
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of regional ageing rate to industrial structures of rural areas in Korea. This paper shows that there are cause-effect relations between the industrial specialization and ageing rate in 'Agriculture', 'Finance & Insurance', and 'Real Estate & Leasing' sectors. The ageing levels are classified into ageing society, aged society, and super-aged society according to UN standard that cause different impacts on industrial specialization of regions. This paper finds that the industrial specialization is determined by the ageing levels. If there is an increase in ageing rate by 1% in ageing society, the industrial specialization of the three industries could be strengthened by 0.14%. But, ageing rates have negative impacts on the industrial specialization in aged society and super-aged society by 0.76% and by 1.20%, respectively, as increasing ageing rate by 1%. As the ageing rate progresses, 'Agriculture', 'Finance & Insurance' and 'Real Estate & Leasing'sectors have positive impacts on the industrial specialization in the ageing society. But 'Finance & Insurance' and 'Real Estate & Leasing' sectors have changed into negative impacts on the industrial specialization in the aged society. In the aged society, the employment of elderly persons of 'Agriculture' and 'Finance & Insurance' sectors increase by 1% makes positive impact on the industrial specialization by 1.54%, by 0.45%, respectively. The result of this paper can be applied to a significant guideline at establishing regional employment planning such as elderly customized employment, vocational training for rural areas, where above 14% of ageing rate.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to develop survey tools for diagnosis of capacity levels in business promotion of rural residents when performing a rural development project of a regional unit. The cases of previous studies were analyzed to select community capacity indicators related to a rural development project. Five indicators were derived : social capital, consciousness of participation, community spirit, and leadership. Based on the five indicators, measurement items of various capacities were selected and 54 survey items were selected through evaluation of experts twice. The pilot tests were conducted and targeted at Jeonnam song ho-jung village and Gyeongnam Haegeumgang village to identify derived survey items. In addition, descriptive statistic analysis and reliability analysis were conducted. As a result, survey items were corrected by reducing 10 items of the total 54 items. This results showed that using this tool could help us understand capacity levels of rural residents.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since greenhouse gas emissions increase continuously, the authorities have needed climate change countermeasure for adapting the acceleration of climate change damages. According to "Framework Act on Low Carbon, Green Growth", Korean local governments should have established the implementation plan of climate change adaptation. These guidelines which is the implementation plan of climate change adaptation should be established countermeasure in 7 fields such as Health, Digester/Catastrophe, Agriculture, Forest, Ecosystem, Water Management and Marine/Fisheries. Basically the Korean local governments expose vulnerable financial condition, therefore the authorities might be assessed the vulnerability by local regions and fields, in order to establish an efficient implementation plan of climate change adaptation. Based on this concepts, this research used 3 methods which are LCCGIS, questionnaire survey analysis and analysis of existing data for the multiphasic vulnerable assessment. This study was verified the correlation among 7 elements of climate change vulnerability by 3 analysis methods, in order to respond climate change vulnerability in rural areas, Seocheon-gun. If the regions were evaluated as a vulnerable area by two or more evaluation methods in the results of 3 methods' comparison and evaluation, those areas were selected by vulnerable area. As a result, the vulnerable area of heavy rain and flood was Janghang-eup and Maseo-myeon, the vulnerable area of typhoon was Janghang-eup, Masan-myeon and Seo-myeon. 