광물자원 탐사가 필요하다.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Regional air quality regulation is a system that allows the Minister of Environment to designate the local area as air quality control region where the concentrations of air pollutants are exceeding the environmental standards, and the local governments that administrate the regulated area have to develop and practise a plan for reducing the air pollutants. From the data observed yearly by the monitoring stations in 8 provincial cities with more than 0.5 million people was judged the compliance with air quality standards in each municipality for the period of 2003 to 2013. As the result of investigation on air pollutants concentrations of each city, it was found that there was no station that exceeds the ambient air quality standards of CO, SO2 and 24-hour NO2. But all municipalities exceeded the standards of 8-hour O3, annual and 24-hour PM10, and therefore 8 municipalities can be designated to be under the local air regulation. For the annual NO2 were the monitoring sites necessary requirements for designation of the air quality regulation region in Cheongju, Cheonan, Daejeon and Gwangju area. Incase of 1-hour O3, some of stations in Pohang, Cheongju, Cheonan and Changwon area were over the designation standards for the air quality control region.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Long-term variations of PM10 and the characteristics of local meteorology related to its concentration changes were analyzed at 4 air quality sites (Ido-dong, Yeon-dong, Donghong-dong, and Gosan) in Jeju during two different periods, such as PI (2001-2006) and PII (2007-2013), over a 13-year period. Overall, the long-term trend of PM10 was very slightly downward during the whole study period, while the high PM10 concentrations in PII were observed more frequently than those in PI. The concentration variations of PM10 during the study period was clarified in correlation between PM10 and meteorological variables, e.g. the low (high) PM10 concentration with large (small) precipitation or high (low) radiation and in part high PM10 concentrations (especially, Donghong-dong and Gosan) with strong wind speed and the westerly/northwesterly winds. This was likely to be caused by the transport effect (from the polluted regions of China) rather than the contribution of local emission sources. The PM10 concentrations in “Asian dust” and “Haze” weather types were higher, whereas those in “Precipitation”, “Fog”, and “Thunder and Lighting” weather types were lower. The contribution of long-range transport to the observed PM10 levels in the urban center (Ido-dong, Yeon-dong, and Donghong-dong), if estimated by comparison to the data of the background site (Gosan), was found to explain about 80% (on average) of its input.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study’s purpose was to provide basic data for the monitoring of ecological changes caused by change of vegetation structure of Abies koreana forest in a study site susceptible to climatic change in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, Jeju Island. Surveys revealed this: in Yeongsil area of Hallasan Mountain, per 1 ha of A. koreana forests, total number 1,781, and A. koreana number 989, accounting for 55.5% of the total number of trees. 190 A. koreana or 19.2% were found to be dead. For the number of individual trees by DBH, trees standing 5 ㎝ -10 ㎝ tall formed the largest portion at 39.9%, and in the case of other trees except A. koreana, the number of individual trees below 5 ㎝ accounted for 23.5% of the total number of trees. The survey of importance by height revealed this: at the top level, the importance of A. koreana was the highest at 106.23, but the sum of importance of temperate deciduous broad-leaved trees (Prunus maximowiczii, Quercus mongolica, and Taxus cuspidata) was higher at 142.84 than that of A. koreana. The analysis of species diversity revealed 0.645 species diversity for the tree layer and 0.817 for the shrub layer; for evenness, 0.549 for the tree layer and 0.664 for the shrub layer; for dominance value; 0.451 for the tree layer and 0.336 for the shrub layer. The analysis of tree vitality revealed that for the A. koreana forests in Yeongsil, the composition ratio of A. koreana by type is AS type>AL type>DS type >DB type, and that of the other trees is AL type>AS type>AF type>AB type. Compared with the forests in other areas, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area