3 regions (i.e. Janghang-eup, Biin-myeon, Seo-myeon) were vulnerable to coastal flooding, moreover Masan-myeon, Pangyo-myeon and Biin-myeon exposed to vulnerability of landslide. In addition, Pangyo-myeon, Biin-myeon and Masan-myeon was evaluated vulnerable to forest fire, as well as the 3 sites; Masan-myeon, Masan-myeon and Pangyo-myeon was identified vulnerable to ecosystem. Lastly, 3 regions (i.e. Janghang-eup, Masan-myeon and Masan-myeon) showed vulnerable to flood control, additionally Janghang-eup and Seo-myeon was vulnerable to water supply. However, all region was evaluated vulnerable to water quality separately. In a nutshell this paper aims at deriving regions which expose climate change vulnerabilities by multiphasic vulnerable assessment of climate change, and comparing-evaluating the assessments.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Car exhaust emissions are recognized as one of the key sources for climate change and electric vehicles have no emissions from tailpipe. However, the limited charging infrastructures could restrict the propagation of electric vehicles. The purpose of this study is to find the vulnerable districts limited to the charging station services after meeting the goal of Ministry of Knowledge Economy(12%). We assumed that the charging service can be provided by current gas stations. The range of the vulnerable grades was determined by the accessibility to current gas stations and the vulnerable regions were classified considering the optimal number of charging stations estimated by the efficiency function. We used 4,827 sub-municipal divisions and 11,677 gas station locations for this analysis. The results show that most of mountain areas are vulnerable and the fringe areas of large cities generally get a good grade for the charging infrastructure. The gangwon-do, jeollanam-do, gyeongsangbuk-do, and chungcheongnam-do include more than 40% vulnerable districts.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to show the relation of the change between spacial structure and social conditions of rural area. The spacial structure change of Asan city was analyzed using Space Syntax, and multiple regression analysis (dependent variables: connectivity, global integration, local integration / independent variables: population, household, farm population, farm population of 65years old and over, farm household, part-time farm households, cultivated land) was accomplished. As th result, that the increase of connectivity is related to the increase of population and farm population of 65years old and over and the decrease of farm population, and the increase of local integration is related to the increase of farm population of 65years old and over was showed. However, that global integration is not related to change of social conditions was proved.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        공예산업의 활성화 문제점은 사회·문화적 트랜드에 대한 변화를 인지하지 못하고 과거의 생산체계를 고수하고 있기 때문이다. 물론, 전문 인력과 전시 및 판매할 수 있는 시설 등의 부족과 정책적인 지원체계 등 국가산업으로서의 인식과 체계가 부족하기 때문이기도 하지만, 공예문화의 산업화를 꾀하면서도 장인이나 명인에게만 너무 의존하는 인식과 접근법에도 문제가 있다. 생활양식의 변화와 새로운 트렌드 분석, 현대적 디자인 적용, 편익성과 효용성 등은 물론이거니와, 공예 본연의 의미인 실생활에 사용되는 조형물로 전통과 기술 그리고 문화를 내포하고 있어야 한다. 그러나 영세한 소규모의 가내수공업적 제작환경과 수요에 대한 분석 및 디자인과 기술개발 등의 지속적인 투자와 전문 인력 양성 등의 어려움이 악순환을 야기하고 있다. 이러한 산업적 기반에도 불구하고 지역적으로 성공한 산업화 유형분석을 통해 공예문화산업의 활성화를 위한 방향성을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구를 통하여 첫째, 지역적 특색을 띄고 있는 공예의 특징을 활용한 협업체계의 구축, 둘째, 공예가 생활 속 예술품으로서의 기능을 할 수 있도록 저변확대, 셋째, 공예를 산업으로서 접근하는 인식, 넷째, 전통성, 예술성, 편익성 등을 포함하고 있는 복합산업으로서의 통합브랜드 구축 등을 성공요소로 도출하였다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed the recognition of local residents surrounding farmland conversion area. The details of the survey on the residents included recognition of farmland conversion, the usage and reason of farmland conversion in the surrounding area, impacts of farmland conversion on the local region and agricultural production, and change in farmland prices. According to the analysis, the aging of the local residents progressed, and the ratio of farming population was high in the case study area. There were many warehouse facilities and small scale factories in terms of farmland conversion in the case study area, due to the surrounding area characteristics of industrial complex and relatively cheaper land prices. The farmland conversion affected the local area and residents both positively and negatively, and the surrounding area's land prices rose. The policy implications, based on the findings in this study, indicate the following need to be carried out: the consolidation of action on farmland pollution upon farmland conversion, review of planned collective conversion mode, and return of the land price hike profits to the affected local area and residents. Actually, farmland conversion should be conducted, after a comprehensive and systematic review, because it affects the local area and residents in a complex way.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The pond wetlands in agricultural landscape are important natural resources that carry out the function of bio-diversity conservation. However, recently, those have been gradually embedded as their utility value were disappeared. And, the assessment methods used for pond wetlands are insufficient. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the conservation value of pond wetlands by using the modified RAM, and present the improvement of assesment methods. The study sites, a total of 32 pond of 4 types by land use, were selected on the basis of Ramsar Convention. Through the analysis of precedent studies, the weighted 8 functions were adjusted. According to the assessment results, pond wetlands made the largest contribution to Fishery and Herpetile Habitat function. In addition, it also made large contribution to Floral Diversity, Wildlife Habitat, and Water Quality Protection function. On the other hand, it made a small contribution to Aesthetics and Recreation, Runoff Attenuation, Shoreline /Stream Bank Protection, and Flood/Storm Water Storage function due to the characteristics of small-scale pond wetlands. In the assessment of 8 functions, house type showed the worst assessment result, and mountain type showed the best assessment result. It is thought that those are due to land use type in terms of vicinity. 10 items among 52 of the modified RAM showed the same assessment results in all land use types. Accordingly, it is required to be deleted and modified the assessment method. On the other hand, it is required to add age, interference, and water use to the assessment method. It is thought that these results can be utilized for the development and modification of assessment methods focused on pond wetlands in rural area.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study has analyzed overseas projects of building rural communities using vacant houses. It is aimed at identifying the roles of NPO in the community-building projects and providing implications applicable to Korea. In recent years, there has been a spike in the number of vacant houses in rural areas. It is due to rapid urbanization and uneven distribution of the population across the country. Those are the reasons that prompted community-building projects. To solve the vacant house issue, there has been rising interest in building communities through vacant houses as rural resources and effectively integrating them as useful resources. However, the roles of key entity that pursues community-building projects using vacant houses have not been discussed sufficiently. Thus, this study deals with the 'Vacant House Recreation Project of NPO Corporation in Onomichi' in Hiroshima, Japan. Through the case study, the following are introduced as NPO's roles in community-building projects using vacant houses. First, pursuing promotion and attracting attention by making the utilization of vacant houses sensational; system improvement; offering information. Second, enhancing the perception of local residents by offering local services using vacant houses; offering community-building items. Third, forming a place of public discussion to solve conflicts during community-building projects using vacant houses; offering alternatives to building communities. Above all, such roles have led to the key status of NPO during its community-building projects using vacant houses. It offers the following implication for Korea: Future vacant house-related policies for rural revitalization should be done from community-building standpoint and include establishing the roles of NPO.