have a very high occurrence rate of dead trees, and a high importance of trees is shown in the deciduous broad-leaved tree forests. Compared with the A. koreana forests in the Jindallaebat area, with the same level above sea, the vegetation structures are fast changing. Also, due to dryness and other non-physical environmental changes caused by a lack of rainwater and dry winds in winter, dead trees are fast increasing in number. Environmental changes such as climate change diversely affect the maintenance of A. koreana in individual areas, and if environmental changes are fast and continue long, of the A. koreana forest areas in the Hallasan Mountain, the A. koreana forests in the Yeongsil area will decrease fastest in number and will experience changes in the vegetation structure. Thus, it is necessary to survey the vegetation changes in A. koreana forests, which are distributed in all directions but are centered on Hallasan Mountain, and to thus conduct long-term monitoring and research.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to analyse the runoff characteristics of non-point pollution sources in an urban watershed and determine the effectiveness of newly installed riverwater treatment system to reduce water pollution caused by storm runoff in the urban watershed. The results of this study showed that the levels of BOD5 and suspended solid were highly influenced by first-flush effect and the pollutant load of those two parameters were also very high in the urban watershed. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of riverwater treatment system to reduce the levels of BOD5 and suspended solid was relatively high, but those to reduce the levels of T-N and T-P was low, which needs some additional unit treatment process such as filtration and coagulation. Nonetheless, the riverwater treatment system tested was relatively simple in installation and operation, effective in removing many water pollutants and, most importantly, does not require much space as other treatment systems, so it could be an attractive alternative option to reduce riverwater pollution caused by storm runoff in urban watersheds.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        확률강우량은 수공구조물 설계와 도시방재를 위한 기준 등으로 활용되고 있어, 확률강우량의 산정은 매우 중요하다. 특히 소방방재청에서는 확 률강우량으로 우리나라 시·군 단위로 지역방재성능목표를 설정하고 이에 대한 방재성능평가 및 방재성능목표 달성을 위한 개발계획 수립 시 활용 하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 현재 시·군 단위로 설정되어 있는 목표 강우량을 구(區) 단위로 산정하고자 기상청의 지상기상관측지점(SSS, Surface Synoptic Stations)과 방재기상관측지점(AWS, Automatic Weather Stations)의 강우자료를 활용하여 지점빈도해석 및 지수홍수법을 이용한 지역빈도해석을 통해 지속시간 1시간, 2시간, 3시간 목표강우량을 산정하였다. 이는 서울지역의 지자체별 방재성능 평가 및 방재관련 업무에 참고 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단되며, 향후 방재성능목표 설정에 크게 기여할 것으로 판단된다.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to evaluate the emission characteristics of air pollutants from incineration facilities in Jeollanam-do. We selected 8 incineration facilities depend on type and the 19 items such as dust etc. were measured at the measurement hole for emission gas from air contamination control units. The range of emission concentrations for dust was 2.8 ~ 20.9 mg/Sm3 less than permissible air discharge standards. The results of 10 gaseous contaminants such as SOx was less than permissible air discharge standards. The range of emission concentrations for NOx was 13.4 ~ 120.0 ppm, less than permissible air discharge standards. As G facility was 112.4 ppm, 120.0 ppm, it exceeded emission standard (100 ppm) twice. The range of emission concentrations for HCl was ND ~ 85.300 ppm, B Facilitiy exceeded emission standard (20 ppm) as 85.300 ppm. The range of emission concentrations for NH3 was ND ~ 76.333 ppm, A, D, H Facility exceeded emission standard (30 ppm). The concentration of each facility was 42.416 ppm, 62.930 ppm, 76.333 ppm. The results of heavy metals (5 items) showed within emission standards. G facility is operating in condition that input of urea is 100 L/day. If input of urea were changed to 50 ~ 75 L/day, the operating cost of air pollution prevention facility can be reduced by 25% ~ 50%. In this study, the correlation between urea input and nitrogen oxides was statistically significant, but the correlation between urea input and ammonia showed insignificantly. Our research attempts to evaluate the emission characteristics of air pollutants from incineration facilities and to institute a reduction plan, an effective management of incinerators.