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        초고령화된 한국 농촌에서 다양한 교육 및 직업 배경을 가진 중장년층 귀농인구의 유입은 고령화 문제에 대한 대안의 하나로 부각되고 있다. 본 연구는 농가 고령화에 대한 귀농인구의 잠재적인 기여도 측면에서 귀농인구의 지역별 유입 유출 패턴을 분석하였다. 분석에는 로그선형모형과 총합레퍼런스코딩을 사용하였고, 분석자료는 통계청의 2013년 귀농 통계이다. 분석결과에 의하면, 귀농인의 절반 정도가 수도권에서 비수도권 지역으로 이주한 인구이고, 이들을 제외하면 귀농인의 대부분은 원 거주지가 있던 도 내에서 이동하고 있다. 귀농인의 귀농 전 대비 귀농 후 지역 내 오즈비(odds ratio)는 지역별로 차이가 있으며, 귀농인의 성별과 연령에 따라서도 지역별 유입 유출패턴이 다르다. 이는 귀농인 유입의 긍정적 효과를 높이기 위해서는 지자체별 차이를 반영한 특화된 정책이 필요하다는 것을 의미한다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        전 세계적으로 기후변화로 인한 이상기후에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며 이로 인한 부정적 영향에 대한 우려가 증가되고 있다. 우리나라도 기후변화로 연평균 강수량이 1910년대 1,155mm에서 2000년대 1,375mm로 약 19% 증가했으며 21세기말에는 약 17%가 증가할 것으로 전망하고 있다. 특히, 최근 10년간 1일 100mm 이상 집중호우의 발생빈도는 총 385회로, 70~80년대 222회에 비해 1.7배나 증가하는 등 기후변화로 인해 극한기상의 변화가 심해지는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 강원지방의 경우 대부분 지역이 산악으로 구성되어 있어 다른 어느 지역보다 기후변화로 인한 영향을 크게 받을 것으로 예상되며, 높은 태백산맥으로 인해 영서 및 영동으로 구분되어 산악 및 해양성기후를 모두 가지고 있는 특이한 지역이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 강원지방의 기후가 최근 어떤 특성변화가 있는지 ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices) 지수를 이용하여 정량화하고자 한다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Now a days, frequency of abnormally high temperatures like heat wave by global warming and climate change is increasing constantly and the number of patient with heat related illness are jumping rapidly. In this study, we chose the case day for the heat wave in Busan area(Busan and Yangsan), 2013 which it was the most hottest year during 21th century. And then, we analysed the weather condition using automatic synoptic observing system(ASOS) data. Also, four indices, heat index(HI), wet bulb globe temperature(WBGT), Man-ENvironment heat EXchange model(MENEX)’s results like Physiological subjective temperature(PST), Physiological strain(PhS), were calculated to evaluate the thermal comfort and stress quantitatively. However, thermal comfort was different as the each station and thermal comfort index during same time. Busan’s thermal indices (HI: hot, WBGT: sweltering, PST: very hot, PhS: very hot) indicated relatively higher than Yansan’s (HI: very hot, WBGT: sweltering, PST: very hot, PhS: sweltering). It shows that Busan near coast is relatively more comfortable than Yangsan located in inland.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The characteristics of meteorological conditions related to changes in atmospheric environment on Jeju Island were investigated during recent years (2010-2012). This analysis was performed using the hourly observed data of meteorological variables (air temperature, wind speed and direction) and air pollutants (O3, PM10, SO2, NO2, and CO). Out of 5 pollutants, O3 and PM10 concentrations have frequently exceeded national environmental standards in the study area during the study period, with relatively higher concentrations than the others. The concentrations of O3 and PM10 in 2010 and 2011 were somewhat higher than those in 2012, and their highest concentrations were mostly observed in spring followed by fall. Nighttime O3 concentrations (with relatively high concentration levels) were almost similar to its daytime concentrations, due to less O3 titration by very low NO concentrations in the target area and in part to O3 increase resulting from atmospheric transport processes. The transport effect related to the concentration variations of O3 and PM10 was also clarified in correlation between these pollutants and meteorological variables, e.g. the high exceedance frequency of concentration criteria with strong wind speed and the high concentrations with the westerly/northwesterly winds (e.g., transport from the polluted regions of China). The overall results of this study suggest that the changes in atmospheric environment in the study area were likely to be caused by the transport effect (horizontal and vertical) due to the meteorological conditions rather than the contribution of local emission sources.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The spatial and temporal changes of the annual mean urban heat island(UHI) intensity were investigated using near surface temperature data measured at 16 automatic weather systems(AWS) in Busan metropolitan area(BMA) during the 11-yr period, from 2000 to 2010. For nighttime, the annual mean UHI intensity at Dongnae(U1) in 2000 was weaker than it in 2010. However the change of the annual mean UHI intensity at Daeyeon(U2) during 11 years was different from it at U1. The annual frequency of the UHI intensity over 5℃ considerably increased at U2 and decreased at U1 during 11 years. The center of the UHI also spatially shifted southward with Daeyeon and Haeundae in BMA. It would be caused by the increase of urban area, population-density and transportation near U2 and by the decrease of them near U1. We found that the spatial and temporal differences of the UHI intensity have coincided with changes of land-use, population density and transportation in BMA.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The regional rainfall intensity formula for Gimhae in Gyeongsangnam-do province is developed in this study. The nine points of rainfall observations were selected. In order to demonstrate the accuracy and the versatility of the proposed rainfall intensity formula, three regions under the jurisdiction of the Meteorological Agency near Gimhae, namely Busan, Changwon, Miryang observatories were selected. The present formula can be effectively employed for various design of hydraulic structures in Gimhae area since it is divided into several refined regions.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        해안지역에서 지하수 해수침투 저감을 위하여 해수 양수 관정을 가동할 때 해수정으로 많은 양의 담수가 낭비되는 사례가 있다. 해수 침투를 저감시키고 낭비되는 담수를 유용하게 활용하기 위하여 이중 양수정이 제안된 바 있다. 이중 양수정은 해수 양수를 위한 해안 쪽의 해수정과 담수 양수를 위한 내륙 쪽의 담수정으로 구성된다. 선행 연구에서는 담수정의 해수 비율을 최소화시키기 위한 해수정의 양수량을 산정하였으나 담수정의 해수비율이 1~15% 범위로 나타나 담수정에서 담수를 확보하기 어렵다고 판단하였다. 본 연구에서는 이송이 지배적인 상황에서 이중 양수정의 효과를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 담수정에서 저염도 지하수를 확보할 수 있음을 밝혔다. 또한 해안 유역 차원의 적정 지하수관리를 위해서는 담수정의 해수비율을 최소화하는 것 외에도 해수정으로 낭비되는 담수량을 최소화하는 것도 함께 고려해야한다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 전지구 기후모델의 성능을 평가함에 있어 기후 요소와 평가 지표에 따른 분석 결과의 다양성에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 미국 남동부 지역을 대상으로 17개의 CMIP5 GCM의 강우량, 일 최대 최저기온, 풍속에 대한 과거기간(1950~2000)의 모의 결과를 같은 기간의 관측치와 비교한 오차와 상관도를 이용하여 정량적으로 평가하였다. 기후 모델 산출물을 효과적으로 분석하기 위해 격자 단위 관측 자료를 평가기준으로 사용하였으며 다양한 형태의 기상 특성에 대한 모의 성능을 다각적으로 진단하기 위해 기후 정보(평균적 기후 통계량, 시간 변동성, 극한 사상 빈도 등)를 16개 지표로 정의하여 평가에 적용하였다. 또한 산정된 오차와 상관도를 기반으로 대상지역에 대한 기후요소별 GCM 성능 순위를 도출하여 비교하였다. 연구 결과, 기온에 대한 기후 특성에 대한 모델 재현성은 전반적으로 뛰어난 반면 강우량 및 풍속에 대한 모델 성능은 일 변동성을 제외한 대부분 지표들에 대해 비교적 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 더불어 모델의 정확도 순위는 기후 요소, 평가 지표, 그리고 오차 산정 방법에 따라 다양하게 나타남을 확인하였다. 특히 IPSL-CM5A-LR 모델은 대상지역에 대한 적용성이 현저히 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 다양한 기후변화 영향 연구에 적합한 모델 선정과 기후 모델의 불확실성을 고려한 합리적 미래 예측을 위해서는 다각적이고 면밀한 모델 평가가 선행되어야 함을 시사한다.
        2014.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        각종 산업공정 및 생활과정에서 발생되는 폐기물을 처리하는 방법에는 다양한 방법이 존재하나 화석연료를 대체할 신재생에너지의 필요성이 확대되면서 폐기물도 처리되어야 할 대상에서 에너지원으로 다양한 활용방법이 제안되고 있다. 생활폐기물 고형연료제품 제조시설을 비롯한 전처리가 필요한 시설에서 중요한 것은 반입대상 폐기물의 물성이다. 본 연구는 전라남도 Y시의 생활폐기물의 물리화학적 특성을 파악하여 전처리 시설의 최적 설계 및 운영의 효율성을 증대시키기 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 실시하였다. Y시 소각장 반입폐기물에 대한 물리적 성상조사는 폐기물 수집운반차량에 적재되어있는 폐기물 전량을 대상으로 실시하였다. 폐기물 전량을 방수포 위에 쏟아 부은 뒤에 4가지 기준(조대폐기물, 종량제봉투, 비종량제봉투, 파봉폐기물으로 분류하였다. 조대폐기물은 선별공정에 투입되었을 때 문제가 생길 수 있을 것으로 판단되는 500mm 이상 크기로 구분하고 폐기물을 분류한 뒤에 종량제 봉투와 비종량제 봉투를 구분하였다. 비종량제봉투는 일반비닐봉투나 마대자루등으로 밀봉되어 반입된 폐기물이며 파봉폐기물은 수집운반차량에서 조대폐기물 및 밀봉된 폐기물을 제외한 파봉된 상태로 수집된 폐기물로 구분하였다. 조사대상 폐기물의 수거지역은 공동주택지역(가-지역, 나-지역), 단독주택지역, 시외곽지역 및 재활용선별장(재활용 선별하고 남은 잔재물)으로 선정하였다. 반입되는 폐기물은 종량제폐기물이 22.07 wt%, 비종량제폐기물은 23.99 wt%, 파봉폐기물이 44.39 wt%, 조대폐기물의 발생량이 9.55 wt%로 확인되었다. 반입되는 폐기물 중 전처리 시설을 가동할 때 조대폐기물을 제거한다고 가정하여 조대폐기물을 제외한 시료를 대상으로 물리적 조성을 분석하였다. 분석 결과 가연성 물질은 85.66 wt%이고 그 중 비닐이 21.77 wt%로 가장 높게 나타났으며 음식물(18.14 wt%), 종이(17.47 wt%), 기저귀/생리대(6.83 wt%)순으로 발생 되었다. 삼성분 분석을 실시한 결과 평균 수분은 36.01wt%이며 폐기물의 습기준 저위발열량은 2,573kcal/kg으로 다소 낮은 것으로 확인되었는데, 이는 대상폐기물 중 수분함량이 높은 음식물의 양이 많아 발열량에 영향을 미친 것으로 판단된다.